Traveling backward in time would also make you the positive annihilation operator in an otherwise predictably unbroken Sea of Negativity. Being the outspoken alternative vacua does kind of make me sound like another pointless airhead in dire human terms. How dare I look forward to living with that inevitable destruction, that others backwardly anticipate in dread.
"We live in the Past, but I remember a future." Does the positron have a dressed state just like an electron moving forward in time?
The electron has a difference between the charge and mass values for a "bare" independent electron as opposed to how it behaves while under the "dressed" drag of the ubiquitous sea of negativity with all of it's ambient electromagnetic photon signaling. I'm wondering, that if the anti matter of light is just more light, than wouldn't it make sense that the reverse entropy of antimatter would form a mirror symmetry embracing the backward momentum of time. The positron I think, (though I'm probably wrong,) is only the vacua of exception with symmetry breaking to the left. Isn't it possible the positron has a dressed state, just like it' negative forward leaning leftie brother.
This is probably where science does not meet up with the intuited metaphor. Bear with me however, I am exploring possible gimmicks for techno spiritual fiction and I want to pose an anti "Trump" inevitability. Of a squeaky clean candidate of actual light and integrity coming from the future only to float into office on a supportive Sea of Positivity. Dangerous and fantastic I know, this probably has nothing to do with physics. Give yourself time to digest, you've already provided me with lots more than you may know. Thank you. Whole heartedly I thank you. And of course this is the internet and so you can choose to ignore me. Thanks again.