Monday, March 27, 2017

Ghost Dancing With the National Seance

                    Hello;    My name is Maude Marie Francis Kirk Cameron. And I will be performing the service of being your spirit guide. I would like to recommend that we make ourselves as comfortable as possible on such short notice. Any temporary discomfort you may be feeling is nothing in contrast to what is yet to come.

                    I was Phillip's maternal Grandmother and was a member of the D. A. R. Daughters of the American Revolution and very proud of it. I no longer care, nor am I even anyones mother anymore. But that will all be made clear.

                   You will now be guided through a personalized close up view of what your world will be like after you too are dead. To clarify, and I will speak for Phillip directly now, I am not the woman who was so cruel to your mother. Technically, I am no longer even a woman. But we will have plenty of time for that. In essence, we all learn through you. ("And from the many we learn as one.") And we still are.

                   "Time" or the perception of a now, is merely a surface of summation, a continuous boundary. Nothing and no one ever exceeds the now. (This is why you have been seeing Phillip mince over the semantics. "Afterlife? After what? After now? Is there anything after now?" Yawn.) And as you get to approach your very own personal informational event horizon, we no longer are perceiving the passage of time. Nothing ever exists outside of the moment. If we have any unfinished business, well it's just too late. (I'm gesturing in the direction of all you men in the room, looking for your cell phones.) It all comes down to the moment you can't escape. "In the Mirror of Karma all of your good and evil deeds are reflected therein, and you can't escape." Now it doesn't have to be all that dramatic. But for some of us, we may have had more cause for regret than others.

                     But we're not here to agonize over the spiritual niceties per say. But instead let's just get you into a good viewing seat. Life can be beautiful, sometimes. Death is just death. Sorry off point. The point is, you shouldn't have to wait to find out what's going to happen. So, we will have to start with heaven. Heaven is forgiving all sorrows. All is love. Oh bother. Let's try this again. We play a lot of fun games up here, and listen to the greatest music. It's not just idle chatter or repetitive droning. The meditation is very deep. TOO THE MAX. Sorry, age inappropriate. Let me demonstrate. (I hope you like to dance.)

                     In Heaven we have Symmetry Groups, and you'll being getting to see those reflex reflections operate on your level of existence soon enough. But for the time being (were such a thing to exist) as individuals we occupy social modules in projective vector spaces which are interchangeable but still uniformly discreet. Our mutual occupancies operate as continuous boundaries from within which we get to share your larger residual consciousness. But this too is only transitional. To say that we are alive or dead is a triviality because, technically speaking, "I" am no different than you are. I'm merely operating at the level of an ancestor spirit memory. We D. A. R.'s were big on family genealogies, a little species I know. I'm I'm not proud any longer. Where you yourself may still be very hung up on thinking of yourself as a separate, distinct and then therefor objective different entity. You're loss. My gain.

                    Lets explain; When each of us reaches life and are living, no matter how brief, we are a singular entity, a totality. Your mother knew this. From within each singular unity comes a will to exist. That little glow of awareness, no matter how faint, is what drives us on. To exist, to survive, to be. It's the same every where. We are every where. We are everyone. We are inside of you. And we are now also you, as well. But still man does not see it.

                    Between us, as individuals, there is no difference. Diversity is the great equalizer. No one is better. As universal processing machines, or little brains give us our awareness of distinction. But the distinctions are all the same. Only our bodies are different. Along with our associated memories, you are just information and that information is love. Get used to it. That's what Heaven is really like.

                    But we are here today because of something more immediate in the world of now. Phillip wanted me to prepare you for what is yet to come. At the moment, we left you a dead culture of sentimental attachments and old business. Dying land and wasted dreams. Hollow fantasies and cultures of triviality. I Maude Marie am most ashamed of this. People like Phillip, and my daughter were able to find a kind of grace and forgiveness in spite of the abuses and the harm which we all have endured. But I bitterly lamented the loss of my genius in a world that cared not for women, and I filled your world with my anger which you choke on even today. We never meant to leave you our problems. We love you and we understand now. Phillip will be dead soon and then I will get to finally be forgotten. My life will finally be over, once and for all. And I will be able pass on to that final summation surface, beyond which no one and nothing returns. Only our information remains. (Oh wait a minute I wasn't supposed to say that. Oh he knows anyways, it's no biggie.) But for now, on a happier note, "We love you." And we will have much more to discuss tomorrow. (If there is a tomorrow.)

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