Distinguishing between real evil and the mere habit of dysfunction is the best defense we can share. In this "Age of the Pandering Bourgeoisie" people try to wear masks of narcissism like emotional scar tissue, even when we're just broken. Engage the critique for ourselves personally. We can help break the cycle of learned narcissism by confronting our own traumas and false arrogance.
I worked in the new age alternative health community and I saw the endless soul injuries of well meaning people obsessed with their own misery. This is low grade narcissism, and it is treatable. Forgive the mistakes of others and understand misdeeds. People will thank you for confronting them in a non judgemental way. And of course, in those situations where you are dealing with real monsters, corrupt gurus, and unrepentant criminals, confront them from a polite safe distance, and be prepared to run.
Narcissism is emotional poverty. Pity no one. Acrid empathy is love in action.