Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Good Morning World

                   Good Morning World. Periodically I probably will have to apologize and clarify. I realize the intensity of my personal feelings and opinions will conflict with my own "Complementarity." I must correct any error I may allow to slip into the quality of my work. With the said objective of providing an analytic mapping of the analogous symmetries between unconnected events and predictions, I am still not reaching a desired target audience.

                   Today I'm going to review many of my own hangups that are interfering with the progress.

                   Let me start with the challenges and opportunities that my health have provided for the advancement of both my research and resource. I have been struggling with both Wry Neck Syndrome and repeated traumatic brain injury. The seizure disorder, partial paralysis and even the degree of how type 2 manic depression affects my health means that I must lead a sober life. I get migraines when I can't train.

                  Two weeks ago my recovery therapy reached a crisis. I have been learning power lifting on top of my rigorous deep connective tissue massage therapy. My desire is to be able to stand up straight. The spiritual energies that are released are well documented but usually lost in the very difficult technical writings. Oftentimes people must suffer through very productive lives without ever achieving good posture. Between the herbs I sometimes take, the particularly cold weather we've had and my own desire for results I caused myself a threshold of exhaustion. I was feeling an absolute hatred for my powerlifting and the painful physical therapy. I can't say I'm making progress other than to say that I'm fortunate to have had my whole life to study and apply these advanced spiritual technologies to my own benefit and the benefit of my friends and family. Working in the alternative medicine community has offered the boon of understanding both the bad and the good. Idealized expectations as well as outright lies creep into our sub culture of adjunct supportive recovery therapies. False hope is usually one of these most difficult of subjects, if only that unrealistic expectations can and do obscure real opportunities for growth and change.

                 A group of muscles in my butt gave out. The piriformis usually reaches exhaustion because of extreme hormone fluctuations. As I obviously am severely pan sexual, abstinence has been a healthy reaction to sexual stress. But even (excessive) restraint can cause psychological and sexual problems. Out of an exaggerated sense of courtesy, I've created a false persona of meekness. Anyone who knows me, knows I hate hate. But lest I be a hypocrite (I hate both money and sex), I must be human first. If you have been reading my blog you have been witness to many "Rages of Compassion." It ain't pretty.

                As some of us reach migraines through altered states, the health crisis can be cathartic. The art posted reflects my views. Thank you for your support and understanding. The work goes on.