Friday, May 31, 2013

Proposition: All language is symbolic.

        When my secretary offered to transcribe my manuscripts,  she wanted to do it on a manual typewriter.  That's  how old we are. 

                  Proposition:   My  diagrams of ancient soft technologies like Babylonian astronomy might be possible easy proof of the practical use of the arcs of the circle, to the objective of finding only rational division of the days, hours, months, minutes, seconds and degrees, as designed by the ancient Babylonians. This may be redundant but I haven't found anyone else's work presenting the same findings without cloaking it in obscuring mysticism.

Here is a re-edited version of the previous page. By re-editing I want to show how the same propositions can be presented to disimilar audiences.

                   Proposition:  All language is symbolic.
                                        All words are discreet entities.

                                        Therefore communication can function as a purely creative medium.

                    Proof:          Here we have in the heading a kind of demonstration model. "The Manipulation of Symbolic Language," as an assertion is a perfect example of me using language as a creative medium spanning unrelated topics. Although this is a vague proposition, it is easy enough to prove by a kind of exercise. The more closely you analyze my language the more multi leveled the you will find my meaning.

                     If you have had a chance to look at, <> Techniques and Technologies, you will have seen many pretty math graphics. Pictures don't lie, they are just easily misunderstood.

                    Proof:  I took, The Manipulation of Symbolic Language, to mean, making Art using Math. I did this by manipulating the symbolic language of math as an artist would use tools in an artists studio. I would very much like to thank the makers of the "GRAPHICS CALCULATOR'' made by Pacific Tech. Along with "MATHEMATICA" I have had the privilege to have spent the last ten yrs. of my life studying mathematics with these software, which for me are poetic and beautiful.

                     I'm a very slow thinker with occasional flashes of creative chutzpa. I achieve undeservedly what others can only dream. I just looked up chutzpa in my yiddish dictionary. Chutzpa is that quality which makes it possible for a man to kill both his father and mother only to throw himself on the mercy of the court, asking to be pardoned because he is now an orphan.

                    The statement, The Manipulation of Symbolic Language, has three big words; Manipulation, Symbolic and Language. As a viral statement, The Manipulation of Symbolic Language is meaningless outside of a persons identification with what it means to them, if it means anything at all. A allot of the "New Age" language is often vague and spiritually exploitive. Psychics often pander and manipulate.

                    Proof:     To some people, The Manipulation of Symbolic Language, is about the abuse of language. Subterfuge. To some it means those terse terms in mathematics that can be reduced to math expressions. Math and Poetry are intimidating to different people for similar reasons. Yet as a creative medium, Symbolic Language is central to my work as a believable reader. You shouldn't have to guess what I Mean?

                     I use a kind of symbolic language to provide an analysis of each and every different person, "psychically?" Be it that I use statistics or intuition, I know I am going to be judged by the whims of popular opinions pro and con. Yet I appeal to the uniqueness of each persons preferences. To each hopefully in their own language. Be you a mathematician or a poet or just a washer person scrubbing stains off laundry, you are hopefully someone who is capable of detecting bullshit.

                     There are degrees of freedom provided by symbolic language. But in the same way that there are very precise and limited ways that I can construct strings of math expressions, the code still means something to my computer. Making art, I can do it with equations or I can do it with computer code. Just show me the parts of language and I'll find some new and previously undiscovered way of putting the language together.

                     I can assure you people are even more tricky. When I manipulate peoples cherished symbolic language I have to be very careful. It's actually easier to debug a piece of computer code than it is to show somebody something that they are in denial about. I'm creating a symbolic language to create a common platform for the "Proof" with which I can appeal to people with opposing opinion biases.

The Manipulation of Symbolic Language

Proposition:  All language is symbolic.                                                                             May 31st, 2013

                      Proposition;                    All words are discreet entities, combinatorially rearrangeable.

                      Proof:              Therefore communication can function as a purely creative medium, always subject to reinvention.

    {If you have had a chance to look at, and Technologies, you will have seen pretty math graphics. Each artifact was composed out of pre-existing symbols of math. There are only a few kinds of math functions that are usable. And with that a limiting gramar and syntax just like with all codes and languages.}

                     Here we have in the heading a kind of demonstration model. The Manipulation of Symbolic Language, is a perfect example of language as a creative medium spanning unrelated topics. Although this is a vague proposition, it is easy to prove by a kind of exercise.

                    Proposition:   The statement, The Manipulation of Symbolic Language, has three big words; Manipulation, Symbolic and Language. As a viral statement, "The Manipulation of Symbolic Language," is meaningless outside of a persons identification of what it means to them, if it is to mean anything at all .

                     Proof:            To some people, "The Manipulation of Symbolic Language," is about the abuse of language. Subterfuge. My subterfuge. While some may choose to read it as an indictment of the abuse of language for the purpose of spiritual exploitation, many read this differently. To many it means those terse terms in mathematics that can be reduced to expressions constructed like a code into equations and strings.  Math and Poetry can be intimidating to different people for different reasons. Yet as a creative medium, Symbolic Language is central to all language and communication. It has been said, "Everything is a metaphor." {I don't know what everything is a metaphor of, but....! [:~) lol  (LOL means laugh out loud, but most of you know that.) And of course the little smiley face "emoticom" well that too can be symbolic of something, like the fact that I'm not funny in print.}

                     If you have had a chance to look at, and Technologies, you will have seen many pretty math graphics. Each was a combination of intentional mathematics and serendipity.

                     Proof:             I take, The Manipulation of Symbolic Language, to mean, making Art using Math and vice versa. I did this by manipulating the symbolic language of math as an artist would use tools in an artists studio. I would very much like to thank the makers of the "GRAPHICS CALCULATOR'' made by Pacific Tech. Along with "MATHEMATICA." I have had the privilege to have spent the last ten yrs. of my life studying mathematics which for me is poetry.

                     I'm a very slow thinker with occasional flashes of creative hutzpa. I achieve undeservedly what others can rarely dream. I just looked up hutzpa in my yiddish dictionary. Hutzpa is that quality which makes it possible for a man to kill both his father and mother only to throw himself on the mercy of the court, asking to be pardoned because he is now an orphan.

                     I use a kind of symbolic language to provide an analysis of each and every different person, "psychically?" I know I am going to be judged by the whims of popular opinion. Yet I appeal to the uniqueness of each persons preferences. To each hopefully in their own language. Be you a mathematician or a poet or just a washer person scrubbing stains off laundry, you are hopefully someone who is capable of detecting bullshit.

                     There are many degrees of freedom provided in symbolic languages. But in this same way there are very precise and limited ways in which I can construct strings to compose mathematical expressions. The code still means something to my computer. I can do it with equations or I can do it with computer code. To some of us, "Code is Poetry."

                     I can assure you people are even trickier. When I manipulate peoples cherished symbolic language I have to be very careful. It's actually easier to debug a piece of computer code than it is to show somebody that they are in denial. I'm creating a symbolic language to create a common platform for the "Proof" which can appeal to people of opposite opinion bias.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why Newer Isn't Always Better "The Great Hoard."

Why Newer Isn't Always Better                                                                                        May 30th,2013

                    Is it the perpetuity of youth and agism what inclines us to want to believe newer is better? Likewise, if I draw attention to those things that haven't been improved upon, then do I deserve to be put down? Marginalized? Ignored? There maybe people on this planet that are hundreds of years old. Maybe. They aren't advertising. I've read that all wealth is just the acquisition of material castoffs.

                    It has become a tragic symptom of modern life that general education has become a thing of the past. Why? We have become slaves to expediency. Our poor children are starving for the nourishment of their minds, bodies and souls. And yet the attitude is that we are saturated with the attachments of nostalgic elitists. People like me are thought of as fossils of a long antiquated world. Yet as I peruse the music downloaded onto YouTube, I can see that there is a revival in the tastes and sophistication of a maturing audience.

                    All that is old is new again. There is no replacing the classics. As a 57 yr. old micro stud, I am a novelty. I'm nourished, healthy. I'm a demonstration model. Most of the people alive today will never get to know good health. Much less will most have the time for a thorough education. My faith tells me I shouldn't be ashamed of maturity. Yet I believe that were I to actually get younger that I will be punished. Don't brag about the good things in life. Novelties are just supposed to come and go, not hang on and thrive. My survivors guilt is in itself inexcusable. Feeling guilty about my good health and rich culture is just stupid self pity.

                    My Chi Gung looks like dancing and I'm delicately balanced even when I'm jumping around. I train in a macho gym. I resent having to be compared to the younger guys, but that's my problem. Actually I'm well respected. Most younger guys hope they will be heathy when they get older too. I've actually had a much better reception as an aging athlete than I've had in almost any other area in my life. Similarly I get to enjoy the life of a scholar as well. Much is to be learned in this amazing age of rapidly advancing technology. I often amaze and bewilder geniuses of all disciplines. All of what I've inherited is the result of perseverance. Otherwise I am just the lucky recipient of what I call, "The Great Hoard." Were I unimpressed with the privileges of my blessed life, it would be disgraceful.

                   Don't get me wrong. Learning computer technology is as slow and difficult as is everything else in my life that I've wanted to learn about. But if I hadn't have had a life that inspired and educated me in traditional science and literature, I wouldn't have survived to enjoy today. I have retained a healthy appetite for learning things that are still a little more difficult than I like having to admit.

                   All that is new will be old again. Wait for it.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Loving Your Unknown Audience

Loving Your Unknown Audience                                                                                    May 29th, 2013

                    There is a good reason why I call myself an "Entertainment Medium." (Croatian Proverb, "May god give me the gift to know how others see me.") We have been looking at the boundaries of the unknown as if it was a mystery. Yet we persist. We never really know how others think or feel. Or why. The subject is just too dense. We are sophisticated creatures with unbelievable creativity. There are no words. Only awareness guides our perception of others. This window to the world is the only thing we actually share with others.

                    You have come to my window. I am not an object. I am not a mirror. When we meet something happens. We confront uncertainties in ourselves and each other. I have the privilege to know about you for the first time. I am just another medium to so many people who have never really stepped past the object relationship. As objects we fail miserably. As people we rule. It appears that all subjects are a coalescence. Objects, of and by themselves, are the things in themselves only. We have the naming of things, and we also have the subjectively unnamable. As objects we are infinitely many. As subjects we define the "Self" as just one thing. There are no higher or lower awarenesses, only awareness. When I read for somebody, you in this situation are just separate people being read, one at a time or as in discreet groups. You are an unknown to me. People often love a good mystery, even if it's just the illusion of drama.

                     My job if done correctly is a very straight forward proposition. Trying to tell you the truth in light of my obvious limitations is an exercise in pragmatic absurdity. As a psychic, no amount of categorical analysis is going to make up for the history of superstitious exploitation. Spiritual abuse is the equal opportunity exploitation of peoples faith. Were I to pretend that I'm always right I would be no better than all those demagogues who pander and indulge everyone by lying. To me the real challenge is to apply the checklists of diagnostic analysis to the peculiar uniqueness of each and every one of you and your individual perspectives. Were I to lie, I would know. Hopefully so would you. When I take $60.00 bucks an hr. as a psychic reader, I want to have a clear conscience. Writing this blog and editing it into books is helping immensely. The prospect of using truthfulness to protect and support myself is bracing to say the least. Maybe with skill I may be entertaining too.

Accessing the Void of Uncertainty

Accessing the Void of Uncertainty                                                                                   May 29th, 2013

                    When we face uncertainties, we risk being alone. Especially when we are already alone.

                    I used to have killer migraines. I wasted away. In Alternative Medicine, Chinese and Arvedic, the kind of prophetic hallucinations we can have during migraines are symptomatic of recovery. Such bizarre effects go away when we get better. (Or do they?)

                    For decades I have seen and done things that I have only read about in books. The visions were a payoff for being so sick all the time. When I turned fifty, I started getting my health back. That's been trippy too. I knew from my early research that the beyond is just a Boundary Definition. A barrier I crossed effortlessly. My detachment became something I could communicate to others. Yet those experiences of living in two places simultaneously never really went away in spite of putting on 40 lbs. of youthful muscle in my 50s. But I have never lost the awareness of how absurd my existence is. I get to understand things that most people avoid looking at.

                    Speculation is a fine art. That's why people want to believe in; Stock Brokers, Psychics, Politicians, Clergy, Doctors, Detectives and Lawyers, and the list goes on. Generally we don't want to get stuck with making uninformed decisions. So we seek authority. Ronald Reagan had Nancy to read the Astrological charts for him in bed helping to guide the president as he led our nation. Maybe that was the right thing for them to do considering the gravity of the job of running a country.

                   The Atheists dog believers, God freaks dog the rest of us for not being believers. We are all often shamed. We shame others. Even agreeing to disagree is shamed. How did our species end up so, so, ...., well I can't think of anything to say that wouldn't be critical.

                    Yet why do we struggle to deny that what is at the core, uncertainty, sweet, unanswered questions. From over this uncertain metaphorical event horizon comes our future. We don't know exactly what is going to happen, we can just make educated guesses. Most people who get paid for educated guessing, speculating or predicting the future are wrong. If and only as prognosticators do economists, doctors or prophets delude themselves to believe that their prognosis is always right. Rarely do people with these responsibilities take account of the calculated risks of educated guessing. And I'm a very good guesser, the best. But I choose to be cautious and thus humble to the best of my ability.
                     I love the uncertainty of writing a blog that no one will read unless I can speak directly to peoples interest in uncertainty. I may be marketing understanding. I want prove the existence of the unknown, and it's functionality. As explorers we are drawn by necessity. As people we are informed by the ever changing boundaries of the known and unknown. Now how do I find an interesting way to prove it.

                    P. S. One of the things I love about blogging is that at this time, few are keeping up with it. I get to write and to have to read to no one. This is that beautiful experience I'm talking about. I don't know you. You are my unknown audience. I get to love you without expectation. You may never read this but I still love you more than I can say. Thank you so much. Just checked page views of my blog. A lot people have been reading in Europe. I have no idea how you found me. Did some happy crying. WOW, thanks, really.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Entering: The Small "i"

Entering: The Small "i"                                                                                                    May 27th, 2013

                    Somewhere between the inside and out is a small "i". Like a silent witness to the conflicts within and between people, most cannot hear this tiny voice. And if we can listen, we are thought to be mad. What if we listen to the urgings of this little voice? It can't be god. God is supposed to be great. How are we supposed to know what to believe. Is there a point?  Blah Blah,....., Yuck.

                    I'm not going to make you read poetry no matter how much I like poetry. But, ......, "Art reflects life." As an artist I can fully express joy and happiness. Quotation; "In the depths of our pain lies the joy of our love." Written by,June "Moon" Hansen, "The Rainbow Child Story." Whether we understand it or not, poetry speaks to and for the "small "i"." When I get to read for you it can be like an enchantment. Patients go into a kind of shock. Sometimes it's a focused disgust, but more often it's a kind of delight I sense from people. I try not to look at people while reading, but I am holding their palm or looking at their writing or something else I can follow to that person.

                    Reading and analyzing the data I'm given by people with their permission is my pleasure. The mathematics of Statistical Analysis and Topology seems to obscure the viability of what I'm doing for those people who really don't want to look at evidence that draws popular prejudice out into the open. But the battle lines on the issue of psychic reading were drawn for us by people a long time ago.

                    The evidence is clear to anyone who knows how uncertainty and doubt are useful. The challenge has been posed. We ask questions. Some questions don't go away. When we look at questions that aren't easy we must consider alternative possibilities. We are looking for answers. Uncertainties. A quote of Niels Bohr, "Whenever we think we know for certain what is the truth, we are defying the spirit of complementarity." Paraphrased from the Danish physicist.

                    The "Void of Content" is that place we all arrive at when asking a question, for which we don't know the answer. We also expend incredible energy trying to deny and ignore these uncertainties, more so than wasted confronting hard issues. Sometimes it's because the thing considered is unimportant, or a distraction. But just as often we want to "believe" that, "what we believe" is already the whole truth and the only answer we should have to consider.

                    I've been accused of brainwashing people. It's because of the conspicuous force of my personality. But being charismatic is just a factor of temperament. It's more of a curse than a blessing. I don't like the fact that it is easy to seduce and or sedate others to the point of disorientation simply by opening my mouth. Persuasion is not the point of what I'm doing. It's not about me or my opinions. I am performing for people, not persuading them.

                    My little voice is telling me I have a lot of work to do in order to read to humanity in the same way I read for each person. This blog is the middle of this story. I like public speaking and writing to an unknown audience is a thrill for me because I can prove my love and interest for people without censure. More well defined uncertainties are left to come out. I'm quite happy with the quality of my writing as it comes out. I need to refine my skill set. All of this work is exploration in progress. Out of the red and into the blue.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mirroring and Empathy (Subjective Boundary Definitions)

Mirroring and Empathy                  (Subjective Boundary Definitions)                            May 26th, 2013

                    Understanding the behavior of Sympathetic Mirroring is key to cold reading. Cold reading has gotten a bad reputation because of the way that just by watching peoples reactions we can get instant feedback. Plus by imitating someone gets us an inside view, a mirror copy of that other person. And by mirroring other peoples behavior, we are building rapport. When we mirror people unintentionally, we are displaying trust and confidence in that other person. Generally we don't think about the subtleties of social graces but they are instinctually hardwired into the brain. Mirror neurons tell us about other people. We are designed for mutual reflection. This beautiful cascade of infinite encounter is the thing that we love, when we love each other.

                     There is something that blocks this mirror to others however.  Objectification acts as the substitute for direct perception. Sensitive mirroring is not an objective awareness. We can only mirror what other people think, do and feel. When we are so arrogant as to think we're objective about feelings or emotions, we get trapped in object relations.

                     That I know of, there are four primary forms of objectification. Each is understandable but less than objective;
                     1. "Sexual Objectification"

                     2. "Romantic or Sentimental Objectification"  (as in the case of the love object attachment)
These first two forms of objectification conflict and feed off of each other. (War between the Sexes)

                     3. And of course the "Status Symbol" type of objectification, which is often nothing more than hero worship sometimes involving elements of both of the first other two kinds of objectification.

                     4. And I almost forgot, "The Objectification of Loathing" (that cherished objectification of our hatred.)

                     {&? And I forgot, #5. THE SECURITY BLANKET [We might as well put this one in the middle of the wheel, it'll be obvious why when we get to the "Tibetan Book of the Dead."] THE SECURITY BLANKET. That object or talisman expected to ward off attack or the evil eye. One might to be surprised to see how often it is assumed that a person can be seen as that protective barrier / comforting and indomitable.}

                    {In proof reading I just noticed how neatly these categorical qualifications perfectly match the Meta Formal structure of the "Four Styles of Evasion." We might say we have a "WHEEL OF OBJECTIFICATION."}

                     Obviously objectification is like most lying, primarily naive and unintentional. But just like lying, objectification is often just self doubt and internalized evasiveness. That does not make objectification or lying any the less dysfunctional. Pathological behavior is the norm. Disfunction drives the self help industries. And as the norm, distrust and alienation are defenses that keeps us unwilling and unable to face each other. The challenge of having to see ourselves and each other without expectations is the essence of open innocence. Appearances and expectations aside, I hope you will be able to mirror a true and fair reflection of who we are as individuals.

                     Innocence is beauty. I want to show you what we are doing is right and truthful. But that's not up to me. When I'm speaking to someone, "You" are the center of my world. But it is up to each and everyone of us to know if and when we really trust someone. We all have had to learn how to control our behavior voluntarily. This entails unlearning certain inevitable learned evasions, but none the less we end up having to unlearn defensiveness all over again every time we want to meet a new person, with all our individual quirks and evasions. When a behavior, such as objectification is so normal, that it makes us considerably less sensitive, we are less prepared to trust and build rapport. We have to direct where to focus our emotional energies. This emotional conservatism is inevitable.

                      Conserving emotional energy is a survival instinct. But most of us have very little choice who we get to interact with, or trust other people. Mirroring, however, makes it possible for us to relearn, almost everything. It's just a much bigger step than most of us are willing to take. I would like to think that this book will help many people to take a bigger step out of self enclosed views into a better life for all of us. Hopefully facing these sensitive boundaries will help to make us all happier and wiser. The mirror is my gift to you. It's not mine anyways. Pass it along. Show your faith in your self by sharing. I love you and we may not have even met.

Emotional Energy and Information/ Signature Identity and Social Interaction { 2 }

Emotional Energy and Information/ Signature Identity and Social Interaction                 May 25th, 2013

                    The heading for this essay is about our personal resources for emotional energy and how we use emotional energy.  We are creatures of desire. What we desire, we seek and or avoid. People seek and avoid me too. Add to this human reality our social identities which are as varied and mutually defined as any mathematical puzzle. This simple complexity is both top down and bottom up. Who are you to other people? And who are they to you?

                     Even the language of social identity is fluid and plastic. Society changes while people want to stay the same. Every one has a self image and is seeking. As political animals people generally try to let me know how they feel about what I do. This is not a problem generally. Generally the more skeptical people are good sports, if and when they will let me read them. But by calling out the social identity of each person, I get to speak to each person. Weird brain thing, when I'm talking to you it's like you're the only person in the world. I think it's pathetic, but then again even making eye contact at all, for me,  has been a new frontier.

                     Emotions play an huge part in learning and hence therefore life. It doesn't take a sensitive to know when someone is stressed out or in a state of panic. What we feel can effect our behavior. What we don't feel can effect our inhibitions. People act in accord with there feelings. When our feelings are no longer relevant, we misbehave that way. People can loose a capacity for rational emotion. By necessity we all try to weight our thoughts and feelings the best we can. We reluctantly assume that our emotions will always be just agony and a burden.

                     The emotional state and the signature identity is usually easy to spot with most clients. Generally the emphasis on every individual  persons distinctiveness is the appropriate proof of credibility for what I'm doing. That's not that hard. What's hard is not over acting. I'm here to give you a pleasant brain washing. I'm not doing brain surgery. Most of us, (Especially us guys,) have an exaggerated sense of what we would expect ourselves, and what we expect to do. Being more than a little over the top myself I need real challenges.

                      Being able to interact with people has become important to me.  You each have been given an identity. And it is my job to read it. If I can codify the method I may be able to sell bottled wind. It's been done already. Point being this is already happening and even the whole things really kinda goofy, I want to see this one out. I want to see if it's true. If when the propositions are tested for their accuracy, I'ld want that the proofs could actually be usable  for modeling and analyzing variabilities between comparable subjects. For instance, I'm using small round clear stones to demonstrate the comparing of the differences between similar sampled objects. People are not rocks or pebbles. But they are all different, just like rocks.

                      Please forgive my plate twirling, I've already started sweeping up.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Making a Propositional Assertion

Making a Propositional Assertion                 May 25th, 2013

                 As it becomes obvious, I need to be making strong statements about well thought out social experiments. I need to be demonstrating. There are social economies demanding accountability. There are important myths to be busted. Astrology may be unsupportable as a science, but it has been indispensable as the means of measuring the movements of planets that lead to the discovery of elliptical planetary orbits and gravity. Palmistry may be a pseudo-science as it is popularized but I know it to be a rich unexplored avenue for diagnostics as multi variate statistics. Handwriting analysis maybe a popular entertainment but the mathematics of complex rotations and wave forms are something I want to explore further. Why should I be afraid of showing off my extensive research. Being a professional psychic is a high risk proposition. I should be used to the hostility directed at me by people of both extreem opposed biases.

                  So here goes, I propose I'm going to be able to write a best seller. Backwards, in blog form. It's not about me. I'm obviously going to have to get a lot of help. Obviously trying to tell a story about a person who tells stories that come true, is an interesting idea. But with an autobiography that drags in the middle I need a lot more to go on. It's like I"m trying to come up with that new killer application in this modern wild west of software technology. I find taking my own good advice is wise. Be patient. Work hard and don't believe my own hype. I'm my own best client.

                   That's where the art comes in. This isn't about me. It's about my ability to work well with others. I'm blessed, creative and persistant. I want to be able to give people an honest reading. By knowing that I that I don't know anything about a person outside the loose convention of psychic reading, I have the luxury of being able to modify my behavior. I want to be able to inspire a confidence in you. To inspire you to want to turn over a little control by letting me look at you closely. I look at you. I get to touch you a little bit. I'm getting to meet you maybe for the first time. I observe you.  I look closely at your hands and eyes, etc. You may feel very comfortable with my sensitivity to your personal boundaries. I manage to meet the necessary requisites for my field. I am very professional.

                    But I'm going to need help with this project.  (I don't mean that I need help right now, but I will be getting a lot of help. Desktop publishing is new for me. Proofreading math and bibliography notes are not my skill set)  Psychic reading for me is actually real fun.  It's one thing for me to know the fundamentals of what we psychics do, it's another thing for me to want to know why. Generally, learning to look closely at people and looking at ourselves is a challenge for everybody. I would like to be able to call my analytical approach to this ancient parlor magic game "The Johnson Method." ("May god bless me to know how others see me.") We will be discussing, "Engaging the Critique." It is how we admit to what it is that we expect of ourselves and sharing these self imposed standards with others. Bless you for helping me. I hope my writing continues to improve.

Turning to Face Your Sensitive Boundaries

Turning to Face Your Sensitive Boundaries                                                May 25th, 2013

             Let's take a closer look at how I see You.  First whatever boundaries we experience between us: Space, Time, Gender, Politics or Religion, We experience boundaries of separation as uncertainties. Whether we acknowledge it or not differences are important, critical. Bias is not always a bad thing. Quote from the "Book of Changes," "If we want to compress something we must first let it fully expand." (#38 hexagram for Opposition/Polarity)

             So, Now let's take that boundary, which for all purposes is impenetrable, impervious to our desire. It may be a barrier paper thin like the distance between two hands touching yet always separate. Now instead of seeing boundaries on edge, separating subjects of inquiry, let's turn now to face our boundaries as what they really are. What do we see?  Our walls can become windows, Our doors become bridges. But to where? To what end? To whom will we encounter? By definition it is the "Other." That which we avoid, we seek.

              Hence when I encounter your sensitive boundaries, I would like to be able to be sensitive to you. This is the essence of intuitive sensitivity. Receptivity is a two edged sword. Sometimes it is none of my business what you think feel or want of me personally. I believe that for anyone who has the stamina and fortitude to apprehend the totality of others, will choose to let the credit go to others for their worthiness. Why waste time? Most real psychics don't want validation. We are quite happy to go unmolested.

              I've been borrowing heavily from unrelated disciplines; Math, Physics  and scientific methodologies. As an example of analogous mapping for comparative modeling we see anything can be used as a metaphor of something else. Quite interestingly as a kind of reverse homomorphism the thing we are projecting onto projects back. Loosely we can speak of feedback. I like the notion of a mirror agent which simply reflects. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

             But very much to the point let's talk about the scientific jargon that has bled through to become the bastard property of the new age scam. That damn "VIBRATION." And what about those vibrations we call color. I think if I hear one more person tell me what color my "AURA" is supposed to be, well.

             Oddly, One of the most profound applied metaphors we use has to do with the actually diagnosable vibes of "Twitches." Our bodies are tuned to cycles, waves, pulses, rhythm, tempo, and yes waves within waves, twitches.  I must confess to the obvious sensitivities we experience together in touch, in listening and in watching. Observing twitches are a fertile ground for observing others and being observed. Style is something that can not be faked, it can only be imitated.

            In the future we will be looking further at mapping by analogous metaphor later, especially when it comes to the synthesis of shared cultural properties. This is where so much has come to us through the histories of separate peoples. This synthetic culture also has the benefit of the completely unconnected social phenomena of "Synthetic Reasoning." Often in the traditions of religious syncretism there is the distinctive evidence of the imposed structuring characteristic of all ancient cultures practical usage of "Meta Formal Logic."

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The True Hoax


  THE TRUE HOAX                                                                              May 23rd, 2013

                    I said I would make inroads into the techniques and technologies of psychic reading.  I've explored some aspects of downloading graphics and movies as documentation onto my blog. I have a lot more to learn.

                   The analysis of methods used by readers is in essence an index and an appendix, even if it will need to be very large and academic. The greatest challenge will be accuracy of the reporting of said traditions and their utility. This is primarily a documentation and editing for a general audience. Not to say that this will be easy, but I believe that I still lack credibility outside of the community of "believers." And, I intend that what in fact is going sell this book will be irrefutable proof.

                    And the proof is, predicting the future. Wish me luck.

                   I had hypothesized, early in formulating ideas for this book, how to subvert the whole, "Authorization by Proxy" problem by confronting popular fallacies. People want you to prove your assertions by saying, "So and so said" or "I have a degree in so and so." For me, sounding authoritative  entails busting myths, which in fact is way too easy, a no brainer. So, I thought let's try to do something much harder, like proving something very controversial to actually be true. Hence a true hoax. What's more controversial than proving that in spite of all the abuses of so called psychics and their supposed abilities, that there are some of us who are not corrupt and or insane.
                   (There seems to be no such word as authoritation. sp. Case in point.  If I can find it in a dictionary I'll change this.)

                   I find people are often so convinced that whatever authority has persuaded them to believe as they believe,  pro or con, parent or teacher, that this would prevent them from engaging in any respectful rational dialog. Not to mention that the whole issue of popular culture and conflicts demands loyalty to a person preferred popular bias. I say it's not a semantics argument. I really am reading people all too well. I'm just not that objective about what I'm sensing from other people. Intelligent people disagree all the time. I can actually feel it sometimes. I'm not an illusionist. I'm just an incredibly gifted bullshit artist. And I'm going to prove it. Try and stop me.

                   I propose to demonstrate not just how a psychic analyzes the subjective awareness of others, but also to translate the normally intentionally vague language of psychic reading for the intelligent 21st century. I know that this is in essence predicting the future by making it happen, but it's a good start. And I would also like to predict that it's going to sell in spite of the obvious absurdity of trying to make peace between dedicated antagonists with lots of self serving personal baggage.

                  The main point I would like to make to people on both sides of the spiritual politics is; Opinions change, People can change, and most importantly Society is changing. So just like it is for me the issue is not who is right, it's who is telling the truth personally, and not just repeating what we are told is true. The people who are most offended by me saying I'm a professional psychic are the same people who are most oblivious to their own purely subjective awareness of other peoples feelings. While those people who want to think I am supposed to be a true believer, just like them, get equally pissed at me when I tell them how much I don't trust psychics. And I understandably resent even being compared to all those hacks and phonies who wreck it all for the rest of us who are trying to earn an honest living doing the world's most thankless job.

                  I love this business. More later.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

#2. EVERYBODY HAS BLIND SPOTS Techniques and Technologies

                                                                                  May 2nd, 2013

       The imagery is the result of artistic curiosity about math as creative media. These are models of how information is manipulated: manifolds, waves and symbolic language.

       I put the Image blog address for,  Techniques and Technologies,  up as the header because I would like people to find it.   Movies aren't turning out that well and I'll have to redo them.  The pictures are turning out excellent.  I'll be adding maps, models and diagrams for the soul to complement the documentary essays. Frankly I am amazed how much work it is to use computers.

                      Aug. 9th, 2013

       This Is where I should have inserted the results of my research into interpersonally variable perceptions. I'm going to do so now as I said I would. Let's start by saying that this is where most of us space out. If there is something someone chooses not to look for they probably wont see it ever.

       May 30th, 2013
      I am going to learn how to scan images and down load them into my blog. It's just outside of my range of ability, but it is coming. Thank you for your patients.