Friday, March 22, 2024

Going for the one



Time is a field of moving waves crashing on intermittent space. Its light blows my burnt ashes away. Seldom do I notice, that time laughs right along with me. When light weeps sweet tears of kindness, I have to stop to catch my breath. I ask, "Can I care enough to know, will I grace to forgive?" Only then will I find release. So saying my thanks I dissolve. I enter into a shimmering star door.

What happened demons? Is it time for the talk? Everything's Changed. Your my family now. We don't fight anymore. It's the stranger's quarreling that worries me. Everything's changed. And I don't know what to say or do, my needs are met. Is it a good thing?

Prayers to a dead medium. Your Art speaks to me, whether I want it to or not. What kind of books and letters did I leave for myself in the future, to help me catch up again? Too Much Information? The verity of everyone's life is one. Every person's story is thread unwound under the eye of the universe. May my heart still flow with love when the losses of living grace my shadowed soul.
And when the empty bowl breaks again, I'll remember.

Intuitive Apprehension

               Many technical elements of the psychic reading process are the results of subjective awarenesses. We need to identify what is happening even if we can't always know why. This requires honesty and self critical restraint. When I compose a reading with someone, it's for each person individually. I rarely have to look at someone to know whether I am making sense. After years of studying lying and truth telling, I think that it's probably just sensible courtesy. We all know people who are socially tone deaf, (unaware of how they sound.) I'm too am sometimes tactlessly insensitive. But trying to show people things they don't want to see, or don't know how to see is unbelievably hard. Self deception is also super common. {To understand lying, intentional or otherwise, we only need look at;        Styles of Evasion:} 

                         But as "the" psychic, I'm in the middle of the social conflict between the ethical pros and the lying con artists. Not to mention, that didactically dialectic of the intellectually constipated Belligerent scientists versus those fantasies from the elaborate pseudosciences of the popular magazine media. {All consulting room games are fraught with charletons. Likewise, the vast majority of academic papers for tenure are scientifically unreviewed.}  I must be extremely honest and transparent with everyone, I also must protect myself and everyone from misinformation. (And there's shitloads.) Assuming that anyone never lies is out right delusional. Add the fact that no one "wants" to be wrong, and we are looking at the very definition of why people have healthy "Intuitive Apprehensions." A psychology of mind is what gives us our empathy, sympathetically and tactically. Fortunately, I don't have to always be right. But I do have to try to tell the truth, to the very best of my ability.

                         I have to come back to my apprehensions about wanting to be easily understood. There is constant prejudice and superstition on both sides of any truth telling controversy. Approaching this problem is in fact often a semantics arguments, and a chore. And sometimes, semantics is the issue. Were I to ignore my apprehensions, I wouldn't be very rational or intuitive, or honest. Sorry, it's true.

                         So I will have to repeat myself occasionally. "Contrary to popular prejudice, it is impossible to learn without emotion." {a.k.a. Rational Intuition} I believe that if I correctly teach the fine art of psychic reading, I must forgo the luxury of a passive audience. "I will not argue." But I will disagree. It is not my place as a medium to pursued, rationalize, convince or even indulge. Pandering is the blight of all moral hazards. We have a greater calling to address that immense "Void of Uncertainty," that beautiful "I Don't Know" that embraces life in all of its mystery. If people are looking for what is already known, they can go to the library or take one of my classes. But if you want to understand the shape of what it is, that as of yet, we don't know, then you come to me. And, Yes. We can look for what the answer probably does look like, together. And I repeat, "Truth is our only verifiable eventuality." And then the question is when. The search for truth is the only way we can accurately predict any possible future. In this way we can also make a creatively possible future come true. But only if we choose to defeat selfish deception, can we face the truth for all that entails.

                        (P.S. Many people will want to confuse intuitive apprehension with paranoia, popular and personal, perpetuating spiralling lies of evasion.  Disinformation is produced by society. And we live in economies of multiple conspiracies. All malignant conspiracies simply study how to market to our fearful obsessions. Mass conspiracies, always start small. Don't misunderstand me, there is plenty of evil in the world. But as an entertainment medium the only time I will ever encourage rational cowardice or constructive paranoia is when it is truly rational and constructive. Intuitive apprehension is the most rational of all the conflicting emotions. But it can also paralyze us, or cause irrational behavior. Sometimes we must act. But sometimes we must just wait, only then to prepare for timely action. There is no singularly easy generality for sensible action. 

                        Here in the United States, fascism, like racism was driven underground. But that ugly violence of bigotry can be as simple as sending a like referring someone to somewhere else. Algorithms feed on likes. And, Subcultures often like their comfortable denials, their apathy and collectivized fears. It was never my job to politicize the already uncomfortable controversies that pollute the careers of all ethical consultants, diagnosticians, and prognosticators. Similarly, with all matters of faith we seek hope. I try to build bridges. First we seek to understand, and then share our understandings.  Let's democratize the truth by making honesty hip again. First do no harm, and do not take away hope. But never pander to false hope either, being honest has short term repercussions. Thank You.