Tuesday, August 25, 2020

To My Best Friends & Readers: TEST POST


We seem to have entered a time of perpetual mourning. We keep going from one tragedy to the next. I grieve for my friends who are being shot to death by police, twice as often as are white people like me. The season of political marketing is upon us. And with it comes the condescending rhetoric and distorted ideologies of businessmen who are not qualified to speak for the innocent. Even my religion is being used against me by people denying the real hardships, fears, and pains my friends experience. We all try to stay strong and pretend that life goes on as always. But every day the trouble goes on.

The picture above is the remains of the Gandhi Mahal, the Rodeo Nuevo Ballroom, and the Paradise Ethiopian Nightclub. I usually pray just to say thanks for all the blessings and happiness in my life. But now I've started praying much more for the welfare and survival of others. I guess "The Time Is!"

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