Why everybody needs love. April 25th, 2013
I realize I am beginning a catalog of topic concepts, terminology and technical perspectives on the subject of psychic reading. I have probably asked more questions than I have even begun to answer. But we will see. Enter: An anatomy of the psyche?
This blog is just me reading to the best of my ability. Ouch.
Not important. This literary experiment is an un-predicated exercise. ("Is this the party to whom I am speaking?") Words can obscure simple awareness of observation. ("Obscurity is not a virtue." Benoit Mandelbrot, From his book, Fractals in Nature). Concepts that are difficult. Beliefs that are in doubt. Language can be vague. I can't watch your individual reactions to be able to tell if what I am writing is even making sense to you.
The overwhelming difficulty of what I am trying to document is both exciting and a crushing bore at the same time. I feel like I'm not going to have any friends.
Fortunately this isn't about me. So for the sake of clarity I'm going to start my next blog to compile that repository of the purely technical aspects of divination and diagnostics, detail oriented.
Let's take a clean clarifying break from my self indulgent attempts at self justification as the self doubting psychic. Obviously the breadth and scope of these subjects deserve direct simplicity.
This Image of a heart is from the PACIFIC TECH Graphic Calculator : User Galllery
The new blog site will be. < ppireaders.blogspot.com> (Under Construction)
April 25th, 2013
Thursday, April 25, 2013
How different are some people? April 25th, 2013
The Interest Based Learning; For the love of what we can learn, and for those with whom we learn; I dedicate this bitter sweet love poem.
As children we sometimes embark on journeys that take our whole lifetimes. As children we are at times maturing too quickly, and we may be forced to be better adults than our own parents or teachers. Beginners luck and innate talent sometimes adds to this pain and chaos of prodigy. Were you a wonderkind? Were you too an heir to the madness of inspiration, melancholy or genius? "Mother don't let your children grow up to be artists."
In examining different people and personal differences, I've found that you don't have to be a genius per se in order to be absolutely brilliant about something. In fact if you want to find out how smart someone can be, look at how a person deals with what they love, with that which is most sacred to them. Boom.
I believe that almost everyone is exceptional in someway. Everyone is normal in this way, diversity is the great equalizer. Anyone can be an outlier. (Wish I wanted to go into the math at this point. But I don't. Hopefully much more on the Math, Statistics and Systems analysis later.)
Looking for that singularly distinguishing identifier is the only reason I can justify taking up to $60.00 bucks an hour for consultations and much more for parties, classes, therapy and/or conferences. I may be selling myself short again because I know how much the title of psychic or healer has been exploited. My teacher once said, "Would you trust anyone who wanted to be a psychic?" (paraphrased; from 1980) Just like a politician, "You would have to wonder if they are insane and/or corrupt."
But then again you might worry about anyone who risks confronting overwhelming odds or opposition. Why would anyone ever "want" to suffer the rejection of being different.
So how different is different? Or as a reluctant genius once said, "What is normal?" I think the point my friend made is, "Normal compared to what?" But I believe my friend was rebelling against the tyranny of enforced mental health and the way we are expected to compete for status as the "designated" Mentally Ill. He's maybe right that everyone is sick in some way or another, but I still think he just didn't like seeing himself as different or exceptional. But he is. And that's beside the point.
If my friend had been respected for his real smarts as a child and not been beaten into just another muscle stud with illusions of normalcy, maybe he would be less critical of my reasonable deviance from being normal. Blah, Blah,...Blah. That's not even the point. The question is how do we measure being different. Very differently. This is where the process is academic. I've been avoiding the technicalities. Please forgive me, there will be plenty of time for modeling and mapping diagrams latter.
At this point I would like to enumerate four "Styles of Evasion."
1. Active deception, Showing Off, Lying, Phonyness, Bragging, Exaggeration, Hyperbole, etc.
2. Spacing out, Disengagement, Withdrawal, Omission, Vagueness, Aloofness, etc.
3. Condescension, Put downs, Dismissal, Negation, Passive Aggression, etc.
4. Over Compartmentalization, Inaccessibility, Burnout, Over Conscientiousness etc.
You probably recognize any or all of these evasions in yourself and or others. Some more than others. I'm showing the ways we confront or avoid the stresses of uncertainty. When in doubt, learned styles of evasion take over. A little Meta Formally Logical diagram to demonstrate;
2. Spacing Out
1. Lying + 3. Condescension
4. Burnout
At the center of this diagram is the uncertainties we all can evade, just in our own way. You will notice the symmetry and the two axis of polarity. Openness to these uncontrolled uncertainties is the mark of a truly open person. It is almost impossible to be open all the time. We have these evasions hardwired into our survival instincts. The next time you see someone being evasive, consider the source. They/We maybe feeling vulnerable.
The two axis are; Horizontally, Positive Misrepresentation of fact on the left side and the Negative Misrepresentation of emotions on the right side.
Vertically, Passive Evasion of responsibility on top and the Active Evasion of irresponsibility on the bottom.
No point in making a big deal about the why we behave this way, even if the emergence of this kind of soul symmetry is more than many of you are going to be willing to accept. Just know that when we evade, we use energy and that any real sensitive will know it. Show a little empathy. This is where I get to show a little tact.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Table for the Four Rules of the Para Psychological Method:
In the order of their proposition;
These may be trite truisms that might be hard to prove or disprove, but the data that can be used to analyze these assertions are fruitful and exemplify the diversity of tools and resources at my fingertips.
Ah statistics. I was 9 yrs. old (1966) when I proposed the first one. Growing up in one of the best school districts in So. Calif. the parents of my chums were brilliant. Our schools were chosen for us on the basis of academic promise. So when I proposed to prove the 1st. proposition by guessing at cards shuffled randomly from across a room, Mrs. "X" said that the Monte Carlo Method of calculating odds was tailor made for this kind of a test. Here's where things got out of hand.
Guessing just the number; Ace, Deuce, three, all way up now through ten, Jack, Queen and King, Rusty started guessing way too many right. Oh Oh. We had him wear a black cloth blindfold with cotton under his eyes.
1st Rusty guessed just 6 or 7 guessed right. Within a reasonable margin of error. Then over 10 guessed correctly out of the whole deck, it didn't stop there. Then Rusty guessed over 15 right. He then managed to get 36 out of 52 cards right. Rusty was a very bright kid, but there is still no justifiable explanation. Suffice it to say, Mrs. "X" made us stop playing that game and made us go outside to play. I realized early on that as absurd as these results were, for me it had proved 2 very important points. 1st, My primary assertion might have been right, and to add even more evidence, I had also made a profound intuitive leap. A persons guess may indeed be better than odds would allow. But when? Was my beginners luck hold up?
I'll get to "blind spots" next. Also a bonanza of statistical "Magic."
This one is even more interesting from an analytical perspective. In the same way different people see color differently, we also have preferences that skew our tastes and perspectives away from or toward unique awarenesses obscuring other sensitivities. This whole notion of personal bias arose from my observations about people often having no awareness of things they choose to ignore, deny, disbelieve and/or avoid. One of the most extreme cases I've seen was a man who believed that the change of season was from the earth moving closer to the sun. He even made an elliptical calendar like a race track around an off center sun. Nothing could get him to look at the angle of the sun or the January summer in Rio De Janeiro. I have even had a Astrophysics Professor who insisted the tides only come in and go out once a day. We do live in a land locked state.
What is most significant about this variability of perspective isn't just right or wrong but the way nature insists that we see things very differently. Yes. Signature and fingerprint, by 24, I started using this basic assertion as a Systems Analysis for the Transformative Medium of shifting Opinion Biases. As we learn our perspectives can change. In my short life of 57 yrs. I've gone from mocked for my views on Alternative Medicine to being grilled by doctors and medical professionals for my secrets. They want to know how I dragged myself back from the edge of the grave and what I do professionally. I've learned not to persuade people. As my Christian Scientist Grandmother would say, "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." Go Granny. (She would also say, "Know the truth." But that often was just her obstinate denial of hard reality.)
This is particularly important when understanding perceptual barriers. This observational science of the perceptual differences necessitates honesty, subjectively for us as individuals, and also objectively as witnesses. We can hope that as these issues of personal differences of perspective can be understood, so we may be able to build better bridges for communicating between one person and another. Mine is a thankless job of finding the points of access to the broken commonalities.
As an expression of our shared intelligence, I believe nature makes our individual perceptions as distinctive as a fingerprint or a signature. And besides, if everyone saw everything the same way there would be no point in lying, as any deception would be obvious. Hence there would be nothing to learn from understanding peoples personal evasions. (More on Styles of Evasion and the means of deception later as we examine further the personal differences and their extremes/outliers in the next chapter.)
The Barrier of Symbolic Language
The Barrier of Symbolic Language April 23rd, 2013
The term Symbolic Language is math talk for precise symbols and methods of things like Calculus and Vector and Tensor analysis. Most people have an aversion to language that is difficult.
[ Coding Density?/ Foreign Language?]
I realize I've been beating up on my fellow psychics and now to be fair, it's your turn belligerent science. When it comes to matters of faith people work hard at building walls. I'm building a bridge between the supposedly antagonistic contenders for the attention of the faithful. Latin Mass or Physics Lecture, it doesn't matter. Language is used to communicate and/or alienate.
I love math just like I love Jesus. But both are abused and taken for granted. People who worship the slide ruler are often as sadistic as, well..., I think I need to get specific.
When I first started getting my sanity back, I again started using a simple drafters compass to divide the arcs of the circle, (Meta Formally Logical and Enumerate Partitioned)/(Ancient Time Keeping Metrics). It turns out to be much much easier to use a compass and a straight edge than it is to try to do the same Geometry with a Graphics Calculator Software.
Similarly it has been the case with using small varied round clear stones to prove the "Preverbal Ordering Principle":
Each stone is different, just like people; (Size, Shape, Color, Clarity, etc.)
Each stone is a discreet entity, just like people; (One Stone, One Person.)
It's much easier to remember each stone without symbolic language, naming is secondary, (John is just a name.), just like people; (If you can't remember what someone looks like, a name wont matter.)
And the counting of all compared sampling specimens form their own comparative groups, just like us people. As humans we have been imposing Symmetrical ways of Collating groups for as long as we can remember. This Symmetrical Coalescence / Meta formally Logical, is at the core of all Ancient Spiritual Technologies. [Father/Mother, Brother/Sister]/{Day/Night, Morning/Evening}
Our animal brains are much too developed to be limited to linguistics alone. It's just to slow. That's not to diminish this most precious shared resource of shared language, which should not be dumped. To the contrary I want Math to be the universal language, but that's asking a lot. The need for intuitive simplicity will always demand that thought experiments will take precedence over the much more difficult hard technology. I'm fortunate to have had a lifetime to study. When it comes to defining differences between stones, people, concepts or even just variabilities in general, in between said objects and/or subjects, categories of comparison emerge. Language is our shared naming and ordering of categorized objects and subjects.
Point being now days the term intuitive is thrown around with equally vague arrogance by commercial new age marketeers as is done by the sales representatives of computers. The language of both seemingly opposed world views are pandering and spiritually exploitative. I'm hoping that with my own overwhelmingly neutral opinion bias, that if I must offend, I intend that I have offended everyone equally without alienating anyone. Good luck.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
True Ethics Are Never Private Property
True Ethics Are Never Private Property April 21st, 2013
If you wonder why I have been belaboring this issue of Boundary Definitions by Opinion Bias, it's because no where are our intuitive sensitivities more focused. As a sensitive it is my job to understand others. This requires unbelievable style, subtlety and tact. (Style, subtlety and tact, not my words. More on my teacher later.)
I'm not interested in dwelling on my own indifference to opinion bias, everyone has bias and no one can be entirely free from bias. Nor should one expect that bias is a bad thing. When we are presented with alternative perspectives we all experience shifts in focus, some good some not so much. That is not to say that all opinions are equally right. Much to the contrary, sometimes our individual blind spots are reenforced by ignorance and stupidity. Notice I said, "our." There is almost nothing more difficult than having to tell the truth under overwhelming opposition.
I strongly believe, and I do believe, that so as we have inherited a traditional moral code, I also believe we must consider ethics. Without the review and analysis of the moral code we would never have acquired the means to confront the abuse of power. Nor would we have had the need to evolve a system of ethics that allows for personal differences and the conflicts that ensue.
Understanding the larger issues of these differences of bias is the domain of the human dynamic. Philosophy aside I would hope that I've given more than ample weight to the issues of bias, because this will be central to the mapping systems of this soft tech of reading people.
Can I be any more clear?
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Sensitive Emotional Boundaries
Sensitive Emotional Boundaries Apr 20, 2013
The main reason I started with cataloging the concepts was that I needed to have directions.
Next we will start with; "The Personal Boundary Space." Defining your own emotional boundaries and sensitivity can be critical to understanding others. We must take responsibility for being aware of others feelings. We need to be able to protect ourselves. Being able to appreciate people as individuals is a virtue and a gift. Being able to read peoples mind for me is just a side affect of caring.
I love my job. I just need to be really be careful. Blah, Blah,... Blah. And so on.
As "Sensitives," we "Psychics" have to protect ourselves. Plus all people have some kind of
I really do prefer that people come to me with some skepticism. Point is I don't have to let my own personal biases get in the way of me getting to work with people. Telling you this is my way of weeding out the stragglers. I don't want unreceptive clients. I don't want people to agree with me. I prefer the company of people different from me. In working with people I like not having to judge other people or take their inventory.
Now to the boundaries, this is where you find the real pros. I'll demonstrate using some personal biases and basic boundary issues that I have;
I've come to love looking at peoples hands. Palms and Handwriting. I get to hold peoples hands, thousands of them. I feel them. Everyone feels different to me. I'll be using models to demonstrate the actual statistical mapping for variability, more later.
This is a thousand times more sane than this sounds. I'm perfectly aware how different people feel about these issues. I always support people in faith. And I love people for whatever they believe. I also do inductive massage touching and feeling others. Treating pain, grief and loss. I have been loathed by psychics who say that I don't believe, and that I'm just doing it by the numbers. I have enough faith to want to master my craft. DO THEY?
I'm a very gifted reader. But I don't believe in it at all. And I'm really good at it. Too good. And I don"t believe in any of it. But it works. I love reading. It's hard work. I have pride.
This exemplifies the practical absurdity of me being a psychic. I have issues. And I feel it is more than disrespectful to dismiss any ones opinion and it is not my place to criticize.
I would very much like to not make this about me. I'm not complaining at all. Don't get me wrong. I actively experience life as a sensitive. I think it's good luck to be able to tell which voices are inside of me alone. I hear so much. I totally buy into the pure magic. What I get to do with people is not easily dismissed. This isn't about me. It never was. And I'ld like to prove it. Looking at peoples hands. Looking into their eyes. Listening to their voices. Touching their bodies. I read into the metaphorical stars.
And by the way, another bias fear I have, I choose not to be attracted to people, I don't like sexual tension. "Intuitive Apprehension" and "Intuitive Tension" creates a boundary between self and others, a mirror of sorts. The "Mirror of Karma" is written about in the "Tibetan Book of the Dead." All your good and evil deeds are reflected therein. Attachment does come with disincentives and moral hazards.
I myself am showing symptoms of a "Neutral Opinion Bias Fear" I don't want to take sides.
The opinion biases between so called believers and non believers and detractors and advocates are actually about the same to me. When it comes to psychics most people are at least a little skeptical. Being sensitive about people's beliefs and desires has made getting to see peoples hands easy and fun.
People almost always like my readings very much. I make people very comfortable.
I do have a strong Bias, but it is neutral. Let us proceed to the next most immediate sensory boundary, "Others."
How do we perceive others? We use our senses. People can either enjoy being read or it can be a violation. Let someone read you, you should have a choice, it should not be an abuse of power. Usually some of the easiest people for me to read are the dry stoics who are very easy to understand, largely because they think they can't be read. Fortunately people with thick boundaries can also be very shrewd and perceptive and are often the best intuitives themselves. Though they, (and maybe all of us) are always denying that there might be some important subtlety that they/we are not aware of.
I do not believe in type casting but I will be going over maps for analysis and for comparison of types and typologies. Thank you for holding up your end of the bargain. Still learning.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
1st demonstration of ancient analysis by Enumerate Partition
April 17th, 2013
As is normal for me I've approached a challenge way beyond my abilities, and it is resulting in my falling on my face. That said, Thank you, I'm really enjoying this.
Took a few days off to focus thoughts. My friends request that I explain Simultaneous Incarnation first as a Dyad. It has moved my thoughts forward. I saw that the Implicit structure of the human Dyad exemplifies the Meta Formation of rudimentary thought. I see that the extension of the awareness of self to "other" is this most primary of distinctions. We will be seeing how this relation of the primary duality, it's boundary and it's definition by distinctive differences will be at the core of analysis and it's comparison to the Self and others.
And by splitting the halves in half we are forming the origin of all circular models. (i,e. Day, Night; Sun rise, Sun set. Day after Day. Simple.) Meta Formal Logic seems like a burdensome proposition at first but when you can see how simple it really is, it becomes obvious why intuitive thought seems so unconscious. Most of what we "Think" is so fundamental, that we barely even notice.
At this point I can jump off directly into the first of our shared Meta Formal antiquities, Ancient Astronomy. Let's go back to Bronze Age Babylonia. This is the source of the origins of the Hours, Minutes and Seconds. Hence the eventual clock, plus the 360 degree circle and the 12 Astrological signs. Supposedly no one knows why we settled on these divisions. But with the use of diagrams I expect, I will make a very plausible explanation as to why it is the only logical number system based on the Meta Logical analysis of the arcs of the Circle. (Elementary Geometry And ancient Trigonometry)
I must confess, this 1st demonstration of the use of the applied analysis, "Enumerate Partition," came off much better than I had hoped. I am adapting skills in desktop publishing. I want the rest of the propositions and proofs to go just as easily.
Accounting of these Modelings
April 17th, 2013
Accounting of These Modelings by Similar Types and Utility
We will be looking comparatively at Alternative Medicine, Divination and Spiritual Technologies. We will be analyzing their structures and meaning.
I'm going to want to make a brief but slightly embarrassing digression. On the way to laying out the structure and function of these ancient modelings, I've chosen to avoid asking for feedback. Just by virtue by being privileged to have really smart friends, I've been told I'm not an easy read.
A conversation with a brilliant friend revealed that my dodging the issue of an afterlife begs to be challenged. I mentioned the illusion of time and afterlife. After what? Even the Second Law of Thermodynamics is coming under question. Entropy may be a law, but there is a possibility everything is reversible.
He asked about reincarnation. I pointed out that even though I see ghosts walking down Lake St, my own memory of reincarnation seems to reflect on imagined experiences that could be common. (Pre WW II Nazi Germany, I was a Jewish Chemist that committed suicide, supposedly.) I have much stranger awareness. A lifetime of Deja Vu and the experience of being in more than two places at a time inclines me to believe that the past is not only gone, it never existed. There is only a permanent interpenetrating of now informed and extended from the self through out time and space.
I then used the example of what I said as a child. I had suggested that I maybe am part of a simultaneous multiple incarnation. I feel and think and see through the eyes of someone else. This is not an original thought as far as I know. Nor Is it rational. To me, as a Psychic, and as a person, Death and the afterlife are concepts, Boundary Definitions we use to model experience. Are ghosts real? Or are they just my own imagination? I don't care.
In fact I do not experience separateness. Period. Past, Present, Future. Me, You. Us, Them. Just words describing concepts modeling subjects.
Back to Modeling: I have intentionally chosen to discuss; The I Ching and Chinese Medicine, The Tarot and Kabbala, Astrology and Ancient Astronomy. Plus my own area of interest; Palmistry, Physiognomy and Handwriting analysis, providing a most comprehensive overview and analysis of all similar disciplines.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Mappings for the Self as a Unity
April 12th, 2013
Mappings for the Self as a Unity
Yesterday I started outlining simple language we all use to order our perceptions of what being alive involves. I basically wanted to show how easy it is to take apart language in it's simple utility. I also started showing the way we organize the fundamental pieces we use to communicate. Just like taking a watch apart, we will usually find disassembling something as complex as language, easier than putting that watch back together in working order again.
Although I have no reason to reinvent the wheel of language, I have had to come up with a few of my own new words. The "Symmetrical Coalescence" is the process I describe when I compare and design models that map for this "Totality" of each and every person. Up to now this has often been the domain of poets as well as teachers. Each person is a universe, and each of us is just the tiniest part of this greater universe. People have often tried to believe that we create our own reality.
I much prefer the quote from the ancient Upanishads; "The self is ubiquitous."
Central Premise, We exist. Core to our awareness is the means to inform and instruct. Communication is a force, an energy and a potential. And although, "In the beginning there was the word," fortunately we are not always limited or defined by just words. Sometimes we can become aware of more than just the parts. Words sometimes come together to make the unexpected.
A love that defies description, a joy inexpressible, even things more important than life itself. Life transcends description. Put this amazing timepiece of human consciousness back together again and suddenly we are "greater than the sum of our parts."
The models I will be using have these simple commonalities;
1. All models are made of pieces.
2. All the models compare analogously to whatever subject we are analyzing.
3. All models are Meta Formally Logical, (Based on the Fundamentals of Conceptual Language.)
4. All models are designed, regardless of the mystical implications.
5. And most importantly, because these magical systems were the result of generations of cultural evolution and study, each one is a "coalescence" of data. Lots and lots of data.
6. All of these modelings are communicated and are traditions and cultural institutions. Mappings are for the analysis of the Self as individual Unities.
We will be looking at;
1. Astrology and ancient Astronomy (historical origins of timekeeping and math)
2. Chinese Medicine and Philosophy (origins of chemistry and physiology)
3. Tarot (Evolutions of Mystical Christianity and Judaism)
4. And my own specialty, Palmistry and Handwriting Analysis. (Statistics and Analysis)
At the core of each subject are humanities attempts at an Observational Science of the human, all leading from fundamentals to specifics, coalescing immense resources. Although all have undergone revision, these are just the short list of diagnostic and predictive tools.
Mappings are for the analysis of the Self as individual Unities.
Mappings for the Self as a Unity
Yesterday I started outlining simple language we all use to order our perceptions of what being alive involves. I basically wanted to show how easy it is to take apart language in it's simple utility. I also started showing the way we organize the fundamental pieces we use to communicate. Just like taking a watch apart, we will usually find disassembling something as complex as language, easier than putting that watch back together in working order again.
Although I have no reason to reinvent the wheel of language, I have had to come up with a few of my own new words. The "Symmetrical Coalescence" is the process I describe when I compare and design models that map for this "Totality" of each and every person. Up to now this has often been the domain of poets as well as teachers. Each person is a universe, and each of us is just the tiniest part of this greater universe. People have often tried to believe that we create our own reality.
I much prefer the quote from the ancient Upanishads; "The self is ubiquitous."
Central Premise, We exist. Core to our awareness is the means to inform and instruct. Communication is a force, an energy and a potential. And although, "In the beginning there was the word," fortunately we are not always limited or defined by just words. Sometimes we can become aware of more than just the parts. Words sometimes come together to make the unexpected.
A love that defies description, a joy inexpressible, even things more important than life itself. Life transcends description. Put this amazing timepiece of human consciousness back together again and suddenly we are "greater than the sum of our parts."
The models I will be using have these simple commonalities;
1. All models are made of pieces.
2. All the models compare analogously to whatever subject we are analyzing.
3. All models are Meta Formally Logical, (Based on the Fundamentals of Conceptual Language.)
4. All models are designed, regardless of the mystical implications.
5. And most importantly, because these magical systems were the result of generations of cultural evolution and study, each one is a "coalescence" of data. Lots and lots of data.
6. All of these modelings are communicated and are traditions and cultural institutions. Mappings are for the analysis of the Self as individual Unities.
We will be looking at;
1. Astrology and ancient Astronomy (historical origins of timekeeping and math)
2. Chinese Medicine and Philosophy (origins of chemistry and physiology)
3. Tarot (Evolutions of Mystical Christianity and Judaism)
4. And my own specialty, Palmistry and Handwriting Analysis. (Statistics and Analysis)
At the core of each subject are humanities attempts at an Observational Science of the human, all leading from fundamentals to specifics, coalescing immense resources. Although all have undergone revision, these are just the short list of diagnostic and predictive tools.
Mappings are for the analysis of the Self as individual Unities.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Enumerate Partition and the Coalescent Symmetry
Enumerate Partition and the Coalescent Symmetry
Taking things apart and putting them back together again. To kinda demonstrate the point, I'm trying to learn how to use blogging as a way of learning how to communicate in general. I'm probably going to reissue what I've written so far.
All in all. This is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate techniques. I like being able to test myself. I would like it very much if may be able to bring you a quality product as a psychic. I know many people who want to slug me when they hear me even use the word "Psychic." I basically agree with them.
Getting passed the stigma of being a psychic for me is very expressive of my work in general. It's great to be able to get passed the bias and stereotype.
So here's the proposition; I'm going to try to compile a documentation of the resources I need to be able to function as a psychic and have a clear conscience.
I propose, (In spite of how boring the actual study of parapsychology really is);
That, in sincere commitment to my craft, I will explain the unexplainable.
And I propose to do my best; Telling an adventure story where the hero is you,
and it's like I know "you." That's my job.
And I Propose; that I'm going to do my work quickly and without expectations, whether anyone likes reading my blog or not. And you might actually enjoy it. Wish me luck.
Silliness out of the way, I have been working for three years to be able to get back to the blog.
People will read me here before I'm ever able to publish.
Demonstration Tools:
Enumerate Partition and the Coalescent Symmetry
by an Analogy; We are clocks.
We have parts that can be numbered.
We function with all the parts working together.
We keep perfect time.
Analogous Modeling is essential for mapping comparison. Sometimes concepts are more easily communicated, than are words alone.
The parts. And the whole. Do we understand?
In conceptual language, we all have very similar boundaries and definitions. Certain simple dualities interact as a dynamic membrane through which we interact with uncertainty and the future. Opportunity is one of those concepts where we have simple decisions that can get very complicated.
We can take things apart to understand them, we maybe can put them back together again.
We compare similar things to make predictions about what's going to happen.
We must try not to break the thing we're using, just to understand things we want to use.
There is a pile of concepts on the table that I want. I've taken most of them apart repeatedly.
The Mappings and Diagrams and Charts themselves are really pretty. Mandalas, Magic Circles, Medicine wheels, Rose windows, Celestial Domes and the arcs of the Compass. These overlap and interface as maps of the soul. I gotten a lot of points from people for this analysis. There isn't anyway I could really do justice to the traditions without those beautiful diagrams. This is another aspect of desktop publishing that I'm going to have to learn.
I know that for how busy all "My" friends really are, that they'll be urging me on. And they all will no doubt help me as well. I'm taking this slow. More money is coming in. Pictures and graphics soon. Concepts will hopefully be explained clearly by me. I'm still laying the background. Thanks again. More later.
Beginning of Table of Contents
April 11nth, 2013
Beginning Table of Contents
1st. Meta Formal Logic & Preverbal Intelligences in General
The origins of valuing and signage
1.a, Language as ordering and mapping for Perceptual Ordination
2nd. Enumerative Partition & Symmetrical coalescence
Taking things apart, and putting it all back together again
3rd. Mappings for the Self as a Unity
Comparative Modeling
4th. Accounting of These Modelings by Similar Types and Utility
We will be looking comparatively at Alternative Medicine, Divination and Spiritual Technologies. We will be analyzing their structures and meaning.
"Meta Formal Logic" is the term I use for the awareness of things we can divide into categories by distinction. The most rudimentary and immediate are orderings like gender, age, hierarchical relation by family and kinship grouping. This is including but not limited to comparison by size, order, status and succession. What makes these types of analytic significant is not just how they reflect ordinary reasoning and that they predate our historical traditions. These basic ordering and grouping instincts were never limited to modeling families and kinship. These intelligences most simply and clearly resemble our most early use of prioritization and language. The fact that these types of typologies transcend the family, gender and age exemplifies the universality of these ordering principles. This is the logic of self.
Were we to speak of a heritage of shared culture or intelligence, we will be looking at the rudiments of signage and thought. We could almost have to describe an actual history of logic. But in someways logic for early humans was much more rational than today. Deductive or Inductive reasoning was much more a process of understanding by observation. It is not necessary at this to bring up anthropology but I simple want to explain the origin of analytical thought.
We will be seeing this much more clearly when we get into understanding the modular if not symmetrical divisions of the parts of spiritual modelings for things like divination and early medical diagnostics. This tendency to want to find meaning and an order signature is at the core of human awareness and the shared evolution of thought and language.
These tendencies are so universal that even as with people with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, this need for structure and ordering is uncontrollable. I have seen more than a few psychics completely loose all sense of perspective in their attempts to force the world to fit into their own preferred meta formal type of logic.
Meta formal Logic is an indispensable tool for analysis but it is only an analogy, mapping territory.
"Perceptual Ordination" shows how simple our language of order really is.
Basic dualities;
Male, Female = Left, Right
Parent, Child = Before, After
Earth, Sky = Up, Down
Mother, Father = Inside, Out
Submissive, Dominant = In Front, Behind
Familiar, Strange = Few, Many And so on.
Point being, I want to help define the simple structure and ordering of what may in fact occur at most intuitive levels. Most of what we use as language started with preverbal awareness, possibly quite the opposite of the popular pretense of intelligence as depending and evolving from language alone. My personal views and bias I hope will not interfere with the soundness of my explanations. Fortunately the concepts are not too complex, I hope.
Beginning Table of Contents
1st. Meta Formal Logic & Preverbal Intelligences in General
The origins of valuing and signage
1.a, Language as ordering and mapping for Perceptual Ordination
2nd. Enumerative Partition & Symmetrical coalescence
Taking things apart, and putting it all back together again
3rd. Mappings for the Self as a Unity
Comparative Modeling
4th. Accounting of These Modelings by Similar Types and Utility
We will be looking comparatively at Alternative Medicine, Divination and Spiritual Technologies. We will be analyzing their structures and meaning.
"Meta Formal Logic" is the term I use for the awareness of things we can divide into categories by distinction. The most rudimentary and immediate are orderings like gender, age, hierarchical relation by family and kinship grouping. This is including but not limited to comparison by size, order, status and succession. What makes these types of analytic significant is not just how they reflect ordinary reasoning and that they predate our historical traditions. These basic ordering and grouping instincts were never limited to modeling families and kinship. These intelligences most simply and clearly resemble our most early use of prioritization and language. The fact that these types of typologies transcend the family, gender and age exemplifies the universality of these ordering principles. This is the logic of self.
Were we to speak of a heritage of shared culture or intelligence, we will be looking at the rudiments of signage and thought. We could almost have to describe an actual history of logic. But in someways logic for early humans was much more rational than today. Deductive or Inductive reasoning was much more a process of understanding by observation. It is not necessary at this to bring up anthropology but I simple want to explain the origin of analytical thought.
We will be seeing this much more clearly when we get into understanding the modular if not symmetrical divisions of the parts of spiritual modelings for things like divination and early medical diagnostics. This tendency to want to find meaning and an order signature is at the core of human awareness and the shared evolution of thought and language.
These tendencies are so universal that even as with people with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, this need for structure and ordering is uncontrollable. I have seen more than a few psychics completely loose all sense of perspective in their attempts to force the world to fit into their own preferred meta formal type of logic.
Meta formal Logic is an indispensable tool for analysis but it is only an analogy, mapping territory.
"Perceptual Ordination" shows how simple our language of order really is.
Basic dualities;
Male, Female = Left, Right
Parent, Child = Before, After
Earth, Sky = Up, Down
Mother, Father = Inside, Out
Submissive, Dominant = In Front, Behind
Familiar, Strange = Few, Many And so on.
Point being, I want to help define the simple structure and ordering of what may in fact occur at most intuitive levels. Most of what we use as language started with preverbal awareness, possibly quite the opposite of the popular pretense of intelligence as depending and evolving from language alone. My personal views and bias I hope will not interfere with the soundness of my explanations. Fortunately the concepts are not too complex, I hope.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
This Is Not a Dream, This Is Where I Get to Use Tact.
April 9nth, 2013
This brings us directly to one of the most paradoxical aspects of a Para Psychological Method, the "Illusion of Objectivity." I'm not going to get into the absurd rhetoric of "Is this all a dream?" I'm talking about how our emotions can both cloud our judgement or even possibly relieve us from the burden of attachment and unresolved conflict. Emotion is not the enemy. It is just another tool that some people choose to use as a weapon. Understanding the difference between self deception and healthy emotion is probably the most troubling aspect of freewill. Knowing how to work constructively with emotion is definitely grace, if such a thing exists.
I'm sorry if some of what I'm saying is redundant if not boring, but it is critical to understanding our real responsibilities as people in positions of authority. People want me to be right or wrong. I prefer to be honestly telling people the truth, sensitive to the limitations of what someone can understand. "This is where I get to use tact." As matter of fact I'm dealing with the problems that are more difficult here first. This way when I'm getting into the more technical aspects of psychic reading we can enjoy the beautiful symmetry of our traditional models, both divine and sacred.
Thank you for your patience. Now for the pure data. I will start with the numbering of a series of spiritual technologies. I will explain their universal commonalities in terms of structure and utilities. I would not in a lifetime have the time to review particulars of each of our traditional "Spiritual Technologies," but I'll be referring to a few pivotal source books. Whether your personal inclinations are in disagreement with my writing shouldn't ultimately matter. I encourage you to retain your own opinions. Good luck. I can only hope that this will be as enjoyable for you as it is for me.
General Concepts
Good evening. April 9nth, 2013
Just to get this stuff documented and out on the table I will continue with general concepts.
This brings us to, "Opinion Bias." Motivated by the conventions and institutions of how and why a person defines themselves as "like" or "not like" someone else forms a kind of self boundary. This is usually a somewhat intentional self defining. As in the cases of :
I am a mother.
or I'm a member of the N.R.A.
There is almost an infinity of these types of self definitions. Each of which may involve strong opinions complete with very exclusive roles, duties and obligations. The interesting thing about opinions is that opinions sometimes can change for individuals as they invariably do in societies as well. These shifts can be observed and appreciated for the larger scale transformations that occur in the world. Granted we may all believe that our opinion biases are the right ones. But generally, "Everyone has blind spots and every ones blind spots are different." (Second axiomatic rule of the para psychological method, more on this later.)
There are as well a whole group of persistent conflicts of opinion that are what I have identified as "Vital Paradoxes." These are just to important to dismiss. This is where I get to show a little tact. Questions like;
Does God exist, (personal or otherwise?)
Are there any real psychics?
Is there a shadow government?
Are large businesses inherently corrupt or just unregulated?
Can intelligent people disagree about important issues or is there always going to be someone to blame for being wrong?
I tried to use questions that reflect peoples strong opinions on both extremes and as yet we can have intelligent people defending both opposing biases. It is particularly interesting to notice what people of different biases can agree about. This can be the thing that says we can both be right, or, that both people are in fact wrong, but they don't know it. Two very different people can agree on a commonly shared opinions that are just not true. Confronting a popular myth can be very hard. Some common prejudices die very reluctantly.
I am primarily interested in those areas of debate concerned with the dialogue about uncertainties and evolving events. We are confronted with limited data and conflicting agendas that prevent people from understanding. Not to mention peoples ignorance, (More on the "Void of Uncertainty" later.)
My job as an entertainment medium and as a psychic requires me to be able to provide alternative perspectives. Peoples opinions in fact can be as varied and nuanced as a fingerprint. I find the whole issue of self defined boundary definitions are a particularly fertile ground for investigating people. What people think about themselves matters, right or wrong.
Just to get this stuff documented and out on the table I will continue with general concepts.
This brings us to, "Opinion Bias." Motivated by the conventions and institutions of how and why a person defines themselves as "like" or "not like" someone else forms a kind of self boundary. This is usually a somewhat intentional self defining. As in the cases of :
I am a mother.
or I'm a member of the N.R.A.
There is almost an infinity of these types of self definitions. Each of which may involve strong opinions complete with very exclusive roles, duties and obligations. The interesting thing about opinions is that opinions sometimes can change for individuals as they invariably do in societies as well. These shifts can be observed and appreciated for the larger scale transformations that occur in the world. Granted we may all believe that our opinion biases are the right ones. But generally, "Everyone has blind spots and every ones blind spots are different." (Second axiomatic rule of the para psychological method, more on this later.)
There are as well a whole group of persistent conflicts of opinion that are what I have identified as "Vital Paradoxes." These are just to important to dismiss. This is where I get to show a little tact. Questions like;
Does God exist, (personal or otherwise?)
Are there any real psychics?
Is there a shadow government?
Are large businesses inherently corrupt or just unregulated?
Can intelligent people disagree about important issues or is there always going to be someone to blame for being wrong?
I tried to use questions that reflect peoples strong opinions on both extremes and as yet we can have intelligent people defending both opposing biases. It is particularly interesting to notice what people of different biases can agree about. This can be the thing that says we can both be right, or, that both people are in fact wrong, but they don't know it. Two very different people can agree on a commonly shared opinions that are just not true. Confronting a popular myth can be very hard. Some common prejudices die very reluctantly.
I am primarily interested in those areas of debate concerned with the dialogue about uncertainties and evolving events. We are confronted with limited data and conflicting agendas that prevent people from understanding. Not to mention peoples ignorance, (More on the "Void of Uncertainty" later.)
My job as an entertainment medium and as a psychic requires me to be able to provide alternative perspectives. Peoples opinions in fact can be as varied and nuanced as a fingerprint. I find the whole issue of self defined boundary definitions are a particularly fertile ground for investigating people. What people think about themselves matters, right or wrong.
Echo Imprinting
Beings as this is a blog, I will try to organize info clearly. I may have to start new blogsites to stack the data so as that it will be easier to find. All links will be posted.
I would like here to focas on one of these most useful of awarenesses. As the first of several listed tools, I have created my own terms to identify these shared resources. This most primary of subjective awarenesses I call "Echo Imprinting." Our Brains are designed to recognize and identify people. This awareness of the distinctiveness others is so deep as that we sometimes can experience it as an actual presence of that person, even when they are not there. On a purely rational level I believe this is what people call the, "Spirits of the Dead." I myself try not to mess with Necromancy, although I'm good at it. I think people need to talk to or commune with there own dead.
I myself don't believe in an afterlife, but I have never let that get in the way. Generally I get the impression that when the dead can be heard, they are not interested in worrying about the living. When I do see the ancestors I feel they would rather make light of how hard their lives really were, much harder than ours and our petty regrets. I doubt they are ever malicious. This obvious indiscretion is one of the mistakes I see most Mediums making. I am embarrassed for everyone. I can assure you this is one of those things that makes me very unpopular amongst both skeptics and true believers alike. (More on the "Mutually Inclusive Double Negative Opinion Bias" later.)
Back to the living, I love people. I love the way we look. I love the way we talk. I love the way we move, and sound, and feel. I love almost everything about what it means to be alive. I especially love our flaws. This is where I make the big bucks. Forgive me, but "There is gold in them ills." Nothing is more distinctive and identifiable than our little quirks. I'm not giving humanity a pass, but I'm willing to overlook most of peoples individual "Blind Spots." (We will be dealing with; "Blind Spots", "Opinion Bias", and "Styles of Evasion" later.)
The point here is the "ECHO" of those impressions "IMPRINTED" on our consciousness. We all experience each other on these most subtle yet undeniable of levels. This is what I read.
The Para Psychological Method
April 9nth. 2013
Good Morning. Today we will be informing the public of our intent to outline the essential elements of the Para Psychological Method.
In enumerating the tools of the Psychic we will want to first identify the common utilities. In overview of the possible applications of analogous modelings for the variety of personal human differences and the possible outcomes of behavior, we have checklists. These can be crude and overly general or they can be fair.
As sensitives and mediums we are provided with a profusion of purely subjective awarenesses. As readers we must voice perceptions. We Psychics sometimes depend on a host of media; Astrology, Tarot, I Ching, etc. But we use these tools as comparative models. But the map is never the territory. We still must give a language to each unique persons reading.
We all have had instinctual awareness of identifying qualities of the distinctiveness of others. These awarenesses are so hardwired that we almost never have to bring these awarenesses to the level of the conscious verbal expression. That's my job.
The next step, were someone so inclined, to predict human behavior is rather easy. The only real difficulty comes from projecting event outcomes on the basis of the considerably more complex large scale interactions. For that reason I will tell a client what they will most likely do, rather than tell them what is going to happen. I not only do not want to clutter the time line, but I also know that when asked, I'm expected to tell people lies. Comforting lies.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Dearest reader,
This is my labor of love to be able to bring you my life's work in it's present state.
I am a pro psychic. I have in a life's research a great hoard of resources. I will present simple techniques for ordering and understanding most, if not all forms of divination, in terms of games and systems analysis. The concepts, I want to be easy and intuitive.
I would like to apologize in advance, to all those who will object to mapping and graphing of the things so sacred as the human soul and human interaction. But as is intrinsic to human nature, we are creatures who look for order and meaning.
I hope you will find the tour of artifacts and antiquities fun and informative. I encourage readers credit for having their own opinions. And please do not expect that you will always agree with my interpretations or analysis. My intent is to analyze data, not people.
Let us begin.
Many years ago I started writing, "The Confessions of a Professional Psychic." I've decided that the information I can provide is much more important than autobiography.
As a new beginning I have embarked on the project of;
Enumerating the parts of the Spiritual Technologies, and the Coalescing of the Sum of the Comparative Analogies.
I am writing as an act of faith, as a scientist and as a sensitive. Most of the provided information I intend will be self explanatory. However, it will be the scope of the analysis I would hope is most useful in sharing what we do as psychics, and why we can do it at all.
Biases and beliefs aside, I haven't assumed that I know how this one is going to turn out as a literary project. But I know for myself as a researcher my work is to entertain, inform and provide.
It is my privilege to listen, your wish, (for information) is my command.
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