Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Marriage Counseling a Nation Preserving the American Family

                    In family courts there is an expectation of preserving families. Similarly we try to discipline rebellious children in our communities for the wellbeing of everyone. But when parents and adults are dysfunctional and complacent, accord suffers for everyone and it is hard to know who's really being the most childish. Ignorance and denial are blood brothers. Being impatient about peoples childish expectations solves nothing. My previous diatribe was on the impatient unrealism of the critical left, and now I must be the equal opportunity offender because there's plenty of blame to go around. Fox News and red ties on businessmen do not make for good politicians, anymore than leftist rhetoric makes for good country western music. I've been saying that the political rift is in fact merely the latest incarnation of the war between the sexes. Now the proof is in the Whitehouse and people on both sides of the spectrum are gearing up for a train wreck. The people who aren't uncomfortable with the results of the last election are banking on the power grab. This is particularly stressful for those of us who want peace, in the home as well as on the streets.

                    It's easy for me to be a Liberal. I actually believe in the Democratic process in spite of the atmosphere of political apartheid. Being a Republican now days is about backing the Republic, but Republicans are told that the government is the problem, and then therefore we need to dismantle the government. (Even if this would ultimately destroy the Republic.) As Democrats we expect the government to function by committee, in essence a kind of mob rule. As Republicans we expect business by hierarchy, only with a boss ruling from the head of the table. Problem is, Dad is a cold blooded jerk, and Mom is rapidly falling out of love with the man who got her to the altar. Disenchantment ensues. Now I'm not a politician, I'm just a retired professional psychic, which everyone knows is the most thankless job in the world when done correctly. People live and die for the privilege of getting someone to tell them, "What's going to happen to the love of my nation?" "Are we going to be soulmates forever?" Truth is, when I tell you the truth I get nothing but flack from everyone on all sides. I should lock you all in a room together (without weapons) to get you to have to face each other and just get over your selves.

                     But that's not what's going to happen. Is it? Dad's very sick. And dad doesn't even know it yet, how really sick he is. Mom is really pissed off at dad, even though she tries not to show it. She used to love country living and even passively tolerated country music. But now from behind the scenes, the average Trump voter is a chemically dependent women hating, closeted pink elephant. (America. Where the men are men, women are women, and the sheep are scared.) And now even junior has gotten a taste of dad's nationalist separatism, woman hating, and is starting to pick fights with the liberals at school, calling them all wimps. (Nothing new here.) He's picking up guns, and harassing minorities, generally acting like a deluded thug. But what's different now? It's the Democrats who are afraid to unfurl their flags because we're being threatened for our beliefs. (Oh wait a minute. That's not new either.) Sis is moving away to city to get an education, or staying behind just to get married and to have babies of her own. Everyone's diet is terrible, a slow death by by bad food and drugs.

                     What's a mother to do? That's not a question, that's a rhetorical statement. What will mother do? That is the question. Mom's noticed that dad drank the Koolaid, believing just about everything he hears often enough. In fact pretty much everyone is dealing with their own dependency issues and has bad health. But still she notices, the President isn't acting very presidential. He's so thin skinned, and takes offense at the slightest contradiction to his image. And junior is getting in so much more trouble. Her husband sentimentally wants to think, that Donald will take care of everything. She thinks he may be slipping. She's scared for her family, dad's spending too much time with his guns. And when he's not drinking at the bar he's muttering about the immigrants. Chemical dependency is rampant. You don't have to be psychic to know where this one is going.

                     You ask. What's the answer? What is the solution to our nations ills? I say, THE PROBLEM IS THE ANSWER. Have a little compassion. Seriously.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Why I'm Ashamed to be a Liberal (Annihilation Operators in Politics and Math)

                       In NeuroLinguistics we're trained to identify the dissimilar referencing orientations that make up differing peoples perceptions. But my fellow hyper educated elites are succumbing to spiritual and political hypochondria, born of intellectual constipation. (Blaming or projection is often called a "Reversed Referential Indexing.") Instead of finding solutions, my political left has given up and is failing to appreciate the importance of our sacred education which defines our "Class." We are all too knowledgable about how to blame everybody else for ignorance and or stupidity, but there is no real compassion amongst the intelligent elites on either side of the popularized opinion biases.  No wisdom and no answers means no understanding. It makes me ashamed to be a liberal.

                       In the history of Physics, the existence of antimatter (which turned out to be the positron, opposite to the negatively charged electron) was first suspected to be a hole in the other wise continuous "Sea of Negativity." This "Hole" became known as the "Annihilation Operator" in vector notation. (All you Physics buffs are probably cringing right now because I don't do this subject justice.) Point being however, analogous of an unknown quantity this hole now provided the answer to questions that weren't even being asked directly. In other words, Paul Dirac asked "What's missing from this picture?" It has also been referred to as an "Alternative Vacua."

                        Now why can modern physics buffs catch the elegance of this type of scientific process, and not understand how stupid we sound when we recite and regurgitate all the dismal counter populist pap? We happen to live in another time when "Democracy" demands that we find new solutions, instead of just criticize. Well I'm quite disgusted.

                        I'm new to social media and I shun casual links. But do I love that G+ has allowed me to filter into just those posts from the 40 or so brilliant contributors I follow, while sending my Xenophilia collection out to all of the thousands of people who follow me from all over the world. It's not that I believe those of you of whom I am following are supposed to be any better than everyone else, it's just that I love the Physics and Leftist Philosophy you selected posters have provided for me. My Creative Personalization process is going out and doing my homework for me, and I get so much amazing media that I could never have found, for  myself one click at a time. (Thanks everybody. I totally needed this.)

                        Now I myself am a consummate Cynical Optimist and Xenophile. (I occupy one of those holes in an otherwise continuous "Sea of Negativity.") This however does not exclude me from wanting to understand and appreciate these dynamic oppositions of people from within or without my own chosen ideologies. But this point still seems to be lost on those self indulgently fatalistic determinists, both pro and con. And this leaves me wondering, "Why do I even bother?"

                        But opinion biases are a dynamic membrane. Get over it people. Disinformation is just a data influenza. These disillusioning Inoculations of the Truth are just the results of exposure to our cultures accelerating transformation. Don't buy the hype on either side. Change is good. Don't get sentimental about your lifestyles or you will be as fragile as the people you judge to be intellectually inferior. Be anti fragile. Changes are inevitable, and you are right. Things will never be the same. Instead of fearing the future, let us prepare for a future to embrace us as the changes come. Prepare for the shit to happen. Let's take advantage of what this hole in an otherwise unbroken "Sea of Negativity" may really have to offer. The truth is out there. It's inevitable. You may have more to offer than your giving yourself credit for. Let's build that bridge to the future, the first infrastructure is inside of you. Ask yourself, "Why so negative?" Has life ever been this easy?


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Subject of Contemplation

                          Dashboard Dictionary says,
Syncretism |ˈsi ng krəˌtizəm|     noun
                         1 The amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.
                         2 Linguistics, the merging of different inflectional varieties of a word during the development of a language.

                         As evidence, the unity of well established spiritual technologies. For instance, I teach acupressure for the treatment of pain. The meridian system allows me to diagnose and treat physical and emotional health issues. Similarly, the so called "Fate Line" mirrors the "Central Circulatory Meridian" up the middle of the hand to the middle finger. As well does the "Health line" cover the "Heart Meridian." Massaging these lines works these same meridians.

                         Just like with math or science, you are usually talking about a study throughout ones whole life, and ones shared cultural traditions. With any honest spiritual technology, there is going to be a steep learning curve. These traditions are the results of generations of Coalescence in shared Histories of Syncretism. 

                         The essential principles of Acupuncture are easy to understand. Just like medicine or mathematics the language is precise. The language is much more difficult than the practice itself. You may have to take my word it, the accuracy of the technical science is separate from anecdotal evidence. It's very hard for me to be speaking for the inevitability of this transition in "Popular Opinion Bias." because of the hostility I encounter. I feel awkward and vulnerable. As a result of being mocked for my work, I've come to feel that I even sound like an arrogant coward lying about my achievements. Yet these results are a utility of said practices.

                         Fortunately, this isn't about me. The transformation of societies practices benefit from the long term analysis and examination of these coalescing traditions. We have the good fortune of being here at the later end of so much collected learning, and it is still going on.

                         Much to my pleasure the work is getting done. Today we will be looking at models of definition. In all Hindu temples is a threshold between the porch and the inner sacred space. This portal, the Ghribha Griha, is compared to a dynamic discharge of energy, like lightning or sexual union. As a creative act, the entering of a temple joins the universe of the spiritually divine with our mundane world. These boundary definitions are used in all spiritual practices. A ritual of purification (Puja) is mandatory. These are the linking principlesUnderstanding the dynamics of polarity is important to understanding ALL spiritual technologies. Simple concepts are almost impossible to explain.

                         Fri. 8/23, 2013     In my article, "Social Linking Phenomena," my intentions were to inform budding psychics how to train. Anyone who has read my blog knows it's not easy. Let the games begin. I need too use a lot of undesirable drama to make this book palatable for the public. In order for this to sell, I need a killer application. I need this story to be very humorous, and true. The reading public are tired of being handled.

                         In approaching peoples sensitive boundaries we must understand, we are making ourselves vulnerable too. Just by suggesting that you may be able to read for someone, you are opening yourself to other peoples personal business. You will need to differentiate your own emotions from those of other people. And if you get a good reputation as a reader, you are going to want to get yourself a good pimp. (driver, tax accountant/ book keeper, lawyer, secretary, security) You're going to need it.

                         It will be really odd if I'm correct. I'ld love to be able to make what I do for a living less hated. I'ld also love it if true believers didn't worship me like a god in a business suit. I've entered a new place of contemplation. I have become a doorway to another world. If I fail, I will have to eat this poor helpless kitten. (Just Kidding.) Most of my work isn't that funny, so I won't get to drag out the grease paint, floppy shoes or clown costumes. I just want to give you a heads up, this story is going somewhere, and it could be very fun. Thanks for listening, I hope this works out for you too. I think I maybe already know you, even if it is only by the numbers. Peace.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Learning to read people with an adroitness both corporate and spooky.

Phillip Johnson
Feb 8, 2017
Analogous meta modeling is one of the big secrets of my training as an Entertainment Medium. Bayesian Inference is useful self reinforcement for us not so artificially intelligent human types.

B.)  If I may be frank, your outputs don't give the impression of an Entertainment Medium -- figuring out what you probably mean, demands too much energy for that.

Phillip Johnson
Feb 9, 2017
Sorry, I take that as a compliment. I used to be a professional psychic and I learned all too much about subterfuge. Maps are taken from the old wine of ancient spiritual technologies (data processing and linguistic analysis by meta modeling) for studying people's self identifying boundary definitions. Many of which are bogus and or simply false. Challenge has become, in the crude art of lying we start in essence with the war over our language and then can end up degenerating into confused and ignorant actions. Or inaction. Predictions are at best only experimentally subjunctive. But words can be made into symbols of superstition and prejudice. Thank you for letting me share the truth. Maybe someday I may get to see a screen shot of your hands or handwriting. My diagnostic work evolved into biometrics, physiognomy and ergonomics. Multi variant statistical analysis of human variability and diversity is one of the more difficult of all the computational mathematics that predictive algorithms have to crunch. The calculus of variation has come of age with the implementation of the "Multi Armed Bandit" method of data mining. No hypothetical base case or hypothesis for confidence testing need lead a research parameter anymore as all distributions can be segmented post collection. You have been a source guide and I almost dread checking your comments. Thank you again. 

B.)  You sure wag many buzzwords. Sporadically, the result makes it hard to be charitable, like your statement about the calculus of variations. 

B.) An ingredient of my reaction to you, is that I've been for very nearly 20 years cultivating a distracted but persistent divination art 99% for private consumption whose central fiber can be described as a transposition and converse to the principle of l33t5p34k applied to enroll the fluxes of observations of 6-digits license plates as are dominant around here.

Yours is quality bullshit that's better or at least as good as chance. This might at first blush sound like slighting, but in these times of fake news it isn't, A definitional property of fake news, is that attending to them gives you a worldview that's more disconnected of reality than the result of interpreting untampered pure noise.

Phillip Johnson
12:04 AM
This is where the accident, is no longer an excuse. Mine is a profound love of metaphor. You devalue your art and your self by trivializing your time. The metric is the metaphor. Your map is the enumerate partitioning of a unity, and metaphor for the area of inquiry. The modern study of the Gematria from the Talmud is where we derived the practice of numerologies, and you are right. This is largely fantasy. But through the Sefer Zohar, the Book of Splendor has provided our society with a most profound symbolic language for a cyclical totalistic unity which our literature now provides. Torah became Tarot. Do we doubt the significance of Spiritual Fiction simply because it is derived from a belief in God? (I myself do not believe in a personal god.) Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, The Lord of the Rings. This list is unending. I do not advocate pretenses of objectivity. I do practice religion. Your unique approach to divining may qualify as a ritual and a search for meaning. Yours is a much more sophisticated practice, but one of the challenges to divination is knowing the difference between a ritual and desired expectations. Don't give up on finding the motivations behind asking the hard questions. I love our conversations, you make me think. You exemplify the problem I have in explaining why I went to The Mercury Academy to learn the difference between merely being right, and knowing how to tell the truth about what the real uncertainties of speculations really may entail. I'd love to show you the books. And I can assure you, I got so used to looking at hands and writing, I learned to read people with adroitness both corporate and spooky.
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Friday, February 10, 2017

Quantum Press; Spooky Effects From a Distance

            Love songs and prayers for my nation and the world. This last election was like seeing an innocent sold into a marriage of slavery. And now we are watching for a train wreck from which we cannot look away.

            I remember when things used to be much worse. (That tells you how old I am.) The changes are more drastic and we are loosing time to the melting, heating, deforestation and runaway population growth. And because "We humans are not designed for ease and comfort," resultantly we will need to change faster than ever. I feel we have set ourselves up with unrealistic expectations. Hardship is a driving human necessity, and this is a crisis of existential stasis. Not the final chapter. And it never has been. Now the concept of a dystopia is a matter of fact, even if it is a classic apocalyptic copout. The jews have been waiting for over 2000 years for the Messiah, nothing happened. And Christians and Moslems believe that the "Last Prophet" came and left and still nothing. Everybody is waiting for the end. But the world will heal with or without us.

           Here are more of the evidence of my poking the Russian Bear. Everyday now I check my blog stats to see who (or what) is stopping by. Everyday some ones or some things are using a referring (hidden) URL, only then to come to me from very diverse and interesting unrelated traffic sources. Premium Hookups is Russian porn mafia. I'll spare you most of the offers for Ukrainian brides and supposedly local milf's offering indiscretions over the web but I'm only seeing these because I'm checkins the sources for these international referrals.
Today; (Supposedly from China)

Only to have come from:

Cropped for your discretion, but now look at all these broad assortment of the traffic sources referred through this ubiquitous source for Russian surveillance;

Now I'm only showing the last few weeks. Generally whenever I post a pointed commentary, the traffic slows down and or simply goes incognito so as it stops registering in my Google Analytics.