Monday, March 27, 2017
Ghost Dancing With the National Seance
Hello; My name is Maude Marie Francis Kirk Cameron. And I will be performing the service of being your spirit guide. I would like to recommend that we make ourselves as comfortable as possible on such short notice. Any temporary discomfort you may be feeling is nothing in contrast to what is yet to come.
I was Phillip's maternal Grandmother and was a member of the D. A. R. Daughters of the American Revolution and very proud of it. I no longer care, nor am I even anyones mother anymore. But that will all be made clear.
You will now be guided through a personalized close up view of what your world will be like after you too are dead. To clarify, and I will speak for Phillip directly now, I am not the woman who was so cruel to your mother. Technically, I am no longer even a woman. But we will have plenty of time for that. In essence, we all learn through you. ("And from the many we learn as one.") And we still are.
"Time" or the perception of a now, is merely a surface of summation, a continuous boundary. Nothing and no one ever exceeds the now. (This is why you have been seeing Phillip mince over the semantics. "Afterlife? After what? After now? Is there anything after now?" Yawn.) And as you get to approach your very own personal informational event horizon, we no longer are perceiving the passage of time. Nothing ever exists outside of the moment. If we have any unfinished business, well it's just too late. (I'm gesturing in the direction of all you men in the room, looking for your cell phones.) It all comes down to the moment you can't escape. "In the Mirror of Karma all of your good and evil deeds are reflected therein, and you can't escape." Now it doesn't have to be all that dramatic. But for some of us, we may have had more cause for regret than others.
But we're not here to agonize over the spiritual niceties per say. But instead let's just get you into a good viewing seat. Life can be beautiful, sometimes. Death is just death. Sorry off point. The point is, you shouldn't have to wait to find out what's going to happen. So, we will have to start with heaven. Heaven is forgiving all sorrows. All is love. Oh bother. Let's try this again. We play a lot of fun games up here, and listen to the greatest music. It's not just idle chatter or repetitive droning. The meditation is very deep. TOO THE MAX. Sorry, age inappropriate. Let me demonstrate. (I hope you like to dance.)
In Heaven we have Symmetry Groups, and you'll being getting to see those reflex reflections operate on your level of existence soon enough. But for the time being (were such a thing to exist) as individuals we occupy social modules in projective vector spaces which are interchangeable but still uniformly discreet. Our mutual occupancies operate as continuous boundaries from within which we get to share your larger residual consciousness. But this too is only transitional. To say that we are alive or dead is a triviality because, technically speaking, "I" am no different than you are. I'm merely operating at the level of an ancestor spirit memory. We D. A. R.'s were big on family genealogies, a little species I know. I'm I'm not proud any longer. Where you yourself may still be very hung up on thinking of yourself as a separate, distinct and then therefor objective different entity. You're loss. My gain.
Lets explain; When each of us reaches life and are living, no matter how brief, we are a singular entity, a totality. Your mother knew this. From within each singular unity comes a will to exist. That little glow of awareness, no matter how faint, is what drives us on. To exist, to survive, to be. It's the same every where. We are every where. We are everyone. We are inside of you. And we are now also you, as well. But still man does not see it.
Between us, as individuals, there is no difference. Diversity is the great equalizer. No one is better. As universal processing machines, or little brains give us our awareness of distinction. But the distinctions are all the same. Only our bodies are different. Along with our associated memories, you are just information and that information is love. Get used to it. That's what Heaven is really like.
But we are here today because of something more immediate in the world of now. Phillip wanted me to prepare you for what is yet to come. At the moment, we left you a dead culture of sentimental attachments and old business. Dying land and wasted dreams. Hollow fantasies and cultures of triviality. I Maude Marie am most ashamed of this. People like Phillip, and my daughter were able to find a kind of grace and forgiveness in spite of the abuses and the harm which we all have endured. But I bitterly lamented the loss of my genius in a world that cared not for women, and I filled your world with my anger which you choke on even today. We never meant to leave you our problems. We love you and we understand now. Phillip will be dead soon and then I will get to finally be forgotten. My life will finally be over, once and for all. And I will be able pass on to that final summation surface, beyond which no one and nothing returns. Only our information remains. (Oh wait a minute I wasn't supposed to say that. Oh he knows anyways, it's no biggie.) But for now, on a happier note, "We love you." And we will have much more to discuss tomorrow. (If there is a tomorrow.)
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Cultures of Triviality, We Won't Even Evoke the Name
When we see an unmovable obstacle, we try avoid wasting energy worrying about it. But if you like, the thought of rising above it makes us dream of conquering that barrier. But in a culture of fame and conspicuous personalities, we waste energy focusing on people who really don't deserve our attention. Such are the forces of mass stupefaction, branding. You want to look away but your eyes wont focus on what is really important anymore. Well, not us of course. We're different. (Are we?) We seem to be waiting for a terrifying train wreck put on for our constant distraction and disabling bemusement.
People aren't just angry anymore. People are all being bored to death, into political impotence.
Friday, March 17, 2017
American Poltergeist; Exorcizing the Lies of a Nation
Arguing with people does not work. Telling someone they are wrong is preachy and didactic. If the most powerful weapon on the reactionary right is the thesaurus, (reallocating our language to fit their agenda) then we need a better lexicon to spark renewed interest in our revived social linguistics. (Rather than just stealing from a stupid already dead language of political body snatching.) Brainwashed people is not dissolved by deprogramming, but with merely a light rinse of polite gentle reprogramming. Reality will already be doing the rest. Time for some new connecting vocabulary;
1.) Ghost Scripts; Left over largely sentimental attachments to unfinished old business, usually associated with a dominant parental role unit and a place of identification. This reaction formation can be either positive and supportive (but not necessarily desirable or good) or negative and rebellious. (But not necessarily bad or undesirable. As a liberal myself, it was very easy for me to not want to turn out like my father or elder brother. I don't love the fatherland. Never did.) Not to be confused with the ancestor spirits, generally forgotten and which emanate from through the shared Collective Unconscious.
2.) Soul Diseases; Mind filtering by involuntary unremitting habit. (2nd Rule of the Para Psychological Method, "Everyone has blind spots and everyones blind spots are different.") Soul Diseases are the inability to recognize all necessary and healthy human variability, which causes an arrogant pride exclusive closed groups and identification boundaries, resulting in a burden of a "Soul Disease."
3.) The Offense Budget; Those inevitably costly expenditures that ecru from any protracted "Harm Offensive." Behaving like a tyrannical child always comes with consequences. The question is never if the price will be paid, but only when and how soon that horrible accumulating debt get accounting.
4.) Conspicuous Destruction; Virtually every form of insensitive abuse that comes at someone else's expense. Littering, unsightly graffiti, noise pollution, all pollution, bad art especially pornography and propaganda, censorship and violence, ignorance and dogmas. There in fact is no bad art that does not exact a terrible price.
I put time into studying social linguistics because as a retired pro psychic I needed frame everything for each individual person. Not the standard mind wash of assumed cold reading, which is what president uni twitter does. No one size fits all, fits anyone. We're seeing the uncontrolled obsolescence of the intended "Reality Programming." People are primarily motivated by that which is most sacred, and that is the expectation of a moral imperative. We liberals need to cut ourselves a little slack for wanting to take the high road of trust, faith and real understanding. "A kind word turneth away wrath." Non Violence Rules.
The spouse of a dear friend declared a moratorium on discussing politics. I suspect it's not only for the sake of cleansing her own mind and clearing her mental palate. I believe her wife may have also admitted to the fact the all that news and all that politics was having a toxic effect. (And that in fact a certain amount was being regurgitated onto my friends otherwise loving wife.) It's particularly difficult to have to address the effects of propaganda and politicized negativity, until someone has to say stop. Especially when people take their eyes of the prize, which is one of the effects of alienating propaganda. Although probably all propaganda starts as fake news, I personally believe we should stop calling it fake news and go back to calling what it originally always was, and that's PROPAGANDA!
So is today a Divine Comedy or a Fatal Tragedy? Maybe it's just another traumatic melodrama. And remember people, "You can't win an argument with a ghost.
Friday, March 10, 2017
The Secret of Magic; What to Do When your Wrong
Here's the bridge, the bridge between the worlds. In joining the physical world with the imagination, we must be discreet. Discreet in our actions, discreet in our faith. Those who would not believe you will only try to silence you. When you see a future that needs to be realized the will must be free to act. This can't happen if we have to waste all of our time trying to explain what others will not believe or understand. Why am I telling you? Because you are different. You deserve to know how much work goes into what your faith may allow. Faith in yourself, faith in your longings, faith in your need to understand. The bridge between the worlds is built out of dreams. Dreams of your children. Dreams of the children who were never yours. The future is calling, will you answer?
All of the Math graphics were the result of explorations. I call them alien artifacts after the fact that much of the effects aren not part of the math functions but are accidental results from the resolution of units as mapped integrals.
All of the earliest writing were about my life's work in para psychology and divination. Also speculative and seeking documentation. This stuff writes itself.
All of the stuff on politics and the high paying practices of "Speculation" were from finding comparisons to psychic reading from amongst the consulting room games of Medicine, Economics, Law, and of course the most dastardly of all Politics. I make no claims as to the validity of the sciences used to support the use of Educated Guessing. I merely point out the importance of separating the known (at least as far as theory allows today) from conjecture. These Speculative Arts are not without their strengths. But just like cheap (and not so cheap) psychics, a certain amount of nonsense exists. The challenge is in separating out the nonsense from viable creative imagination. Things like rocket science, engineering and yes even brain surgery should not be attempted by amateurs. Neither should one indulge the unrealistic assumptions of those of us who are believers in the projections of those who are venal. (Venal; means subject to bribery.) All of these more lucrative of the Arts and Sciences, (Especially including Politics) must acknowledge the place of creative speculation and the need for proof of said guessing after the fact.
Almost all of the 5K + followers of my Xenophilia collection came to me for the Meta Physics only, including Russia. When I started writing Spiritual Fictions, and later direct reporting on what my research explorations were producing in terms of the unintended behaviors of readers, I alienated many, many of you loyal followers. When I focused back on finishing the documentations on the practices of Intuitive Diagnostics and Divination, I lost the other arm pf my followings to the mistaken expectation that I was betraying their hallowed Science.
Add the fact that almost all of the initial traffic was resulting from the pandering of the media. I'm still looking for a little response. A little guidance from the disinterested Universe.
The real secret of Magic is in knowing (or not knowing) what to do when wrong.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
The Politics of Engagement; Why Russia Has Been Reading Me
Why Russia has been reading me? I've regularly written about the "Subtext" of Russian engagement titles in my Zenophile blog. But one more time. Before I even started this blog, I sent a pointed comment to the Russian porn mafia about their reselling Napoleon Hill's applied Games Theory as a "How to Pick up Girls" training program. Some of it is just good manners. Most of it however is based on sales and sales tactics. The blurring of business marketing with human relations is not hard to understand and not without occasional salience. The real challenge for a "Post Sexual Revolution" society is re adaptation to evolving morals and attitudes about normal sexual tensions. Hence the politics of splitting peoples biases through social polarization. (The ancient war between the sexes has it's latest incarnation. Working in the Co Op Collectives gave me wonderful experience sharing my life with Bohemians and Goddess Worshippers.)
New to Tumblr at that time was the only thing I could get with my 1G wireless modem, the only access I could afford at that time. My correspondence with the Russian porn brokers stated I appreciated the value of teaching men about female psychology as it pertains to intimacy. But I also stipulated that at that time I was not interested in their product, and here's the kicker. I said, "But you're coming off a little desperate." They kept sending me the same voluminous packages of texts, over and over again, hoping to make the "Point of Sale." Now telling them that they were acting like losers, is the biggest insult you can give a games theorist because their supposed to make "You Want It," whatever it is they're pushing. ("You know you want it, don't you?' It's amazing how much of that filth has drifted into the political discourse.) I went on to point out that it's not only easier to pick a beautiful successful woman because of the constant clumsy pandering of every idiotic insecure jerk wanker abusing these misunderstood women's dating options. But I wrote, "You can also use the same approach for picking up Hot, Smart, Straight, Successful guys like they are, making so much money in post Soviet marketing. Well if you know anything about Russians, their culture is still pretty homophobic and that was just the beginning.
When I finally opened my blog a year later, my gimmick was to clear up the conflicts surrounding para psychology by teaching people how to do psychic readings correctly, over the web. Knowing perfectly well the the very pretense of being psychic for the most part is a scam fraught with superstitions and spiritual abuse, and manipulative biasing. I had to extricate valuable traditions and practices from new age lies, corruption and ignorant delusional fantasy thinking. When the Russian porn mafia found me, as most of the international media whores generally do when you open a new blog, mine comes with truly exceptional and uncommon content. Well they were almost all of my first one thousand page views in that year of 2013.
I had to ask a friend of mine from my gym who was born in Moscow, "What in the heck is going on?" Well he said that Russians are very superstitious. and I said, "They are also hyper literate as my work has never been light reading." Well one of the things that the porn brokers were teaching is that you should distinguish yourself from the mob of droids and drones masquerading as so called men. Well my work in the authentic reporting of the traditional practices of hand reading and graphology was an accounting of the limitations of classical interpretations, and distinguishes me on a level of expertise equal to a biometric statistical profiler. This process is one that I know even many of you who are routinely reading my blog, still object to simply on the basis of very reasonable personal biases, having never looked closely at your own hands or handwriting contrasted to others and or the statistical norms.
Almost every day I get another person coming to my blog from these Russian referring URL. Starting initially from that "The Tao of Badass" website. If I now try to go back to that shutdown website, malware automatically asks if it can take over my computer. Many other unrelated media empires showed an interest at the beginning, one of which has gone on to become Al Jazira America. Blogging wont make most of us rich or famous, but the Politics of Engagement suggests that what you say on the web can get attention. One of the main reasons G+ stopped posting the number of page views on your blog profiles is too discourage "Click Bait." However,,,,,. All of these Russian Websites access my blog through the hidden Referring URL's of the Russian Porn Mob who I believe does legal surveillance on the whole world, using personalization profiling algorithms to approximate not only our viewing habits but also your styles and attitudes and our individual aesthetics, decision making processes and resultantly your biases and beliefs.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
On the Free Will of Human Aesthetics
Beings as I have already basically documented the core principles and motivations of my research, I want to explain the choices that inform my procedures. My work is essentially the linking of the ancient use of what I have called "Meta Formal Logic," through a linguistic of "Perceptual Ordination" to our so called modern "Science." Although, as I have demonstrated, these analysis of phenomena in the world are a totality, and is in fact, just different ways of studying the same things. I would suggest that the reason meta physics is so tainted with the pretense of superstition is because of our modern societies short historical memory. The most important informing drive behind these developing stages of evolving meta science is aesthetics. When early man started ordering sequences of comparisons, these initial structures were the result of latent "Intelligences." Primary languages are the inevitable outgrowth of perceptual ordinations with simple polarities and symmetry. One of the most stubborn but purely unconscious revulsions that modern man has toward the meta sciences is this ancient over structuring Symmetrical Coalescence.
There is no explaining how the Perceptual Ordinations of; the Symmetrical Astrological Mandala, The symmetrical I Ching, the Symmetrical Tarot, the Symmetrical Chinese Meridians, etc, formed unplanned out of an otherwise non sequential unorganized coalescence. In other words, in order for any of these shared cultural properties to exist, there had to be "Latent Intelligences." Rational Positivists hate "The Which Came First, The Chicken or the Egg paradoxes," because there is no rational causation, the motivations are aesthetic and the decisions to make these choices were in non causal agreement. The choices were made independently and mutually correct with no planning other than the free will to find the truth. Just like science. No straight lines to these proofs. There was no "Intelligent Design" to these fortunate accidents of accuracy. Providence is the closest thing we have to the proof of the existence of a "God" per say. And in many cases of our shared history, ancient science saw the truth and it was censored. Unplanned accidents prevented the acceptance of knowledge until centuries much later. By the limitations of our so called modern logic the subject of intuition is now thought of as ignorance. This is in total denial of the creative, spontaneous, non linear and purely inductive methodologies that produced the magnificent sciences we now enjoy. Which if left to the belligerent denials of presumptuously arrogant men, we would never be allowed look for the "Real Truth" in the first place.
There is no explaining how the Perceptual Ordinations of; the Symmetrical Astrological Mandala, The symmetrical I Ching, the Symmetrical Tarot, the Symmetrical Chinese Meridians, etc, formed unplanned out of an otherwise non sequential unorganized coalescence. In other words, in order for any of these shared cultural properties to exist, there had to be "Latent Intelligences." Rational Positivists hate "The Which Came First, The Chicken or the Egg paradoxes," because there is no rational causation, the motivations are aesthetic and the decisions to make these choices were in non causal agreement. The choices were made independently and mutually correct with no planning other than the free will to find the truth. Just like science. No straight lines to these proofs. There was no "Intelligent Design" to these fortunate accidents of accuracy. Providence is the closest thing we have to the proof of the existence of a "God" per say. And in many cases of our shared history, ancient science saw the truth and it was censored. Unplanned accidents prevented the acceptance of knowledge until centuries much later. By the limitations of our so called modern logic the subject of intuition is now thought of as ignorance. This is in total denial of the creative, spontaneous, non linear and purely inductive methodologies that produced the magnificent sciences we now enjoy. Which if left to the belligerent denials of presumptuously arrogant men, we would never be allowed look for the "Real Truth" in the first place.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Heaven May Fall, Let Justice Be Done
De Ontological Ethics have been a big player in the ancient Stoic Philosophies, which are now in common use today. Warrior Martyrs are the reason why, we as humans so highly revere and regard those sacrifices of the people who have given their lives for "The needs of the many." The responsibilities of those of us who must make hard decisions, require a rational dispassion born out of the awareness of mutual necessity. Glamour can't hide behind pretenses of honor, which are commonly used to justify all kinds of abuses of power as it corrupts. People invest heavily in blaming personal sorrows and suffering on everyone else, justifying their great evils against others the world. In fact, there is no more fragile ego or hidden shallows to the human frailty, than an unforgiving soul. (Hurt people hurt people.)
Quoted from an episode of The Apprentice, "Never Volunteer for Execution." Then I wonder, why did the Bitter Twitterer let himself get suckered into getting himself impeached? {Past Perfect Tense, we'll soon get to see.} I suspect the Glamour of Office Seeking must have been just too seductive for someone who was badly in debt, unable to be happy and probably being goaded by others with pointed venal interests. (Possibly blackmailed by co players and or co debtors.)
Now I know I'm probably just another cowardly braggart. (Baron Munchausen says, "Hi.") But when I show my friends what the Russian Porn Mafia is doing with my blog almost every day, I'm asked. "Why aren't you afraid?" "And Why aren't you trying to make any money?"
1st. I want the governments of the world to listen to me. I think I represent a rare voice and perspective. And #2. I don't want, need or deserve money for following my heart. You can't pay me enough to do what I will do for free. Standard political and economic dogma says, that in less I fall in line and start charging for my services, I will never be heard. I will never be read, and I will never have helped the world to be a better place. How can you tell me what the future is going to be, if you're not the one making it happen? And besides maybe, right now you are reading me, too.
Heaven May Fall, Let Justice Be Done.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
From a Gilded Age into the Gilded Cage (updated for clarity)
People are very heavily invested in your personal failings. Without resistance, the mean time to your expected failure continues to sell options wagered off your inevitable defeat. I am the annihilation operator, and I say "Get your hands off of our futures." You have awoken the Goddess. And, "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature." You lying chickenshit speculators have screwed around with our lives long enough. You are not going to be able to hide this time. You've been pushing us down the road for so very long, we're not coming back this way again. You messed up big time, you stupid speculating idiots. How dare you tell the voting public that we're under educated. That hurts, and now you're going to have to pay.
You thought you were going to be able to pull down the curtain on truth, only to discover you can run only so long. You're going to have to serve out your bleak sentence of ignominious lies. Why? Pop! Look what's going to happen to your pretty little economic bubble, when so many of us all are left behind. It's just not going to work for you anymore, is it? You don't have to be psychic to know where this one is going. Everything depends on you sustaining your delusion of righteous objectivity. Affluence is the good Christian Ministry? God wants you to be someone special, important, rich. So much more precious and special than all the rest. Precious yuck.
I might as well be a card carrying communist because I still don't get your incentives, payoffs or threats. Never really did buy into your "Class." Probably never will. I'm not even a speculator and I can tell you, this boredom candidate blundered into office by teasing bored voters. Hate is just an emotion, not a payoff. Money is very addictive to most sociopaths, and your emotional poverty is a vacuum of appetites insatiable. Just like fantasy football, speculating on appearances is where your money is made. Forget about how futile your arrogance is. What is so conspicuously missing here is your sense of humor. You think we're going to just let you walk away from this mess that you made, simply because we're pacifists? Too late for that suckers, you should have found a less passive aggressive way of appeasing your boredom. Because this time you are going to loose. You forgot to hedge your longterm bets twits.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Apologies to my Sacred Left
Dearest Beloved Left,
I'm so sorry if my seemingly Baseless Optimism offends the more sensitive amongst us. I share your concerns. Quite to the contrary I know how hard it is to get people to listen, much less to even understand.
In your many G(+)'s, (+)'s, (+)'s, and the total lack of shares I ever get on my blog, and in spite of the ever expanding following to my Xenophilia collection, I'm left with needing to engage the critique provided by your present lack of support. Even when you like what I'm saying, you're not saying much. I don't take this personally, but my acceptance of your valid criticism is merely a quirk of my temperament with which I have been freakishly blessed. For all the random mixed fortunes of my brain chemistry and personal difficulties, my experience has afforded me many shared unique perspectives.
First I would like to commend those of you with radical liberal biases for not giving up on our cause. Non violence rules. I myself would be much more bitter were I not a failed trained psychic medium. My failings are your success. My opinions are not supposed to be yours. Your request for information is my command. Consider the value of an alternative perspective, contrary complementary opinions can be informed by the wisdom of a privileged life of poverty and an advanced education. Problem comes when people confuse my opinions and the honest reporting of them, with a lack of feeling or sensitivity simply because I am a consummate conjugate complementarian. According to spell check, no such thing exists (yet) and then therefor I am no better than a living fiction. Go figure.
But now this is an apology, not an excuse. I've always resented the fact that I'm writing for an audience that as of yet still does not exist. But having left the big prizes in my life for the ending, you readers at this time really don't seem to like what I write today as much as the things I've written in the recent past which easier to understand now, because the necessary time for your patient understanding has already passed. Part of this is simply because many of you have accustomed yourselves with my work on the uses of speculation in higher paying professions in general. And now we have seen the dangerous wedge of vague promises in politics and high finance reproduce this divisive split opinion bias. The manipulation of our faith is forcefully driving everything from so called consumer confidence to division politics in general. Another speculatively driven shifting rapid conversion of our opinion biases. Just like with over payed doctors, phony lawyers and creepy financial advisors, the nation has been handed over to con artists. I don't expect that you for the moment are going to like or agree with everything I say. But I do believe, that between the slow and steady improvement of my reporting skills and the resulting verification of my findings, you will have been glad you knew me.
There is an excellent movie called "Stranger Than Fiction" which deals with the "Little did he know" scripting structure of story telling. The use of subtle references to vector analysis in the formation of the narrative and the interplay between the speculations of story telling and the outcome of events, is far more profound than a casual witness to a movie might have cause to suspect. Suffice it to say, I don't like telling people what to do, but I will give insights into the possible outcomes to peoples personal behaviors and probable outcomes to their predictable styles of action. I would like to be able to say that with an attitude of acceptance, and your continued viable critiques even in absentia, I will be able to continue to provide you with entertaining and relevant insights. And as always thank you for participating in what may prove to a truly profound exploration of the future in to of our shared unfolding unknown.
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