Monday, June 5, 2017

Spaghetti Logic & Untangling the Evasions of the American Identity Crisis {Edited for Clarity}

                               Re-socialization Parties will soon become the norm along with mutual support systems workshops which can train subscribers with new contact sensitivity skills. The standard Chem. Dep. recovery model, will soon be expanded to include non disease oriented resocialization practices. Most people are not well prepared to deal with other peoples dissimilar experientially biased opinions. Functioning human relations geniuses are often not easily offended by normal peoples tangled Spaghetti Logic Biases. We will often have to know how to remain sensitively non partisan. This is much more of a burden than most people are going to want to endure. But we all do learn from the ever lessoning of abusive political hostilities. The elephant in the room has come out of the closet, now so do we.

                               Out growing these normal fixations on understandably sorrowful personal opinion biases, is going to become a useful but reviled therapeutic alternative. Healing conflict is much more effective therapeutically than is mere popular psychology and psychiatry. These maturing practices for linguistic reframing aren't without applicable precedence. But the degree to which most people have succumbed to the political and religious manipulations of populist personal biases, pro and con, is this most unpopular of all the core recovery issues. General prejudices on both sides of virtually every one of the controversial bias issues, from "Is there a God" to what to do with Government Entitlements has most people emotionally over invested. This split opinion bias is now being used against you, to prevent you from being informed socially effective. Right fighting is just arrogant, and aren't we all a little arrogant when we need to righteously change other peoples minds?

                               My upcoming accompanying article is on being "Locked In." We expose the normal blight caused by common industrial loyalties. Loyalties are in fact some of the most difficult of all social barriers to reprioritize. Were we not creatures of bias, paradoxical language and arbitrary loyalties, social reframing and reprioritization would not have to be such a loaded issue. Why would anyone want to admit to being brainwashed and bought in? Many of the most intelligent Liberals who used to read me as the meta physician, now loath my work because I'm advocating a politically neutral opinion bias for the sake of collective re-socialization. I myself am very openly opinionated and I strongly worship non violence. But I also understand destructive human nature and abuse personally. I want to stop being judged for being another lone survivor. But what I've survived is something most Doctors of Psychiatry and Political Scientists are extremely prejudiced about. The common misunderstanding is that I too am automatically going to be just another malignant abuser.

                               More tangled Spaghetti Logic, and this time it's coming from the top authorities of powerfully ignorant leaders. If we really want to understand the true nature of our shared human dilemma, we need to forgive each other as much as possible. But we also need to develop a more accurate and forgiving approach to depolarizing the common self hatred and bias of politically biased blaming, pro and con. Hate, vengeance and hostility are all understandable, but hate is always dysfunctionally unsatisfying. Mass recovery isn't just about you or me, healing is a total "Us proposition. What needs to be done now, is to untangle our mass distorted thinking and unresolved conflicts, through a more accepting approach to understanding our shared human histories, and our normal if all too common outrages against common human failings and vulnerable frailties. We are not blank slates of learning. If we need to learn how to help others let down their guards, we must learn to be more open with those we can't control. The American Chronic Identity Crisis is not about "Who are we?" But I ask, "Who will we become," and "Why?"

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