Sunday, November 22, 2015

Tracing Advances in Social Media with a Phantom Audience

                  I'm presently documenting my life's research as the skeptic professional psychic in a blog. I am also reediting my blog into book form. I also write spiritual fiction to prognosticate probable outcomes for the popularization of spiritual technologies like psychic healing, psychic reading and other influential spiritual mediums. The inevitable force of truth in ever shifting boundaries of personal and public opinion biases, I map out using mathematical information graphics. The inductive reasoning processes are much more difficult to prove. Even deductive reasoning requires precise inductive hypothesis, accurate base case examples and positive sequential affirmation without exception. My teaching modalities are systematic and inclusive, leading the cutting edge of alternative medical diagnostics. I dread to confess that most so called psychics aren't very comfortable with scientific methods and resultantly resent my willingness to remain utterly skeptical. But most doctors are far most intrigued than I could have expected.

                  Identifying a listed career was rather odd as I was torn between "Arts and Crafts" and "Biotechnology." For now I settled on biotech as that all spiritual technologies, (if such a thing even exists,) is rooted in shared physical reality. I have never been big on self promotion, and as my ego continues to shrivel away, I am left with a healthy vanity for respect. I want nothing more than to deliver the functional aspects of my productive contribution to life, humanity and the survival of the world. Having little or no personal desires of an unfulfilled nature, I must gage my own self doubts to be nothing more than growing pains. Welcome to the Twenty First Century.

                  Disseminating durable new information out into society can be done in several different ways. Toying with my free Google analytics, I get to watch for my readers behaviors. Google has a lengthy services agreement that is worth reading. You're supposedly protected from ever getting identified by me or Google through my observations. And if I am able to know anything about you from this legitimately provided Google software, I'm not supposed to tell them, ever. That's not a problem for me, yet. But I know of more than a few people who read my blog anonymously. I wish my family paid this close attention to me.

                  In order to count and measure conversions, I want people to be able to go to any of the other pages in my blog magazines, Zenophile and TESTPOST magazine. Neither of which are real or businesses. All content transactions are free. Help yourself, take and share. I'm calling the "Wind Sales." my conversions. I"M SELLING WIND. I'm spoofing Google for engaging in the Competitive Content Contest, competing in social business media. And Google has been very helpful. They've fulfilled their agreement to offer suggestions per my request that I wanted it. Also, they are providing a series of internal manipulations by Google's mighty technology, sending my blog collections to many countries where facebook is banned. I am intermittently fed through a random "Impressions" feed to almost every country in the world. Most never look at what Google is offering to the general casual subscribers. Most don't use G+. But in modern Mutual Magazine Culture, we have a new phenomena. I can tell the difference between a click through to one of my pages, or a bounce away from my site altogether without connecting anywhere.

                  I'm getting a lot of traction with my casual readers who don't mind reading. Of the steady readers that do continue to check up on my posts, you actually spend a good bit of time here. Thank you. I'm sure my visual geek appeal hides an embarrassment of riches and a multitude of sins.

                  :"So where is the Viral Ceiling on the Google profile?" How many Sites ever reach Viral Status?" The Astronomy Websites are big. Some of the coders and designers get big views. I have been told, "blogs never go viral." True. Well almost never viral. Business is just business, and I am only selling the wind. (For Free.) I wonder if the domain name "WINDCORP" has already been purchased yet?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Meta Fiction & The Intuitive Body

                  Exceptional people have exceptional gifts and exceptional needs. When we dream, we form possible futures from imagination. Most people do not dream. We conceive, we construct, we contribute but we do not always remember how to dream. There is a dream of the future where life goes on. Without us. The future is being projected, from now on.

                  Dearest readers to Xenophilia,
             This newest recollection was prompted by a change in G+. Almost as soon as I loaded my writings into this new featured service producing my "XENOPHILIA" collection, Google sent my work all over the world. My Math Graphics and Modeling Metaphysics appeal to broad audiences. And as for my newest readers, Google's translation software doesn't even give "word for word" translations to my already undecipherable technical writing. Children and non English speakers are having a hard time making sense out of what is almost impossible for even dedicated scholars and academics to decode.
             For all of Google's forward thinking, Social Business Media is for us discerning correspondents. Yet Google is still playing catch up with our becoming minds. Many of it's most successful blogs, have only a handful of posts going back many years. Blogs generally don't ever go viral, but a few have inspired real confidence. Beings as this literary project is designed to trace the dissemination of new (Transformative) information out into society, I anticipate that my blatant ploys are attracting attention. I simply did not expect that most of the traffic would come from the machines themselves and I have had a couple of years of worth of already posted documentation to back up my rather harsh assertions. Problem is, the Persuasion Profiling Algorithms read all of my overly detailed narrative blog histories with a much greater avidity than can any human. This is saying a lot. Very few readers are able to actually make sense of my "Pressure Free Informational Dust." But that being said, "You all are bloody blinking brilliant!" And this is a complement to each and every one of you, whoever and where ever you are. (But the point is, if the Google Algorithms could not sort through all of my work, most of you would never have been allowed to get to see this work.)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Anti Social Media & Our Needs for a Reintegration

                 Almost all of my work to date has been about Sensitive Boundary Definitions. Inclusive, Exclusive or uncertain, we define ourselves by our self identifying boundary associations. Those before us have seen the results of identifying with these boundaries of distinction. Pro or Con, we are included or excluded. Social Boundaries are dynamic.

                  As the so called Psychic, (if such a thing exists) I model perfectly for this very sensitive process of mapping out interpersonal boundaries of identification. (My personal beliefs turn out to be totally unimportant.) I've said to my "X" secretary, "The best Cold Reading is when I tell someone, I am a professional psychic." This subject is so highly polarized by people's beliefs and biases that by just watching peoples responses, I get more raw data than I deserve. I also know exactly what to say and not to say. (And yes, it is possible to not have an opinion.) Whenever people question my moral or mental integrity, I respect their bias. And if someone is particularly vulnerable in a suggestible way, I choose to be sensitive to that extremity of human nature too. The actual analytics of mapping models used, though often potentially very  arbitrary, are not without their symbolic utility. The soul of the human psyche likes to be explored.

                   Yet I find it none too fascinating, that when challenged with these very functional boundaries of conflicting world view, most people are completely unable to understand the usefulness of the contrary, (and often complementary) opposing viewpoint. Dialectics account for these ongoing social systems dynamics. Let the games begin.

                   Social Identifications have proven absolutely critical to understanding behaviors shaped by conflicting personal biases in general. As we approach an unknown or an uncertainty, there is a kind of impasse experienced at the point we recognize our own personally limited understandings. The real limitations of personal biases and polarities, are not without function. The brain is a learning machine and is by necessity capable of rational disagreement. This ability to hold two or more mutually conflicting opinions, is a hallmark of maturity. Cognitive dissonance is that disquiet we experience when we step out of the familiar. As the Pro Psychic, I get to gently massage people's need for alternative perspectives.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


                  All Super Cultures are inclusive. Not exclusive like politics, graduated education or cultural separatism. (Exclusivity still holds a necessary and significant place in all social dynamics, but by definition it is never universally inclusive. Many religions try to promote themselves as universally inclusive, but by admission they are closed off to anyone who is unconfirmed.) But with the developments of Secular Religion, (Taoism, Buddhism, Meta Physics) Applied Spiritual Technologies (Mindfulness, Prayer, Volunteerism, SoulCraft) and Alternative Medicines have brought us a modern world that is continuously recreating itself.

                    Designing Super Cultures is not without templates. I first recognized this in my body building gym. Most people are used to self identification by either the prevalent dominant cultures exclusively, or with a divisively exclusive subculture, often reflexive of a popularly elite subcultural aesthetic. {Like with Country Western Music and American Political Conservatism.}                
                    SUPER CULTURES are always entirely inclusive, not exclusive. Now it might seem that that body building and "The Cult of the Body" might seem unwelcoming. But for all of the buffed men and women I get to train around, mine is a neighborhood community gym across the street from an even older Coop. Both have only grown and become more popular and established. Trees only want to grow, as do Super Cultures. Health and recreational self maintenance are the new American Super Cultures, and it's not just here in the U. S. It's happening everywhere and everyone knows about it. (Thanks to Mass Media and the Internet.)  

                  Using Meta Fiction and creatively projected Benchmark Archeologies, we can enact possible futures. Forming simultaneously contradictory perspectives in the mind, this frames the systems analysis of possible future outcomes.

                 "Most of my work is on the academics of contradiction. Boundary definitions are the moving goal posts of science and history. The reframing of these points of contact between people is a frontier that I suspect will soon start to catch up with technology and people will stop being so dazzled by the languages of exclusivity which are used to keep philosophy and science apart." {I do not know how to undo this font once I've used a Personal Quotation from my earlier works.} 

                    By using Synthetic Reasoning, Mutually Conflicting Opinions and the Dialectics of Metaphysical Diagnostics, I've brought the probable future to the page. Being a Pro Psychic, (Skeptical and Self Doubting) I've learned how to be very wrong routinely for very right reasons. This has freed me from most of the pretenses and followings that corrupt and delude most popular psychics. (Xenophiles Unite!)