Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Apologies to my Sacred Left

Dearest Beloved Left,
                        I'm so sorry if my seemingly Baseless Optimism offends the more sensitive amongst us. I share your concerns. Quite to the contrary I know how hard it is to get people to listen, much less to even understand.

                        In your many G(+)'s, (+)'s, (+)'s, and the total lack of shares I ever get on my blog, and in spite of the ever expanding following to my Xenophilia collection, I'm left with needing to engage the critique provided by your present lack of support. Even when you like what I'm saying, you're not saying much. I don't take this personally, but my acceptance of your valid criticism is merely a quirk of my temperament with which I have been freakishly blessed. For all the random mixed fortunes of my brain chemistry and personal difficulties, my experience has afforded me many shared unique perspectives.

                        First I would like to commend those of you with radical liberal biases for not giving up on our cause. Non violence rules. I myself would be much more bitter were I not a failed trained psychic medium. My failings are your success. My opinions are not supposed to be yours. Your request for information is my command. Consider the value of an alternative perspective, contrary complementary opinions can be informed by the wisdom of a privileged life of poverty and an advanced education. Problem comes when people confuse my opinions and the honest reporting of them, with a lack of feeling or sensitivity simply because I am a consummate conjugate complementarian. According to spell check, no such thing exists (yet) and then therefor I am no better than a living fiction. Go figure.

                        But now this is an apology, not an excuse. I've always resented the fact that I'm writing for an audience that as of yet still does not exist. But having left the big prizes in my life for the ending, you readers at this time really don't seem to like what I write today as much as the things I've written in the recent past which easier to understand now, because the necessary time for your patient understanding has already passed. Part of this is simply because many of you have accustomed yourselves with my work on the uses of speculation in higher paying professions in general. And now we have seen the dangerous wedge of vague promises in politics and high finance reproduce this divisive split opinion bias. The manipulation of our faith is forcefully driving everything from so called consumer confidence to division politics in general. Another speculatively driven shifting rapid conversion of our opinion biases. Just like with over payed doctors, phony lawyers and creepy financial advisors, the nation has been handed over to con artists. I don't expect that you for the moment are going to like or agree with everything I say. But I do believe, that between the slow and steady improvement of my reporting skills and the resulting verification of my findings, you will have been glad you knew me.

                        There is an excellent movie called "Stranger Than Fiction" which deals with the "Little did he know" scripting structure of story telling. The use of subtle references to vector analysis in the formation of the narrative and the interplay between the speculations of story telling and the outcome of events, is far more profound than a casual witness to a movie might have cause to suspect. Suffice it to say, I don't like telling people what to do, but I will give insights into the possible outcomes to peoples personal behaviors and probable outcomes to their predictable styles of action. I would like to be able to say that with an attitude of acceptance, and your continued viable critiques even in absentia, I will be able to continue to provide you with entertaining and relevant insights. And as always thank you for participating in what may prove to a truly profound exploration of the future in to of our shared unfolding unknown.

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