Monday, May 30, 2016

Alien Proof Expression Artifacts

              Where did these artifacts come from? And how? Why are Alien Proof Expression Artifacts coming to our planet? What can we possibly learn? And from whom? These questions pile the desks of meta physicians everywhere, Doctors of Religious Science Phd. From the many we learn as one, and believe it, "We are not alone."

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Rebeginnings; A New History

               The Multiverse is a rigged game. Instead of assuming that the world fractures into ever increasing possible events, we are only existing in one shared self regenerating reality at any time. For all infinite possibilities, there is only one reality. All events coalesce out from an infinitely unlikely context for possible outcomes. Randomly predictable dice games may merely draw the existence of a God into question. But although, I myself don't believe in a "Personal God," I do believe that life is no less than a manifestation of the divine. The dogma of "A Chemical Multiverse" is never more suspect when we compare organic chemistry to how randomness controls particle signaling. The organic molecule is far too greedy to perform the job of drawing site specific molecules out solution, without some singularly precise chemical signaling determinants. (Stochastic Determinism is nothing more than probabilistic prognostication.) Life is no accident. Determinism in organic chemistry is never reversible, systemic complexities are far too improbable. The major defect of "Cause and Effect" thinking is pride. Many believe that if and when we can predict the outcome of an event, (even probabilistically) then this qualifies as a type of "Causality." This is the arrogance of a multi universal world view. We live in only one shared universe, a one constant never ending shared moment only. This moment is a time boundary, and can be thought of as a 2space surface summation.

               The Oracle says,...., {3rd line of the Hexagram 28, The Predominance of the Great, from the "I Ching" Book of Changes} "The ridge pole sags to the breaking point." Plunging willfully ahead in times of danger only hastens the catastrophe. With this line changing, we change into the Hexagram of Oppression. (Exhaustion) If one pushes upward without stopping, one inevitably reaches a state of failure. I just threw the coins. This is a "Random" event. The words of and by themselves mean nothing. Words simply don't make sense if we're prejudiced by assumptions. New History is as personal as are our own personal responsibilities, all requiring fresh eyes. Refresh now. But how? Fantasy, fiction and imagination are all real, but only as subjunctive conjectures only. By making comparisons by substitution, this mathematics exercise is designed to create contrary examples of why an argument, expression or assertion can be proven true or false, either to be eliminated or found to be in agreement with our proposition in question. Were the Multiverse real, consensus says "A Multiverse would be predominantly void, occupied exclusively by failed universes whose critical sensitivities would be unmet for things like; the formation of matter, much less life, much much less for any means of possible self awareness for sentience."

               I still argue that we are now dancing with a kind of popularized "Quantum Relativism," Where arguments are still being won by the loudest voice. And although I'm totally pro science, where is this other universe where the quietest can survive? Isn't it right here all along? Somebody needs to rewrite us a new history, a rebeginnings. {Rejoining the Uniform Discontinuities}

Friday, May 27, 2016

Confessions of a Hungry Ghost

               Retirement is a Ghetto. Here in the West we too have a very lonely impoverished third world. The reader in me has outgrown the game. My game no longer fits the products to be sold. The glamour is gone. A flower drops it's petals in hopes to fruit, but maybe never. Along with the failings of maturity, we can come to a uselessness of age. My street fills with a circling crowd. Everyone is a Hungry Ghost. Words failed to have meaning. And if I am still touching with you, this moment never revolved around me. It never was about me. I've made good on my offerings with all the ritual ablutions for purification. Massage Therapies, Reading Technologies, Sensitive Observational Science; my jobs are all becoming ritually misunderstood, Ouch! My work never was about me. I've learned to read for God's Sake, and I've learned to write for yours. And though I have loved every minute, the time has come to say good bye to all these shimmering dreams. I'm not sad. I'm just a little angry. a hunger lives on within me, and yet the world dies a little everyday.

                 I am not alone!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hunger; An Infinite Longing

               Eating when we want is a luxury. So are all the comforts and satieties of western appetites. As the rest of the third worlds long for release from suffering, we too have a third world here in the states, it is all around us in the poverty and malnutrition and denials of the body. Here we quibble over our very limited right. Mania is also a type of Infinite Longing and Hunger. The human soul knows it's longings, seeking to be released from insatiable longing. To have or to have not, we long for that which will never be. These are hungers. And yet people quibble.

               Being deprived of touch, of human contact is a form of murder. At 60, I here want to be touched, I maybe need to be touched. Within the next ten years, western medicine will market touch as the necessary adjunct to all therapies. But it will be charged. ("Everybody needs love." 4th Proposition of the Para Psychological Method) Now that for the last ten years I've been able to train at Los Campeones gym, I've found that I am not alone in my hunger for a sober life, fellowship and human kindness. But I still need touch. Being designated a maniac by the powers that be, this renders me a non entity in my otherwise work a day world. I am a burden on the state and stick out out like a sore thumb according to my last psychiatrist. But because I can't take psych meds, I'm pushed out of her office schedules and back out into an infinite dream of longings I will never fulfill.

               Dreams are desire, dreams of hunger, dreams of peace for those who can not dream. And as the retired Pro Psychic, I can only imagine what my clients used to think when I felt their thoughts, knew their hunger, and longed to feed their hunger for information. This was my burden. When someone trusts you, things happen. Feeding your desires came at a high price. A price I had to pay. And now I can eat, but the hunger still chews at my soul as I dream of the world. Eating when we want is a luxury.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Enter: Spirit Tech University

                  Spirit Tech University is presently accepting applications for our advanced classes in Complementarity. ABANDON HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE. All enrollment submissions will be reviewed by the Universe for unaffected sincerity. All false subscriptions will be scrubbed from divine records, as all attempts at falsification will be found in error of extreme petty absurdity. No one in their right mind would ever choose to master the Scientific Arts of Complementarity. Although the ability to Conjugate the Perfect Complement might seem enviable. Anyone who actually wants to be an Complementarian, is usually either insane, corrupt or dangerously ignorant. Only those applicants who are motivated by a real need for peace themselves, their families, or their greater community can be trusted to the full complement of all of the confidence games in their entirety. Xenophilia alone does not qualify one to be a competent confident Complimentarian. Supplicants must be shielded from their own "Sins of Magnanimity." Otherwise every long suffering foolhardy social critic would clog our ashrams, hostels and mutual support systems with meddlesomew nurse witches. As well as every other kind of well meaning bottom feeder, obsessed with selfish "Helping." ("The road to hell is paved with self serving good intentions.") As entry requires passing through the gates leading to the western realms, you may want to pack light to make room for an infinitely heavy course load. Good luck.

                  Lorem ipsum vim ut utroque mandamus intellegebat, ut eam omittam ancillae sadipscing, per et eius soluta veritus.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Doesn't Everyone Want To Be the "IT" Person ?

                   I've been looking at the google analytics for my social media. I really enjoy reading things I can do with data. Marketing for things like "conversion rates," It must be like a "point of sale." And I really laughed. I enjoyed reading about it's features and actual systems analysis and data modeling. It's really fun and I honestly don't know If I'm going to be able to keep up. I do love a good social experiment. I'm going to see if I can do this, hopefully it's not a big thing. I'll stay open. Can I market teaching people "How to be Psychics." Classes are taught over the web without you ever having to meet me. And I am doing this professionally. And I actually am. My magazines do have actual content and learning modules. (I'm not worried about making money. Nobody should trust a psychic with money anyways.)

                   I love math. The analytics can track the behaviors of your markets and marketing. I'm reading something beautiful and poetic, not vague. I've got it.  I think I get it out to you now. "It's" that quality of something, or someone that is is so indescribable. "It" is the market gold. You want to have "It." You have to have "It."  You must be able to get "It," to get to "It." Everyone wants to have the "It." Now the whole point of "It" has become, "Now" is the new hip.

                   And now "It" has also now become very measurable. (Thank you, Google Analytics) And I've had a good laugh and feel very good about what I'm reading and I'd like to read some of tit to you. It gives me a kind of hope. Targeting an audience (Analytics) can be a very dynamic medium for communication, you can get individual consent to participate, screen and/or filter involvement in these analytics.

                   I ask you, "Can Marketing become a Force for Good?"  Similar to your own personalized social media, your data can be for what and whom you want to be accessing and interacting with your media. Questions like, What accesses your marketplace? And in what way? By Whom, When, Where, and even in so much more subtle detail.  How do you identify Yourself to your market? These can be your metrics, just like time, proximity and age. Etc. You can segment your own data. Each parameter can be set for schedules, usage, or the length of a campaign. It's a little difficult, but fun. So we're going to get to see if I can do this. Thank you as always for your help and support, you have been an absolute blast. "It's" now taking the "Surfing of the Web," to another completely unexpected place.

                    P. S.  {Nobody wants to get permanently stuck into an "It" box, at least not for very long. Too many identity crisis. We are happiest when we matter to other people, "It" can be beautiful. Be very creative, Everybody Wants to Be "It." This has now become a completely different challenge entirely. Enjoy living with simplicity. We are the "It" factor already, Forever! ( Fun with Google Analytics, is kind of a little creepy, but lots of fun.) Are we here yet?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

META MODELS: Return Forms From The Future

               People often ask me how I can possibly know what is going to happen, when there is no such thing as being "Psychic?" (You don't have to be psychic to know where this is going.) Meta Models are the systems of preferred choices, forming structures in our personal worlds and lives. Our unique styles of structured choices and decision making connect all of our individual "Operant Selections," creating reenforced patterns of causalities. Interestingly enough, this is not cause and effect thinking or Karma. Our choices, are as predictively distinctive as are our fingerprints. These habits are what "Personalization Profiling Algorithms" analyze, in order to predict what we may want to buy, use or want see over the internet. Even if we are only buying wonder bread, coca cola or predictably only voting for brand "X," (Trump that!) we all have discernible styles for choosing from amongst any number of suggested possible selections. This can be studied and thus exploited.
For instance;
                1. What do you avoid, or try to ignore? Why? (Are you phobic?) (Shy, affectionate, cold?)
                2. How do you identify yourself? By whose definitions? Do you obsess over friends, groups, family? Conflicts? Do you just need to keep driving to where you intend to go? Or do you like to explore? (Etc, etc.)
                3. What's most sacred to you? Jeans and Tee Shirt or fine quality clothing? Both? Cars? Real estate? Are we trying to impress or just getting by. Church and family? Gyms and social clubs? Schooling? (Status? Security? )
                4. What's your diet? Live to eat or eat to live? Drink, smoke? What? Why? And so on.

                "Everything is a fully functioning metaphor."  These quirks can help you know the future. I'll use myself and my own quirks to demonstrate the obvious symmetry between our habits and future outcomes of preference. How we treat our world is often how the world treats us. (Imprints)

               My own special flair for lazy housekeeping, is why my Feng Sui consultant accurately predicted my Bi Polar tendencies. I tend to want functionality over the pretty pretenses of convenient "Flow." Worrying about image only serves to project illusions of comfort and welcome I don't want, so pretentiously new age and "yellow sheik." (Neither of us are Asian anyways.) But her useful analysis of my Meta Models were perfectly accurate. There are many flavors of Bi Polar crazy, and mine is just a little bit rebelliously bohemian. I like Ghetto, and I want to be able to find things when I put something down, it stays where I put it.

               She says, "I'm beginning to see a theme here." (I fired her good.) She wanted to turn my Ghetto Home into a frilly tearoom with crystal, candles, oriental rugs and incense. She wanted to bring her yoga mom clientele to me for psychic readings, making herself look glamorously hip and spiritual by association with me. Her complement was very sincere. It was her objectivity that was tainted by status seeking. Her personal interpretation of my style was self serving. She did predictably good work, but still didn't get paid.

               I myself like to eat at buffets mostly, that feature lots of vegetables. My plates look like works of delicious art.

               It took me decades to get back into going to the doctors, dentists, opticians, audiologists and massage therapists for my twisted fused spine, including my Physical Education Trainers.

               I can't drive because I have no peripheral vision or depth perception, and extremely slow visual flicker rates making visual processing clumsy. Even riding a bike or crossing a street can be very dangerous. I have cataleptic fugue states as well and can walk into a dream. I'm wired for sound, perfect for seeing in the dark and knowing things that were never my business in the first place. (Spacial Reasoning anyone?) You don't have to be psychic to know where this is going.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Twitch Cycles and Flicker Rates

               The Human Brain is a Wave Transducer. We are not just digital super computers, our brains also do analog wave signaling to and from our bodies. This "Vibe" is sensitively perceivable from the inside and the outside. Our human "Universal Processing Machines" have "Twitch Cycles" which become signal packets {Wave Envelopes} to and from, throughout all coordinated muscle reflex symmetries. "Flicker Rates" are the discreet coordinating currency of all our internal and external inter communication. The Eyes have it. The brain focuses and reflects these fast and slow Twitch Cycles and Flicker Rates. Distinctively our own, these higher order wave forms are even more distinctive than a person's signature. If Handwriting is the seismograph of the brain, the line creases of tension on the hands, feet, body and face are an analogous mapping of mental processing. The human personality forms concurrent with the accumulation of personal and shared memory, as it is imprinted on to each brain and then resultantly onto the body. The bodies memories are informed by shocks and stressors. These data stores aren't just digital binary code, but also ripple on the waters of the soul.

                Echo Imprints are  awarenesses of these singularly quantifiable inimitable wave packets of interpersonally identifying information. (Personal Quantum Memory Keys) These Imprint Echo Sensitivities are probably also responsible for animals ability to distinguish friends from foe, and family from stranger. (Ever wonder how Penguins can tell each other apart on the beach? Smell, Sounds, Synchronized Flicker Rates at birth? Digital or Analogue? Is our daughter just a wave, or is she perceived as an amalgam of digitally spun discreet particles? Our beloved beautiful baby Penguin is made up of two types of data in one personage.)

                Were we just robots, we wouldn't need "Vibe." (Speaking from this side of the digital divide.)