Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Changes in Super Culture; New Diets from the World
Here in the United States, we are in the midst of a world dietary change. We are getting to taste many new international flavors. We get nutrition coming here from everywhere. This is especially important because people here are dying from very bad nutrition. The conveniences of industrial foods and mass marketing means that people are eating fast foods without any real nourishment. Variety is something most white bread Americans will never appreciate. Were we not getting all of these new nutritional choices, we'd all be very unhealthy. (Actually Most Americans are not very healthy anymore. Too many bad Sugars, hardened Fats and Industrial Meats.)
Here is just the start of a very short list of the many wonderful new food flavors.
Shitaki Mushrooms, Bamboo Shoots, Lotus Root. Etc. from China
Fresh Ginger and Turmeric. India
Chilis, Salsas, Potatoes and Tomatoes. Latin America
Shallots, Chives, Garlic and Olives. Mediterranean
Miso, Tamari and Plum Pickles, Japan
Cloves, Black Pepper, Cardamon. Indonesia
Herbs, Spices and Natural Medicines from all over the world. And so on, and so on.
I myself was very ill most of my life. By the intervention of people who cared about me and my health and survival, I was educated about improving my quality of life. When I try to share my dietary recovery issues with friends, they think that they don't need to listen to me. Most people aren't willing to try the new and the different. Stubborn people just slowly starve and poison themselves with very easy popular bad foods.
Now all Super Cultures are inclusive. And we as a world society, are helping to change each others habits and beliefs. Our need for change and simplicity is our only real chance of survival, as individuals and as a species. Welcome to the new Super Culture of Informed Self Maintenance through learning, loving and living better. And with each other, we exercise patience. And through waiting, Dinner is served. Thanks.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Free Marketing of Ideological Neutrality
Without money or a cult of personality, just counting conversions won't tell me if my cult is truly ideologically neutral. "COMPLEMENTARIANISM" isn't neutral just because I say it is. That "COMPLEMENTARIANISM" is unbiased ideologically, may be unimportant. Finding a base case for an "Institution" with a "Neutral" ideological bias is difficult. We want our institution to survive. Perpetuating a tradition biases our ideology, I think.
Saying that I am starting a new religion under the pretense of a non bias is just here say. Even if I can do it. My induction hypothesis says: "I can do it." (Do it? What is It? Start a "Harmless Cult?" Is it even possible to create a "Harmless Cult?") Measuring conversion rates as of yet, tells me nothing. I can't even identify terms that can signify unbiased personal opinions for our potential converts. Doesn't matter. Our non biases don't necessarily match up in the first place. Everybody and their dog has tried starting their own new religions under all kinds of noble intentions. And for me to do so for some academic justification is equally silly. But I'm doing this anyway. My motivations may never be pure no matter how innocent I may want to be.
Question is: Can I sell it? "The Anti Bias, Bias." "COMPLEMENTARIANISM,"
Starting a Sub Cult for those of us with rational "Bias Fear" is a really good idea. But it may prove nothing by itself. Pretending to be Agnostic is not the point. Yes I do know exactly what's going to happen. And I'm not telling. Telling would spoil everything. This experiment must be handled very delicately. I want to see people buy into my religion of non bias by conversion. The trick is going to be tracking how and why.
If you haven't seen all the supporting work that has brought us to this point, (or even if you have) this all must look very silly indeed. I want to track the development of this theoretical "Religion" from it's beginning. I'm going to establish my domain name and website to anchor the project into usable business culture. While retaining independence I want no money.
The question is no longer, "Can I do it?" I am doing this. Question becomes how and why.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
A Thesaurus of Change
My blog is read all over the world, by even children, radicals and or conservatives of every faith and persuasion. As the seer from the future, I've had to forgo the luxury of being easily accessible. I've deliberately avoided certain controversies. Although G+ is the perfect medium for anonymous scientific expose', it is also obscure and unpopular. Even as my XENOPHILIA Collection is taking off into a stratosphere of viral impact, I'm still a veritable non entity in my own community. Most of my friends look at blogging as the last resort of lonely outcasts, groveling for the attentions of anyone who will read rantings. I kind of love the fact that although I'm well loved and regarded for my work as the neighborhood psychic, seer and healer, nobody knows what I'm doing or how I do it. (And that is very fine with me.) But yet I must admit that for all the attention I'm getting for my work here with Zenophile Magazine, There is never enough time to visit much less explain. The future is happening exactly as it had been predicted, so I must constantly co audit and co cue. My friends have no understanding of how influential their input has been to the constant correction and re clarification that my work needs. Though many of the earlier post are well written, I've also written some garbage. When I'm wrong about something, my writing is terrible. But the work continues. Even the most knowledgeable G+ users get none of the utility out of what's required, in order for me to get these useful writings to you.
I had to start from scratch to find the best language to share;
Echo Imprinting) The distinctive impressions of each and ever person
Intuitive Apprehension) The sense of the uncertainties of undefined perceptions
Void of Content) That natural null set of appetites for the unknown
Social Recursion) That mutually self defining boundary of categorical separation
Ego and/or Stroke Hunger) 4th rule, "Everybody Needs Love" Etc, etc, etc.....,
Clarity and clear language is a harsh task mistress. Co auditing and co cueing must define the interpersonal boundaries of our differences and similarities. We not only hear what we say with each other, but we must also listen by paying attention for those things we don't anticipate. We need to mutually audit and cue each other. We also need to be audited and cued by each other. Cultivating awareness is as mutual as it is personal. Self awareness and reflection do not occur in a vacuum. We may die as individuals, but we live together as collectives and communities of shared languages and physical realities.
Because Google Personalization Profiling is far more adamant about reading every single scrap of my writing, it was the Google algorithms that determined that my writing was suitable for world distribution. As much as I've indulged in criticism of the rather shoddy G+ web design, I Am ETERNALLY INDEBTED to Goggle for promoting my work. I can only hope that I will continue to serve to the best of my calling. Thank you as always, Happy Solstice people. I love you all.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Submissions Excepted
I wonder if G+ will like being used for online free magazine services. G+ is not designed to handle magazine scale content, as of yet. Most social media isn't. Some are better than others. Social media is becoming a game of data delivery for high resolution macro data, independent of the business. Even small sample offerings are gratefully accepted. Don't share anything you don't want the world to see. (This could turn out in any number of ways, I suspect that this will some take time before anything happens.) Please feel free to use G+.
Let's work backwards, "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE A JOB IN BUSINESS MEDIA COMMENTARY." "Test Post Magazine" is accepting submissions from benign essayists. (Please be gentle people.) This is at best only a sport. And if it works that's wonderful, and if it doesn't work, well then we still get to play a good clean game.
At this point we are asked to make a commitment. Offerings are submitted for jury approval. (For the time being it's only me.) Show us what you've got. I'll make things easy for everyone at first. All initial proposals will be considered. I don't steal or expect any responses. But for now it's still my baby. Don't sell your mothers pearls yet, but if it's "A Beauty Too Good to Keep, then send it our way and we will see if there is a place in the Post. We give art a double life, a time of contemplation, by sharing. Everyone knows someone who has done something so beautiful, that it deserves a second life. Contemplation becomes contemplated. Why shouldn't We love the things we do? I'm only talking to those who are hopelessly blameless. If this becomes a moral hazard, I will shut it down immediately. I 'll keep you posted. Please feel free to use G+.
This is still just an experiment, but if it's possible I'd like to see a "MICRO GOOGLE." We can do storage and archiving, on line in magazine format. Creatively Personalized DATA MEDIA. (Already does.) If we want to get Google's attention it will be by flooding their servers with high density content. I know that could be considered grounds for shutting the website down. But as a non profit that doesn't advertise, how big will we have to get before Google starts to twitch? Please feel free to use G+. And as always, I'm doing this for the fun of rattling the bells on the technological castle cathedral, and then running away. This is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Games and Entertainment law allows for the distribution of "Performance Arts."
This non prophet adverteasing has been brought to you by the good folks at, "A BEAUTY TOO GOOD TO KEEP" Productions. And from a Grant from the good folks at "THE UNIVERSE."
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The Theory of Para Psychological Methods; Identity Variation through Modular Systems
These traditions are very old. We may believe we exist in a structured, ordered Universe. We may see structure and meaning in the world and it has a very ancient language. The order of our world is not without chaos. But we account for systems of probabilities. This type of systems analysis is by analogy discreet. It is still used in risk reduction today, although it is often done without any acknowledgement to ancient traditions.
The imprints of our personal Identities also have shape and order. Whether we are aware of it or not, our diverse variabilities form different identities. As the so called psychic, I am using models for analysis and prognostication. My literary intention is to document the traditions of these models, Talking to people about specifically identifiable distinctions, is much easier than explaining all the different identifiable variables and variations. One such model of diagnostics is The Chinese Meridian System. The mass proliferation and acceptance of Acupuncture has brought our society an obscure poorly understood tradition of Chinese Diagnostic Medicine. This system for the analysis and treatment of the body is based on a simple model. The Meridians are twelve (12) extending over the body in cycle with the rhythms of time. These lines are extensions of the life force (Chi) changing. It circulates through all the vital organs. Having an a hole through the center of our bodies, we eat and excrete on one continuous surface, internally and externally lined in to the body. This donut shaped, Toroidal Geometry is just one more amazing quality to this thorough system of medical diagnostics. Point is, Meta Formal Logic is the Modular World View. "Elements in Cycles", sounds just like Tensor Algebra to me. Dividing things into uniform symmetrical boundaries is at this most primary level of our shared traditions, inductive rational thought. This however never excuses the misuse and abuse of information in order to exploit peoples gullibility. But much of our societies ignorance about other peoples cultures is a large part of the taboo surrounding my work. People often like to think I'm whatever their personal biases tell them.
As the psychic reader however, I do have a responsibility to point out the obvious statistics governing the natural limitations to trying to predict or control future outcomes or events. But the mathematics have always fascinated me. Games Theory, Statistical mechanics, The Permutations and Combinations of all the different kinds of possible people, Identity Matrices, Projective Geometry in The Calculus of Variation. All social interaction is between definably changing relations. When a client approaches me, we are by tradition, using a Geometrically Modular World View. (UP, Down; Right, Left; Backwards, Forwards; Rotations upon Rotations: etc, etc.) Trying to explain the math and statistics I use is often boring. So I try to do art to illustrate different modelings. I'm also not very fast with computations anyways. It is only the specificity of the information I provide that makes the system marketable. Most people have never looked closely at an other person's hands. I will continue reviewing the significant sited Cycle Models. The next one is taken from ;
These traditions are very old. We may believe we exist in a structured, ordered Universe. We may see structure and meaning in the world and it has a very ancient language. The order of our world is not without chaos. But we account for systems of probabilities. This type of systems analysis is by analogy discreet. It is still used in risk reduction today, although it is often done without any acknowledgement to ancient traditions.
The imprints of our personal Identities also have shape and order. Whether we are aware of it or not, our diverse variabilities form different identities. As the so called psychic, I am using models for analysis and prognostication. My literary intention is to document the traditions of these models, Talking to people about specifically identifiable distinctions, is much easier than explaining all the different identifiable variables and variations. One such model of diagnostics is The Chinese Meridian System. The mass proliferation and acceptance of Acupuncture has brought our society an obscure poorly understood tradition of Chinese Diagnostic Medicine. This system for the analysis and treatment of the body is based on a simple model. The Meridians are twelve (12) extending over the body in cycle with the rhythms of time. These lines are extensions of the life force (Chi) changing. It circulates through all the vital organs. Having an a hole through the center of our bodies, we eat and excrete on one continuous surface, internally and externally lined in to the body. This donut shaped, Toroidal Geometry is just one more amazing quality to this thorough system of medical diagnostics. Point is, Meta Formal Logic is the Modular World View. "Elements in Cycles", sounds just like Tensor Algebra to me. Dividing things into uniform symmetrical boundaries is at this most primary level of our shared traditions, inductive rational thought. This however never excuses the misuse and abuse of information in order to exploit peoples gullibility. But much of our societies ignorance about other peoples cultures is a large part of the taboo surrounding my work. People often like to think I'm whatever their personal biases tell them.
As the psychic reader however, I do have a responsibility to point out the obvious statistics governing the natural limitations to trying to predict or control future outcomes or events. But the mathematics have always fascinated me. Games Theory, Statistical mechanics, The Permutations and Combinations of all the different kinds of possible people, Identity Matrices, Projective Geometry in The Calculus of Variation. All social interaction is between definably changing relations. When a client approaches me, we are by tradition, using a Geometrically Modular World View. (UP, Down; Right, Left; Backwards, Forwards; Rotations upon Rotations: etc, etc.) Trying to explain the math and statistics I use is often boring. So I try to do art to illustrate different modelings. I'm also not very fast with computations anyways. It is only the specificity of the information I provide that makes the system marketable. Most people have never looked closely at an other person's hands. I will continue reviewing the significant sited Cycle Models. The next one is taken from ;
Friday, December 11, 2015
Enter: The Shimmering Star Door
"The Shimmering Star Door" is the metaphor I discovered to explain that transitional state where we are loosing consciousness. Many near death survivors report seeing stars leading into a portal focused on a distant aperture, this opening centers on an invitingly soft bright white light. Although there is often report of confrontations with the layers of attachments, as explained in the "Tibetan Book of the Dead," most say we see our self floating above our bodies. This experience can also result from either involuntary or intentional lucid dreaming. The consensus is far from just anecdotal. Point being, many report seeing their deceased relatives waiting on them. The "Imprint Echo" of those who most strongly influence us personally can never really be permanently forgotten.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Enumerate Partition and the Coalescent Symmetry (+)
Taking things apart and putting them back together again. To kinda demonstrate the point, I'm trying to learn how to use blogging as a way of learning how to communicate in general. I'm probably going to reissue what I've written so far.
All in all. This is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate techniques. I like being able to test myself. I would like it very much if may be able to bring you a quality product as a psychic. I know many people who want to slug me when they hear me even use the word "Psychic." I basically agree with them.
Getting passed the stigma of being a psychic for me is very expressive of my work in general. It's great to be able to get passed the biases and stereotypes. "Solve Et Coagula."
So here's the proposition; I'm going to try to compile a documentation of the resources I need to be able to function as a psychic and still have a clear conscience.
I propose, (In spite of how boring the actual study of parapsychology really is);
That, in sincere commitment to my craft, I will explain the seemingly unexplainable.
And I propose to do my best; Telling an adventure story where the hero is you,
and it's like I know "you." That's my job.
And I Propose; that I'm going to do my work quickly and without expectations, whether anyone likes reading my blog or not. And you might actually enjoy it. Wish me luck.
Silliness out of the way, I have been working for three years to be able to get back to the blog. People will read me here before I'm ever able to publish.
Demonstration Tools:
Enumerate Partition and the Coalescent Symmetry
by an Analogy; We are clocks.
We have parts that can be numbered.
We function with all the parts working together.
We keep perfect time.
Analogous Modeling is essential for mapping comparison. Sometimes concepts are more easily communicated, than are words alone.
The parts. And the whole. Do we understand?
In conceptual language, we all have very similar boundaries and definitions. Certain simple dualities interact as a dynamic membrane through which we interact with uncertainty and the future. Opportunity is one of those concepts where we have simple decisions that can get very complicated.
We can take things apart to understand them, we maybe can put them back together again.
We compare similar things to make predictions about what's going to happen.
We must try not to break the thing we're using, just to understand things we want to use.
There is a pile of concepts on the table that I want. I've taken most of them apart repeatedly.
The Mappings and Diagrams and Charts themselves are really pretty. Mandalas, Magic Circles, Medicine wheels, Rose windows, Celestial Domes and the arcs of the Compass. These overlap and interface as maps of the soul. I gotten a lot of points from people for this analysis. There isn't anyway I could really do justice to the traditions without those beautiful diagrams. This is another aspect of desktop publishing that I'm going to have to learn.
I know that for how busy all "My" friends really are, that they'll be urging me on. And they all will no doubt help me as well. I'm taking this slow. More money is coming in. Pictures and graphics soon. Concepts will hopefully be explained clearly by me. I'm still laying the background. Thanks again. More later.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Exotic Matters & Why I Don't Fear the Illuminati (+)
Exotic Matters (Why I don't fear the Illuminati)
Conspiratorial Intelligence? Myths. All Myths. As the so called psychic, I've had to negotiate around a lot of lies, half truths, popular myths of paralyzing paranoia and baselessly fearful speculations, all mythically insoluble disinformation. I posted a long movie on the Illuminati in Italian, (In my Zenewsia Collection) with spectacularly wonderful math graphics. I'm very hated by most in the conspiracy crowd because I say, "THERE IS NO ONE IS DRIVING THIS BUS." Conspiracy theories imply intelligence. If you look at the history of conspiracies and greed, we see humanly stupid unconscious motivations only, period. Actual conspiracy would require an actual intelligence. Government intelligence in business has only one rational objective, and it's self preservation and that means cowardice. When you think about it, most of the government and or business conspiracies have been really stupid and almost always fail in the long run by virtue of false assumptions projected in general. We don't necessarily have the time left to let these lies run their course, but then again, cowardice is a potentially logical type of evasion.
In this very interesting movie at about 1:01:48, there is a visual metaphor of a tapeworm eating and killing the vital energy system symbolized by the torus twistor field model. This error in explanation demonstrates futility incarnate. Right there on the table in front of the talking heads, is a model of conspiracy that makes my point quite unintentionally. Why would any intentionally rational parasitic conspiracy ever consciously kill it's own host? That's not intelligent.
I can't think of a worse self perpetuating conspiracy theory than people buying into their own popular paranoid conspiracy theories. Fear paralyzes. If there is a conspiracy, it's intent is only to frighten, intimidate and silence. Who's side are these conspiracy theorists on? {Donald Trump's?} Seriously! I'm not scared. Are you? (I get far more frightened getting censored by sharing my contrary opinion complement with one of my avid conspiracy buff friends.) This is why I don't like Aristotelian Logic in general. (Fortunately, Logic and Reasoning are not the same thing.) It's not my job to convince anyone. People jump prematurely to logically convenient conclusions. The assumptions of "Cause and Effect Thinking" often cause people to grasp at anything that supports desperately popular confirmation biases. (It's always the Nazi, Alien, Illuminati Trifecta that's causing everyone to be stupid.) Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Platonism also has some glaring irrational logic. Namely, for all the beauty of believing in an Ordered Universe, Plato in his divisively logical way, (in his "THE REPUBLIC") "proved" we humans can't be trusted to protect Democracy from the inevitability of "Mob Rule." This was very prophetic by seemingly predicting the collapse of Athenian Democracy and the Roman Senate, leading to the dictatorships of the "Caesars." Are all of us humans really this stupid? For now, in groups, this is all still just more rhetoric.
That said, "I don't buy any of it!" We humans have plenty of "Blind Spots," and evasions, denials, and ignorance aggression. I sahy, "Everyone has Blind Spots, and Everyones Blind Spots are DIFFERENT." (Second Axiomatic Law of the Para Psychological Methods) If my research is correct, then "Unity through Diversity is our only Great Equalizer." It is by virtue of the fact that, WE DON'T AGREE, that our species survives and that we may even continue to thrive. "I come not to the world to bring peace, but to bring division." Jesus Christ, "NEW TESTAMENT" This may sound like the most horrible of solutions, but if you think about it, the force of the complement dissent is our only real key to a functional "Social Dynamics." Truth is the only predictably inevitable eventuality. It not a matter of "If," but only "When." We may all soon come to know the truth, we just have to not give up. (God, I sure hope I don't start getting ads from the National Rifle Association again, just for reposting my objections to political passivity.)
Friday, December 4, 2015
Behavioral Med, Psychic Healing
Meta Formal Logic (Any type of modular intuitive diagnostic modeling, either ancient or modern.) simply asks that, "When confronted with an unknown, we first look for the boundaries of our inquiry as a unity, and then divide our unity by uniform symmetrical partitions." For those of you who're familiarized with my earliest theoretical propositions on ancient soft "Technologies," you will recognize these elegant simplicities. My procedure of "Enumerate Partition" and "Symmetrical Coalescence," is in no way original, (Solve Et Coagula / Basic Alchemy) but it is also accurate and effective means of explaining artifacts from our shared histories of science and analysis. We, at this point, are going back to the base fundamentals of Meta Formal Logic. Consistently defined, variability is the dynamic human nature in terms of each total personal unity. This unity is subject to the symmetrical divisions of these seemingly arbitrary effects of polarity and dimension, I offend many people caught up in pretenses of objectivity. People often object to Applied Spiritual Technologies largely out of a sense of outraged principle. (I basically agree with the skeptics but I still believe they are missing the point.) Dichotomies abound in this modern dualistic world and it's conflicting belief systems. I find it particularly strange that in the face of our world and it's troubles, that people put so much stock in one sided argument.
If you've been watching my blog posts for the math graphics, you've been seeing symmetry, in total defiance of our popular cultures of disorder.
Forget self help books that fix people, rather than cultivate awareness. Oppose the kinds of modern religious subcultures that advocate insularism through meditation or prayer. I realize these are dangerous times and withdrawal may seem like the appropriate solution. Yet some of the best recovery therapy I work with prepares people to move beyond the limitations of biased (Conflicting) emotions, back into a world of functional vulnerabilities. Quickly, with no attachments. Really powerful medicine.
Recognizing that challenges are integral to living involves identifying boundary definitions, inclusively and exclusively. Almost all personal problems have a public reality. Almost any problem we have is not about us as individuals. And speaking as a hungry ghost myself, I must accept that for all the cravings I have, I obviously have things great. There is no shortage of people who have hard lives, much harder than mine. I spent most of my life starving. I'm alive now and I remind myself to eat. Because of my very rare form of psychiatric illness, I must accept extreme sensitivities and desires, a very mixed blessing. I must be humble, (Damn it!) in the presence of my own absurdity. For the manias and pain, I am blessed with a forgiving nature. But I also get to do it by the numbers. AND IT MAKES IT EASIER.
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