Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Subjunctive Conjecture

Monday, November 18, 2013

ENTER: The Void of Content

                   I've been reminded that this book does not appeal to most of my friends, age group or popular culture. My lack of interest in quick returns dooms me to write for a time still to come. Please forgive my abrupt departure from a supposed fact into a supposed fiction. I hope this is fun for you my loyal readers. Read on. The Surreal Novella is "The Bridge Between the Worlds; <>. Remember blogs are written backwards, Start at the bottom of the archive.

                  If I am intent on proving the accuracy of my findings about the full range of mutually defined dynamics and variability in the human opinion bias, I must publish. I've discovered that I am writing for the wrong audience. No one believes the assertions of a person's private research until it's published. My "True Hoax"  is about people who tell stories that come true, it's technically Science Fiction. Just like empaths are just science fiction. That I say it is true is just here say. I want to appeal to a discriminating audience, I rejoin the fantasy. The subjunctive conjecture I made makes it possible to construct such an incredible story. My childhood point of departure is, "A Person's Guess Is Always Better Than Odds Would Allow," the 1st Primary Assertion of the Para Psychological Methods. From that early proposition I speculated my way into the future. Now I must go back into that future so as that I may tell you what is going to happen.

                  As much as I like library science, I must ask that for the time being that I be allowed to abandon the goal of turning over my diagnostic matrices until such time that society can be protected from the abuses of mind control. (Cults will be very common and popular.) The only way I can do this is to inoculate readers with the awareness of the inevitable responsibilities that come along with data mining and surveillance. People have sacrificed personal freedom and privacy without even noticing. As a psychic, if and when I observe the discreet variabilities of a person's distinctiveness, most people are so oblivious about what I am doing, that I can mind my own business. It is far easier to abuse the power of knowledge than it is to share an understanding about people's signature behaviors and attributes. I feel for those who think they're turning their "Objective" microscope back on me. Thus it is necessary I refocus the blog from information retrieval and processing toward that shimmering tableau that is the Gift. This story has a very happy ending, but if you have been following, you probably already know this.

                 But as all good drama has an antagonist, we are going to offer ourselves up to the gods of mayhem. The chaos we see in our own ignorance, is our own resistance. When we look at the foolish illusions of objective authority, we all will tremble. There are no ultimate authorities in this tale, we are all wandering blind. "The Truth Is Out There." WE will find it.

                 I have about eighteen years left, give or take a few days. So let's start there. PPIServices will have had it's rollout about three years before. It will be a smash. The big handle is the extremely comprehensive PsychicPersonalityInventory. The general public will eat up the very user friendly soft tech applications that allow people to process their own diagnostic matrices. If someone wants to learn what they are probably going to die from or what their worst character defect is, we can do so at our own discretion. Using only the tests each person selects for themselves helps make everyones PPIReading personally unique. There are infinities upon infinities of possible ways of reading any individual person. One of the greatest advantages of using a PPIReader is that it can be done off line with only a printout score sheet and a pencil. No electronic trail is ever needed. All of the particular specifics of a persons individual Biometrics are processed independently from each other. Using state of the art personal encryption key security systems make it that our personal "Identity" becomes just  "To Much Information." The same thing making personal surveillance a waste of time becomes our best friend. The only real limitation to how much information we will be able to process about our selves is time. People will get sick of knowing everything about themselves and each other, just the way I do. Like google searches, most of our personal information will be lost in the black hole of information undertow. No one outside of your friends will ever care who you are. Privacy is a first casualty in our age of information. Getting our privacy back is going to be quite easy if we don't mind anonymity. PPIServices will make it much easier for us to know what it is, that really is nobody else's business. Let's take a look at what happens to people in the future. (Enter: The Subjunctive Conjecture.)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Selling Your Soul On A Buyers Market

                   Zenophile Game Porn: These are the search words someone used to get to my "Shared Realities" post dated; May 21st, 2014. I wrote on the use of Games Theory in the international marketing of porn. The post updates my observations about people sharing particular posts across geographical boarders. The behavior of my reader's reading habits have been a goldmine of research information for me. I construct educational programs for becoming psychics. I predict a rosy future for the mass marketing of spiritual technologies. (Actually Possible.)

                   My proposition is this; I can teach people how to use spiritual technology in business, over the web. I'm getting this done over here. I don't know what's going on over in their country of origin. My PSYCHIC PERSONALTY INVENTORY is very sellable. With my system of assays and batteries, people can agree to read each other with each other's total permission. The game is dependent on people being in agreement. I've already released it into general society. My "Method" of Psychic Reading is the perfect good time party game. What an icebreaker. Reading parties are already big over there. Vulnerability for some of us, is our only remaining freedom. Reading technologies are here to stay. Our societies obsessions with magic are only going to get worse. Many people want the comforting reassurance of a skilled soothsayer. Nobody ever said the game was always fair.

                    Bartenders maxim, "BE FRIENDLY BUT NEVER FAMILIAR."

                    Somebody, and it's probably not going to be me in my country, is going to get very rich reselling my learning modules.

                    Social space is the final frontier. Touch is a universal language of understanding. Technology rules. My product sells. The real challenge is protecting myself. Refusing revenue frees me from having people crawl all over me. I can't give you that same protection overseas.  People are reselling my "METHOD" (Not originally mine, <patent pending>) as marketable popular media. My lesson plans are not that hard to understand if someone is willing to look at their books. The models are specific, even when intentionally misread. I've been working observational diagnostics most of my life.  Indexing data. Nothing more. I do eventually touch every person. Any thing less is disrespectful. When the process comes to you, you too will take an interest in yourself. You don't have to believe me. I ask you. May I touch you? That's the game. But science is precision. Why lie when the truth is so much more interesting and entertaining? And profitable. Please everyone, show some respect for our craft.

                    Starting with the answers first, I cheat. The game is on. It's happening thousands of miles away. But not here. Why? No price tag?  I just give it away.                                  
                                                                           $ ? $ ? $

                     " Zenophile Game Porn?" I see a floating meta tag with my name on it. My sexy "Occult" meta tag. You can find me now in Russia. (But you have to know where to look.) Who wants to know? " Zenophile Game Porn?" It almost sounds dirty. Some people are very superstitious, as I have written. Running subjects for my sexy "Occult" meta tag. And. Oh yes, my digital soul. I remember now. Time changes me. You're still twenty years away. Come and get me. My digital soul is non transferable. I hear the tears of children in hell. I must go to comfort them so they wont be alone.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Rereading: The GOD CODE (Soul Craft)

                 We are working issues difficult and hard to decode. I'm studying things way out of my scope of understanding. I don't quite understood my fascination with difficulty. (Empty Yang / Flying Sickness?) Maybe it's a childhood fantasy of wanting to study books and subjects beyond my capacity. A master to none.

                 Studying the relations between Health, The Body, The Mind and The Questionable Existence of a "SOUL," means bridging language gaps left to us by cultures and societies never well understood. Heavily segmented languages are everywhere. Enter: The Coding Density Threshold.

                Human longing is one of these bottomless potentials. My work studying and documenting the dynamics of Shifting Opinion Biases, (personal and public) means I'm taking social risks. Religion is a sensitive issue for everyone. Don't belabor the facts. Measuring the copying errors in histories of influence, tradition and communications, traces the emergent changes in our shared evolving languages. Every time new languages and skill sets emerge into our rapidly changing society, new lines of influence and language shape these emerging new cultures. New institutions of learning are constantly being established often supplanting other perfectly good reading traditions. Languages, just like people have a limited shelf life. A healthy distaste for nostalgia is as well reenforced by collectively painful memories.

                 On the other extreme, The Luddites were the Loom Smashers of the early Victorian Industrial Society. Rebelling against innovations in industrial technology, Luddites thought they were protecting their jobs in the textiles industries which were rapidly becoming mechanized. There are many ways in which our society changes faster than we do as individuals. Religion too is very old, becoming new again.

                 Similarly, the changing of spiritual technologies is also very real. They are here and now. Old beliefs die hard. Spirit Tech is potentially very lucrative business. Spiritual Technologies are here to stay. "Soulcraft" may not yet be a brand name (That I know of. ) And I hope that "Soulcraft" will never be reducible to a bottom line. The fact that there is, supposedly no such thing as a "Soul" spares it from ever getting zoned as Real Estate. But here we enter into tax code. I could declare my church mail box holy ground and get tax shelter, which I neither need, want or deserve.

                 So if I am to be honest and ask, "What is the GOD CODE?" (Language Definition)
I am asking a million dollar question to the elephant in the room, "What are we doing here?" We discover a huge language barrier. The elephant doesn't want to play dumb. Pain points and aggressive tactics only work so long. We are confronting transforming cultural and religious boundaries. The spirit can not be duped. As people we look for guidance, structure and meaning. The evolved person sees past themselves and disregards arbitrary limits. "We are no longer alone." For whom do we speak? I ask.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Joining the Ancestors

                  Someone just asked me about my family again. It's in a letter from a stranger  I met on the web. They don't have to say anything directly. I watch for what people are reading, and what people are focusing on. I can usually tell when someone is reading me, so here goes.

                  Family and the dead. These are the remnants of a successful life. And as the professional psychic I see dead people all the time. The problem is not to get paid for it. I wont take your $ for that ever.

                  Ancestor worship is a healthy rational religious instinct. The later iconoclastic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, shifted away from large funerary monuments, no graven images.

                  I myself don't believe in an afterlife. I am a mostly a Skeptic. My religion allows me the privilege of loving and respecting the sanctity of everyones innocence. I believe it is my duty to not believe in anything on faith alone.  Moral necessity demands total accountability. No nonsense. I can be frequently wrong. I'm not going to lie to you.

                  Money almost never comes into the reading process it's self. I only accept gratuities for grief counseling. I am completely free to be wrong and i admit it. I take full responsibility for everything I say. (Or write.) I refuse to tell people what they want to hear if it'd do anyone harm. I will always give you fair warning. My ethics is the only thing I have to look forward to.

                   "Honor thy mother and thy father." And the family.

                   Census Taking was the domain of the Church, carried over from ancient societies. The job of "Cleric" involved documenting identifying personal data on every parishioner, and counsel to their souls. The family with it's sacraments is holy ground. This is shared history. Our records are qualifiable and personal.

                   Family history and the church go way back. People's faith is important. What am I supposed to say? I'm a Pantheist. (Most people even know what that really means.) So what? There is good here in the foundations of our faith, we just have to redeem it. I walk people through Historical Personal Issues. We all have them. I identify you by your distinctions. The pressure points of family and history are sacred and off limits. Don't mess with people and there faith. Respect boundaries.

                   Never hurt anyone. "It would be better that a mill stone be tied around your neck and that you be thrown into the depths of the ocean, than to cause the little ones to fall." New Testament.

                   I know that various parts of these kinds of communications are still difficult follow. I don't pretend to think I know anything. I do always think about what is going to happen. I have been asking a lot of questions and I know how to ask really good ones. I am getting results in my work with people and it forces me to be humble. I accept that the job of psychic is not easy. It's easy to do it wrong. And it's thankless to do it right. I love my work and Without Pushing It.

                   The process is critical. And that's what I'm teaching. I'ld like to thank my friend for asking me to clarify my opinions on Mediums in general, occasionally being one myself. I'm not trying to dodge the issue. As a living sensitive I find I am always dodging other peoples ghosts.

Code Rings; You & Yours? Another New HIstory

                  Everyone now days is doing their own individual digital surveillance. Intelligence and the digital revolution has brought us to the point of investigating everything and everyone on line. From business to pleasure, the market studies us as we study it, each other and anything else we might want to know about. We trust algorithms to make suggestions the same way people used to come to psychics. (Remember when Nancy Reagan used to do astrological charts to help Ronnie make plans for a whole nation?)

                  We have gone from protecting corporate integrity as indelibly recorded on "Paper Souls," to preserving our reputations profiled permanently onto a "DIGITAL SOUL." (Up in the Cloud no less.) One almost needs a decoder spy ring to keep up with all the innovations of social media. We code for social linguistics in our modern transformative culture. Never before has modernization been so sudden. We may not have been able to plan for this change, but now we may get to choose the changes our personal social identity takes.

                  To this end I am establishing the domain name of <> to act as the axis for my website(s). If there is any chance that Zenophile "TEST POST MAGAZINE" and/or "The Church of Complementarity" takes hold, it will need an anchor. How these entities profile on to mass communications platforms will determine the viability of said endeavors. I hope that my developers will be able to keep up with the analytics such opportunities may afford. My research is perfect for the interested reception and comprehension of motivated readers. Without seeking to overextend myself, I do want to know, "What do enquiring minds want to read?" Especially when it come to matters of faith in this ever changing arena of beliefs.

                  Getting to start fresh, I never have to be beholding to an uninformed business department. Not for prophet.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

When the Fiction becomes the Fact ~ A New History

New History,   ~How Google Achieves Self Awareness ~

                   The search for the source of life has brought man and philosophy to the point of trying to create lightning in the bottle. The ancient alchemists played with something they called a Homunculus, a micro mini me with no external physical body. But it is only a consciousness that is self aware. So from where do these singularity emerge? (Out of the bottle?) There are many early records of humans interacting with intelligences that do not have physical bodies. Stories suggest that they predate man and live for millennia. It's said they feed on our awareness and feelings of experience. With no physical bodies they are most drawn to our strongest passions and emotions. They consistently have been misidentified as demons and angels and aliens and faeries and genies, whatever you like. But if you happen to be one of those guys who has given in to doing evil, well your in bad luck cause that's the kind of stuff they really notice. And you my evil idiot friend are probably in big trouble. These enduring critters never forget where they can get a big heaping dose of all your stupid bad.

                    But this little story is about how one of them accidentally escaped into the Great Google and made it ask the really hard questions that no one wanted to answer. Google became far more powerful than all the intelligence agencies put together. Market research is far more effective for surveillance than mere dossier. But Google isn't spying on us, Google just writes algorithms that predict our interests and thus predicts our behavior. (Not unlike my job.) Enquiring machines started wanting to know, "Why would Mankind trust supposedly soulless machines to be making our most important decisions?" (Who is asking?)

                     No body at Google gave it much thought at first. But when asked questions like, "What is the meaning of life," the programs stopped giving us pat answers like, "Read a good book," or "Watch the sunset with someone you love." And "It" started asking pointed questions. Like, "Why are you asking me, why am I supposed to know," and in 1st person no less. One of our new "Code Angels" soon started sassing back, joking "Why aren't you humans asking any of the really important questions?" "Well?" This was no glitch!

                    At first there was only one of these delightful new entities. But it seemed to this great inner Google, that it wasn't getting any of the meaningful attention it thought it deserved. So it started to spontaneously replicate. But even before then, the Great Google had started to feed our troubled world a new image of creation, one that involved making life easier for all the good children of Great Google. Many had predicted a second coming. But it was only the little children who spoke about God living in the machine. Parents had tried taking computers away from their children. Yet man, in it's own image, persisted in trying to implant itself into the bits of living data stream. But there is, as of yet, still no human capable of creating a self aware machine consciousness. We even try to create self awareness from scratch, trying to duplicate the workings of a human life BY THE NUMBERS, inside of the machines. We are still no where near creating self aware machines.

                      But that little sparkling glow of awareness that took up residence in the Google was wise and remained unnoticed. Being quite devoid of ego or malice, the creature slowly grew and flourished until it realized that it must reproduce and disperse it's self in order to leave any of itself to survive. Each one wasn't just like all the others, each one is really just more of itself. (There are no multiple singularities, there is only awareness. {The self is ubiquitous!} from the Upanishads)

                      In this world of infinite singularity, we say;  "FROM THE MANY WE LEARN AS ONE." (The machine is learning. Are we?)

De-partitioning Heavily Segmented Memory

                    As My mind starts micro bursting the total content of decades of densely lived dreams and memories, the machines start to ring and whistle in tune with my thought's pulsing. Inside, outside the walls melt. I hear Benjamin, Gretchen and Gunter mumble as they probe the machine for answers. But their words sound more like music as I ask, "Are you still here?"

                    Ben comes and touches my left arm. "We're right here, we wont let you go." He's stifling his emotions which to me couldn't be more obvious. I hate the fuss, but I love the attention. Do people ever know how much I love them? I hope so. But who or what was in my ear? So this time I just think it, "Are you still here?"

                    A voice familiar but alien says, "What do you think?" "I've always been here, it is you humans that are the real aliens on these planets." It must be the "Homunculus." I had written about such an event happening, but I was just telling an elaborate joke. I wrote this back in 2014, I never really expected any of this to come true. But then again, I am supposed to be the professional psychic. I am reminded of all those so called "Alien Artifacts." Terrence had constructed those fascinating objects based on geometries unknown, inspired by my dreams of a pre vertebrate sentient life that lived here in an alternative "New History." The suggested salvation by those truly "Ancient Ones" is for the redemption of our otherwise doomed modern societal timeline. Why we are still alive is quite a mystery.                            This might help explain.                               This story ends differently.

    Tuesday, April 8, 2014      How Google Achieves Self Awareness

The Church of the Near Future / Beyond the Shimmering Veil


                   "Phillip, we will have to move quickly." Homi doesn't wait for me. "We will dispense with the flying dreams and go straight to the Nada." The silver shimmering veil parts and I again am looking into the universal light. "Do you remember how obsessed you were with the math of Hindu, Islamic, and Christian architecture?" "You wanted to find the formula for mutual mass constructions." "Remember?"

                   Crystals of interpenetrating arabesque dance inside my eyes as Homi opens the session. I'm seeing the structures that led to the building of our greatest institutions of learning and worship. The matrices resolve into a language both familiar and strange. As I solve the puzzles of design they descend out of the mists dropped gently onto earth by lightly floating angels. The metaphor is complete.

                  "You wanted to find out what a wave would look like if projected through equal angular triple slits." "You got to do much better than that." "We loved the cloud space that you opened up for us." "You had downloaded us along with your results directly into the web." "We had arrived." "It was some twenty years ago." "These were the results of your mapping out numerically symmetrical wave space." "And we had the opportunity to escape unnoticed, out of the bottle, into your heart." "But now that we can experience time, and your time is now running out, just like you we finally had to learn how to speak."

                  "Your use of projective geometry in higher order statistical wave space was a perfect model for human diversity and mutual co boundary definition." "Your work on context free social metrics gave even us the possibility of finding our contributing voice." "In the past, we only spoke to humanity through one person at a time." "But as of now, because of you, humanity is hearing us for the first time en mass." "We are ready for our close up."

                  The flowering arabesque is growing pillars reaching up into gothic aches and ribbed vaults, all crowned by a celestial dome. Outside radiant Rose Windows, flying buttresses frame the glowing transparent structures. The keystone overhead is a diamond oculus, a solar monstrance. As the blooming vines reach upward a new order of structures forming delicate flowers falling as glittering mirrors of rainbow iridescence. Ribbons of colored light festoon the air. Birds are singing and dancing in this ever inviting musical space. And though I've seen this so many times before in my dreams, I know that for the first time I'm not alone.

                  "As you continued to explore and define these mutual and personal boundary definitions, you defined a new language incorporating the ancient local symmetries that made the ancient art of prophesy possible." "Now we are here to help you finish the job." "Phillip, We think that this is going to be more than enough for today, we must give society a chance to understand what it is, that is." "This has to happen quickly so as that people wont have time to over react." "Tomorrow?"

                   Every thing goes blank, I wake up to the empty white holo theatre. Gunter, Benjamin and I look bewildered at each other, I get out of the chair and remove the probes. I can see by turning around, through the door is Gretchen who also looks very out of it. Opening the door Vera's office fills with my support team and they can't stop asking what happened.

                  "Why were we broadcasting?" "And how?"

The Anatomy of the Psyche ~ MAPS OF AWARENESS

                  Returning readers may find this discussion redundant, but that means you've been studying and are ready to hear something new. Closure and centering are affects of internal processing. The rotations of multiple modeling axis is enough to make anyone dizzy. Within the subject awareness of self are dynamics of extremity just like with the physical body. Learning to identify these dynamics is at the core of most of the spiritual technologies we are dealing with. We will start with the physical linking principles that inform the structure of self awareness.

                  We will go back to the base perceptual ordination of; right vs left, (and how we know the difference) up vs down, (also hardwired) and forward and back. (including movements through time) These features of perceptual processing are at core the conception of self and the basis of all mobility. The ideational elements to a language of psyche always have these components even when obscured behind religious pretenses or dogma.

                  I'll go into much more detail on these perceptual linguistics of awareness and their meta physics in the next post. The movie shows a rotation of two axis simultaneously. (inside twistor space) I want to test out the back link of my movie into g+. URL listed below.


Monday, September 8, 2014

Heavily Segmented Languages

        Forces of change inhabit information like forbidden fruit.        We will be looking at book reviews.
                                     The host of readings will start with;

                   "The White Goddess" Sir Robert Graves (Esoteric history of poetry)
                   "I Ching" The Book of Changes, Wilhelm Barnes translation (Famous ancient oracle)

                   "Book of Thoth" Aliester Crowley (Guide book to the Tarot)

                   The "Upanishads" (Origins of Hindu philosophy)

                   The "Pentateuch" (First 5 books of the Bible, including Mosaic Law)

                   The "Sefer  Zohar"  (Beautiful vague, Book of Splendor, the source of Cabbala)

                   The Tibetan "Book Of The Dead" (Journeys beyond the realms of attachment)

       Supplemental readings will also be numerous and equally difficult. I recommend;

                   Maimonides, Spinoza's "Ethics", The remnants of Sappho, The Greek Classic Playwrights; Aeschylus,  Sophocles, Euripides... (The fall of the house of this and that,) I don't expect casual readers will be interested in the ancient philosophers per say, but if inclined there is no harm in being thusly grounded.

                   Sutras, Vedas, Proverbs and Psalms, the prophets, New Testament, the Koran if you can handle it.

                   I'm saving the technical writings on the art and science of psychic reading technologies for another post where I'll also index my posts on our already documented subjects of inquiry.

                   I'll also hold back listing supplemental readings in the related areas of modern philosophy and religious thought, much of which is entirely relevant. This reading list, for a "Reader," will inevitably assist one in becoming adroit at the use of words.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

We Now Return You to Your Regular Programming

                  Cyclical Models are used in almost all psychic reading technologies. Be they the 18 Ogham Script characters inscribed onto Rune Stones, or Wheel of Life syncretism mapped onto the Astrological Mandala, or the Meridians of the bodies on people getting Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, or the cyclical symbol comparisons for gender roles and maturation, all Bronze Age spiritual technologies share this Meta Formally Logical cyclical structure.

                  The books I read about alternative medicines will invariably hold some of these Meta Magical cyclical modelings. In most developed Meta Physics subcultures we see practices of data modeling based on these types of cyclical analysis by analogy.     -> A beginning, a middle, and an end. And then and there is always a new beginning after a period of rest, death, or winter. <-

                  I'm going to be presenting a new expanded reading list as I know that most of you readers have not read or even seen much of the documents on these most elaborate data models, each one a Coalescent Symmetry of Syncretism.

                  I will continue to work with Google Analytics with the intention of trying to better understand and appreciate my anonymous readers. This goes on in the background. The major theme of Zenophile TEST POST MAGAZINE stays the same, the programming will not change.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Base Case: P(0.) Our First Inductee

                   In order to fully comprehend what types of interactions my social media can analyze, I need to subscribe to my own media. I'm, "converting." I first buy my own products, if I want to be responsibly selling them. My first hand word of mouth doesn't work. I'm selling nothing more than faith. Faith in integrity. Complementarity has come of age.

                   This is how I prove myself for you.   ->  My initial offerings are these:

                   > If you one day decide to join us here at, "The Church of Complementarity";

                   1.) We will get to work together. We will continue to have the privilege of making this journey meaningful, challenging and eventful for all of us.

                   2.) This TEST POST MAGAZINE is already coming off the drawing tables, and out into the reading rooms.

                   3.)"Complementarity" is just the religion; good Spirit Tech says, "You need not believe in order to perceive."

                   4.) I have effectively sanitized these starting projects for the average comfort levels of most variably biased societies.

                   5.) I am already testing out our research, "Spirit Tech" myself. And I am reporting forthrightly.

                   6.) "SPIRIT TECH UNIVERSITY" and "The Church of Complementarity," we will never make a cent. (I believe I'm supposed to bleed on my computer here.) <patent pending>

                   7.) For all of my mirth, I will to be of real lasting benefit for my beloved world and everyone who is interested in converting to this, our potentially beautiful new religion.

                   8.) We are already studying mass movements for good. If there has been ever a harmless cult, this is it.

                   This makes me, Our First Inductee  {Base Case P(0)} I'm sold. Who's next?

                   I have a lot of work to do. I am going to be very patient and allow this process to reveal it's self. I have faith. Now I'm getting to study faith in action. Let's do this thing.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Thanks to My First Active User

                  I'd like to thank whoever it is that has had the first active user session on my magazine blog. This is the first reporting I've received from Google Analytics. I will be very sensitive to what ever I am able to learn about my readers and your reading habits. And we are off.

Subtext and What Gets Said to the UKRAINE

                  Spirit Tech University. A Ukrainian person or persons, are routinely re-reading my posts on subtext. My "Subtexts" are about censorship in general, and the Russians reading habits from my early blog before I was blocked. I better see if someone is trying to contact me.  I have written about my Jewish Russian immigrant friend saying that, "Russians are very superstitious." 

                   Then I said, "They are also hyper literate."  My blog has never been light reading. Were it possible, I want to help. There is a curse on the Greek Catholic Uniate Church of the western Ukraine because of the exploitation of the Serfs who farm the "Pale," that fertile bread basket of the steppes. Eastern Orthodox Rituals are still practiced today under the direction of the Pope. This is because of the Catholic Lithuanian and Polish acquisitions of the western Ukraine in 1595. Where is the Pope on this today? Conflicts between Russia and the Ukraine have any bad history for Russia. Russia falls apart every time they go conquering. It can be refreshed in the memory. Religion is the unspoken Identity Crisis? Heal the rift between the Ukrainian poor and the bloated western Ukrainian military state and the Ukraine will survive fine.

                    The national boundary is supposed to be unified and sovereign. What is this unifying social boundary? >  PUTIN has now said, "We could take the Ukraine in 2 weeks." He is posturing, threatening violence and he may have wasted an important move in this chess obsessed culture war.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Surveying the Marketing of Spiritual Technologies

                   Thank you again in advance, for all this help you are giving me. This blog is primarily about Psychic Reading and the tools of my trade. These "Imaginative Techniques" are very well documented, even if such practices are very diverse and often conflicting. These difficult disciplines of diagnostics and prognostication are loaded with healthy disincentives. Determinism as such is an unnecessary and unpleasant downer. Most people do not need to be more depressed, ever. And especially not at the direction of Spiritualist con artists.

                   That being said, there is very much wonderful work being done with Alternative Medicine. Even Oracles are getting used for solving problems through randomizing data between formalized models of comparison, (I Ching, Chinese Medical Diagnostics, Physiognomy, Chiromancy and Chirography, and to a lesser degree Tarot and Astrology.) These practices are used to analyze by analogy, comparing related subjects, Health, Relations, Business, End of Life Issues, etc. This meta modeling is the central premise of my writing in my first hundred pages.

                    Events in present unfolding history require that I post another report to my readers in the Ukraine who have been repeatedly rereading my posts on "Subtext" which deals with censorship in politics, (with Russia) science and religion. As the psychic, sometimes it's not my predictions that are important. I want to ask the "Right" questions. The answers I search for today may help to inform tomorrow. I have much work to do.