Thursday, October 20, 2016

How Donald the "TrumpBot" Saved the World

              Reality Programming has come of age. The Presidential Edition "Trumpbot" performs well within all of our preset expectation parameters. Throwing the inauguration to the courts, the nature of reality and what it is that is to be believed is in doubtful question for everyone. (Nothing should ever be taken for granted.) Why were we ever so bored with the healthy necessary hardships and adversities of life, as to want to be entertained by a Droid in the first place? (Isn't Reality Programming enough now days, just keep "Dancing with the Stars," "Big Brother" & "The Apprentice"? [Call in your votes people, careers are on the line.])

              This time fortunately, "It's" call to arms will have been pathetically laughable. In other circumstances, the die hards of every faith and persuasion would've imposed a national (spiritual) censorship, suppressing al dissent. Sound familiar? However, with today's internet, a stress induced inoculation protects us against the loss of our so called "Free Press" to media business conglomerations. This resultant neutering of our press has now been mitigated by the very gross and oftentimes inaccurately personalized, "Mutual Magazine Cultures." These resulting changes are all within these inclusive modern Super Cultures without any of the universal opinion biases that had created ultimately gullible societies in the past. And by the grace of the Law of Unintended Consequences & "Static Renormalization," Technology has again saved the world. (Well sort of.)