Saturday, January 28, 2017

Showdown at the Twitter Theater

             Style, Subtlety and Tact? Magic! Americans love a great drama. And we also love our comedy. Wanna play? The premise is one of politically branded mocking oppression, but our straight man is a droid and may have no real sense of humor. So we may want to stop preaching and get back to that really important fine art of entertainment. Insults and condescension aren't getting us anywhere. But humor may be very powerful.

             As the consummate (Psychic?) Entertainment Medium, I am constrained to tell stories. Though Twitter may be a new Haiku, I'm too much of a gas bag to do more than make a few offerings. For instance, I think love is the juice. Like;

   1.) Donald...? Donald...? We luuuve you! And we're coming to get you. Gird your loins bro, it's going to be fun, for us.

Or maybe;

    2.) Don? Pal, are you sleeping alright? Ever? YOU KNOW A GUILTY CONSCIOUS CAN DO THAT TO YOU. Oh I'm sorry, I forgot. My bad.

And one of my faves;

    3.) You know what's on the menu? It's Trump Roast. The poor may go hungry, but we will be laughing hard as we clear your table.

              You get the Idea. The press has it's hands full in a way that has never given them more power. I know you don't agree with me and that's why I'm speaking out. We need to buttress the power of the designated "Opposition Press," with all the new toys that were used to denigrate us. My work in Creative Personalization has freed me from having any expectations, one way or the other. I get to decide for the time being what roll I get to play in the Social Media Arena. I know of several other people who want to play. Twitter can be anonymous.

             Quoted from a previous post, "The {Presidential Edition} Twitterbot has a mirror, a mirror of karma it can never escape." All of it's good and evil deeds are reflected there within. (I know in your mind your probably thinking up all of the reasons that this can't work. That negativity is the intended effect of propaganda.) If we learned anything from the gun lobby, it's that people hate the government. And now it's the first amendment that needs to be exercised. Now we get to use our love, humor and intelligence as the most potent weapon available. Check your guns at the door people. It's showdown at the Twitter Improv.

Friday, January 27, 2017

MY APOLOGY TO MY NATION; Recreating the Correct New History

             It has come to my attention that my team has gotten caught up in prejudicial hating. This includes a very disempowering expectation of blaming. Blaming is a broken mirror. Somebody has to step up and do the "Left" thing.

             Dear America,

             I am so sorry if I have neglected or misunderstood you. I never meant to shame you for being fertile. Your children, your families, your religions and country is what is most sacred. And if I have done anything to make you feel angry, I am very, very sorry. I don't know if I deserve to be forgiven in this situation, but I trust that you will want to do the right thing too, whatever that is.

             I may have very little power to influence you, but I understand why you may feel hurt and why you stop trusting me. One of the first things I can do is to stop preaching. This isn't about being right. The only way I know how to make a sincere apology is to not make excuses.

             I'm very concerned about the loses of personal freedom. If the gun lobby taught us anything, "It's that we don't to trust the government." We may have some agreement on this. But we see doors closing on the very people who aren't in the competitive businesses of aggressive politics. Yes, I do believe we are being used. I am concerned about the loss of American values in favor of Political Takeovers and Political Market Branding. We all agree the government has gotten bloated with business interests. Lobbies are more powerful than votes.

             But that doesn't mean I don't have faith in you. There have already been press workers arrested for reporting on the terrible turnout at the inauguration. I don't expect you to believe me, but We are going to see a lot more activity over the web concerning the need for an independent Free Press. I don't expect this apology will get to you in time, but we have to start somewhere.

             You deserve to be informed and kept in the loop. We are going to be teasing the "Twitter Pres." I'm sorry, you deserve to know. The Jagermeister, (That's hunt master in German.) is now a sitting target. Even if I wanted to stop this inevitable and delicious Trump Roast, I wouldn't. But he will try to prevent this from being made public knowledge. The Free Press is now Social Media. Welcome to the 21st Century. I hope we can continue to work together. I love all of you, my brothers and sisters. I only ask for the best for everyone and I know you feel the same too, no matter how else we may feel free to disagree. Thank you for your love and respect. Peace out family. Let's do this thing.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

"Mien Trumph"

            I speak of the shocking repetitive consistency of the bodysnatchers to politically bias programmable dogma. For instance, I personally dislike so called "Country" music. But I don't hate the people who like country music. I almost never use hyper-links, nor do I use Google searches for anything, ever. But I do trust people and I trust you. "Link" as you feel appropriate. (But I suspect this is what has got us in this trouble in the first place.) Do I still have a voice? I believe this is the question we all need to ask ourselves instead of giving ourselves over to angry self pity and paranoia. We can thank the gun lobby for why our "Government" is more scared of us than we are of it. Don't give up your rights so quietly. The NRA taught us,"Everyone hates the government."

             Hitler in the first few pages of his "Mien Kamph," say he has nothing against the "Jews." But he mentions that his "People" need a common enemy. Jews were a hated minority, better educated and mistaken as being more unfairly affluent. I've found it quite spooky how the rhetoric of xenophobia is so very robotic. But bitter apathy is even more dangerous than heroin.

             But! Unlike Nazi Germany, we as a nation are almost evenly split 50% / 50% and we are demographically huge and very diverse. I've shown how we generate the diffuse origins of powerful influence media. "You can't keep this many people on social media quiet." This is not the Arab Spring where a power vacuum at the top created a political coup in reaction. For all of us who feel "America" is mine, (Saith the Lord?) I think we can help.

             When I heard from my training partner about the Nazi who got punched out at the "Trumph" inauguration, I wasn't moved one way or another. But I did find out how within the ranks of the left, there has much been disagreement over the viral celebration and shameful pride many felt over getting to see a Nazi get punched out. Many of the purists felt abandoned by those who they believed are supposed to be like they think. Conformity I'm afraid is a last resort of weak minds. Cut yourself a and each other a little slack for having your own opinions.

              I'm also seeing people confuse their feelings of personal powerlessness with immediate reality. I'm not criticizing. I'm simply calling out all the dark corners of our potentially very dangerous popular collective brainwashing. Our species isn't designed for ease or comfort anyways. Extended life expectancies have only made Political Power Bubbles that much harder to pop. The press isn't the problem. The governments aren't the problem. It's influence media, and the exploitation of mass marketing through political branding that is the problem.

              Which is more of the problem for you today? Is it what is happening right now? Or is it understandable apprehensions about the potential future? (Which in fact may not need to be inevitable.) There are no right answer.s There are only right questions. One of the things that has made the left socially unintelligible, is our tendency for defensive Parsimoniousness. Parsimony itself is stinginess. But being "Parsimonious" also includes the intellectual stinginess of expecting simple logic which has to always be explained, as if we could always continue to be telling everyone else what it is that everyone is always doing wrong. This character defect has come home to bite us on the butt.

             When seeking understanding, first seek to understand others. We are not the minority anymore, and try to remember. Social media isn't just the problem. Social media is probably also going to be the solution. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves, and start feeling compassion for all those people who drank the poisonous political cocktail, that social media and political branding brought to us. If we want to beat "Trumpfenstein" at his own game, we simply need to communicate better.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Discreet Provocateur

            With the delight of a practiced entertainment medium, I am privileged to announce not what it is that is going to happen. But merely to clarify for you, what it is that you were already going to be doing. We are going to get to play a little game. And it's a very good game, and it's a game we can win. In screen writing, we would call this kind of drama a "Bug Hunt." But today, there is only one queen bug. And we won't have to chase down it's kinder. The unplanned "Hostile Takeover" of the hive, has left the far right particularly vulnerable. I almost feel bad for the "Twits." (You don't have to be psychic to know where this one is going.)

            Influence Media has come of age. If you've been watching for the changes to surveillance in critical mass media, you would know that the multi armed bandit only need be segmented post actively making the failings of previous surveillance only more painful to have to watch. Hindsight has never been more golden. And the very agencies that used to misrepresent us, are now our allies and friends. Rational cowardice has always been the only governmental intelligence ever worth listening to. And I'm sorry, we Americans don't like being called cowards. And besides "Hate is just bad for business." We're so beyond that now.

            This morning I considered the option of opening a new account, as The Master Twitter Baiter. But my functionality prevents me from attaching myself to any desired outcomes, and I could risk polluting the inevitable timeline with an ego. I am only another gifted medium, who knows the limitations of my craft. I am not the message. But I will give you some creative hints. Now I wont give the story away for those of you who object to the alert spoilage of an ending spoken aloud from the very first darkening from within your suspenseful theatre. But I will tell you the last laugh is never laughed in anger.

            Here is your quarry, your query, your antagonist. The twitter bot has a mirror, a mirror of karma it can never escape. It can hear your thoughts, it listens for your prayers but it does not understand. The language of love is always spoken from forgiveness. And forgiveness is something the dead can never hear because we don't exist. The walking dead do not see your dreams that we all share from the wellspring of our singular collective soul.

            I was hoping this was going to be a comedy where we all just kiss and make up. But we know what's going to happen. And there will be sacrifices. Our offerings from the heart are sincere and potent. And the great work still goes on. What was once prime real estate will soon cease to be very real at all. And the 5 a.m. bitter twitterings bode poorly for the light sleeping of guilty consciences. No new dreams have come from the tower for a very long time. And yet even with the horrible morning after withdrawals of painful disillusionment, never has a public been more empowered than you are today. You can't keep this many people on social media quiet.

            Back now to your virtual prophecy. Don't look to your government to have the answers for you, pro or con anymore. It wont be all bad. And if fake news has taught us anything, it's that all conspiracies are boring. We no longer get to blame the aliens. We are indomitable, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. It's too late for that,  you can plan to kiss your lucky asses goodbye. Recovery will not be coming through a hospital door. The inoculations of the truth have already been distributed. It will be over so soon, that within 4 years from now, we may actually be saying thank you.  (eww..., Too soon?)

Friday, January 20, 2017

The Lonely Crowd

            Have you ever wondered who are the loneliest peoples? In a society of Spacebook alienation and Googleplectic punchbutton infomation datafeed, it's not a competition. But I'd say it's a toss up between the rich and the poor, the young and the old, the wise and the foolish. And of course all of us left here in that slump of normalcy, smack in the middle of commonalities, where nothing ever really happens, yet.

             But this post is on those lonely people, right in the middle of their crowd. And of course that man on top of the financial dung heap. Yes I'm referring to that lonely paranoid kiss butt, who doesn't know what they're saying. Pity not the redundant, but give thought to the endless boredom that makes compulsive men twitter angrily. Dreams come not from that sleepless tower. Nothing he has to say, but to parrot that which is already most agreeable to all those other victim bullies sharing hatred in our lonely disassociated world. Soon the pendulum swings, but to where? We do not know. But wait. The last laugh is never in anger. One, Two, Three, Four; I declare a twitter war.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Take Back the Language; How Politicians Breed Conflict by Sexual Aggression and Censorship

            In order to find the connection between what I've already written as the so called Psychic Entertainment Medium, with my latest posts on the populist perversities rapidly shifting vulnerable "Opinion Biases," I only need to explain our biases. Sex doesn't just sell, it shames. I've written, because psychic consultation businesses thrive off of relationship dysfunctionalities I stopped taking money, in spite of my essential good faith. Russian intelligence has only needed to collate the results of their legal marketing surveillance. The Russian Porn Mafia and it's personalization profiling data mines made it known that Americans actually hate sex, (and each other) and that that hatred extends to the long standing war between the sexes, unresolved and until now very closeted. Religions are born and bred to seed cultures of MIS-HETERY. Men and women don't just hate each other, we are taught to hate sex and to hatefully sell our lives and our bodies. All the populist brainwasher needed to do is to capitalize on our countries servility to religious and political dogma exploiting our servile sexual consumerism.

            Today we are going to understand why our society is dying by essentially, trying to breed it self to death. We are in fact starving for that sweet milk of any new positive good word. (And that inevitable necessity for the sincere representation of realistic good faith.) But without any real hope of understanding leading to a real improvement of quality of life, we have been sold boring promises. Words today are being determined by boards of directors, by businesses who chose what words you are supposed use, and why. Any new living languages must be synthesized out of old dead language. English for now is dead. But for now only the languages of computer codes are still being renewed and infinitely refreshed.  New freedoms will only be found from inside that gap between what we are told is the known and true, and the real truth which as of yet may still remain unknown. So I invent new languages.
             New Words for today;

1.) DIACLECTICS!   Meaning, eclectic languages born in conflict.
2.) Mis-Heterist. {Someone with that potentially healthy distaste for sex, resulting from aversions to obligatory institutional intimacies.}
2.a) Mis-Heteri. {plural of Mis-Heterist}
2.b)Mis-Hetery. {The practice of hating sex and the potential hazards of obligatory intimacy.}
3.) The American Dream. Man hater, (Bachelorette?) meets Woman hater. (Bachelor?) {Hollywood marketing aesthetic, often confused with Mis-Hetery}
$4.) Political Antihero. {Actors in office, usually motivated by pathological stroke hunger.}
5.) Diaclectician. {Me, or anyone who creates new languages born out of un necessary conflicts.}

             Oh oh. There goes my spell check again. Telling me I'm breaking the rules. But let's look at what a word like diaclectic might mean, ok? If you've been reading along,....., or not, you've been watching me tread on the sacred ground of verboten neutrality. First as that "Medium Not Well Understood." Which is in fact, that ancient practice of oracles and divination, misappropriated and "Trans Mutated" down through history to become an absolute nonsense of "Authoritation by Proxy." (Whenever I use the term "Authoritation" most people automatically know exactly what I'm talking about and never even think about the legitimacy of my term.) Oops, more made up words, which supposedly don't exist. A Diaclectic could be a splicing of contradictions, an inevitable synthesis of a Complementarity. And that one is a real word supposedly, but Complementarian isn't. Well not as of yet.

             If we want to take back the language we are going to need to stop acting so bewildered. If the most powerful weapon of the political far right is a thesaurus, then we must design a whole new lexicon to provide a linguistic firestorm, spoken with the wisdom of serpents with the gentleness of doves. Let's take back the language, now.


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Good Wizards and Bad Men

                     You don't have to be psychic to know where this is going. When bad things happen to good people we are thought to be foolish. When bad people do good things, we are called master. In the media we confront perceived language barriers preventing communication. My art is one of transliteration, bringing an unexpected message to you if you can handle it. Truth is often subordinated by what people want to believe. Belief's precedence must now be massaged in order to untangle these interfering institutions of lying. My Spiritual Fictions for instance are not just about skill at lying, as much as this expose' is about me telling truths that NO ONE as of yet want to hear. This preemptive Spoiler is being carried out for you in the form of a blog that lays out my "True Hoax," announcing an emergence our new common languages. "New History." Let's look at the results.

                      In 1980 my "Teacher,"  Steven told how "Trumplestiltskin" would blunder into office. Quote, "He won't be all bad." Now I know how many of my more sensitive liberal friends are cringing at the thought of me accepting the will of our horribly misinformed general public. But I was taught not to be judgmental, or to  indulge in the easy blaming of oppositional mindsets and the dangerous pretense of moral immunity. We humans can be foolish. The biggest offense of the real pro psychic is in the sincere and honest use subterfuge, hiding in plain sight. Being an evil genius for me, is not the same thing as actually doing evil. How do dare I love the liar in all of us? I don't love lies, anymore than I like being a liar. Something has to be done, but being sore losers is not helping us deal with the cheating winners. I knew before hand and prepared, didn't you?

                       Generally most people don't want to know how much hard work is waiting for us as individuals, or as a new global society. This is what has made American disillusionment so potent, on both sides of ever issue. Owning self deception, we are all heir as humans to frailties and vulnerabilities both good and bad. This makes telling the truth much more purposeful. Thankless hard work is all that is promised. What's going to happen next? I'm not giving anything away that does not come with the price of forgiveness. And yes there are things that will never be forgiven, hopefully you may never have to witness.

Friday, January 6, 2017

A Terrorist in a Haystack

              Surveillance Algorithms tell us a lot about each other. Yes it's true. I'm not the only mutual profiler. As much as we feel violated by the dead sterile eye of surveillance, we have changed. Now we are also changing the objectives of those who would presume to be objective. We are now objects of contemplation. Go figure. Ours is the honored place of we who are no longer seeking. The attack against that which is most sacred to us, revealed a beautiful vulnerability which none of us wanted to consider. We love each other.

               Because the Earth has already reached that tipping point of no return, we must now embrace. Science can not reverse the consequences of human hubris and waste. But the Earth will heal, with or without us.

               It has been discovered that empathy is the natural consequence of literacy. Just like entering into the lives of others, our dream of a mutual reality, teaches us loving and understanding that underpins our maturing society. Maybe the myth makers of our new gilded age draw nightmares to those trapped in that corrupting tower of exclusivity. The main reason people resonate to spiritualities and Spiritual Fiction is to outgrow that illusion of entitlement, exclusivity and the equally delusional pretenses of objectivity.

               And now that glaring lens of Reality Programming, is turned back onto the perversities of these entertainment programmers. We are now profiling the profilers and they are found wanting. Their addiction to "Hot Seats" of power burns all soullessly pretentious authorities with moral hazards dogging all evil criminal geniuses to the grave. Turn and face that "Eye of Evil." They can not look away, they are the prisoners of their own obsessions. They can not escape.

              Now many of you may be wondering what in the world does stunt journalism and parapsychology have to do with surveillance? Or may be you don't. But if you have been able to read along, or even better started reading the book from the beginning, you would find me a diagnostician bridging the world between the ancient sciences of Meta Formal Logic to it's resulting modern practical applied sciences. Most intriguingly, man has little memory for history. I would be remiss not to help heal this rift between what happens and the traditions of predicting outcomes. Now the terrorist in the haystack is being caught by the very web that trails behind their own surveillance. Watching the watchers, is no longer the sport for only the kings who abuse us. Why do humans hate? And why do the watchers hate us? (I'll try to come up with some opinions as to why.)

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Why "Donbot" the Trumphenstein Doesn't Want to Talk to the Press

                     The horrible reality of the Presidential Edition "Donbot," is that It is just a self programed experiment that has gone horribly wrong. It's unable to go back into It's obsolete unreadable code cascades that had caused It to blunder into office. It's code is in essence a bugging system co opting any and all other spamming and malware social coding systems. Problem is he (or if you prefer, "It") is still not coming back from this trip, ever. Because of the fact that no other political operating systems have as of yet become this self corrupting, he has been shuffled into a titular role as a behind the scenes code operator. The R.N.C. is trying to  keep him quiet. The press would inevitably trigger "It's" fight or spite imperatives even if they wanted to play nicely. His inevitable bugs would cause us to take our eyes of the train wreck of our interpersonal hostilities, focusing our attentions back onto the real reality programming boredom which is about to go off the rails.

                     It's desired expectations are that we're to keep beating up on each other in order to distract us from the inevitable vacuum of power that is resulting from the avarice machine achieving narcissistic singularity. Now if you've been reading along, I've told you that self awareness has nothing to do with singularity (There are no multiple singularities.) and we only need wait for the end of that big sucking sound coming from thinking only from "The Top Down." There is real evil in our world and bad things will happen. But today there is no way to sustain this kind of artificial suspense and drama by endlessly exploiting the games theory of partisanship, permanently capitalizing on the split opinion bias. (Which in fact is almost fifty / fifty.) Even though time is slowing down for some of us, no amount of rushing to the top of the dungheap is going to prevent the boredom of affluence hiding behind viral "TRUMPISM." Don't be passive, but do be patient and diligent. We're not done yet.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Wisdom That Should Always Accompany Privilege

                   Beings as we are calling out all the hidden corners of our boundaries and barriers, I must confess to why someone like me is doomed to succeed. "The wisdom of privilege demands that I speak out." "The unbroken chain of affirmation is the guaranty of success." "Spiritual Isostasy is the balance between gravity and light." And so on.

                   Looking at the analysis and research of a Para Psychological Method comes down to a process of boundary definition. These awarenesses do not come from nowhere to now here. There is a distinct series of spiritual and religious traditions that have brought us this possibility of transcendence. The question remains, "What does it all mean?" My approach of the ever changing opinion bias has provided us with a clear understanding of where the doubt in question remains. Beings as I'm not interested in taking sides I'm blessed with the overwhelming advantage of a "Self Doubting Psychic." I am a spiritual machine.

                   This privilege allows me unimagined freedom when it comes to the power of inquiry, that power to ask meaningful questions for which we can get answers.  Mathematics, History, Sociology, Human Relations, most people understandably give up on any hope of getting clear perspective on the total volume of information that shapes our lives. Faith itself is an exercise in rational detachment.

                    I said in the first page of this magazine;    Monday, Apr. 8th, 2013

Dearest reader,
     This is my labor of love to be able to bring you my life's work in it's present state.

      I am a pro psychic. I have in a life's research a great hoard of resources. I will present simple techniques for ordering and understanding most, if not all forms of divination, in terms of games and systems analysis. The concepts, I want to be easy and intuitive.

     I would like to apologize in advance, to all those who will object to mapping and graphing of the things so sacred as the human soul and human interaction. But as is intrinsic to human nature, we are creatures who look for order and meaning.

     I hope you will find the tour of artifacts and antiquities fun and informative. I encourage readers credit for having their own opinions. And please do not expect that you will always agree with my interpretations or analysis. My intent is to analyze data, not people.

     Let us begin.

     Many years ago I started writing, "The Confessions of a Professional Psychic." I've decided that the information I can provide is much more important than autobiography.

     As a new beginning I have embarked on the project of;           
            Enumerating the parts of the Spiritual Technologies, and the Coalescing of the Sum of the Comparative Analogies.
     I am writing as an act of faith, as a scientist and as a sensitive. Most of the provided information I intend will be self explanatory. However, it will be the scope of the analysis I would hope is most useful in sharing what we do as psychics, and why we can do it at all.
     Biases and beliefs aside, I haven't assumed that I know how this one is going to turn out as a literary project. But I know for myself as a researcher my work is to entertain, inform and provide.

     It is my privilege to listen, your wish, (for information) is my command. 

A New Review

                   Looking at the sunlight on the hinge of my laptop, I'm seeing this same light shining somewhere else. I may be getting ready to have another mild narcoleptic seizure. But as I try to type this perception of somewhere else that maybe exists or not, I'm brought to the edge of tears. Will I wake up here or will I end up in another body somewhere else again? The view is beautiful from here. I'm seeing lace curtains framing the windows and floral patterned wallpaper embracing the cherrywood dresser with crystal decanters and a globe lamp. To the outside, a scene of snowy hills hugging the house on the bank of a tree lined river. With the front door facing the docks I can see the road just beyond the yard. Light is delicately sliced by the bare trees waving in the gentle warming winter breeze. The afternoon is calm and relaxed. The peace of the moment betrays the difficulty of the life she has led. Whose eyes are these that I stare blankly out of? I need to take a nap.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Selectivity and the Right of Refusal (+ u +)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

                  First I would like to again thank the "Spaminator," Tues. Aug. 20th, 2013 for continuing to use their smut sites to access my blog, to which I never subscribed. (Russian Porn Mafia) It was your desperate pandering for American dollars that made me realize that your Games Theory promises were only that. Anyone can sell promises. But mocking someone for being cautious about sex and intimacy (and also therefore business) is so weak. And I told you so.

                  But this blog is about information. So I wont be trying to change anybodies style or profile vulnerability. As with all of my posts up to this point, I stubbornly refuse the temptation to tell you what to think or do. Instead I will only try to document the facts as best I can. Again as always wish me luck.

                  In defining the natural progressions of idealized relationships, we can use a language of directions. Initiation >>>> Reception. Approach >>>> Evaluation. I know how scary this sounds. Nobody seeks rejection. Anyone can fear entanglement. All of these dynamics of relations can be thought of as vectors. Boundary definitions of Inclusion and Exclusion are implicit. This is why the temptation to cheat is the inevitable result of feelings of guilt. The inevitable conflicts between attachment and independence are always subjects of ongoing negotiation. Hence the need for a common enemy. It's not enough to have something (someone,) to approach, we also seek to avoid and be avoided. Desire and fear are just opposite sides of the same objectives. The choices we make have consequences. We can experience excitement and or anxiety about making decisions. This is why seduction and promiscuity are often used to escape the stressful challenges of negotiation and intimate trust.

                  You can probably tell from my tone I too am difficult. Once when my teacher confronted me about me being a "Professional Visitor," (term from the applied Games Theory of a Napoleon Hill) I said the payoffs for getting what you want aren't always worth the compromise. Professional visitors are supposed to be liked by everyone, but are rarely ever paid or laid. As someone who has a healthy distaste for both money and sex I really don't take it that personally. Desire yes, attachment not so much. We have all experienced that disorienting "Love and Anger" that comes from intense attraction. Our necessary curiosity and heightened interests are characteristic of that dynamic of attraction.

                  We will be looking at the dichotomy of passion and reason. We use avoidance and acceptance to help to make choices or remain indecisive. In considering choices between acceptance or rejection, we are making decisions about incidentals of consequence. This comes back to objectives. For most people, we often know more about what we think we don't want, than what we do want. Add to this problem a shared history of self denial and now we have multi billion dollar porn media industries that prey on our societies feelings of voluntary isolation. We are torn between the desires for personal freedom and responsibility, and our need to be touched. HARSH!

                 Let's look at some of these incidentals of consequence. In the plus category we have; Love, companionship, planned parenthood, partnerships, Love, family, and again hopefully Love. And oh yes, maybe a green card. In the minus column we have; rejection, heartache, divorce, abuse, boredom, jealousy, etc. In the same way that studying humor isn't always funny, studying love often isn't very romantic. Working as a galley slave in numerous restaurants has taught me about loosing my sense of taste. When you work around food all the time it starts to loose it's appeal. Could I also have a tainted palette for love? If my work on "Circular Maturation" (Tues. Oct. 1st, 2013) is correct there is definitely true love without sex. Let us all prepare for the surprising thrill of emotional affairs, and no they don't have to threaten the security of a monogamous relationship. Contrary to popular prejudice, it is definitely possible to love more than one person.

                 Well enough on this page. I told you you were going to be sick of me by the time I finished this book. Don't worry you will get to take much more away with you than it took to read this whirlwind tour of the gritty world of psychic consultation. Thank you.


               For those of us reading, we must find answers. Fast. The forces of hate have rendered us temporarily mute and powerless to appeal to the better nature in each and every one of us. In the way that Taoism advocates the union of opposites in mutual complement, true union will only come from renewed trust. Not the display of power. I say for the moment, step back and consider. And then we take action.

               I advocate that for the time being we declare a truce. But the uneasy politics of appeasement has the press running a little scared. This solves nothing for now, but it does provide a us chance to attend to our wound, on both sides. Most of the liberals I know are not feeling very forgiving right now, and that's understandable. For our nation, it was too fart easy to Short Sell the Split Opinion Bias. All legal Russian surveillance in this country revealed, was how fractured the American ego really is. (Russian Porn Mafia uses Personalization Profiling algorithms that ascertained most American Males subscribe to very misogynistic porn.) The big shocker was of course how quickly it precipitated into the populist political mainstream. "Lock her up," was the rallying cry of people call her a ballcrusher. (Even the Russians and the Trumphenstein didn't expect to win.) I recommend that refuting the abuses of misapplied "Games Theory" in business, will also need to be shot down in politics, straight through the evil heart of political marketing scams and corrupt business practices, for ever. This is not Nazi Germany in the 30's, and you just can't keep this many people on social media quiet. Don't think that the power of lies is greater than the truth? I don't think so. And we will get to see, collectively as a nation and as a new global world.

              As friendly enemies of the state, we may be able to rebuild the broken trust. This needs for now to be forgiven. I think in truth it's not going to be easy for most of us to find forgiveness, when Rush Limbaugh called Hillary a ball crusher, and the conservative right wants to think it was true.

              But here is where I think we're going to see the pendulum swing back toward a more healthy middle:

              Most conservatives heard the DONBOT whine about how unfair the Press and Electoral College was against him.

              Facebook and Twitter have lost credibility as anything more than a loaded "Media" weapon, and that's probably only going to get worse.

              We are not the Enemy. Haven't I said enough?


Sign This Petition

PHILADELPHIA, PA - NOVEMBER 19:  More than a thousand protesters demonstrate against President-elect Donald Trump at Thomas Paine Plaza November 19, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Today marks the 11th consecutive day of anti-Trump protests in Philadelphia, with plans to demonstrate everyday through inauguration day, January 20, 2017.  (Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)
McConnell said the people decide who names the next Justice, not the Electoral College.
Here’s an idea to ponder as a sort of closing act for the Obama administration and/or and opening salvo from Senate Democrats: a mechanism for confirming Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. As we’re all aware, congressional elections in November determined the makeup of the entirety of the House of Representatives, as well as one-third of the Senate. The Senate, of course, elects one-third of its membership every two years, such that the six-year terms are staggered among three “classes,” and two-thirds of the Senate membership remain incumbent in office even during elections and post-election transition periods.
At noon on January 3, 2017, the terms of the current members of the Senate’s Class III will come to an end. At that point, the Senate consists of 66 sitting senators, and we would ordinarily expect Vice President Joe Biden, in his capacity as Senate president (in which role he continues to serve until noon on January 20th), to begin swearing in the senators-elect of the new Class III.
Typically, the swearing-in would be the first order of business, although occasionally there are brief welcoming remarks from the Majority and Minority Leaders, the Majority Leader traditionally being afforded preferential recognition by the presiding officer. That is, he gets to speak first, if anyone has anything to say before things get started.
But when Biden looks out over the Senate floor—in what will likely be one of his last official acts—he’ll see 66 currently sworn and serving senators, 34 of whom will be Democrats, two who are independents, and 30 who are Republicans. At that moment you might wonder, then, just who constitutes the “majority,” and therefore who the Majority Leader actually is. In fact, as the numbers tell us, Democrats will make up the majority of the Senate, and their leader might arguably be entitled to preferential recognition. This situation has surely occurred before. It’s just never mattered. And so in all likelihood, absent some other plan, we would expect Biden to afford that privilege to Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the current Majority Leader, who’s expected to continue in that role in the new Congress.
Suppose, though, that there is another plan. Suppose Biden instead chooses to recognize the sitting Democrats as the majority, that being the then-current truth of the matter? And suppose, therefore, he chose to recognize the Democratic floor leader first? Now, we all understand that Chuck Schumer of New York is slated to become the Minority Leader in 2017. But at that point, he’s merely one of the 34 senators-elect waiting to take the oath and begin his term. Dick Durbin of Illinois is, at that moment, the highest ranking Democratic floor leader. So suppose Biden were to recognize Durbin first, and grant him the floor for opening remarks?
Those of you who remember the complicated lessons from a few years ago on the origins of what Republicans originally called the “Constitutional option” (later referred to as the “nuclear option”) might recall that the original “script” called for the invocation of a little bit of parliamentary “magic” on the first day of a new Congress. That is, it rested on the precedent of rulings by two previous (Republican) vice presidents that despite Rule V, which states that “the rules of the Senate shall continue from one Congress to the next Congress,” the new Senate may—on the principle that no Senate shall be bound by the “dead hand” of a previous Senate—consider under general parliamentary law whether it will accede to the continuance of the existing rules, or whether it wishes instead to amend them.
In the context of filibuster reform, these rulings were critical in that general parliamentary law has no requirement for supermajorities on the question of closing debate. In other words, until a new Senate acceded to the continuance of the existing rules, there was no operative cloture rule, and debate on any proposed new cloture rule could be closed, and the measure carried by, a simple majority vote.
Suppose Durbin, then, being recognized from the floor by Biden, were to seek such a ruling? Given the existing precedent, he’d be likely to get it. Now, suppose further that Biden has carried with him a message from President Obama, renominating Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court (his previous nomination having been returned to the president at the adjournment sine die of the 114th Congress). And having now been notified of that message, and having received the ruling that the Senate was currently proceeding under general parliamentary law, suppose Durbin was to move that the Senate as currently constituted immediately consider the Garland nomination?
Now, here’s where things get difficult: part of the ruling with respect to the Senate’s operation under general parliamentary law was that the Senate could be presumed to be acceding to the continuance of the old, existing rules if it begins to operate under them, thereby acquiescing to their continuance. Arguably, taking up a Supreme Court nomination might be considered such an act, which itself would arguably trigger a sort of magical reestablishment of the previous Senate’s rules.
There are options for dealing with such objections, of course. And they’d have to be careful not to yield the floor at any point, and not to entertain any intervening motions of any kind along the way. And they’d also have to be willing to proceed over the very loud, but still out-of-order objections from Republicans. That’s to say nothing of the Republican sore feelings that would come from Democrats winning the right to fill the SCOTUS seat the entire nation knew belonged to President Obama. But if Senate Democrats can show that the mechanics can work, and that they’re committed to executing the plan, Republicans will have to decide whether they’d just prefer to lose and call foul, or start thinking about a deal.
Even if they refuse, on principle, to seek a deal and instead opt to trigger this play, this could absolutely do the trick. And having a reasonable person in that SCOTUS seat could be the difference between surviving this trainwreck of an “administration,” or seeing it destroy everything. Alternatively, in the post-fact, LOL YOLO Nothing Matters world, what’s the point in not pulling out all the stops?