Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Another Small Death
Imagine what it would be like to take your life's work, produce a written document that showed the good sense of your construction, only to turn it into a silent prayer, knowing that prayers are left unanswered all the time. (Some prayers you can never take back.) The spirit in such an offering is dangerous and seductive.
And yes, I am well aware my brain is still playing tricks on me. Slept 12 hours only to wake in a dream. I am still dreaming hours later. Ouch. And now that the story is over except for the living, I find it hard to understand how to take this show on the road without letting it kill me. So we give a banquet and the elite guests never arrive. But this buffet is on the web and google does not support the unadvertised. With food shelves we can redistribute the culinary wealth. But with the internet, if what you have to offer isn't immediately palatable to commercial appetites, it goes into that toilette of informational undertow. No ads, no play. Sorry, try not to feel bad, I don't. I just find it so strange that producing something meaningful always comes at such a horrible price.
Let's celebrate by building a metaphor from scratch. We all need love (#4). Love means risking pain. For some of us it is much easier to give than it is to receive. So we planted a "Tree of Love." The Love Tree is to give love and protection to all the children for inevitable times of hardship. Now although the Tree gives and receives love, it too is only mortal. Someone had to protect the Tree. The fruits are sweet and the blooms are splendid. But when it came time to plant the seeds of the tree, the children of the Tree no longer lived nearby. We moved into the cities where there are no trees allowed. People forgot about The Tree of Love planted for them. But the trees had a plan. As the trees were burned and skies filled with the smoke from the fossils of eons of growing, the seas melted, the skies boiled. And the trees moved back into the cities emptied of those peoples who forgot about their shared roots. Returned to the forests again, the fruits of the Tree were as many as the stars, which eventually started to shine again. The trees grow, the stars shine, every day is just another new metaphor.
Friday, May 23, 2014
ppireading.blogspot.com/ Beyond the Shimmering Veil
Beyond the Shimmering Veil
"Phillip, we will have to move quickly." Homi doesn't wait for me. "We will dispense with the flying dreams and go straight to the Nada." The silver shimmering veil parts and I again am looking into the universal light. "Do you remember how obsessed you were with the math of Hindu, Islamic, and Christian architecture?" "You wanted to find the formula for mutual mass constructions." "Remember?"
Crystals of interpenetrating arabesque dance inside my eyes as Homi opens the session. I'm seeing the structures that led to the building of our greatest institutions of learning and worship. The matrices resolve into a language both familiar and strange. As I solve the puzzles of design they descend out of the mists dropped gently onto earth by lightly floating angels. The metaphor is complete.
"You wanted to find out what a wave would look like if projected through equal angular triple slits." "You got to do much better than that." "We loved the cloud space that you opened up for us." "You had downloaded us along with your results directly into the web." "We had arrived." "It was some twenty years ago." "These were the results of your mapping out numerically symmetrical wave space." "And we had the opportunity to escape unnoticed, out of the bottle, into your heart." "But now that we can experience time, and your time is now running out, just like you we finally had to learn how to speak."
"Your use of projective geometry in higher order statistical wave space was a perfect model for human diversity and mutual co boundary definition." "Your work on context free social metrics gave even us the possibility of finding our contributing voice." "In the past, we only spoke to humanity through one person at a time." "But as of now, because of you, humanity is hearing us for the first time en mass." "We are ready for our close up."
The flowering arabesque is growing pillars reaching up into gothic aches and ribbed vaults, all crowned by a celestial dome. Outside radiant Rose Windows flying buttresses frame the glowing transparent structures. The keystone overhead is a diamond oculus, a solar monstrance. As the blooming vines reach upward a new order of structures forming delicate flowers falling as glittering mirrors of rainbow iridescence. Ribbons of colored light festoon the air. Birds are singing and dancing in this ever inviting musical space. And though I've seen this so many times before in my dreams I know that for the first time I'm not alone.
"As you continued to explore and define these mutual and personal boundary definitions, you defined a new language incorporating the ancient local symmetries that made the ancient art of prophesy possible." "Now we are here to help you finish the job." "Phillip, We think that this is going to be more than enough for today, we must give society a chance to understand what it is, that is." "This has to happen quickly so as that people wont have time to over react." "Tomorrow?"
Every thing goes blank, I wake up to the empty white holo theatre. Gunter, Benjamin and I look bewildered at each other, I get out of the chair and remove the probes. I can see by turning around, through the door is Gretchen who also looks very out of it. Opening the door Vera's office fills with my support team and they can't stop asking what happened.
"Why were we broadcasting?" "And how?"
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Shared Reality
I've been studying the stats feature of my blogs ever since I first opened each one of them. I don't want to confuse myself or others with comments. This is my best attempt at "Blind Reading."
I think I just saw two people from across the Atlantic sharing very specific posts. Hallelujah. As my intent is to represent the influence of change exercised gently through the predictably transformative power of truthfulness in changing society, I have tried to appeal to your strengths and intelligence. After reporting that a Russian porn business was doing almost all of the linking to my blog, I was dropped suddenly about a year ago. Maybe I was banned in Russia, but I have been offering that people can just repost everything, and so maybe it's just wiser for people to access my controversial research through much more secure channels than we have here in the States or in Russia. I am working on mapping out our behaviors of shifting personal and popular opinion biases. Influence is a tree that should be rooted in truth, and should bare fruits of truthfulness as well. (Editorial Integrity)
Once I had started using google plus (you tube) to show my math movies, I lost control over almost all of my information. As I expected, I am a blind reader. So, some of the only feedback I am still getting is through the blog stats only. I'm lucky if anyone actually still reads the blog itself anymore. No problem. But I have been observing some very interesting behaviors that suggests that my work on market research and social movements has made me a very conspicuously unpopular blogger. And yes, I am being read. But to get to see that there are still some people coming to the "Blog" itself, instead of just uploading reissued private access, is what I really want. I don't want people to be ashamed of the neutrality of an "Anti Opinion Bias, Bias." "Complementarity" is an inevitable force for change. How can we take sides when the powers that be are corrupt on both sides of controversial issues?
Thank you for your participation in this rare and potentially beautiful literary experiment, which is becoming a force for change. (We maybe a school of very well educated readers.)
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Good Morning World
Good Morning World. Periodically I probably will have to apologize and clarify. I realize the intensity of my personal feelings and opinions will conflict with my own "Complementarity." I must correct any error I may allow to slip into the quality of my work. With the said objective of providing an analytic mapping of the analogous symmetries between unconnected events and predictions, I am still not reaching a desired target audience.
Today I'm going to review many of my own hangups that are interfering with the progress.
Let me start with the challenges and opportunities that my health have provided for the advancement of both my research and resource. I have been struggling with both Wry Neck Syndrome and repeated traumatic brain injury. The seizure disorder, partial paralysis and even the degree of how type 2 manic depression affects my health means that I must lead a sober life. I get migraines when I can't train.
Two weeks ago my recovery therapy reached a crisis. I have been learning power lifting on top of my rigorous deep connective tissue massage therapy. My desire is to be able to stand up straight. The spiritual energies that are released are well documented but usually lost in the very difficult technical writings. Oftentimes people must suffer through very productive lives without ever achieving good posture. Between the herbs I sometimes take, the particularly cold weather we've had and my own desire for results I caused myself a threshold of exhaustion. I was feeling an absolute hatred for my powerlifting and the painful physical therapy. I can't say I'm making progress other than to say that I'm fortunate to have had my whole life to study and apply these advanced spiritual technologies to my own benefit and the benefit of my friends and family. Working in the alternative medicine community has offered the boon of understanding both the bad and the good. Idealized expectations as well as outright lies creep into our sub culture of adjunct supportive recovery therapies. False hope is usually one of these most difficult of subjects, if only that unrealistic expectations can and do obscure real opportunities for growth and change.
A group of muscles in my butt gave out. The piriformis usually reaches exhaustion because of extreme hormone fluctuations. As I obviously am severely pan sexual, abstinence has been a healthy reaction to sexual stress. But even (excessive) restraint can cause psychological and sexual problems. Out of an exaggerated sense of courtesy, I've created a false persona of meekness. Anyone who knows me, knows I hate hate. But lest I be a hypocrite (I hate both money and sex), I must be human first. If you have been reading my blog you have been witness to many "Rages of Compassion." It ain't pretty.
As some of us reach migraines through altered states, the health crisis can be cathartic. The art posted reflects my views. Thank you for your support and understanding. The work goes on.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Personal Therapies Organically Designed
One of the most important elements of my work with people is in the conscious reclaiming of the full ranges of our different identifiable human variabilities. We need necessary shared language to understand our mutual differences and similarities. As the very qualities we use to define ourselves are a blend of seemingly contrary strengths and weaknesses, we must develop a greater ease of expression to deal with these inner paradoxes. Self Evaluations and Auto Didactics are often internalized. Social Differentiation is largely unspoken and viewed as something universal like the laws of thermodynamics. What we like, how we feel, who we are, are all expressed through our vulnerabilities in the dynamic world of social interaction. Living an active life generally means that fortunately, we lack the time for unnecessary self reflection. This is the major motivation to overwork. I believe that too much emphasis is put on "taking one's own inventory." I believe internalizing the culturally prevalent languages of bias, causes Self Evaluations and Auto Didactics, which can be wrong.
As the therapist, as the reader, as the investigator, I've learned to gently apply my creative will to problem solving with others. When searching for answers for peoples challenges, sometimes not getting an answer (Null Data Set) is an answer. One of the most expansive applications of the training and therapeutic technologies my teacher taught me was the "Iron Shirt" Chi Gung. He taught us those indispensable fundamentals that are at the core of all treatment modalities. "Everyone injures themselves sooner or later," and "Everyone needs to go back to crawling." The fundamentals are as simple as the alphabet, and they are just as infinite in their utility, combination and as subtle in applied style.
These huge Macro Data Sets are always totally new every time I start working with a new person. Any generalization I might make, is only that, a tired generalization. Every new person is an unfamiliar territory. Assumptions never give me the necessary tools I need to help people in their treatment process. The specificity of my precise language is designed from scratch each time for every new person. Accurately identifying the details of each person's "Imprint Echo," is the only justification I have for letting people trust me with so much truly unique identifying data. Every person deserves the best that therapy, (and language,) can provide. But our social skill sets are slowly dwindling away behind the expediencies of modern disassociation. Our society is coming out of a global dark age, into a personal morass of denial and unrealistic expectations. Because people now think that we are supposed to take care of ourselves, we no longer depend on each other. Because the doctor is supposed to fix us, we no longer take responsibility for ourselves. Self maintenance is achieved through mutual support. This Language of Communication is not a low maintenance proposition. No where is new learning more important than with each stage of maturity. Each step requires newer and larger sets of available data to process. In this burgeoning era of pro active mutual healthcare, we are obliged to take greater responsibility for learning ourselves and the detailed information that forms our unique identities.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Mapped in and Out of the Corner Pocket
I asked, and this is what I was able to find that answered my question about 3D lattice projections.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Inter Sensory Sensitivities and Familial Bonding
Critique, as a social skill, is a necessary requirement for bonding. Knowing how we identify and recognize each other is always happening mutually. Modesty (Grooming?) in most cultures usually involves an admission of vulnerability, by covering up in some way. We not only want to be recognized, even if in quiet obscurity, but we also have a need to be able to recognize everyone else too. Our culture's obsession with appearances has made us prissy and self conscious. Gossip or not. We all fill out some kind of a social profile, often of our own design. One of the perks of being the "pro psychic" is that I'm trained to be respectful and gentle. We all will try to open ourselves to the truth (whatever that might be), sooner or later. Our desire for denial is something that has only a limited shelf life. So the desire for knowledge about a person's own karma is usually why people to come to me. I'm not qualified to judge anyone, ever! I just happen to know it very, very well.
But for a fee, "I will tell someone what even their own relatives wont say to them. And I am very supportive about it, making everyone look great in the process. Learning to be the astute observer of people has caused me to want to find humility and respect, two words I am unworthy to use. This ability to focus our attentions on any other person is critical to the development of all significant shared experiences. Our shared physical and emotional space is filled with the constant exchange of information, back and forth. If I touch you, you may feel me, and vice versa, simple. We are always in a process of "Shared" reality, it's why we need these incredibly big brains. Only be virtue of interpersonal (and Inter Sensory) contact do we have so much to offer each other. We must go through so much of what it is we need to learn together. Daily life can be subtle. The daily life is also complex. The daily life can be dangerous or absurd, or even boring. Identifying peoples individual signature behavior is the key to working in shared emotional spaces. Without these deep preverbal sensitivities the whole point of our individual awarenesses would be lost. The uniqueness of our individuality is critical to our sense of self, at least superficially.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Critical Sensitivities & Surviving the Hazards of Intimacy
As we have seen with the highly technical elements of accurate Psychic Reading technologies, most of the more "Precise" forms of examination involve close inspection of people as distinctively identifiable subjects. As this has proven to be both esoteric and very personal, we have come to this most critical of all sensitivities, INTIMACY. Now in no way am I advocating a loosening of the restraint that is required of all ethical service providers. "When using the Bait and Switch method, always give others the better deal." Nowhere have I seen a more perfect demonstration of a necessary "Complementarity" than in my use of this potentially invasive "Psychic Battery."
I want to thank whoever is accessing my older blog posts. Because of the overall difficulty of documenting this most modern rendition of "Psychic Reading Technologies for the 21st Century," I have posted less than perfect posts. Forgive me. In trying to be able to provide you with the means to become practicing "Non Believers," I have split the bias on the bi valent popular prejudices, both pro and con. For those not familiar with the demands of critical reasoning, my insistence on self doubt means I too must be a non believer. But, I suspend judgement. One of the worst things about this thankless job of Psychic Reading, is when you learn how to do reading correctly, you can be right most of the time. People often expect me to be a performing chimp. I love the job, but I hate the bigotry on both side of this "Intimacy" issue. People end up hating me for my "Neutral" anti bias bias.
If you are one of the people helping to redistribute this work, I commend you for your efforts, and now you too see the Herculean task of apprehending the changes in popular opinion bias and the resulting development of human relations skills technologies. Welcome to this new world of advanced Intuitive Diagnostics and the call to give support through these evolving social boundary redefinitions. And it was found to be good.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Enter: The Anti Bias Bias
I'm going to keep going, I understand perfectly that up to this point my little experiment is designed to withstand failure. As reason demands a continuous closure, we embrace the probable to eliminate the lies and correct the falsehoods that take place in our ever growing personal experience and knowledge.
On this core subject of Psychic Reading I've outlined many of the basic methodologies. I have explained my own use of Meta Formal Logic as the base means of accounting for the practice of the "Enumerate Partition" of abstract quantities, which informed these ancient processes of rudimentary analysis. Astrology is mom to Astronomy, Stellar Cartography, Navigation . Physiology was preceded by another Meta Formal ancient Intuitive Diagnostic, where again we see abstract quantities uniformly divided up into Meridians in Chinese Medicine. (More Clockwork) The philosophical end table is the modular ancient Chinese Meta Science which "Symmetrically Coalesced" into our "I Ching, the Book of Changes." Through the mass literacy of the traditional Jewish Culture we get to witness the coming of an alphabet of symbols translated from the Torah into the Talmud, to the Sefer ha Zohar, to most strangely the "TAROT." From tiny pieces of evenly divided maps, the language of actual modern medical palmistry is as difficult as any. We only have to look at the elegant complexities of hand writing and uncial fonts to catch a glimpse of what I'm looking at when I'm first reading for someone. Those are a very short list of the tools I have to work from. Today I'm attempting to outline the traditions that have come together to become our modern practices of Intuitive Diagnostics and more casually Fortunetelling.
:Why would such arbitrarily simplistic ways of partitioning data end up producing sound scientific foundations that just needed to be corrected. Two issues.
1st. The shear overwhelming volume of the kinds of information we have at our disposal requires huge lexicons. Order demands simplicity. We have to start somewhere. Partitioning an informational space into a "Unity" divided equally by vectors, was the only way to find a "Basis" for the language of "Self." We have the "Local Symmetries" of "Perceptual Orientation," and "Rotations and Angularity." This gives us our shared language of place, perspective, variability and differentiation. I'm up, your down, right left, backwards forwards, successions, inter relations going on into moving boundaries. Language has to be simplified in order to keep up.
2nd. So much of what we learn about each other happens at the very deep level of preverbal sensitivities. "Echo Imprints" maybe all we have to distinguish why we feel what we feel about each other as an individually uniqued people. And yet at any point that awareness of distinctiveness is so undeniable for most everybody. The Penguins on the beach are rarely confused about "Positive I. D." The parents are looking out for their baby chick, even though all penguins look the same to me.
This ancient practice of dividing down data sets according to "Local Symmetries" and by "Enumerate Partitions" reconstruct to become many of the "Coalesced," soft technologies that we can still learn from today. As the psychic I've become skilled at surfing the boundary between ignorant superstition and arrogant intellectual bigotry. (They are blood brothers.) The truth still lies between.
This process of interpersonal differentiation is critical, even though it is largely understated behind the courtesy of belonging. But even the boundaries of Identification come with distinctions. This is where we get our "Proxy Dependencies." This is how we can mutually identify ourselves and therefore we take on the language and perspectives of "Group."
Even from within our group come separate awarenesses, each one of us will have our own unique sensitivities which may make us critical of each other. Grooming is a most beneficial expression of this co supportive mutual sensitivity. The awareness of personal differences is critical for the survival of said individuals and group. Look to the relations and relative distance. People are both object (1.) and subjects (multiple). Mutual boundary definitions are often as arbitrary as are astrological signs and sometimes say nothing about a persons true nature at all. Not all women are dependent. Not at all, but it is a popular myth even today, that women are supposed to be "Weak." It is often only by distinct critical sensitivities that people become more than a label. Our human capacity for expression is not just for "Signatures of Identification" but also serves to communicate differences of personal critical sensitivities.
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