Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Beating to the National Funk & Why Brainwashing Isn't Always a Bad Thing

                         Can you carry a tune? It's a lost art like sight reading. Cultures soon have to die. Sheet music goes unread. We don't even want to remember what hip used to be like. We only remember how much we hate each others music. And how much we hate each other. Vinyl melts. Diamonds rust. Nostalgia corrodes. Bit files degrade over time . Memories are now intellectual property prohibited by international copyright law. Nothing is sacred except for the real estate property on which our religious traditions are founded as envied tax shelters. Gospel is now a kind of music. So is Country. Religion is just politics, Beating to the National Funk.

                         Instead of trying to change the way other people think, "Why don't we just go back to producing better music?" Wouldn't you think that everybody might just want to sing along? Well, if you hum a few bars, I'll try to keep up. You know you want to.

                         Oh, I forgot. You're trying to get me to show you how to change someone else's mind for you. Oh. There's nothing wrong with my thinking. It's just, I'm just supposed to help you get inside someone else's mind against their wishes, so you can correct how they think. (And you think I'm crazy.) I can't imagine why you think I should have to interpret for you. What it is that you that think is so very wrong with my thinking? You are right. There is no reason why I should always disagree with you this much, but I do. And speaking for myself, I am sorry. Maybe I just like being difficult. Frankly, I don't understand why you're so afraid and I personally don't care about your selfish personal issues. And besides, you don't want me to tell you, you're unrealistic and selectively ignorant. You just want me to help you change the minds of everyone else in our Country, with it's sentimental Country Western, and it's dangerously Paranoid Right Wing Lunacy. I keep telling you, brainwashing isn't always just about telling other people what to think. Sometimes, occasionally we all need a good rinse. And then we all can be, equally silky and manageable, together. Why discriminate? When you start washing other peoples brains we can get awful dirty in the process.

                         Let's start with the most obvious rational point of mutual departure. As the Psychic Entertainment Medium, I am not "The Art of Living Fiction." I am not even the urban legend, Zenophile. I'm just plain delusional. No one ever reads me, you never will. No one ever has. Not the Government, not the Russian Porn Mafia, not Google. And certainly not you. Never, not even. You are merely indulging in a private guilty pleasure as an innocent voyeur to my very systematic self disassembly by disassociation. You at present are not reading me, or my very auspicious webslim for signs of life left over after from your very critical mass of shared poisonous boredom. You don't want to believe that a deluded evil genius like me knows exactly how to save your dismal little realities from boringly self contained cerebral ego implosion. Sorry, but beings as it was evil genius that got you into this confusion, you might need a total psychopath like me to help get you back out alive again. You know, I think can dance to this, the Beating to the National Funk.

                         Let's go back to our initial beginning. You've decided a long time ago, you don't like anything that I've been writing since the very beginning. Always with my obsession with non violent neutrality, and then bumping it up with "Complementarity." How dare I disagree with you, when I refuse to argue? Let's examine your terms. You don't want me looking at your hands. "Do you?" That just means you're probably still not showing your hands to anyone else either, yet. So even if the proof of Human Variability still escapes you, you still smugly judge me to be your obvious mental inferior, because of that whole "Psychic" thing. Someone has to sweep away your ashes after you're gone. So now I ask you. If I can change your national mind, how would I be any better? (Wait. That's not the question you wanted me to answer for you, is it?) I can see I'm going to have to use some fancy dancing, to sell a Beating to the National Funk. Independence? It's a good thing.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Mutual Exploration; Keeping Silence Becomes Hello, Yes, Hello

                              Why do we persist in pretending, pretending to think we are always going to be knowingly better? Mutual ignorance however, is real. But when we ought to know better; We still can project. We judge. We blame. We deny. We alienate. We discriminate. But we still persist in pretending, pretending that we are supposed to know better. We pretend we know better than each other, who's supposed know better they we do. My knowing is supposed to be so much better than your knowing better. What? We pretend to be authorities on every other persons issues. We pretend by thinking, there is no answer to why people are so ignorant of each others feelings and needs. We are literally ignorant of each others ignorance. We are also glaringly ignorant of our own ignorance. And the resultant horrible barrier to which we succumb to in our mutually supplied ignorance. Why do we persist in pretending to ourselves to know better about each other? We all know why people pretend. We don't want to have to care about each others problems all the time. "Why won't anyone listen to me?" says the bleating of the newly affluent liberal guilt. "My pretenses are no less pretentious than yours," I'm saying. Has liberal empathy become a competitive sport? What ever happened to our human relationships? I'm actually asking. Must I stoop to condescend?

                              Newly rich comfortable democrats don't want to live in my neighborhood. (Or maybe you do. My perfumed ghetto is now getting gentrified for your discerning real estate appetites. Even migratory wildlife escapes into the park lands of our new inner city affluent middle America.) You don't want to see the crimes and poverty that is being dumped into our best cities from across the globe, domestic and foreign. So you get into your fine cars and beautiful lofts, and rise obliviously spacey to the vibrant squalor of living urban culture that your depend on for your daily life. You go into your clubs, spas and resorts, but the crime for you stays out on the street. (Or does it?)

                               Soon a nobody like me comes out of the gutter to reverse slum your emotional poverty into an equally pretentious liberal objectivity. Are you afraid to speak out? I am. And I'm supposed to be one of you. I'm not afraid of my government. I'm afraid of you. You silence me. You are actively ignoring me. Yes, I said you. You are the ones who are ignorant about me, and you are not my government. My government listens to me, but it still does not yet understand. You're pretending to listen, but instead hear only every little piece of the wind that comes off of the hill. But a new, unfamiliar unsanctioned voice such as "Mine," is muted in the censoring breeze of mass group speak. No new voices have been heard from since the war of words was called off for rain. No new solutions have been offered up, and no real progress is being made to confront the mutual void of understanding. We have nothing. We are all equally mutually ignorant and as a result are also dangerously codependent.

                               How are we any different from anyone else? If we want to understand why others may be so ignorant, shouldn't we just be asking ourselves this question, "Why am I so ignorant?" What is it that I don't want to know about? Hello, yes, Hello. This is not a rhetorical question. Evasiveness has been hardwired into our instincts. Ignoring something or somebody doesn't always make them go away. Trying to ignore each other is a learned evasion reenforced by fashionable ignorance. The flaking facades of authoritative religious Rightness and our contrarian secular Leftness, leaves us supporting each other in conflict only. No one seems to want to say, "Hello, yes, Hello." "Is there something I can do to make it easier for you not to want to ignore me?" I'm not giving up on my non violence, not ever. But please don't push me. I'm not sure why people hate each other so much, and maybe that's just me being ignorant. The question becomes, "Can't we all just get along?" and why do we always have to blame someone? Am I the only person who sees answers?

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Make Fear Your Tailwind Living in the Zone

                                  Fragile egos run the worlds businesses. The media doesn't just tell us what to buy. Media tells the governments when we think differently. If the worlds governments would prepare for the inevitable drifts in public opinion biases, then they would no longer need to control the popular media. But because of the precipitous erosion of our conflicting faiths, we don't just distrust each other. We are taught to hate each other. But there is no infantile hatred, or inherited bad karma, or original sin to justify the poisons we heap on innocent children of the world. But when I ask you, "Can you forgive the hater?" You all look at me with such disgust, I can feel your hatred for me too.

                                   We all face the same fearful threats inflicted on all warrior martyrs through history, who've passed before us. Prejudice is a problem of false profits. Hate is ultimately simply bad for business. Sooner or later we all must account for our mutual prejudices. I say there is no greater prejudice than blaming, and that prejudice of believing that someone is beyond having anymore prejudices. None of us is better, no one is immune to our shared need for collective mass enlightenment. No one is without bias.

                                  When we try to say, "But I'm not prejudiced." Is this not just a form of blaming? When we come at people with the pretense of a moral superiority, are we not being morally corrupt? When we judge people for their voluntary and involuntary ignorance, are we not ourselves being aggressively ignorant, and using that vaunted ignorance as justification for our own continuing hostile reciprocal prejudices?

                                   Now we can come to that divisive fear that is being used against us to get us to fearfully blame, silence and censor each other. Are we too afraid to look inside ourselves in order to see and understand that hatred that others employ to divide us? Are we so deluded with pretenses of religious or political correctness that we stopped seeing any viable answers for the understandable evasions of all people. Don't be afraid to look inside yourself in order to see and understand that fear that can bind anyone. My implicit prejudices follow me everywhere. When I see young gangbangers in my building, not everyone shares my fear. My fear is not a constant by which I can prejudge others even when I have real cause to fear for my safety. I too am prejudged because of my fearfulness. But I myself fortunately, am not afraid most of the time.  But I still must accept, that I too can have changing prejudices. Can you say that? I want to hear you say it. "I too am afraid." "I too am afraid to look inside myself to see my fear and hatred of other people."

                                    Now as I have written, misanthropy itself is in fact often only a variable factor of temperament by degrees. We should not misjudge people on the basis of mere factors of temperament which do not effect peoples essential principles of goodness and loving human kindness. A certain amount functional misanthropy is just a common given, it is neither good nor bad. Prejudices about temperament are some of the most tragic, because these can bias our perceptions about people and our variable differences of relative strengths and or frailties. Being a shameless Xenophile myself, for me is in fact a bit of a problem. Xenophilia is never an excuse for some supposed universal goodness on my part. My innate Charismatics for me in fact is a horrible curse. But that being said, I do have an odd advantage when it comes to pleasant diplomacy and an effective conflict resolution. But I also am very dangerously harmless, and my passivity is frequently confused with an indifference. I can assure you however, I am not conflicted about carrying on the good news to you. Even though you have been fighting me vehemently kicking and screaming all the way. That excitation reflex your feeling, it's a good thing. Ride it. You may have a duty to work with me sooner or later. And I'm still here for you. For now. Peace out.

Love Is the Answer to the Deaths Caused by our Corrupted Spiritual Fictions

                            A truthful Rage of Compassion means "Forgive but never forget." Love the hater, but never love the hate. Heal the opposition from within and without. Mass enlightenment is not about personal bias. When I told a friend I write Spiritual Fictions he says, "Isn't it all spiritual fiction?" As the only secular humanist in a staunch family of German Catholics, my gym buddy says, "In my family I never talk about religion or politics." This guy is Hot, Smart, and very Successful.

                            I tell my friend more about what my studies have revealed, "Scriptures are neither allegorical or gospel fact, they're documentary histories." I point out how the earliest written record of epidemiologies and the codification of sundry practices of cleanliness are from the Old Testament. I iterate, "Moral Codes are essential to all religious dramas." "Even our Ethics came from the Syncretism of our merging traditions." "Recording these literary masterworks wasn't always a corruption of spiritual traditions, at least not from the beginning." I suspect, "Pluralism may become an antidote for political dualism, monotheism, and exclusive ancestral loathings." "We need to appreciate what a spiritual fiction says, but we don't have to agree or disagree."

                            "What are you working on today?" my friend asks referring to which lifts I was going to be doing. I said, "I'm here to work on my book," and that I was there to meet someone. He's taken an interest in how I've documented the very peculiar Russian engagement into accessing my blog. So Anthony asks me, "Are you still poking the (Russian) Bear?"

                             I tell him again about the legal surveillance the Russian Porn Mafia uses to data mine the American dirty mind. I said, "What makes government surveillance so dangerous is the ability to influence people." "We're not just political animals anymore, we're also now loyal consumers."


Friday, June 9, 2017

Locked In? Or "Why "Donbot" Can't Read" / Rages From In Cages & Other Entangled Social Topologies

                                In wanting to profile the "Presbot," it's been all to easy to predict exactly what was going to happen. And if you want to check, yes I wrote it all down. As much as I'm disgusted by his image being burned into my unwilling memory, I'm glad I've ended up with the job that he actually wanted. I'm talking about the only job the "Donbot" could have ever fulfilled, and that's "Dark Satirist." (Tragically, he never laughs. I find it disturbing though very funny to see his fat head dangling between my legs.) Only difference of course is that I'm a just another poor Snowflake on steroids, and that I actually like all people excluding my family. And I also have an very long attention span. Thank you very much.

                                Now even the Russian Porn Mafia has finally decided to leave my computer alone for the time being. But they will be back. They never get anything I don't share for free. I show the tracks of their legal ongoing market surveillance, and I kept all the URL's of the diverse interesting international web sites they use to hide behind. I think it's very interesting that a nobody like me can catch this obvious scam where most of us would be too scared to admit looking. {Don't use unwanted tags. I always misspell "His" name on purpose.}

                                What's most telling, is in today's "Wall Street Journal" he's given a pass on the basis of so called "outsider naiveté." Why is it that some people can never forgive themselves for buying into that intoxicating poisonous cocktail of market frenzy. Riding that bubble of economic narcissism is just way too addictive for a certain flavor of sociopath. Some people don't seem to experience healthy loss the way the rest of us do, it's always about winning at someone else's expense. Hollow lonely satisfaction for the class pretentious. What is the real payoff for being an emotionally impoverished consumer? Well, empty hedonism of course. Some people are just never happy, they must have more, always more! That's not my problem.

                                Add the fact that "Trumphenstein" is a revenge killer and now we are all locked into a dark satirical revenge movie with reality programming overtones driving the narrative. We are all held captive witnesses to this thing's ignorant vendetta. He may in fact be totally ignorant of any real collusion. He didn't really care at all one way or the other, "Can't someone else look into it?" Culpable deniability isn't just a river in Egypt. How many more careers will he set to self destruct as blame continues to get dumped off onto the next in line for command?

                                Is there any good that is going to come out of all this? As I've said all along, "Your damn right we're going to make something good come out of all of this." All I say is please, please people, be forgiving to the gullible. Our neighbors are going to need us to be big about this. In four years we may indeed be saying thank you, for our failed 45th hyperactive president, who I'm sure can't even read. {Wait, still too soon? Eww sorry. Maybe next time.}

Monday, June 5, 2017

Spaghetti Logic & Untangling the Evasions of the American Identity Crisis {Edited for Clarity}

                               Re-socialization Parties will soon become the norm along with mutual support systems workshops which can train subscribers with new contact sensitivity skills. The standard Chem. Dep. recovery model, will soon be expanded to include non disease oriented resocialization practices. Most people are not well prepared to deal with other peoples dissimilar experientially biased opinions. Functioning human relations geniuses are often not easily offended by normal peoples tangled Spaghetti Logic Biases. We will often have to know how to remain sensitively non partisan. This is much more of a burden than most people are going to want to endure. But we all do learn from the ever lessoning of abusive political hostilities. The elephant in the room has come out of the closet, now so do we.

                               Out growing these normal fixations on understandably sorrowful personal opinion biases, is going to become a useful but reviled therapeutic alternative. Healing conflict is much more effective therapeutically than is mere popular psychology and psychiatry. These maturing practices for linguistic reframing aren't without applicable precedence. But the degree to which most people have succumbed to the political and religious manipulations of populist personal biases, pro and con, is this most unpopular of all the core recovery issues. General prejudices on both sides of virtually every one of the controversial bias issues, from "Is there a God" to what to do with Government Entitlements has most people emotionally over invested. This split opinion bias is now being used against you, to prevent you from being informed socially effective. Right fighting is just arrogant, and aren't we all a little arrogant when we need to righteously change other peoples minds?

                               My upcoming accompanying article is on being "Locked In." We expose the normal blight caused by common industrial loyalties. Loyalties are in fact some of the most difficult of all social barriers to reprioritize. Were we not creatures of bias, paradoxical language and arbitrary loyalties, social reframing and reprioritization would not have to be such a loaded issue. Why would anyone want to admit to being brainwashed and bought in? Many of the most intelligent Liberals who used to read me as the meta physician, now loath my work because I'm advocating a politically neutral opinion bias for the sake of collective re-socialization. I myself am very openly opinionated and I strongly worship non violence. But I also understand destructive human nature and abuse personally. I want to stop being judged for being another lone survivor. But what I've survived is something most Doctors of Psychiatry and Political Scientists are extremely prejudiced about. The common misunderstanding is that I too am automatically going to be just another malignant abuser.

                               More tangled Spaghetti Logic, and this time it's coming from the top authorities of powerfully ignorant leaders. If we really want to understand the true nature of our shared human dilemma, we need to forgive each other as much as possible. But we also need to develop a more accurate and forgiving approach to depolarizing the common self hatred and bias of politically biased blaming, pro and con. Hate, vengeance and hostility are all understandable, but hate is always dysfunctionally unsatisfying. Mass recovery isn't just about you or me, healing is a total "Us proposition. What needs to be done now, is to untangle our mass distorted thinking and unresolved conflicts, through a more accepting approach to understanding our shared human histories, and our normal if all too common outrages against common human failings and vulnerable frailties. We are not blank slates of learning. If we need to learn how to help others let down their guards, we must learn to be more open with those we can't control. The American Chronic Identity Crisis is not about "Who are we?" But I ask, "Who will we become," and "Why?"