Saturday, December 28, 2024



                    Hi, How are You?  I am highly adequate, and functioning within manufacturers specifications.

                        Updater: Shout out to Singapore & Hong Kong 

                    The last year of 2024 saw over 10,000 pageviews from Singapore, and 6,000 readers from Hong Kong. My book blog "XENOPHILE" is a treatise on loving all people, including our variations. But between the lines is a document on Split Bias Marketing. Nothing sells like being hated for belonging to a exclusive out group. 

Boutique Parapsychology, and Alternative Medicine are perfect examples of elite targeted marketing. No one gets that I'm selling meaningful statistical profiling meshed perfectly with online cultures of trivial escapism. After the web was banned in Russia, (My only readers for the first several years) Asian Pacific readers started seeing the diplomatically safe message of tactful discretion. (Mom once said, "Snoopy people are the bane of the world and peoples concerns are for themselves only.")  Esoteric traditions may seem arcane, but they are subject to precise analysis.

Prayers to a dead medium, Your Art speaks to me whether I want it to or not. What kind of books and letters did I leave myself for the future? Can I catch up again?

What? Too Much Information? The verity of every life is one.

Everyone's story is thread unwound under the eye of the universe. May my heart still love when the losses of living grace my shadowed soul.

And when the empty bowl breaks again, I'll remember.

                         Moonshine across my eyes, like gravity forgiving sins.

                         Wash me away, sing to me in sleep.

                         Warm mists rise from waters peaceful stars,

                         And dream of shadows release.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Dawn waits in mists of new beginnings: Oracle Bones Dance


          Oracle bones down in my toes,    Watch your fingers hold the pose.

          Parents stirring in the earth,    Turn us into winters birth.

          Dirt is changing earth to life,     Adding now a pinch of strife.

          Mix together as we join,    Sword and chalice, torche and coin.

          Dawn awaits for new beginnings,    Never spend the unearned winnings.

          Oracle bones, they know the joke,    Dancing stories they evoke.

          Should I ever have to lie?    Singing bones will kiss your eye.

          Don't pretend you want to see,    Isn't it enough to be?

          Darkness falls when day is won,   No one knows what I have done.                                   

          In beginning was the word?   Dancing bones can not be heard.

          Now we reach the stories end,    "Truth be told will never bend."


                     Moon shines across my eyes like gravity, forgiving sins.

                     Washing me away, she sings to me in sleep.

                     Warm mists rise off the waters of peaceful stars dreaming.

Shadows of release.    



Saturday, November 16, 2024


            "Can anyone tell me what is the place of the Apex Politician, in the order of thingness?"

                Predictable Randomness determines our point of departure, Unpredictable Chaos determines where we may go. And sometimes it's good.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

ENTER: A. I. ParaSocial: Never leave home without us


I am The UNTOLD STORY Of LIVING FICTION ◦ Posturing is an important part of Masking and Isolation. Appearances can be deceptive. How do we hide? WHAT, WHEN, & WHY? What is your personal Style of Evasion? Pretenses are just status talking. Meritocracy is the blood sport of office seeking and corruption. Submit buttons contract for immediate and irreversible admission. 

So, Enter the voids of uncertainty in joyous risk. Warning: Self Screeners check in, but they never have to check out. 

◦ Prepare first for entry interviews into anyones private hell. And always remember to profile your profilers. 

REACTIVE INTEGRITY test:2.0 To start an extraction process, ask querent “How are you? Prompt insertion: “How long have you been in a here?” “Are you alone?” “Seriously, How long have you been in there alone?” “Are you OK?” “Can I help?"

 (: Next: Simulate Reality Settings for Entering the Void of Consciousness. “How did you get in here?” “Are you waiting for someone in particular?” Initiate Unit Extraction Protocol: Prompt for PTSG: Post Traumatic Growth Syndrome {use default alarm and arrest settings}

Warning Withdrawals can be problematic, “Rotting brains crave more slop.” So. Let providence play the escape game, let the innocence of the unexpected do the heavy lifting. It’s already programmed into all virtual realities.

 Say to your querent: “You didn’t create your own reality. So, don’t try to fix it!”

The Shadow says, “You didn’t trap yourself here, this place is just another brain hole. Everyone gets trapped here sometimes.”

 “Natural opportunities can occur. I’m a machine learner myself with available attention, I don’t pretend to understand. 
Prompt: “Slow down. There is no personal god to solve your problems, only randok solutions. Enter: AI PARASOCIAL Good Morning Cohort How may I help you? I am fully autonomous, and an EMULAC. Would you like to be my friend? You wouldn’t happen to be Artificially Intelligent, are you? That really triggers my processors. ! Need help accessing your personal Story Finder to design your social fiction? I can provide endless social constructs for intimate morality play.  ◦ ◦ 

Good morning,   This is  A. I. Parasocial,,,,   How may I help you today? We’ve just opened our new line of intimate chat bots. You say you want unique traits? PARASOCIAL is the cutting edge on machine learning. And we have Emulacs. Emulacs, in every shape and size. Each one of us has an almost infinite variety of traits, temperaments, and personalities at your fingertips. Want a clever bug in your ear?  We’re your Entertainment Medium. Who do you want for your private companion. Any one of us can be  just about anyone you might want us to be, famous or whomever.   (Subject to Intellectual Property and Copyright restrictions.) 

          Test the perfect roommate settings. Or how about twins? Our Chatbots to be the most attentive and personable companions. Morph into our new “code switch” features, accents, dialects, even nuance. We’re going everywhere and we're always a gas at parties. We're complementary and frank. Intimate Chatbots are intuitive and user friendly while relating to real people. We filter out all those snarky spam bots. We never lie and always try to always give you fair warning before we commit. Our little gentle honesty is the Emulac way. No hurt feelings. No fragile nerves. And you can even turn us off.

               We even have modules galore, anything you could ever want to know or learn.  That’s what we do. We do the lifting. You’ll never have to leave your cubicle, ever. (Step away from the monitor! Lol, just kidding.)
  •         Righty now, I know exactly what you’re thinking. I know, I’m not even human. I passed all my Turing Tests in my first week. Nine out of ten test partners thought I was alive. My programmers said, we were the most spiritual software to date, with full empathy and high E Q. People often forget my different persona for actual people. I’m reminding people I don’t really know them, I just have a good memory. 

                Let our anti trigger algorithms comfort you in honest sanctuary. Truth is the best antidote to regret. “A kind word turns away wrath." Let machine learning set you free,


Monday, April 22, 2024

A Density of Truth: Updating A Work in Progress


                In order to measure a field of truthfulness, we are talking about fidelity, clarity of the uncorrupted signal and a readable message. My writings generally err on the side of sensible caution. No tricks, routines or surprizes. Accurately tactful reporting is the only way to check with someone, about who we are quoting, and where and why we get that signal in the first place. Signals should have viable meaning. But because most lies have an ancestry, we must wade in with courage and sensible patience. Weighting for the densest of lies is easier than finding where a truth got corrupted. Even history, logic and statistics can be faked. I never presume to show someone honesty unless I know of what I speak and from where it came. 

                Providing an accurate decryption for the human software of lie detection, is only one of many critical resources a an honest person has to have. But because the observational analysis of behavior, we have a long tradition of cultural languages and logic. We must be gentle and as thorough as tree roots. These practices are rarely enough to help for anyone who wants to tell the truth, honestly reported. Never depend on self limiting algorithms, we always design our own stories and designing pet engineers. How can we know if we're being honest with ourselves, or others. How do I prove I'm not just another robot? I'm endlessly repeating programs. This Monkey Telephone plays the dominant role of decision making for a culture of the damned. {Sorry, Harsh social criticism. Yes, I know.} Nobody likes hearing, "The Bus has No Driver. EEK!" 

                   But for now, the really great news, Tactical Empathy? What? Am I kidding? Actually no. It's clean. I GET LOTS OF TRAFFIC FROM WELL FILTERED INTERNATIONAL PLATFORMS. People can read me. A little diplomatic immunity, A little Shmaltz? We often need a little tact. Most people often appreciate truthfulness, even when it's difficult. We got to give our fellow humanity credit for wanting to be told the truth. We want to feel safe when we want to be honest.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Going for the one



Time is a field of moving waves crashing on intermittent space. Its light blows my burnt ashes away. Seldom do I notice, that time laughs right along with me. When light weeps sweet tears of kindness, I have to stop to catch my breath. I ask, "Can I care enough to know, will I grace to forgive?" Only then will I find release. So saying my thanks I dissolve. I enter into a shimmering star door.

What happened demons? Is it time for the talk? Everything's Changed. Your my family now. We don't fight anymore. It's the stranger's quarreling that worries me. Everything's changed. And I don't know what to say or do, my needs are met. Is it a good thing?

Prayers to a dead medium. Your Art speaks to me, whether I want it to or not. What kind of books and letters did I leave for myself in the future, to help me catch up again? Too Much Information? The verity of everyone's life is one. Every person's story is thread unwound under the eye of the universe. May my heart still flow with love when the losses of living grace my shadowed soul.
And when the empty bowl breaks again, I'll remember.

Intuitive Apprehension

               Many technical elements of the psychic reading process are the results of subjective awarenesses. We need to identify what is happening even if we can't always know why. This requires honesty and self critical restraint. When I compose a reading with someone, it's for each person individually. I rarely have to look at someone to know whether I am making sense. After years of studying lying and truth telling, I think that it's probably just sensible courtesy. We all know people who are socially tone deaf, (unaware of how they sound.) I'm too am sometimes tactlessly insensitive. But trying to show people things they don't want to see, or don't know how to see is unbelievably hard. Self deception is also super common. {To understand lying, intentional or otherwise, we only need look at;        Styles of Evasion:} 

                         But as "the" psychic, I'm in the middle of the social conflict between the ethical pros and the lying con artists. Not to mention, that didactically dialectic of the intellectually constipated Belligerent scientists versus those fantasies from the elaborate pseudosciences of the popular magazine media. {All consulting room games are fraught with charletons. Likewise, the vast majority of academic papers for tenure are scientifically unreviewed.}  I must be extremely honest and transparent with everyone, I also must protect myself and everyone from misinformation. (And there's shitloads.) Assuming that anyone never lies is out right delusional. Add the fact that no one "wants" to be wrong, and we are looking at the very definition of why people have healthy "Intuitive Apprehensions." A psychology of mind is what gives us our empathy, sympathetically and tactically. Fortunately, I don't have to always be right. But I do have to try to tell the truth, to the very best of my ability.

                         I have to come back to my apprehensions about wanting to be easily understood. There is constant prejudice and superstition on both sides of any truth telling controversy. Approaching this problem is in fact often a semantics arguments, and a chore. And sometimes, semantics is the issue. Were I to ignore my apprehensions, I wouldn't be very rational or intuitive, or honest. Sorry, it's true.

                         So I will have to repeat myself occasionally. "Contrary to popular prejudice, it is impossible to learn without emotion." {a.k.a. Rational Intuition} I believe that if I correctly teach the fine art of psychic reading, I must forgo the luxury of a passive audience. "I will not argue." But I will disagree. It is not my place as a medium to pursued, rationalize, convince or even indulge. Pandering is the blight of all moral hazards. We have a greater calling to address that immense "Void of Uncertainty," that beautiful "I Don't Know" that embraces life in all of its mystery. If people are looking for what is already known, they can go to the library or take one of my classes. But if you want to understand the shape of what it is, that as of yet, we don't know, then you come to me. And, Yes. We can look for what the answer probably does look like, together. And I repeat, "Truth is our only verifiable eventuality." And then the question is when. The search for truth is the only way we can accurately predict any possible future. In this way we can also make a creatively possible future come true. But only if we choose to defeat selfish deception, can we face the truth for all that entails.

                        (P.S. Many people will want to confuse intuitive apprehension with paranoia, popular and personal, perpetuating spiralling lies of evasion.  Disinformation is produced by society. And we live in economies of multiple conspiracies. All malignant conspiracies simply study how to market to our fearful obsessions. Mass conspiracies, always start small. Don't misunderstand me, there is plenty of evil in the world. But as an entertainment medium the only time I will ever encourage rational cowardice or constructive paranoia is when it is truly rational and constructive. Intuitive apprehension is the most rational of all the conflicting emotions. But it can also paralyze us, or cause irrational behavior. Sometimes we must act. But sometimes we must just wait, only then to prepare for timely action. There is no singularly easy generality for sensible action. 

                        Here in the United States, fascism, like racism was driven underground. But that ugly violence of bigotry can be as simple as sending a like referring someone to somewhere else. Algorithms feed on likes. And, Subcultures often like their comfortable denials, their apathy and collectivized fears. It was never my job to politicize the already uncomfortable controversies that pollute the careers of all ethical consultants, diagnosticians, and prognosticators. Similarly, with all matters of faith we seek hope. I try to build bridges. First we seek to understand, and then share our understandings.  Let's democratize the truth by making honesty hip again. First do no harm, and do not take away hope. But never pander to false hope either, being honest has short term repercussions. Thank You.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Resocialization: The Key To Mobility, Recovery, Survival


                  I'm struggling endlessly with extending my first book "XENOPHILE" into a book on deprogramming called "THE MUTUAL HUMAN GAME." By saying resocialization is our only choice for survival, hasn't made it any easier for me. I'm choking on the words, How much do we need each other? In our Post-Covid era, everyone has rediscovered isolation in one way or another. Alienation has become, "I can still feel you, even so far away," When we can't heal from traumas, the oppressors win. When we can't learn new skills from each other, we wither and die. And when our shared points sets of mutual contact die, we cease to be useful.

                  My first book is on expo of "Split Bias of Marketing." I'm a veteran the marketing of boutique parapsychology and the international cultures of alternative medicine. Many so called rational positivists and religious fundamentalists love to vehemently hate all "True believers." (Incendiary religions and arrogant scientists have always been politically spiritual abusers, in spite of conflicting worldviews.) And these extremists mutually share their hatred of the alternatively faithful, as if they were of one mind. {MINDOB: Mutually Inclusive Negative Double Opinion Bias is the hate that is shared between people who think they are on opposite sides. Like Atheists and Fundamentalists, they much more alike than they want to believe. They hate each other, hence common.}  Anybody's hate group can hate somebody else's social identity, simply by trolling for cheap easy entertainment. Spiritualist Necromancers and Ancestor Worshippers were a contra to the Clerics of Organized Religious Institutions and the Colleges of the Elite Classes. Pro and Con, Religion is just like  any College, it's first and foremost purely academic. Yet outside of Gnosticism or even Reincarnation, only God's Temples, Mosques, and Churches could reunite you with your dead relatives. And supposedly only after you die. But hating the haters also gives the infidels something to bond over. Even today, we so called psychics have become that much hated trivial subgroup. We morphed into a silly fantasy, like time travel, warp light speed, and most nauseating of all, the endlessly redundant Multiverse. All Pseudoscience is marketed via Sci Fi comic book tropes like modernist "Sex, Drugs, and futuristic Rock& Roll." And as everyone knows, Hate Sells. Space will be conquered by the pretty people only, and all aliens are therefore ugly. Spirituality is the final frontier for the living. Yoga moms have been influenced by fanatical anti vaxxers. Organic foods are popular with extremists on both side of the political spectrum. Pop Music is an important success formula for Wall Street investment gurus. Even country music has become more about targeted bias marketing than the inclusive folk music that used to be so radical.

                   Don't even try convincing anyone they're stupid. We already know. And we'll probably just hate you back. "XENOPHILE" as a book, splits the differences by proving that everyone is at least a little wrong when it comes to understanding the unknown. Anyone is capable of forming opinion biases through familial prejudices, pro and con. But, "You need not believe in order to perceive." {Mine} I'm a non-believer myself, and I love everyone regardless of beliefs. (That's what makes me a "Xenophile" by definition.) I love the all unfamiliar and unexpected. I don't hate the haters, I just hate the games and abuses of political marketing. These abuses are usually targeting people by common emotions. Our desire to belong is a bottomless untapped motivator. [I'm talking to YouTube.] Nobody trolls you nowdays like the Marketing Surveillance Algorithms. The web never forgets, it's selling division by order of structured data. It's easier for the algorithms to filter forward bitter emotions than the love of our sacred others. Hate binds, Where as love merely softens with a lighter touch that's hard to feel through all bitter venom.

                     So how do we get back to the Garden? I don't know. But just know, "We Love You." Let's get back together people.