Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Stages of Deprograming: How to know we're doing it right


    "The Temptation of St. Anthony" was copied by Michelangelo from Martin Schongauer's engraving. 

                          My next book; "The Mutual Human Game" comes with instructions. 

                          I joyfully embrace my disillusionment. I'm fortunate to be gullible, and to know that I can be totally wrong. I too often need occasional correction. Update: Reassimilation is forgiveness of ourselves and others as we learn to trust again.

                         So, I "Engage the critique." {Authors Message} Admitting gullibility is only way I can get through to intelligent misinformed friends. If I didn't speak for myself,  by "engaging the critique," why would my friends listen to me. I too have been misinformed and even a little brainwashed. Admitting to a common human frailty is much faster than finger pointing, when it comes to talking straight.

                         We people, as humans, have many healthy moral principles, of both selfish and selfless mutual solidarity. But we rarely ever talk about that delicate balance between conflicting moral virtues and our  feeling sensibilities. We're forced by politically corrupted values into believing ridiculous absolutes. Fortunately, our Moral Ethics are not without practical sensibilities. But yet, our fragile minds have had our shared moralities corrupted. Spiritual abuse is that unfair fantasy of the powerfully elite, exploiting everything and everyone else, exclusively. This is the very mechanism of delusion. But fortunately, there may be a solution, and it is in our capacity for understanding. And there is nothing exclusive about it.

                         These skills of readaptation involve admitting what we require of ourselves, and that's why I try to avoid judging anyone else. (Some people are so judgemental, I can always tell by just looking at them. Lol.) Most of us have had problems with self correction, and thus we all need a little guidance from time to time. Ironically however, that's when we get led astray. We get punished for thinking for ourselves, right or wrong. And then, we frequently harden our resolve to never be wrong again. This is a terrible mistake. When we need to be most forgiving of ourselves, is when we're most easily brainwashed. When we are the most suggestable, we are vulnerable to mental attack. Most of the time misinformation isn't intentional. But when we're attacked for having an opinion, that healthy vulnerability can become injured and we shut down. When we need to consider "Deprogramming" (Psychic Recovery) it helps to know what your talking about.

                          Let me start with outlining the possible Stages of Disillusionment: {Deprogramming} I'm Using Elisabeth Kubler Ross's "5 stages of Grieving" to describe the process of detachment.  (I'll continue updating onto this page as I finish collating my notes. It could be all wrong. But I'll keep testing out the results to see where we are.  Emile Durkheim was the French Sociologist who had done some of the first work on the mechanisms of the Cults to exact what he called the "Rapid Conversion" of new cult members. We now are looking at whole societies of cult members.)

Defensive Posturing.   


Reevaluation/or the Impasse {false & real}

Regret {the moral inventory}

Reassimilation Acceptance