Monday, July 4, 2022

The Witness of Attention: Disillusion is the Key to Truthfulness {EDITED FOR REPOST}


              This chapter is on the utility of language as social currency. Social currency, emotional currency, cultural currency, all of these things have shared meanings. We are all defined by nature, reality, and the limitations of the languages we share. These unifying principles behind objective values are; time, resources, and energy. Wealth is merely a mundane spiritual currency, good or bad, it's purely material in form, even when it's virtual or fiat. The real power is in our Witness of Attention.

              Caution: Waking memories can be distorted by persuasion, narrative drift, and the constant retellings of our minds voices. If we want to remember a forgotten experience faithfully, we must be disillusioned. Currencies of language must become subordinate to the flow of actual conscious attention. This mindful reexamination of perceptions are not a word for word translation. But, we still report non verbal awareness through verbally framed filters.

                I often have to ask myself hard questions like, "Am I deluding myself with distorted implanted memories, repeated so often as to become my false memory?" My internal life can be cluttered. My spiritual life may be unimportant. The issue of implanted or false memories is exploited and abused by confused social issues. Who do we believe? Belief systems often reflect very low levels of fidelity. But, by having faith in soul healing, I recommend learning to find proof for our convictions. How the mind reels?

I tend to be the Houdini of the New Age, Boutique ParaPsychology, and Alternative Medicine Industries. I'm busting the charlatans and rebuking snake oil vendors at my expense. Being studied has made me an authority on hard answers everywhere. Businesses have already staked their religious market shares on preaching both the pro and con artistry. Many fringe sciences are fantasy, but some of the therapies are proving themselves to be surprisingly effective, even though the language of faithful social currencies are still wanting.

My work on the viability of ethical honesty has come through proving the "Styles of Evasion."
1.) Lies and Bullshit,
2.) Spacing out and Unconscious Forgetting,
3.) Condescension and Put-Downs.
4.) Compartmentalization and Burnout.
5.) And of course, the Evasions of Apathy.
{Based on the Realms of attachment from "The Tibetan Book of the Dead"}
All of these can be pretty obvious to anyone who is paying attention from the outside, watching for our denials coming from evasive people, ourselves included. My mom once said to me, "There are times when you will have to lie, but never lie to yourself." When we see ourselves in each other's evasions, consider the source and when possible always be tactful. When a liar is just being evil, that's the subject of another discussion in the next chapter on Spiritual abuse. Self deception is always a narrative drift. Disillusion is the Key to Truthfulness.

On the subject of whether truth has a durable life of its own, I've had to clarify why we need to train for developing accurate memory. "Adversarial (Incendiary) Religion is Spiritual Abuse." The misdirection is very deep now.

Baruch "Benedict" Spinoza was excommunicated from his Synagogue for teaching Non-Dualism. That a Personal God doesn't exist. But does truth vote with its genes? Truth is not an intentional or intelligent self awareness, of and by itself. (Data in, data out; Very predictable but not intelligent.) Omniscience is that notion of a personal god. But were there an actual personal god, "What need would we have for faith?" (Joseph Campbell)

Neuroscience is entirely backing up Spinoza's assertion that the mind and the body are the same and not separate. (Spirit consciousness lives within the body.) Now for those of us who are comfortable with the idea of no afterlife, death doesn't give us much problem. But, what survives after we've been forgotten, that is the beauty of the human soul. The Mother of all things is good and bad, young and old, great and small. And I believe, awareness like truth, has a cohesiveness which transcends all pretenses of objectivity, coalescing to produce our perfect universe. And yes, it is sacred. I should probably stop here because the human soul has many dangerous hidden shallows. And these things need to be handled delicately. Peace.

Truth does create. And it's predictable. Witness the Attention.