Tuesday, August 25, 2020

To My Best Friends & Readers: TEST POST


We seem to have entered a time of perpetual mourning. We keep going from one tragedy to the next. I grieve for my friends who are being shot to death by police, twice as often as are white people like me. The season of political marketing is upon us. And with it comes the condescending rhetoric and distorted ideologies of businessmen who are not qualified to speak for the innocent. Even my religion is being used against me by people denying the real hardships, fears, and pains my friends experience. We all try to stay strong and pretend that life goes on as always. But every day the trouble goes on.

The picture above is the remains of the Gandhi Mahal, the Rodeo Nuevo Ballroom, and the Paradise Ethiopian Nightclub. I usually pray just to say thanks for all the blessings and happiness in my life. But now I've started praying much more for the welfare and survival of others. I guess "The Time Is!"

Friday, August 21, 2020

Psychic Dependency Syndrome {Take II}


                  Everybody has some kind of "Sacred Wound." I take account of people's critical sensitivities. Much of the job of Soothsaying is getting people over unhealthy attachments. I'm never comfortable lying to people just to take their money. As so-called psychics, we are one or more of these following types of people:
1.) A true believer,
2.) A con artist, and or
3.) Even an actual real pain eater. (A Sensitive is what a Sensitive does.)
                  As this third type of psychic I often unintentionally make grown men cry, a lot. If I tried taking advantage of someone's good faith on purpose, I would never get away with it. Not ever. I believe one of the reasons men think I'm an idiotic self-deluding loser is their disgust. I share their sympathies. They are often just being very rationally narcissistic, like most religious types in general. They want to burn me at the stake too. My challenge is I much prefer working with these skeptics anyways, even with the snarky attitude. (There should be a twelve-step program for the treatment of "Acute Psychic Dependency Syndrome.")

                  Spiritualizing consultation services is often very inappropriate. Moral problems happen to psychics who believe in their own hype. It's just a job, not a license. Psychic Dependency is what happens to people who have certain kinds of trust issues. "Tell me what to do," or, "You're the best I've ever had." Or "How did you know?"  I chase away most of my clients by undercutting prices. When I don't charge, the psychic dependent client gets no payoff for giving control to me. (Compulsively going to psychics is another form of Gambling Addiction.) I don't need to lie to people. Any information I can provide for you, my customers, is usually academic. My creative guesswork, is just me being lyrical and funny. One of the worst things that can happen to a competent psychic is being right. Once I got a good reputation, I was a loaded gun. Just like a prostitute, the more I charged, the more people wanted my services.
                  The Mean Time to Failure (the Markov Method) is your best statistical test for measuring confidence in marketable consultation skills. You can't be right all the time. It's just common sense. Getting it right all the time is a very bad thing indeed. (Now I know most of you are probably thinking, "What's your problem stupid, just take the dang money already!") Social media calls my readers "followers." And that really creeps me out. I don't want the stress. All golden eggs are getting marked way down. Thank you for your patronage, please come again.
                  So, what's a society to do? Economists, Diagnosticians, Attorneys, Detectives, Intelligence Workers, Politicians, even Research Scientists all make money making credible predictions. Moral hazards abound in this world of consultation businesses. What happens to a society where the psychics end up being more ethical and trustworthy than are the experts?

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Phy Sci: Physical Comedy At Its Worst {Take III}

I'm using my Blogger to post these with much distress. Between the domain pagination wars between Google's Blogger, Facebook's Blogma format constrictions, and my outdated Apple Computer, I'm swimming upstream against the digital divide. Now had I the Money to buy all the latest updates, well, you know.


Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Mutual Human Game: An Embarrassment of Riches

In the Human Game, we thrive by mutual support. We can define what it means to be alive in a world of people, free of selfish attachments and agenda. So much hardship has confronted everyone in my society near and far. This motivates me to upload my book, rather than let it continue to collect dust. My problems are very small, but in showing the commonness of the personal issues, I need to start with something I know personally.

I'm going to skip the Abstract here till the next page and start with a personal demonstration of ethical quandaries we all struggle with. I'm going to ask an off-topic question. "How do I retain my self-respect in a culture that is arrogant about issues of common welfare?" In discovering Facebook concerning my bodybuilding community, I'm in culture shock. The rigidity of social media interactions is one thing. I'm investigating my fellow bodybuilders on Facebook. I'm horrified to discover they're mostly rich men in premature male menopause. I know many of my athlete friends to be magnanimous and socially aware, self-objectification and narcissism are not the only constant. But the bodybuilding culture is rife with materialism, egotism, and misanthropy. THE OBJECTIFICATION OF THE ATHLETE AS MALE AND FEMALE OF THE SPECIES IS GROSS. White American bodybuilders are predominantly crackers who eat conspiracy theories with relish. Fortunately, my Black friends at my gym who are mostly Christians, and not hard right reactionaries. I understand now why my X has been telling rumors that I'm strung out on steroids. She's intensely liberal and the Bodybuilders are commonly pigs. However, I am actually a micro-stud, revenant, and a geriatric surprise. People used to ask me, "What are your training goals?" So I'd say, "I want to get laid." People's problems change, and so have I. The question is, even though I'm going to keep training to keep my manic depression under check, "How do I keep from being ashamed of my sexy embarrassment of riches?"

I'm living an exceptional life of personal success. "Exceptional people, have exceptional needs, and we get exceptional results." But, in resistance training, ego fragile bodybuilders often mistake themselves for immortal and mock the common lot for having normal human hardships. Physical training is supposed to be an all-inclusive super culture and not just another exclusively alienating subculture. Training is cultivating a broader experience we humans can share. The Culture of the Body is simply another medium for communication and not a goal or destination. But I'm seeing the reason people are hostile toward such conspicuous effects of consumer affluence. Beauty can be a form of gluttony.

I'll probably always feel conflicted about having spent almost all of my life in near-total solitude. But this is what allowed me to study, train, and provide educational arts and science media for the general public. Being embarrassed or ashamed accomplishes nothing by itself. But the only reason I'm moderately healthy and alive is because of the shared resources of others. "How do I keep my self-respect while not losing myself in a culture that often disgusts me?"

Winning in the Mutual Human Game A REDEFINITION OF ROMANCE

                   The loss of meaning in life has come about because of the death of unconditional love. Whatever happened to the romance with life itself? Why has romance and passion become synonymous with ownership? I want to define success by what can be shared and given, not what or whom I own or get. I find no happiness in winning if I have to make someone else fail. People are not objects or objectives.

                    My first book, "XENOPHILE" is about understanding and accounting for human variability. These interpersonally defined distinctions inform our perceptions of everyone's differences. In XENOPHILE, I used Biometrics and Ergonomic Physiognomy to catalog many of these variables of distinction. The book was a confession of a professional psychic and why I had to stop taking money. I got too easy, and the industry is contaminated by ignorance, corruption, and distorted thinking.

This book will be about encouraging the virtues of individual distinctiveness, growth, and social maturation. Just like with my book XENOPHILE, "The Human Game" will unfold in blog form, documenting my life's work as a sensitive. Through the mutual study of social boundaries and intimacy, language again becomes our friend. So much of our culture has been damaged by players who have no business in the game of mutual benefit. The abuse of language isn't about cursing, it's the practice of mockery that oppresses people. It seems we all have been trolled by people who just want to make others unhappy. I want to prove that misery doesn't have to be the only game in town. Again, we can find ourselves wanting to love life, including hardships. While we look to see the world reflect what we want to find, sometimes, we can be happy just making others smile.

This is another one of those literary exercises, where I have no idea how it will end. Hopefully, I'm not the only person who finds fun in a Romance with Life.  {6th rule of the Para Psychological Method: "Mutual Externalization is getting to live in shared realities.}