I still suspect that the media and internet are the very thing that brought us to this daunting and precipitous hazard of mass indoctrination. The Net will now become our mouthpiece for mass recovery. We will have to compete with junk infotainment industries for entertainment bandwidth. Obviously a low overhead is one of the only real advantages any bottom up social movements have in this kind of asymmetrical social welfare education process.
Can we design online engagement campaigns for the mass recovery? My experiments on informational dispersal have proved little of value that I can disseminate by myself alone. However, by using G+ Classic I got a huge following for my XENOPHILIA Collection complete with lots of Google Analytics data supporting my Propositional Assertions about data dispersion rates. But the time sensitive nature of my publishing online during the constant waste information undertow, guarantied me a viral mass ceiling of irrelevancy that is almost entirely impermeable. The expectation is now all online interests are financial driven only. And thus without having a revenue of available cash flow paying for Adwords advertising, my page ranking with the S. E. O.'s put me and the general public irretrievably hidden beneath the behemoth of Mega Scale Business Economics and the unfolding dirty politics.
It seems to be we must learn to fight dirty while avoiding getting dragged through the litigious mud. Radical Liberation does offers us Universal Maternity for every mom's children and their human rights. The Church of the Great Mother might be a good place to start. {MOMISM?} Scientology had adopted a lot of goofy stuff to qualify as a church. Some of which became gospel. We might not have to go quite so crazy. Adopting a faith of principles without dogma might still qualify us for tax exemption. There is however always the problem of groups with their exclusive self defining boundary definitions bonding people on the lowest of low common denominators. Skip this next section if you aren't interested in the clerical book keeping in church doctrine.
(We almost have to define membership along number theoretical guidelines. Namely we become enumerated by existential quantifiers as opposed to absolute quantifiers. For a member to exist, one must not be defined by an absolute quantifying generality. We are mutual subjects, not mere objects to be defined as separate and then counted as members. The clerical implications of membership are of course still group theoretical.)
Numbers aside, associations between inclusive group identities leaves us open to many possibilities which in fact completely overlap and are identical. Instead of contra variants that cancel each other out, overlapping elements of interest supersede popular prejudices. For instance a lot of us non believers are getting tired of getting stereotyped as unsupportive to other peoples faiths and have stopped calling ourselves Atheists. Similarly many of us have also abandoned the pretenses of purity that often have blighted our otherwise appropriate political uprisings.
Again I don't have the answers. But I can suggest asking, "What do the answers most likely look like." Keep experimenting people, we're going to get this right somehow. In this, I think there is considerable agreement among many many divergent thinkers.
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