Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Dead Plan Walking-Twitching and Spewing All the Way

Slightly off center, but I think Hilary dodged a terrible fate and would have been unfairly crucified. Maybe next time, if there is a next time.

On a more positive note, this was the most un thought out hostile takeover of any corporate party ever. And I think all the evil skeletons are out of their closets now, once and for all. I see a lot of people on the left who are not prepared to win this culture war. We're going to see what happens soon after that "Night before the morning after," for the faltering fascist right. To quote the idiot in the "Hot Seat, "It's going to be great."

Please don't hate me, I just think this is the beginning of a liberal renaissance, for the whole world over. And he's already starting to twitch and spew, and basically fall apart.

What? Still too soon?

Why I Never Write Memes

               Memes never come in paragraphs. I'm just another guilty pleasure to the few who read me. Just because no one sees you doesn't mean you aren't truly beautiful. And remember, "We love you."

               I'ld like to thank Wikipedia for all the images I've posted that aren't mine. As well those from all the other hidden artists that I've gotten permission to share freely. When we make a commitment to love and love openly, we don't worry as much about getting paid. Money is only a means to an end, and sometimes it just gets in the way. Most of the mutual news providers I get to read on my home page, often beat out the national news for quickness and accuracy. As much as I may only be another silent contributor, our Mutual Magazine Cultures (a.k.a. relevant honest social media) pervades our recovering societies and is curative and a preservative. Try reducing that to a meme.


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Why I'm Not Ready For Your International Business

         Thank you for the invite, I'm not ready to offer a prospectus for the rollout of my P.P.I. (Personal Profiling Inventory) This is a checklist of mutual examination techniques used by  very few alternative diagnosticians. I've been paid to see thousands of peoples handwriting and hands, in combination with doing contact therapies and inductive massage for pain management and traumatic injuries. My desire is to document these often abused and very easily misunderstood practices. I identify peoples opinion biases separating people on both sides of countless issue of varied significance, Pro & Con. Each are usually very contentious complete with prejudicial barriers to any communication.

         Separating out these evolving and growing industries from corrupt manipulators who are  usually exploiting peoples faiths, prejudices and superstitions, has made my job a difficult sell. I usually don't try to market myself. One option has been to design a data base from which individuals can examine the available media on these arts and emerging sciences for themselves at a small markup. But because of the pretenses of all pseudo scientific methodologies, most people are unable or unwilling to suspend judgement long enough to embrace healthy skepticism, while still being able to test for the strengths of these developing modes of diagnostics.

         The overwhelming similarity between my work and statistical analytics in general has lead me to examine peoples split opinion biases. This has provided what I use in writing news commentary on my blog. People generally don't see the process of "Pro versus Con" as the dialectic tending toward informative synthetic resolution. Politics, I'm afraid is so caught up with reluctant transformation of our aging society, that the sudden influx of these alternative diagnostics practices are perceived as ignorantly and arrogantly superstitious and thus often rebelliously blasphemous or even worse anti-American.

            Because what I've been doing and documenting for most of my life is still so fraught with antagonistic misapprehensions biased by the spiritual abuses of politics, I doubt I alone will ever be able to get these skills to a discerning market. However, as with most everything I've written about to date, much of what I propose does  comes to fruition without me.

             Thank you again. I'll keep your suggestions in my bookmarks, someday I may except your offer, but I feel at this time this would not be a good fit for most of your members. I am enjoined in an international marketing mindset. I may think globally, but I act only locally. I am a blogger, who does only freelance consultations and treatments out of my home at this time.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Depolarizing Personal Abstracts for Unbiased Language Acquisitions

                                The challenge of speaking (or writing) in plain spoken unbiased language that is not partisan or bias directed, without ambiguity, is the only way to be understood on controversial issues. Ideally we shouldn't need prefaces to predicate opinions that are on normal socially acceptable differences.

                                A rare comment from a wise but liberal intellectual stated, "There seems to be an abstract that I'm missing. Other than the heading, I usually don't understand what your talking about." (Paraphrased by me.) My writings are on the glaring biases of pro and con arguments. I'm not just being equal opportunity offender on sensitive issues. But I haven't been giving my readers enough credit for the very opinion biases I want to encourage. Independent of my attempts to dissolve barriers to communication on both sides of controversies.

                                I wrote, "You are the abstract." Now this is true when discussing personal biases of opinion only. But I my need to be more supportive. I write about the experiential language barriers by degree. We are all stumbling blind on our quest to solve the worlds most precipitous problems. Our experiential biases are in everything from education and class to our overwhelming national appetite for contrarian split bias opinion barriers. Our war on "Fake" opinions has become a battle for the re-appropriation of an otherwise sensible but corrupted language. My vagaries are simply unacceptable. I choose to report on the subjects of Oracles and there use in the randomization of comparable data set analogies. Metaphors have a unified metric.

                                My readers use of this term, "Abstract" in this situation is referring to the academic convention of providing an overview at the beginning of a difficult paper, pre-ordering significant features for an otherwise obscure document, just like a map key. To describe this reader, as the "Abstract" in question is accurate. But it's still too obscure when I'm writing for a rational atheist who is looking at documented practices of traditional divination from a purely analytic perspective. The mathematics of finite algebraic groups alone is worthy of comprehensive documentation, regardless of whether or not someone may have any cause to respect the practice. Because of the density of information in my analysis of these generally abused and corrupted practices, this means I am often reviled and misunderstood on both sides of my neutral literary exercise.

                                 Intriguingly, as I had intended, this is an example of a supremely deep chasm between polarized experiential biases. I've proven the reality of the generally misconceived unreconcilable conflicts between world views. For me to provide "Abstracts" for my writings, I will need to write separate Map Keys for peoples on both sides of our preferred choices of language.

                                 I really don't know if I have cleared anything up for anyone. But if I have, maybe you can see the subtle reflective symmetries between this relatively low priority subject, and other subjects of much greater conflicts and disagreements.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Why I Hate Being a "Psychic"

                                                      Rosicrucian Cross by
                                                                   background by me

                            This literary exercise is designed to expose the popular myths and myth conceptions on both sides of this contentious, but generally unimportant issue. Misinformation dominates this arbitrary and divisive subject. Opinion biases are the gauge symmetry of pro and con, and mutually discounted by opposing peoples conflicting world views. But in ages of mass stupefaction, Oracles have gotten the same corporate mistreatment as did the "Prophets." By worshipping historical insights from ancient religious Authorities as the sacred "Gospel Truth," we've reinfected our society with the very delusions that have been exploited throughout human time. A submissiveness to God is usually confused with Church, Temple and Mosque, as if there were no "Moral Code" of sufficient virtue to warrant practice without institutionalization by religious hierarchy. Getting "Outed" by other so called professional psychics, just for being a Non Believer means, I've been branded a Heretic. I am not psychic. I am a "Professional Psychic," and I don't have to believe in anything at all, one side or the other.

                             But now over the web, "Blue faces" take the place of soap box evangelists and are now screaming preachy declarations at us in meme form. These noisy dictators polarize the ballot boxes by using brainwashing techniques on vulnerable and gullible true believers. My reasoning thus calibrates grades of bullshit used by corrupt politicians, by comparing politicians to the spiritual abuses and moral hazards of deluded psychics, arrogant clergy and of course the religiously self serving financiers. Not every psychic, politician or C.E.O. is equally insane, corrupt or ignorant. But I still have much that I need to explain. In tracking the dissemination of my reports on the plusses and minuses of Oracles, predictive media and speculative models in general, I'ld like to separate out some useful products from all the other signaling noise getting passed off as believable truths. I can't stand lying to make a living, so I've had to side with skeptics and stop taking revenue. That being said, I suspect that my research is correct. I'm using very powerful software every time I employ the data randomization techniques that are the utility of an Oracle. The utter randomness of comparative mapping guarantees detached subjectivity. The only problems result from confusing the analytic modeling for objectivity. Again, this is the comparative analysis by analogy only. One of the most daunting problems stems from when a reader becomes adept at using language accurately, yet one should never be believed. Being right about having excellent predictive skills, is a terrible curse.

                             Jungian Developmental Psychology is a psychoanalysis by associated complexes only. All available metrics are for comparative analysis by analogy only. The practice of effective psychoanalysis never advocates prejudices that prevent peoples rational empathy skills. Stereotyping people, pro or con, is always bad medicine. Reducing a person to mere generalities and then stroking that persons fragile ego boundaries for an identification of exclusivity or desired belonging, is the very practice of evil in it's most pernicious form. But then we come to the vital paradoxes, from which we don't have any good answers, we only have dubious models with which to aid in the explorative of speculations.  I've written much on, "The map is not the territory," and "You need not believe in order to perceive." But especially when I get to the diagnostics, like how I've seen thousands of clients hands, and they do say a lot. I'm confronted with that "Informational Void of Content" surrounding my work and popularized mutual ignorance, on both side of this polarized issue. Psychic or not, I know something about you don't know, you don't have to believe me regardless of which bias you take.