Here's the bridge, the bridge between the worlds. In joining the physical world with the imagination, we must be discreet. Discreet in our actions, discreet in our faith. Those who would not believe you will only try to silence you. When you see a future that needs to be realized the will must be free to act. This can't happen if we have to waste all of our time trying to explain what others will not believe or understand. Why am I telling you? Because you are different. You deserve to know how much work goes into what your faith may allow. Faith in yourself, faith in your longings, faith in your need to understand. The bridge between the worlds is built out of dreams. Dreams of your children. Dreams of the children who were never yours. The future is calling, will you answer?
All of the Math graphics were the result of explorations. I call them alien artifacts after the fact that much of the effects aren not part of the math functions but are accidental results from the resolution of units as mapped integrals.
All of the earliest writing were about my life's work in para psychology and divination. Also speculative and seeking documentation. This stuff writes itself.
All of the stuff on politics and the high paying practices of "Speculation" were from finding comparisons to psychic reading from amongst the consulting room games of Medicine, Economics, Law, and of course the most dastardly of all Politics. I make no claims as to the validity of the sciences used to support the use of Educated Guessing. I merely point out the importance of separating the known (at least as far as theory allows today) from conjecture. These Speculative Arts are not without their strengths. But just like cheap (and not so cheap) psychics, a certain amount of nonsense exists. The challenge is in separating out the nonsense from viable creative imagination. Things like rocket science, engineering and yes even brain surgery should not be attempted by amateurs. Neither should one indulge the unrealistic assumptions of those of us who are believers in the projections of those who are venal. (Venal; means subject to bribery.) All of these more lucrative of the Arts and Sciences, (Especially including Politics) must acknowledge the place of creative speculation and the need for proof of said guessing after the fact.
Almost all of the 5K + followers of my Xenophilia collection came to me for the Meta Physics only, including Russia. When I started writing Spiritual Fictions, and later direct reporting on what my research explorations were producing in terms of the unintended behaviors of readers, I alienated many, many of you loyal followers. When I focused back on finishing the documentations on the practices of Intuitive Diagnostics and Divination, I lost the other arm pf my followings to the mistaken expectation that I was betraying their hallowed Science.
Add the fact that almost all of the initial traffic was resulting from the pandering of the media. I'm still looking for a little response. A little guidance from the disinterested Universe.
The real secret of Magic is in knowing (or not knowing) what to do when wrong.
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