Friday, November 14, 2014

Asserting Our New Wealth # 4

Thursday, January 30, 2014       Reposting a repost is tacky but I want to reward my readers for finding the tasty bits and it helps everyone catch up. (Mommy, are we there yet?)     From: Sunday, September 22, 2013

                         I am going to attempt to demonstrate that information is the only real form of viable currency today. The irony of this statement is that many of us live in graduate school ghettoes.

                        New Core Concept: We are going to construct;  "INFLUENCE MATRICES." In tracking and generating the dissemination of new information we observe the lines and vectors of influence. This simple phenomena can be observed as the transformative medium of truth. Let's demonstrate.

                        How many of you had ever heard of an Opinion Bias before reading my blog? Even fewer of you had ever considered that the opinion bias is a shifting system dynamic. As we communicate, we generate and disseminate information. As we listen and learn new things, our opinions can change. I used to the think the Catholic church was never going to change. I'm so glad to be wrong. Interestingly enough, even my research told me I was wrong.

                        As information is generated and disseminated into groups and society, even this sways opinion. And not always in a uniform fashion, we often observe upheavals and discontinuities in the mass proliferation of "TRUTH." We started here with something relatively unimportant like psychic reading, so as to observe and model for this demonstration of the transforming influence of the truth. Invariably, we have observed several of these "Shock Values," of transformative truth. (The term shock values is borrowed from differential calculus to describe the abrupt acceleration of a rate of change as it jumps out of a linear continuity. This type of change creates, "Shock Values," as they are often unexpected and unpredictable, as a linearly continuous change decomposes into a differential point set, as the it approaches it's infinite limit.) We don't always anticipate an accelerating rate of change. It is therefore not necessary for me to try to persuade you, I find it much easier, (and more fun,) to just inspire and entertain. Hence the itinerary of the consummate entertainment medium. And this is how it is done. (Is this shocking enough for you?) Let us follow up on the results of our findings.

                       As our society has encountered and assimilated new accelerating transcultural influences, we have come to adapt to rapid change. Advances in diet, medicine, language, politics and even faith are transforming culture as we speak. People will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. But that is neither your job or mine. Let the truth speak for itself. It is our new wealth.

An Ocean of Desires # 3

From; Sunday, October 27, 2013

                         What are these little essays in the face of the real problems of the world? We are confronted with an ocean of desires. Love is deep enough to encompass our world in solutions.

                         Tyrants still try to exploit, starve and oppress our peoples, and our children are denied quality educations. The environment is still being polluted. The carbonation of our oceans, {CO2} is making sea water too acidic to sustain coral in our beautiful dying seas. Love is so big it embrace everything in the whole world, dissolved with an ocean of desires. Sometimes it seems impossible to express, but are we aren't giving up. Desire is a very good thing. We want to hold on to what is good. "Desire is what keeps everything in it's place." (Quoted from my teacher, Steve.) Apathy about the world, is much worse than Heroine. Much worse.

                         I had a friend who insisted, we will all be dead in three years. This is not the first time he threw his doomsaying in my face. In principle I can agree, things are really bad. But as I had first said to him decades ago, (when he was wrong the first times,)  "The world goes out with a whimper, not a bang." Quotation not mine. (C. S. Lewis? Gertrude Stein? T. S. Elliot? I don't remember.) Theoretically, we could already be too late. But that's not what I see, thirty years ago or today. I love people and so I believe in us.

                         I reject the Apocalypse. I write about a future I have seen, rational people will want to see proof that we are going to survive together. I love beautiful undiscovered truth. But what to do about so much suffering? These problems are not going away on their own. Only the proof of our love can help us to survive.

                         So,   "Never take away hope." (Quote from my Secretary) The fact is that my pessimistic friend had been VERY WRONG in the past. Is he going to be wrong this time? Any comfort I derive from his skewed intuitions is hollow. Not just because these problems aren't going away, but because a "Let It Be" attitude is what has gotten us into these problems in the first place. There is real evil in the world. And therefore, complacency is much worse than Heroin. That "Let It Be" attitude is one of the worst philosophies that has ever perverted our otherwise reversible shared fate.

                         I know I sound foolish insisting that, "Hardships change us for the better." And that a sudden "end of the world" would be much too good for us." But my instincts have been entirely correct up too this point, and maybe my visions of the future are right too. For those of us who suffer from liberal guilt, we feel responsible for the suffering in our world. And I believe that even this must have some positive good. Let's go back to shifting mutually defined opinion biases. I think our work makes a difference.

                        Did Mark change my opinions? No bloody way!!!!! I still believe our species will solve this problem the same way we are healing the Ozone Layer. Did I change Mark's opinions? I certainly don't think so. That's not my problem anyways. "Societies General Opinion Biases change faster than do peoples Individual Personal Opinion Biases."  A much younger friend of mine says, "Popular paranoia isn't as prevalent in youth culture today as it was in decades past." Fascism isn't as fashionable anymore. Hell, most of the old farts who are responsible for the evils of the world will be dead soon anyways. But may our love prevail, I hope, live and pray.

More on the "Mutually Inclusive Negative Double Opinion Bias" # 2

                   This six word term, "Mutually Inclusive Negative Double Opinion Bias" was first posted in 2009 as part of, "My Interview With A Psychic." <> Session #2. I was intending to describe the way people with conflicting opinions sometimes share popular prejudices for essentially the same reasons. Atheistic "Rational Positivists" like to think all Psychics are phony and dangerously deluded. Christians, Moslems and Jews often give me the same attitude for essentially the same reasons. Irony being, they often don't even see the commonality of their shared (though understandable,) prejudice. This is one of the things that turned me on to "Complementarity." If people who conflict, can share common illusions based on "Reasonable" objections, then how common is the need for diplomacy and tact when we must confront popular, but incorrect opinions.

                   My friend Bill, who interviewed me, once said "Do we tolerate intolerance?" The correct answer is always no! But I must also confess that in the case of the understandable doubts that most people can have about Psychics, it is largely a matter of debate that reflects changing cultural dynamics rather than just bigotry. If you read yesterdays repost on "Echo Imprinting" you saw my early clumsy attempt at explaining this core principle. It's actually a very apt concept about our latent intelligence, used for all the different identification variables that we are aware of, but often without our conscious knowing. The sound of a persons voice, the look of their eyes, their subtle distinctive smell, their style, movements and mannerisms, etc. When I'm looking at someones hands, signatures or doing massage therapy, that persons distinctiveness impresses itself into my consciousness, even without my intent. But I can't expect people to understand what I am actually doing as a Psychic that gives inside information about each and every person.

                    It is not surprising to me that I'm confronted with an understandable intolerance, coming from conflicting camps. It is a little redundant for me to make light of this but, this is essentially why I've made bringing this work to the general public my duty. I believe that if I am able to displace the naive prejudices that people have about psychics, I may also be able to make this more popular through writing a best seller. Such a high goal, though seemingly unrealistic, is not so far fetch when considering the ever shifting opinion biases in society. Doctors now days are far more curious about my work in diagnostics and healing.

                    I suspect my friends comment on "Session #2. if I catch his drift is to point out that much of the confusion about such strong opinions is that, just because something (Like Psychic Reading,) isn't always good, doesn't mean that it is always bad. This is why I always advocate for a little diplomacy when it comes to such controversial practices. I've used my best researching and analysis skills to help extricate this complex, historically significant subject from it's husk of dis-information.

Monday, November 10, 2014

That Flower of Symmetrical Coalescence {Post # 3}

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


                                             That Flower of Symmetrical Coalescence

                          Good evening. As the cycles of time come round on them selves we see the models for human diversity coalesce into a symmetrical flower. I was quite happy to look up, Bloom's "TAXONOMY" in Wikipedia. It is designed to look like a 6 petaled flower. Just like; The 12 Astrological Signs/ Months/Hours <12 parts> The Eneagram <9 petals>, The Chinese Five Element System <5 petals>, The 4 Temperaments or Directions <4 parts>,  and so on, all of these models have a kind of modular symmetry. Each of the individual parts are similar in form and function.

                          We start with that original division of comparing one thing to another. Yang to Yin, larger to smaller, male to female, bottom to top and so forth. From that first pairing we go from a single point to a line connecting the two points. Adding another point we come to three points which forms a surface. A forth point added to our set, if it is out of the plane of the first three points our model goes from just an area to an actual volume. With a 5th dimension we go from the substance and it's form next to motion and time. {Elementary Caballa, 101} and so on. {Check Crowley's NAPLES ARRANGEMENT in the "BOOK OF THOTH.}

                          Such is the case for any analysis of a multi-variant statistic. With each new variable we add an extra dimension. Every time we are comparing more than just a couple of different variables we are creating progressively more possible combinations of variety. We as people really are this interesting. Knowing about all these detailed differences between different people is easier to understand if we are oblivious to statistical analysis and the calculus of variation involving huge numbers. This is why I have avoided trying to bring up this very heavy issue of human variability until now.

                          This is the key to understanding "Meta Formal Logic." Each unity, (a person, the sky, the earth, the seasons, time, the family, etc,) are all divided equally. {By the process I call, an "Enumerate Partition."} And then all of these individualized parts are drawn back together again as the reunified totality. {Here we come to what I have come to describe as, the "Symmetrical Coalescence."}

                          Why these conventions have remained consistent throughout human history, I really can't say. But fortunately for those of us with a respect for unanswered questions these tools have great utility. And frankly I really can't imagine measuring something as abstract as time any other way.

                          I must confess that for all of the information I'm writing here on this infinite scroll, You, My discriminating readers are scrutinizing the blog and focusing in on central theme. I believe this document will be much easier to read in hard copy edited to be read from the beginning. But of course re editing will make the final draft

Syncretism and Syzygy / Tuning Into Our Parallel Universes {Post # 2}

Thursday, July 10, 2014

                   Everything I've written about so far in this blog has been about the grand Symmetrical Coalescence. Everything has come together. You may still be fighting and fussing. The fact is that you maybe don't agree with me and that I'm not worrying about your opinions. Welcome to my world. I never asked for your permission other than that I try to apprehend how to best share my work on "Para Psychological Methods."

                   I have also relied heavily on diagrams and models to help demonstrate the existence of higher order symmetries using exotic manifolds and differential fields. I suspect that these occurrences or "Syzygies" are apt metaphors of these often unanticipated structures latent in computational and numerical spaces. I spend an immense amount of time studying the advances in Physics so I may be able to learn about the possibility of an "Energetic Neuro Physics." My explanation of things like "Sensitive Boundaries" and "Perceptual (Opinion) Biases" may seem too theoretical to bother with, but if I am correct then there will be plenty of people who will be able to find the empirical evidence, besides just me. As a "Systems Dynamic" it will be easy to prove or disprove. But people will still fuss and fight anyways.

                    As I continue to reexamine many decades of study and worship, I have been privileged. I am reminded of the "Conjugate." That which is defined by the other, and in essence does not exist without the other. In Math there are even objects which exist only by order of mutual transformation. This is the world I see.

Heuristics and Algorithms in Psychic Reading Technologies {Post #2}

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

                   I take great pleasure in watching the behavior of the market research algorithms used to target advertising over the web. I'm one of those geeks who is pleasantly insulated by my limited interests. I only use you tube for music and the ads are directed by my use of all three of my browsers although I rarely overlap any one browser's specific use. I never use the web for searches. Similarly, my g + account grasps nothing of the real content of my blogs, when it tries to tag me. I love the music I get to hear and I resultantly post links to g +. As much as I complain about the arbitrary nature of the quirks designed into almost all over engineered software, sometimes the interactive elements of the lower layers of processing entertain me to no end. I believe that the notion of "Usability" is the biggest hoax perpetuated by the "Economy of Scale" and mass consumer marketing, I understand the real problems confronting interactions of business departments with design tech. This is in fact from where almost all problems of mass marketing derive. We should want to be able to believe in what we are selling. When we look at business in terms of a heuristic, (Games Theory) we come up against that inevitable threshold of uncertainties.

                   Point is, market research algorithms try to approximate my customer potential, by trying to predict what I may want to buy. (Sounds like just another psychic to me.) I too am always guessing at what a client may want to hear from me, fully aware of all the moral hazards that accompany psychic reading, intuitive diagnostics and the speculative arts in general. As much as I have already written on the subject of business consultation, I as of yet have little awareness of how many of my clients and readers truly understand what it is I have been talking about. Making comparisons between something as low rent and throw away as psychic reading with the other high dollar speculative arts like diagnostics, systems analysis, medicine, law, economics, and worst of all politics, has made me the "Web Pariah." I am confronted with the horrible moral crisis that every ethical consultant should have to consider, and yet I'm supposed to be the lightweight. Uncertainties abound in the worlds of business, medicine, the sciences, law, finance, and again worst of all, "That dark art of Politics." There are no guaranties, and most of the time you don't even get your money back.

                  One of the main reasons I am despised by most so called psychics is that I don't pretend to be psychic. I am an artist. I work with checklists, processing loops, palettes, and many more ways of departitioning exhaustive memory. (I still find it amazing that my blogger software likes to tell me that there is no such word as departioning, as if an authoritative arbiter on the correct usage of spelling in grammar.) Contrary to popular prejudice, being deemed correct need not ever be the same thing as being truthfully honest. In procedural analysis often times we may want to see barriers to understanding removed. Resultantly, "We may speak truthfully, but are not heard." That is not the fault of heuristics. Man is not just a "Rational Thinking Machine," we must also understand how we are individually stroked. This fine art of understanding may not be reducible to an algorithm. I feel we may have covered this topic for today. Thank you for your attention.

Inter Sensory Sensitivities and Familial Bonding {Post #2}

Sunday, May 11, 2014

                   Critique, as a social skill, is a necessary requirement for bonding. Knowing how we identify and recognize each other is always happening mutually. Modesty (Grooming?) in most cultures usually involves an admission of vulnerability, by covering up in some way. We not only want to be recognized, even if in quiet obscurity, but we also have a need to be able to recognize everyone else too. Our culture's obsession with appearances has made us prissy and self conscious. Gossip or not. We all fill out some kind of a social profile, often of our own design. One of the perks of being the "pro psychic" is that I'm trained to be respectful and gentle. We all will try to open ourselves to the truth (whatever that might be), sooner or later. Our desire for denial is something that has only a limited shelf life. So the desire for knowledge about a person's own karma is usually why people to come to me. I'm not qualified to judge anyone, ever! I just happen to know it very, very well.

                   But for a fee, "I will tell someone what even their own relatives wont say to them. And I am very supportive about it, making everyone look great in the process. Learning to be the astute observer of people has caused me to want to find humility and respect, two words I am unworthy to use. This ability to focus our attentions on any other person is critical to the development of all significant shared experiences. Our shared physical and emotional space is filled with the constant exchange of information, back and forth. If I touch you, you may feel me, and vice versa, simple. We are always in a process of "Shared" reality, it's why we need these incredibly big brains. Only be virtue of interpersonal (and Inter Sensory) contact do we have so much to offer each other. We must go through so much of what it is we need to learn together. Daily life can be subtle. The daily life is also complex. The daily life can be dangerous or absurd, or even boring. Identifying peoples individual signature behavior is the key to working in shared emotional spaces. Without these deep preverbal sensitivities the whole point of our individual awarenesses would be lost. The uniqueness of our individuality is critical to our sense of self, at least superficially.

                   An overexposed, "No Boundaries" world view needs a human touch. Even social criticism today has taken on a life of it's own. Public mockery has become the media staple of todays Reality Programming. But fortunately standards are always changing, whether anyone really changes or not. Perceived commonalities can often just be the cultural labels, be they public or personally intimate. Shared experiences may be a non verbal currency of emotional relations. From within our shared contexts of Personal and Group Identities (Roles, duties and obligations), we learn our language for relatedness. As creatures of shared language, Self Reflection can only show us so much. A Seer is a reader of oracles. Putting the correct (alternative?) perspective on a problem set is much more supportive than just being critical, or worse yet apathetic. Point is, as a reader, I want to be able to give you the best product I can. You may find that my friendliness, and my familiarity with my work may help to take some of the sting out of having to go under that microscope of examination. My work with people can be like a very gentle stress test. In the psychic examination, by looking at your hands, your writing, your eyes, I also listen for your voice. I'm not going to criticize, but in that moment I do follow you very closely. Then when I get to the sought after information, I'll take over and read. Otherwise I try to mind my own business. That's it. Usually I don't need to cheat.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Hungry Ghost In The Machine {Excerpt, "The Bridge Between the Worlds."}

Tuesday, February 25, 2014          Set; 9:38 A.M. April 23rd, 2031                Brussels, Psychic Competitions

                   I take Jennifer's right hand with my left and walk to the back door of church, back under the trees. "So why did you ask me about the infinite repartitioning of memory using meta formal logic strings to encode imprint data?"

                  "I started thinking about the way you compared the Super Normal Sensory Stimulus Response, with superior intelligence." She slows down in the shadows of the trees rosy dappling sunlight. Gentle rhythmic breezes drive the warmth all around us, the leaves making dancing fingers of sunlight massaging the air. She goes on talking as she stops and faces me with her back to the open river bank. "I remember reading your Propositional Assertions." "Your statistical models distinguish personal differences as the dynamic of an x variable" "There must always be more Socially Recursive Boundary Definitions to find." "You say this is how we see ourselves as different or the same, and these boundaries are always growing and changing" Jen looks right into my eyes. "But the problem for me is when do we stop redefining ourselves relative to each other?" "It seems to me like every time you find another variable, you will always find new polarities the directional momentum for each trait and characteristic is always in mutual transition." "I mean are we really that diametrically dynamic or is that just another one of your writers tricks?"

                   I know she isn't trying to be sarcastic, but I like well thought out questions. "That's not a question, you're trying to dialogue." "Right?"

                   "No, you're right." She says "I'm just getting started" She turns and starts to walk toward the north side of the church, past the back door toward a garden wall that is over grown with vines and shrubs. The Lilacs have just started opening, as does so much more inside of me and all around us.

                  She continues, "You wrote about, CONTROL DOMINANCE Versus TRUST DOMINANCE." "And those "DUEL NECESSARY CONFLICTING VICES of Baseless Optimism and Rational Pessimism." "About the CONFLICTING VIRTUES of Over Dependability and Un Expressed Expectations." You talked about how everything in human nature is just a modeling for a distribution, and that at the heart of all our Presumptive Values is merely the symmetrization of variable personal social dynamics, pro and con." "All these mappings have cycles and waves of predictable eventuality, today will be yesterday, as of tomorrow, blah blah blah, etc. etc."

                  I nod in total agreement. "Jennifer, you're highlighting my embarrassment as the self doubting psychic." "But as much as I agree with all your objections, I ask you to review the findings." Jennifer leans against a cool bare spot on the brick wall looking at me. She is framed by the budding vines in the perfume of the earliest spring blooms. I myself am like this older neighborhood with all the mature trees, established perennials and deep healthy roots in the fertile soil. "If you remember, in my "Surreal Novella" I always recommended Splitting the Bias." Her fresh flawless skin is glowing as her eyes begin to sparkle. I know I'm getting to her point. "In all of our "Mutually Defined Socially Recursive Boundary Definitions we have Biases, Polarity." "Remember?" "This is by definition the dynamic sensitive boundary thats responds to changes in public and personal opinion biases." "Statistics have proved, People do change perspectives, It just takes time."

                  "Yes, I remember all that stuff about your shared social properties of the Collected Symmetrical Coalescence." She affirms, "It all makes perfect sense to me. Splitting the Bias is nothing more than getting people to resolve conflicts through clarifying boundary definitions." "Nothing new there either." "And I also knew there probably wasn't any other way for you to prove the existence of Meta Formal Logic without using Intuitive Induction to map out Shifting Opinion Biases in responses to social change" (At this moment, I swear even the birds are singing in harmony with her with her lilting assertions.)

                 She goes on, "But the TRUE HOAX?" "Confessions Of A Professional Psychic?" "That was cruel!" "Did you have to trick people to get us to believe you are telling the truth?"

                 Now I believe we are getting somewhere. The warm wind is blowing stronger through the treetops. In the pink morning sky a storm is coming. Jennifer is right on target. I've always felt like a fraud, even telling the truth. I would have to be dead, not to notice how humble and unsuspectingly beautiful Jennifer is right now in this balmy warm windy Belgian Spring morning. I can't see what's coming and I like it. I look up through the trees, to smell rain yet to fall. I see dark clouds come to shelter us, providing comfort and sustenance. Soft thunder announces the changes foreshadowed by the productive "Night Before our Morning After." I haven't seen anything yet. I don't even care. She holds out her hand feeling the first mist to fall before larger drops reach us here on the ground. Suddenly that feeling of suspense and free fall kicks in. We are in trouble. I again take her hand and gesture that we need to go inside, again she stops.

                   "I can't go in with you yet." She's crisp. "You need to face this alone." "Your friends will be here to help you, I need to prepare for someone." Jennifer then says with conviction, "We aren't finished yet, I will come and find you later." She clarifies, "I still don't know what happened last night behind the scenes, or what lead up to this rollout event." Jennifer knows more than she's saying, and I'm a little uncomfortable with her abrupt mood change. After decades on the job you'd think I'd be used to it by now.

                   The warmth of light is gone, I take to the door and pull the handle. It feels like cold night in here. The basement of this old church was converted to casual venue for intimate entertainment and lectures. The sweet smell of ancient must fills this old building reminding me of antiques.

                   Gretchen approaches me looking tired and depressed, "Phillip, we are in trouble." "The price of both Oraca and InterSpace stock are plummeting." "This was always a real possibility, but I didn't expect the boards would be colluding, hedging against our inevitable dismissals." "Their claiming that we are conspiring to misappropriate "their" company software." She says, "They claim our stunt is an international violation of company copyrights, wiping out their exclusive proprietorship all of our Games Systems, even yours" "They must have found out last night and filed suit against us in the U. S. in the wee of the night." "I've heard subpoenas are coming and warrants aren't far behind." Gretchen is noticeably shaking. I was just a tool and I went right along with it. These kinds of proxy fights have dogged me ever since I first started documenting my analysis systems for P. P. I. Services. The stock holders have always threatened to withdraw their money if I couldn't provide the business securities (copyrights) that would insure their investments. This was to be my primary motivation for creating phantom limited liability partnerships in the first place. Who knew? There's no protection from mass change.

                  "Gretchen, you did this on purpose" I say with concern. "I will support you in any way I can, but this whole event is so unlike you." "You were the person I came here to extract." I think out loud "I myself like a little controlled uncertainty." "But my research clearly asserts, People prefer the sure deal, but not you." "Why were you making waves now?" Gretchen?!?

                   There is a shocking blast of blue white light knocking out the electricity with explosive thunder. Lightning hits the building shaking the foundation, leaving us in the dark. It is night time under the cloud of darkness until circuit breakers reconnect power illuminating the pitch black basement. Gretchen is holding on to me. This is the woman I always knew her to be, powerful, vulnerable, impetuous.

                   Quivering she steps back and says, "This is too weird." "I'm in love with Gunter and I'm just too scared to not have a job." "I know I can always do freelance code writing, but I just hate not being in control of my own work." Being the head of this corporation just got to me." "I love the work but I hate the games that go with pretending that I even care about money." "The more money I have the easier it is to loose it, I couldn't stop myself from wanting to sabotage my retirement at the top of my career."

                   Gunter is coming down the stairs with a big happy grin on his face, "Did you hear everybody, We're getting sued." "Isn't that great?" He laughs. There is another blast of lightning and thunder this time a little further away. It seems the tension is being broken. He see that Gretchen is noticeably upset and hugs her. "Oh Gretchen, I'm sorry, you are such a dear." "We'll get through this just like we always do." Gunter feels terrible for celebrating folly. "We only did this so we can be together, don't my cry sweetheart" "I'm with my family again." "Oh Gretchen, I'm so sorry." "I thought you knew, this will probably blow over."

Thursday, November 6, 2014


                  Infectious Zenophiliacs Rampage across the Heartland. ("Trustworthy people inspire confidence.") For modern search engines these types of sentences are garbled nonsense. This is why newspaper articles are not easily accessible through direct general search. Until positioning ID values for a particular keyword is established all typographic background information is of course identified by subject, title, date or other classification parameters, only. My so called Mythic Zenophile and of course that mass contagion of Infectious Zenophilia is just another internet proof that demonstrates this point. Zenophrenics the world over are just dying to love you. I'm not the only Jovian on this planet.

                  But O. K. Enough about the academics. I want to be able to demonstrate. If the Zenophile searches on the internet continue reaching certain critical thresholds, we may have created a theoretical entity called a Zenophile. "Complementarity" for me has always meant, "Love Thy Neighbor." But if we do run large campaigns promoting Spirit Tech, "Conversions" may not be a good thing. Simple Zenophilia itself can be very disabling, especially during an general outbreak. No one wants to hear from their doctors, "I'm sorry madam, your husband has contracted Infectious Zenophilia." Zenophreniacs will end up wandering the beaches of Ibiza. I know that at this time, you have no reason to believe me, yet. It's going to happen people, with or without me. Will anyone remember? I can't possibly be the only one. I won't be the only person this much in love with life, and doing something about it. This language is ours. The future belongs to someone else. We can do something about it in the mean time, right now. (Do you know any Rabid "Vegans," Scruffy Anarchists, Godless Atheists, Goddess Worshippers, Radical Liberals, Animal Rights Fanatics and last but not least, Militantly Non Violent Types like me?) Can a zenophiliac by any other name sound so silly? "We love you." (And we are coming to get you. Unite and conquer people. Zenophilia is a life sentence, and it's spreading.)

                  I did want to be able to remove myself from this goofy equation. I'm trying not to be too weird. It's just that this is actually working. And it is kind of funny. The Zenophile walks. I'm not sure if I should worry about this yet, but, Every good Golem does need a good Mensch. Will he kill the Czar?

Meta Formal Logic and The Wheel of Life { Post # 2 }


                          What do the Wheel of Life, the Riddle of the Sphinx and the "OM" have in common. All three are "Meta Formally Logical," "Ancient" and they are all measures of time. Let's look at the mappings.                        Alter- ( + ) - nating 
                                                                     (U)                                                                                                                positive (+)   Up     ^  (A) == (M)  v      (-)   Down  negative
                                                                    {    }
                                                              Null (0) Silence
                           It's time we get to it. The sphinx asked Oedipus, "What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?" (I'm not going to go into why guys want to marry their mom types, Oedipus.) In the morning of life babies crawl. At our peak of life we stand to walk. In maturity we are forced to use crutches to lean on. Four legs, two legs, and at last three.

                           With this triangulation of life's full measure, we come next to the Wheel of Life, the three "Gunas." (Much has been written about this elastic concept that has many definitions. Hindu philosophy, in English, Crowley's, THE BOOK OF THOTH.") The three Gunas or electricities are descriptive analogies for the basic forces of life. Positive (Fire, creative, masculine); Transitive (Air, active, alternating); Negative (Water, receptive, feminine.) Regrettably, with the institutionalization of Vedic dogma came the Caste system with it's classism and it's misogyny. But the essential principles have survived in Arhvedic medicine.

                            The "OM" from the Upanishads, is the logical extension of this philosophical artifact of the "Wheel of Life." And later became the Buddhist, "Wheel of Law," (Karma.) But the Idea is basically the same. Up, then over, and then down; a beginning, the middle, and then the irreversible punishing end. How the law of Karma ever became a law of punishment I really don't understand but it would seem that any religion can be majorly flawed and corrupted.

                             Ah, the "OM" is the most pristine and elegant of all the mantras. As a chanted utterance, it signifies the zoom of consciousness in life through the world. Say "A," "U," "M." With the silence at the end of each breath, each life, each moment; there is the moment of rest, of release, a moment in preparation of the next breath, the next life, the next eternity.

                             "A," The positive creative opening, starting aspirant. "U," The transitive active part of the expression. "M," The muting closing off of the sound rounding off the resonance in acceptance of the temporal. And then silence, the breath, life and awareness is refreshed, in preparation to start again. "A" childhood/ the morning /spring. "U" adulthood/the active mid day/ summer. "M" old age/ evening/ autumn. And silence/ death/ the winter. You will find these kind of meta formal metrics throughout all Bronze Age philosophical language. Thank you, There should always be a beginning, a middle and an end.

Behavioral Medicine and Psychic Healing {Post # 3}

                   We, at this point, are going back to the base fundamentals that are the Meta Formal Logic. I have consistently defined the variability of the dynamic human nature in terms of a total personal unity. And that this unity is subject to the symmetrical divisions of the seemingly arbitrary effects of polarity, I realize I may offend people who are caught up in pretenses of objectivity. This is the main reason people object to Applied Spiritual Technologies in general. Dichotomies abound in this modern dualistic world and it's conflicting belief systems. I find it particularly strange that in the face of our world and it's troubles, that people put so much stock in one sided argument.

                     Meta Formal Logic simply asks that when we are confronted with an unknown, that we first look for the boundaries of our inquiry as a unity, and then divide our unity into uniform symmetrical partitions. For those of you who were familiarized with my earliest theoretical propositions of ancient soft "Technologies," you will recognize the elegant simplicity. My procedure of "Enumerate Partition" and "Symmetrical Coalescence," is in no way original, (Solve Et Coagula) but it is accurate and effective as the means of explaining these artifacts of our shared history of science and analysis.

                    If you've been watching my blog posts for the math graphics, you've been seeing my obsession with symmetry, acted out in total defiance of the popular cultures tyranny of disorder.

                    I in fact am very much opposed to the mass proliferation of the kind of self help books that try to fix people rather than cultivate awareness. I am equally opposed to the kinds of modern religious subcultures that advocate insularism through meditation or prayer. I realize these are dangerous times and withdrawal may seem like the appropriate solution. But I personally think spirituality for it's own sake is a waste of otherwise perfectly useful hardships. Some of the best recovery therapy I work with prepares people to move beyond the limitations of biased (Conflicting) emotion, back into the world of functional dynamics. Quickly. No attachments. That's really powerful medicine.

                    Often, recognizing that challenges are integral to living involves identifying boundary definitions, inclusively and exclusively. As I've written, almost all personal problems have a public reality. Almost any problem we have is on some level not about us as individuals. And speaking as a hungry ghost, I must accept that for all the cravings I have, I obviously have things good. There is no shortage of people with hard lives, even harder than mine. I spent much of my life starving, But I'm still alive for now and I still have to remind myself to eat. Because of my very rare form of psychiatric challenges, I must accept that my extreme sensitivities and desires are a mixed blessing and that I must try to be humble in the presence of my own absurdity. For all of the manias and pain, I also am blessed by a forgiving nature.

                    I would also like to suggest that the reason the quality of our Medical "Black Box Diagnostics" are so antiquated is because of the total absence of a truly "Unified Model of the Human Consciousness." I'm presently rereading Spinoza and he too was one of those people who was defying the popular prejudices of bias.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mutual Magazine Culture

                  Spiritual Engineering has brought us a world few appreciate, and fewer understand. The resentments directed toward those imprisoned in hot seats of power have only made the slopes of the ivory tower more precipitous. We were trained to judge, but never to understand. Before us lay oceans of seemingly pointless opportunities. A flattered world of shared future fictions manufactures our societies of Mutual Magazine Cultures. But only true seers can hear the voices of the new generations emerging out of the Pressureless Pointless Informational Dust.

                  Have you read the news? "The world goes out with a whimper, not a bang." "People may care less about what is happening in Africa, than to what the squirrel in their yard is doing." (Paraphrased from Zuckerburg) This is obviously going to change. The inevitable dispersal of all that wealth is as welcome as the rain. (Did you hear that new Ebola joke? "You probably won't get it.")

                  Counter Lobbyists are New Pariahs. "If we want to solve a problem, we become the problem." (Mine) Binary thinking is going organic. A Tantric guru once said, "Who will care for the needs of the wealthy?" Just cause we don't want to hear something doesn't mean we aren't paying attention.

                  The work is getting done. The Bridge to the Future is being built. Indexing Codes are able to be decrypted now. Mutual Support Systems become a standard by which all other Spiritual Technologies are compared. You probably don't remember yet, but you have already started to read what you will need to remember in the future. The reading is yours. We will want to be able to recognize what we are reading? In today's Mutual Magazine Culture, we get to choose what we want to read, and by whom we want to be read.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Systematic Analysis of Symbolic Languages

Saturday, March 1, 2014

What Is The Code? Finding the CODING DENSITY THRESHOLD

                   A systematic analysis of Symbolic Languages, be they mathematics or lyrical poetry, demands that we decompress the pressureless dust, (This term is borrowed from astrophysics to describe the infinitely dense, infinitely massive pointless matter singularity at the Big Bang.) Like the Big Bang, the amount of information available to be studied and processed is infinite. An accurate multi variate statistical analysis, (Relative to say just one subject like languages,) is one of the most cumbersome forms of Calculus possible. Indexing a directory for important usable vocabularies (data systems profiling) is endless, especially now with code. Now that we have the processing capacities of computers, we may catch up with the naming of different terms we use to describe our unique perceptions. Resultantly, we are seeing an exploding revolution in personal and utilitarian languages. Identifying the social boundaries that define language exclusivity is generating innumerable elite subcultures. "What Is The Code?"

                   Because almost all of my work in Intuitive Diagnostics is directly derived from diverse irreplaceable cultural histories, I am confronting interpersonal language barriers directly. We also get to see the constant advance of a largely expanding computer language code, and yet the Coding Density Threshold of human interaction and sensitivity is still almost completely ignored. Our modern short attention span and technological creep, feeds this dangerous fracturing of our languages. Preferred styles of communication and colloquial tribal language etiquette is often considered law within these exclusively elite sub cultures.

                   I have often been accused of exploiting peoples biases by association with highly partisan "New Age" B. S. By measuring the relative vagueness or over generality of my "psychic readings," I find I am relatively esoteric with a High Coding Density to my language. This is why I prefer reading for skeptics. People with strong opinions, often being just a little intellectually constipated, we are just as often very shrewd and discriminating. This is why I promote an open "Complementarity." Understanding the complex language subtleties of just one of these diagnostic methods, like "Chinese Medicine," does not translate easily. My beautifully dynamic system of diagnostics, which incorporates anthropometrics, ergonomics, biometrics, physiognomy, chirography and chiromancy, and my own system of Social Recursion modeling identifies our self defining mutual distinctions, our personal and maybe exclusive identification boundaries. Most people will not be able or willing to understand, I may as well be speaking Greek.

                  I site, "Mutually Conflicting Virtues" and Contrasting "Necessary Vices" like BASELESS OPTIMISM with RATIONAL PESSIMISM. (both are necessary) Whether I am right or not, these modelings are Meta Formally Logical. I define a norm relative to a linguistic polarity. This singular unity is subject to an Enumerative Partition. (by two in this case.) The domain of these polarized natural extremes is a factor of human diversity. Symmetrically Coalesced we redefine totalistic human variability. Get it? I didn't think so.

                  Let me see if I can make this any simpler. I have managed to directly hit the Coding Density Ceiling. My work in applied esoteric diagnostics has Point / Counterpoint. Popular opinions on these soft (spiritual) technologies is also changing. And the change is to our shared languages. What was once esoteric has now become colloquial. Code is probably just a word for any new unfamiliar language. To some of us, "Code is Poetry." Thank you. You have been very helpful.