Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Recessively Recurrent Wisdoms

"Kali" by

I've spent my whole life studying ancient traditions. My teacher of the "Psychic Arts" when asked, "What do you believe in?' said, "I believe in the three fold Mother Goddess." "The White Goddess" by Robert Graves outlays contrarian poetic practices of oral and historic documentary. The remnants of Sappho for instance reveals her to be at the end of a highly advanced culture of female academics that stayed at home while men were militarized and left uneducated abroad. She was mistaken for a man hater through history although very famous in her own time. As much as I've always loved the libraries as a place of solace, I find myself wondering. Is the resurgence of "Transitioning" in bohemian communities like mine a response to the stupidity of gender binary identification barriers?

"Transitioning" as I used the term, refers to gender reassignment. Another odd but hopefully useful terminology shared by my teacher, was what he called "Esoteric Feminism." He'd say "The man must become the peacemaker as the woman is a warrior," healthy inevitable role reversal. He also added the Hindu adage that states, "Shiva without Shakti is a corpse." This often is paraphrased to mean that the subjectively masculine reason, without the Objective animating feminine force of life and reality is a dead proposition. My friends gloss departs from the proverb to say, "And Shakti without Shiva is a thug." If you met my sister you would see how this can sometimes be observed by comparing the end results of the inevitable need for role reversals and the switching of conventional polarities as codified by a dysfunctional patriarchal society. Also compare Coquille with Coquette from the Commedia del Arte, stock theatrical portrayals of characters with the platonic love of bardic tradition. These archetypes were the mainstay of even such radical performers as Charlie Chaplin, with his tramp giving flowers to the innocent but more affluent woman as a gesture of futile affection.

Wow, I sure as heck wasn't expecting that. I certainly agree Hinduism is as spiritually corrupted as any religion. The flowering of renaissance throughout history has had to deal with traditions of spiritual abuse. My attempts at highlighting moments of creative understanding may not be agreeable for you, but I'm still learning. As referenced through your "Massive Testosterone Induced Hallucinations." {I'ld also like to borrow this, it's good.} You maybe drawing the whole pretense of masculine objectivity into question, and you're challenge may be with my personal comfort level with subjectivity, and not my maleness. But hey, I'm getting allot from your engagement and I only hope I'm not being unfairly provocative in my review. I still want to thank you, this is gold.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Sensitive Emotional Boundaries and Intuitive Aprehension

             I started cataloging essential concepts needed to take good directions. Just applying a biometric to so called sensitivities, doesn't hold any water until it's backed up with recordable variabilities for analysis with the available statistical modeling. {Much more on the Heuristics of Personalization Profiling later.} Technique wise, I'm identifying distinguishing qualities. We provide information generated by amusing curiosity and often a real need. I then point out, "I don't know what the answer is, but now let's look at what the answer(s) probably are going to be." This is usually revealing. I avoid portraying some pretentious authority, Gurus, and leaders in general, can often spiritually abuse.
            We'll have to start with being sensitive to people's; Personal Boundary Space.   Defining your own emotional boundaries and sensitivity can be critical to understanding others.  We must take responsibility for being aware of others feelings. We also need to be able to protect ourselves.  Being able to appreciate people as individuals is a unique virtue and a priceless gift. Being able to read people's mind for me is just a disturbing side effect of caring.  I love my job.  I just need to be really be careful.  Blah,  Blah,... Blah.  And so on.

            As "Sensitives,"  we so called "Psychics" also have to protect ourselves. So. Never lie, especially to yourself. All people have "BIAS  FEARS," Pro and Con, believers and disbelievers alike. (At parties, there is usually no shortage of guys who want to punch me out, and I sympathize with their disgust for psychics. Most readers are terrible readers and certainly not even vaguely psychic.) I really do prefer some healthy skepticism. I don't have to let my own personal biases get in the way. Telling you this weeds out the stragglers. I don't want unreceptive clients. I don't need people to agree with me. I prefer people with different opinions from mine.  In working with people, I don't like judging people or taking their inventory.
            Now as to the sensitive boundaries, this is where we find the real pros.   I'll demonstrate using some of my own personal biases and basic boundary issues;
            I've come to love looking at peoples hands.  Palms and Handwriting. I get to hold people's hands, thousands of them. I feel them. Everyone feels different to me.  I'll be using models to demonstrate the actual statistical mapping for variability, more later.

            This is a thousand times more sane than this sounds. I'm perfectly aware how different people feel about these issues. I always support different people in faith. And I love people for whatever they believe. I also do inductive massage touching and feeling others. Treating pain, grief and loss.  I have been loathed by psychics who say that I don't believe, and that I'm just doing it by the numbers. But I have enough faith to want to master my craft. DO THEY?

             I'm a very gifted reader.  But I don't believe in any of it at all. And I'm really good at it. Too good. And I don"t believe in any of it. But it works. I love reading. It's hard work.  I have pride. This exemplifies the practical absurdity of me being a self doubting psychic.  I have issues. And I feel it is more than disrespectful to dismiss any one's opinion, and it is not my place to criticize.
            I would very much like to make this not about me. I'm not complaining at all. Don't get me wrong. I actively experience life as a sensitive. I think it's good luck to be able to tell which voices are inside of me alone. I hear so much.  I totally buy into the pure magic.  What I get to do with people is not easily dismissed. This isn't about me. It never was. And I'd like to prove it.  Looking at peoples hands. Looking into their eyes. Listening to their voices. Touching your bodies. I read into the metaphorical stars.

            And by the way, another bias fear I have, I choose not to be attracted to people when it is not appropriate. I don't like sexual tension. "Intuitive Apprehension" and "Intuitive Tension" creates a boundary between self and others, a mirror of sorts. The "Mirror of Karma" as it is written in the "Tibetan Book of the Dead,"  is where all our good and evil deeds are reflected therein.  Attachments and payoffs do come with the disincentives of moral hazards.                       
            I myself am showing symptoms of a "Neutral Opinion Bias Fear"  I don't want to take sides.
The opinion biases between so called believers and non believers as detractors and advocates are actually about the same to me.  When it comes to psychics most people are at least a little skeptical, or at least we should be. Being sensitive about people's different faiths, beliefs and desires has made getting to see peoples hands easy and fun for me, rather than creating anxiety for me or for my many querent. People almost always like my readings very much. I make people very comfortable. But I must confess. I do have a strong Bias, but it is a neutral bias, based on experience and tact. 

             Let us proceed to the next most immediate sensory boundary, "Others?" How do we perceive others? We use our senses. People can either enjoy being read or it can be a violation. Let someone read you, you should have the choice, it should never be an abuse of power. {In a age of data mining and surveillance industries, we have pretty much lost the subtle sensitivity of privacy and diplomacy.}

             Usually some of the easiest people for me to read, are the dry stoics who think I'm deluded, corrupt and or dangerous. I not only support their distaste for fuzzy excuses for human interaction, but I also want proof. These usually men are very easy for me to understand. These people like to think there is no working in the subjective realm of personal awareness, largely because they think they can't be read. Fortunately people with thick emotional boundaries can also be very shrewd and perceptive, and are often unintentionally the best intuitive them self. They, (and maybe all of us) are always denying that there may indeed be something subtly important that they (or we) are not aware of. Question becomes, "How do we go into what you don't already know about, in following information being generated by your personal interest based curiosity or need alone?" {What does the hand say? No, seriously, I'm asking.}

               I don't believe in type casting, but I will be going over maps for analysis of variabilities and for the comparison of types and typologies.  Thank you for holding up on your end of the bargain.  I'm still learning, and this is proving to be far more usable than I could have ever hoped for. Re edited for clarity.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Posting as Unknown, Loosing at the Game of G+

Attn: {BLANK},
                  Unrelated to games and theory, I mistaken posted too many blog links on your G+ post on G+ functionality. I don’t know the rules on how to distinguish signals from a poorly documented social media platform. I have been penalized by getting blocked and have had my accounts frozen. In sixty days I may loose the game of G+ all together. If you were understandably concerned about me wasting the 500 limit cue for comments, I accept the feedback. Oddly however, my blog links were on the history of the G+ conversion and it’s loss of functionality essentially changing the rules mid game. I very much enjoy your posts on Math and the Sciences, and I particularly like your adroitness with information graphics. I too liked G+ for it’s original Math graphics utility, much more problematic today post G+ design changes.
                  Even life comes with moral hazards, information filters and skewed opportunities. I doubt we can turn back the timer on G+, but it was a good game.
                    P. S.   I can't even remove the "offending" posts now even if I could, and I would.   

Saturday, July 15, 2017

When the Future Is Calling and She Is Beautiful, Will You Remember To Pick Up?

Songs that come to waiting ears, futures are not far away.
Sweet sincere and most inviting, songs for loving cheer we play.
Forgotten are the bitter changes, seek to find what you can say
Forgiving words will rearrange us, protecting us from disarray.

Play upon your broken dreams, nothing will remain the same.
Strain to broken melodies, sounding in your dreams refrain.
Soon the soothing words of wisdom can be heard before too late.
Lest our dim forgetting sorrows drowned us in our sea of hate.

Wait. A voice is barely heard, an answer through the din.
Gentle waves of sweet forgiveness, waits for us to look within.
Children's voices yet to be. Could we fail but want to see?
Telling yet of what's to come, reminding us from where we come.

How do voices sweet and true, come back in time to visit you?
Unless the truth yet to be found, is voiced from what is always sound.
Come back to love as promised you, your love for all will follow you.
Proven by your love to live, creating worlds we all may give.

When the Future says to you, "Thank you for the gift of sharing."
The future alway seems it knew, we will all be found in caring.
Were I to thus to say to you, "Truth is only found in daring."
Refresh your wells with what you drew, water's path reveals our bearing.

Death of a Civilization "The Fall of the American Empire"

                        I so wish I had more to offer than religiously apocalyptic clickbait. The promised end of the world is too good for us. We should be so lucky. The Christians and now Moslems have been waiting for the end for centuries, the "Last Prophet(s)" came and left centuries ago. But now all we have is; Experiential biases, supposed preferences, personal prejudices and finally the hateful ancestral loathings of bigotry. None of these viewpoints are the same, regardless of popular bigotries, inevitable mutual prejudices, involuntary preferences and of course innocently experiential biases. These are not the same things. But try telling that to the intellectually constipated. Most people have someone they love to hate. Hating the hater isn't a workable solution. So "Trumph/Bannon pushed the due date for Armageddon right up to the day they're convicted to go to jail. Fortunately most Trumph voters are not aware of the nihilistic strategies behind these two inferior chess wizards. Politics is for losers. The economies of scale are running into the wind sales. Everyone knows about the abuses of power. Fewer know about what the future promises, and it not dystopian.

                        I've already guarantied you'll probably never get to read this until all the necessary good plays out. No amount of literary tricks or gimmicks is going to bring this work to publication until the good prophesy of a "True Hoax" comes true. You won't believe me now and you'll not want to believe it was true when the good word was first written. A couple of my comments taken out of stream, represent the challenges confronting the new voices of the children rising to create a resounding defiance of the status quo.

By saying, "Can't someone else do it?" the Donbot was able to keep his very limited free memory available for what was most important to it's programming. Feasible deniability, he can throw everyone else under the bus long before anyone can trigger it's shut down button. In it's own prophetic words, "Never volunteer for execution." It used it on the Apprentice against the contestants. And now it uses it on it's staff, on it's family of fellow droids and bots, even on the Repo party. The "Donbot" was not fitted with a working self destruct button. It was never designed to comprehend anything more than does your digital toaster.

It's interesting to note the variability of first memories for different people, some very early, some very late. Some fabricate false memory drift by narrative repetition, and now the clincher, some of us have our traumatic memories denied, suppressed, threatened and ultimately used against us as part of "Corrective" reprogramming. It's very disturbing to know that for now, the most accurate recent memory acquisitions are the property of Google. And if we want to find the truth from an unbiased witness, you need to hack baby, hack. (Did you plant that cookie?) We have a new mirror of karma and it never lies, and it never forgets.