Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Rose Colored Darkness; Seeing the World Through

                  Please forgive me for seeing this world as a "Cup Overflowing." Now that we have gotten to see the power of popular negativity and paranoid predictions, I've discovered that my own cynical optimism is commonly misinterpreted as apathy. Or even worse, Amoral Conformity." I'm merely advocating for a rational dissent, opposing the presumptions of an inevitable spiral into unavoidable futility and defeat.

                  One man's response to the very real possible threat of censorship in our disinformation driven news feed society, was to say "Greater evil needs to remain in scope to justify the aim for the lesser evil. So the policy spirals towards it like a moth to the flame."

                  Click Bait was the term he used to criticize my comment about how, "I find it prophetic that all my wacko popular paranoia friends turned out to be right about one thing. Interesting Times. Don't you know?"
                  About my comment he says, "You do sound like click bait, except for the minor aspect that there's nothing to click on."

                   I commented back;

"What is click bait, and how does that relate to me? What are you trying to do, seriously? Did I offend you? I'm not a pollyanna. Don't give up so quickly! I've been fighting this battle with well meaning fear mongers and popular paranoids on both sides, all my life. I guess I don't like being called trivial. "Greater evil needs to remain in scope to justify the aim for the lesser evil," sounds like a tautology. I neither agree with you or consider haute' pessimism constructive. Determinism is the preferred mode of condescension for people who like condemning the faith and hopes of people who actually know real oppression. I find negativity to be too easy."

      And I always have resisted. In the Eighties it was the fear of the inescapable "Nuclear Winter." I would say, "We should be so lucky." "Only real hardships drive mankind onward toward any shared enlightenment." Nobody likes hearing this, back then or now. And of course I was thought to be an "Amoral Conformist" for insisting on the real facts of what is happening, instead of just another silent advocate for futile determinism. The threat was real. But the outcome wasn't, and still is primarily only a threat. There is real evil in the world, but the worst of it may be  the rationalizations of paralytic apathy. The world isn't any worse off now than it ever was. It just that the scale of the problems are much larger with the worlds power, technologies and exponentially growing populations. From a "Bronze Age" perspective we could say, "A Succession of Cyclical Histories is Simply Repeating Itself," as we generally do. And that it is our sense of lost collective memory that is what is making people so fearfully reactionary.

      I find a greater threat looms in the expectation of futility in the face of our very real and contemporary opportunities for real free expression, right now, today. Now is the time and it always has been today we need to address. Things will only continue to get worse if we don't use this and every opportunity to speak out for what is right, actually making ourselves heard. Stand up against populist determinism on both sides of the "Split Bias," which is so easily exploited by populist polarization and fashionable paranoia. Of course my "Use it or Loose it" philosophies aren't much appreciated right away. But most of my extreme Liberal friends end up agreeing with me, that even if the worst is yet to come, for most of us that impending "Threat of Violence" needs to be challenged right now, before it can get out of hand. And that we're never to loose hope for what is right.

      I'm sorry if I offend people by taking such a dim view of "Doomsayers," when they are only expressing a healthy apprehension, in the face of what is humanly frightful and truthfully monstrous. But wasn't it fear mongering and exaggeration that got our nation to stop listening to itself in the first place?


A Bittersweet Beauty of Love, Loss and Lonelyness

                  Working for the National Health has given cause for understanding. The so called "Psychic" in me Knows about the beauty of living. After my separation, fifteen years transpired where time went on without me. Nostalgia is a very painful healing. And yet my love of life with loss and letting go has only strengthened me. Dearest June, "We Love You." Art by June "Moon" Hanson. junemoon.com

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Straddling A Digital Divide "And from the many, we learn as one."

                             This is my Social Experiment. I'm measuring time sensitive dissemination rates for new information released into the internet.

      My 1st. Base Case Assertion is me of course and my research;
                              I test for the discontinuous non linear value jumps accelerating into the dispersion rates of my identifiable personally projected social media.
                              I test for your enjoyment by watching your feedback and engagement. Simple.
                              I've screened myself out of almost all high rankings in S.E.O.s. Dropping my web ranking to as close to the bottom as I can.
                              I am just an Entertainment Medium only.
      & the 2nd.) Maybe, just for now, you still don't want to read me yet. But eventually, maybe word of mouth may help to bring many of you back again.  {Organic Dispersal}
                              I am just another Free Magazine; Take what you want, and respect the rest.                                           Pass any of it along. Please! Where are you people? Can you see an opportunity here? For now, You probably still don't.
                              It's the free thing, isn't it? That's the way I designed it. It is inaccessible. {Thank you Google.} Nobody wants to read the unfamiliar, the unhashtagged. Where's my gimmick? Where's the handle? Where's my need to be stroked? It's just not here, is it? Look mom, no sale.
                              It's a "TRUE HOAX." And this story is about people just like you, people who can tell stories that come true. Don't you want to play? I know you want to. I will get to be your reader for today. But I hope you will find that your work here is interesting for you. I would hope I can be little entertaining. By refreshing your interests, this story has been always about you and just you. You are the subject of inquiry.
                             "And from the many, we learn as one."
                              And If you like, you are very, very welcome. Share only what you want, give only the best of what you have to offer, and leave only that by which you want to be remembered.

      & 3rd.) As always, Thank you all so much. In Advance.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What My Blog Is Saying About My Readers.

                  Although most of the traffic to my blog is completely anonymous, there are untraceable randomly assigned user ID numbers. More interesting is all of the traffic I get through Referring Sites which I can access though my blog stats. These are generally from very interesting unexpected blog sites for everything from Russian Poetry groups, the Yandex search engine {the Russian Google}, to even English Lessons from a Middle Eastern educator, down to an actual Right Wing think tank. Though often they are exactly what they appear to be, most of the less interesting sites are just fronts for false "Hidden" Referring URLs, usually from PREMIUMHOOKUPS. {A marketing website for the Russian Porn Mafia.} If you've seen my writings on "Subtext" and legitimized "Surveillance," I've been recording many of the unbelievable oddities of my blogs readership and it's unique if not very peculiar support. My watchers knows I'm watching them too. Were it not for their interest during my first year I would have had almost no traffic at all. Much to their credit we have one thing in common. And that's interest in the dissemination of information. One of the most important aspects of my online profile is in projecting a meaningfully Viable Presence. Now as a well trained professional "Psychic Medium" I not only have to be a conscientious "Lie Detector," but I'm also prepared to know if and when I too am lying. As a writer most of my best stories are completely incredible and as a result I must be very circumspect about bullshit being just more bad art. I must always challenge my assertions and be prepared to admit to being wrong by willingly testing out each of my predictions.

                   I myself don't like being wrong very often, but "Enquiring minds do want to know." What the heck is going wrong? Is there anything that can be done? If "Trumpenstein" hadn't failed to set himself up as the media darling for the now supposedly disenfranchised White Male, I wouldn't need to be providing the Alternative Perspective, which is more important now than ever. If I can generate real buzz in the Ukraine and especially in Russia, (second and third after the U.S. in total blog views,) then maybe I too may have a real responsibility to continue exploring my ever expanding sphere of media influence. My own predicted "True Hoax" is actually coming true. I'm telling stories that really are coming true. Now most of us bloggers don't ever reach any real kind of notoriety, but for those of us that do, it can be very rewarding. For example, the BUSINESS INSIDER blog, became a lucrative second job for an influential trader who was fined 4 million dollars for issuing false stock tips, punitively banning him from the trading floors. Likewise, politicians can often get paid much more as lobbyists and authoritative experts, even after professional term limits push them out of office. Now of course, speaking as the retired, most low rent of all the so called psychic mediums, my track record is known to only me and my clientele. But my profile and it's content has already generated a rather conspicuous, if only virtual Code Halo. Generating ripples out into the burgeoning world of influence peddling, is a game of high finance in a world of "Speculations Industries" in general. No one wants to listen to a nobody for now, until everyone else is wanting to too. And as we have now seen, today's LYING SELLS, even when people should know better. Maybe we really do need Bullshit Artists, to knowingly help discredit all these very predictable liars.

                   The most fascinating part of of blogging is you, my audience of course.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

My Interview With a Psychic; ppireadings.blogspot.com

Session 3


(Bill) I remember a discussion we had over a decade ago about the true nature of lying. I still remember that conversation because I was freeing myself from a web of lies at the time. What do you remember?

(Phillip) No, I vaguely remember something…

(Bill) For me, what you had said, that lying reflects back on the liar primarily and that self deception occurs even in the most innocent of white lies, was quite poignant.

(Phillip) What it is that we avoid is often at the core of what it is we need. People are never more evasive than when we feel threatened. Lying is usually only a deception to one’s self. Most people can feel when we are lying to them, but, in extreme cases a person can lie to themselves and not even know it. This may be the law of Karma.

(Bill) Explain how what we avoid is at the core of what we need.

(Phillip) OK, the brain, or the consciousness, is designed to deal with uncertainties and the unknown, hence the fear or excitement. This is what I call the void of content. On a purely physical level, we deal with objects in place and in motion. The brain also handles information in the same way. The conscious act of deception always requires more energy to manage these uncertainties. This is why lies catch up to us: because they are exhausting.

(Bill) That makes sense. Trying to manage all the random possibilities that may occur in order to maintain the illusion would suck you dry. As far as being evasive when threatened, which may be very well and true, why are people so evasive all the time? Is everyone feeling threatened all the time?

(Phillip) No, not everyone is feeling equally threatened at all times. Nor is everyone equally evasive. One of the most significant aspects of my research was the attempt to map the styles of evasion of individuals and their differences. I believe that our styles of evasion can be as distinctive as a finger print and that there may be a higher level of order in the net result of all of our collective differences. I believe this to be especially true as to why it is you can only fool some of the people some of the time.

This is the guts of how I do things. I’m trying to neutralize the biases about lying as thought to be always intentional or unconscious, or either good or bad. Lying doesn’t just create problems; it can also be used to solve them. This is a horrible truth and most people don’t have the guts to be honest about it. Lying is never pretty but we all have to do it sometimes.

(Bill) There’s another 800 pound gorilla in the room, the necessity to conceal through omission or falsehood in order to protect ourselves and others. I know it’s a simple example but no one wants to know how I’m really doing when they ask. It’s just a courtesy not a request for honesty. Besides, sometimes I’m protecting them and myself from discomfort by not sharing the true.

(Phillip) That’s what makes non-violence so scary. One may best defend themselves by not behaving defensively. If somebody asks how you’re doing, and you’re dying, you’ll generally be forgiven for being honest. Am I being too morbid? That was basically how I was trained. To look at fate as fate, we have to understand the circumstances that come together to mold our subconscious. We have natural limits, and death is the most obvious and the hardest one to lie about, no matter how we try to omit, evade, obscure, or spin the eventuality of death.

(Bill) We can sculpt many of the other life events or eventualities in our favor, for example I can say that my high school experience was great. You would never know I was omitting the truth. I see puberty, relationships, middle age as some of the many eventualities we cope with. Death would be the heavy one.

Yes, there are many other factors of fate other than death. People want me to show them proof and the subject of death is one thing most people agree with me about. Our limits are very well structured and defined.

(Bill) So what is fate? Is it how we deal with what has and will happen to us, meaning we have choice, or is it as my Baptist Church sees it, as static, fixed, and predetermined? The meal has been served.

There is a difference between status and fate. Status can affect your fate. Your will can affect both your status and fate, but not necessarily. For example, it is diagnostically possible to determine what a person is going to die from, as far as genetic limitations are concerned. Also for instance, do you have any bad habits, any maladaptive behaviors? You don’t need to be a psychic to see where this is going. This is the nature of our individual fate.

(Bill) Our time is up for today Phillip. I’ve got plenty more questions for you though so, see you next week.


I Phillip and I are trying to stick to an hour or so for our blog interviews. We hoped it would encourage brevity, but with the topic of fate I think we may need to visit it a few times. I may not get to it for a few blog entries but a deeper exploration into Phillip’s take on fate may be in order.

I like his comments about fate being what we create for ourselves. If we are living a risky or unhealthy lifestyle we are indeed sealing our fate, or at least are at a higher risk based on probability. That’s a fairly down to earth message though probably not a message some of us listen to. I’ve done unhealthy and risky things in my life and though I was fully aware of the danger, I did it anyway. Still I was conscious that I was taking risks and even thought to myself, ‘am I going to get hurt this time, or, will I pay the price for this later in life?’

The other idea I was keyed to discuss is self-delusion. I was asking about lying because I sense that one of my personality drivers is the need to resist self-delusion. Lying, to me, is one of the ways we delude ourselves. If a new believable, yet false, reality can be created by omission then I can become a new person, I can convince myself I’ve started over. It was like that for me as a kid. We moved a lot and I could conveniently omit my less socially acceptable behavior from my personal story. I think, we all kind of lie to ourselves when we think we are lying to others. Maybe it does help us create a new self-perception. Was I changing my fate by living this new perception? More questions, more questions…. Every time I do this I think of more questions.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Spirit Tech University, is Looking for a Few Good Mensch

                  Spirit Tech University is presently accepting applications for our advanced classes in Complementarity. ABANDON HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE. All enrollment submissions will be reviewed by the Universe for unaffected sincerity. All false subscriptions will be scrubbed from divine records, as all attempts at falsification will be found in error of extreme petty absurdity. No one in their right mind would ever choose to master the Scientific Arts of Complementarity. Although the ability to Conjugate the Perfect Complement might seem enviable. However, anyone who actually wants to be an actual Complementarian, is usually either insane, corrupt or dangerously ignorant. Only those applicants who are motivated by a real need for themselves, their families, or their greater community will be trusted with a full complement of confidence games in their entirety. Xenophilia alone does not qualify one to be a competent confident Complementarian. Supplicants must be shielded from their own "Sins of Magnanimity." Otherwise every long suffering foolhardy social critic would clog our gracious ashrams, love hostels and other mutual support systems with gullible supplicants as well as all the other well meaning meddlesome bottom feeders obsessed with selfishly "Helping." ("The road to hell is paved with all kinds of self serving good intentions.")

                  Lorem ipsum vim ut utroque mandamus intellegebat, ut eam omittam ancillae sadipscing, per et eius soluta veritus.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Subjunctive Conjecture; Entering The Void of Content


                  I intend on proving the full range of variability in the human opinion bias. I must publish. I've discovered that no one believes the assertions of private research until it's published, for review. My "True Hoax"  tells stories that come true, it's technically Spiritual Fiction. Just like empaths are just Science Fiction. Saying it's true is just hear say. I want to appeal to you as members of a discriminating audience, I rejoin the fantasy. The subjunctive conjecture I'm making, makes it possible for me to construct such a story. A familiar childhood point of departure is, "A Person's Guess Is Always Better Than Odds Would Allow." (1st Primary Assertion of the Para Psychological Methods) From that early proposition I speculated my way into a fantastic future. Now I must go back from that future to tell you what is going to happen next.

                  As much as I like the Library Sciences, I must ask that for the time being tI'm allowed to abandon my diagnostic matrices until such time when. Society can be protected from the abuses of mind control. (Cults will be very common and popular in the future.) I try to inoculate my readers with an awareness of the inevitable responsibilities coming along with data mining and Self Surveillance. People sacrificed personal freedom and privacy without even noticing. As the psychic, I observe discreet variabilities between each person's distinctiveness. Most people are so oblivious about what I am doing, that I can mind my own business. It is far easier to exploit personal information, than it is to understand people's signature preferences, behaviors and attributes. Don't think you're turning the "Objective" microscope back toward me. I invent this method. I focus this blog from informational retrieval and processing toward that shimmering tableau that is a Gift. This story has a very happy ending, but if you have been following along, you probably already know this.

                 But as all good drama has an antagonist, we are going to offer ourselves up to the gods of mayhem. That chaos we see is our own ignorance. We look and see foolish illusions and pretenses of authoritative objectivity. There are no ultimate authorities in this tale, we are all wandering blind. "The Truth Is Out There." WE will find it.

                 I have about 24 years left, give or take a few days. So let's start there. PPIServices will have had it's rollout about three years earlier. It will have been a smash. The big handle is the extremely comprehensive P. P. I. Psychic Personality Inventory. My very user friendly soft tech applications, allow people to process their own personal diagnostic matrices. If someone wants to learn what they are probably going to die from or what their worst character defect is, we can do so at our own discretion. Using only those tests each person selects for them self, everyone's PPIReading is personally unique. There are infinite ways of reading for ones self and each other. One of the greatest advantages of using a PPIReader is that it can be done off line with only a printout score sheet and a pencil. No electronic trail is needed. All of the particulars of a persons individual Biometrics are processed independently. Using state of the art personal encryption key security systems makes your personal "Identity" just  "To Much Information." The same thing making surveillance a waste of time, now becomes our best friend. (T. M. I.) The only real limitation is your time. People will get sick of knowing everything about themselves and each other, just the way I do. Most personal information will get lost in that black hole of informational undertow. No one outside of your friends will ever care who you are. Privacy was the first casualty of the information age. Getting our privacy back is going to be quite easy, as long as we don't mind anonymity. PPIServices will make it much easier for us to know what it is, that really is nobody else's business. Let's take a look at what happens to people in the future. (Enter: The Subjunctive Conjecture.)

                  Please forgive this abrupt departure from supposed fact into spiritual fiction. I hope this is fun for you. Read on. The Surreal Novella is "The Bridge Between the Worlds; <ppireading.blogspot.com>. Remember blogs are written backwards, Start at the bottom of the archive listing.

Monday, November 14, 2016

More Fun With Google Analytics (2.0)

              With the advent of the Multi Armed Bandit method for hoarding unlimited statistical data, the pretenses of a so called objective Scientific Method may finally be put to rest. We no longer need to pretend to be objective by having predefined intentional objectives. We no longer need to put forward baseless assumptions while trying to ask any questions, before getting to see much unplanned unpredicted evidence. This freedom from expectation is very rational, while producing very desirably unexpected results.

             Now as always, when we are making Future Predictions, we will still need to test our guesses and propositions for truthful accuracy. But we can now look at vast unsegmented data sources without all the filters of expectation and preferential bias. Our projections only need to be refined. In this way we no longer need to be fitting data to match a preferred model. This is especially advantageous for me the so called "Professional Psychic." Because a statistical profiler isn't interested in proving anything other than mapping for the human variability. {Biometrics, Ergonomics, Genotyping, Physiognomy, etc.} Now I have been given a real opportunity to disassemble the MINDOB using my P.P.I. {Thats the Mutually Inclusive Negative Double Opinion Biases of our antagonistically polarized society.} {The P.P.I. is my checklist for Personal Profiling Inventory.} But when there is no real innovation to analytics, we all loose. We only need to ask to look into each others hands. The future is here. And we needn't believe in order to perceive.

             I will continue to re edit pages from my earlier documentation while clarifying previous Propositional Assertions. Much of my works will continue to feature my Ad News Journalism reports on the use and misuse of these few related applied technologies, including essays on Google, Hidden Entry URLs and Predictive Mass Media Industries in general.

Our First Inductee/ Base Case 0. {2.0}

                   In order to correctly predict what kinds of interactions my social media analytics can hypothetically sample, I need to fully subscribe to my own media. And I am using my test posts as both documentary and entertainment. I'm "converting." I buy into all of my products. I want to be responsibly offering, my own first hand word of mouth. I'm selling nothing more than good faith. Faith in the possibility of real integrity. Complementarity has come of age.

                   This is how I'm validating my work for you.  ->  My initial offerings are these:

                   > If you do one day decide to convert to, "Our Little Church of Complementarity";

                   1.) We will get to work together now and forever. We will continue to have the privilege of making our journey together meaningful, challenging and eventful for all of us.

                   2.) TEST POST MAGAZINE is coming off the drawing tables, and out into the reading rooms.

                   3.) "Complementarity" is just another Physics based religion. Good Spirit Tech says, "You need not believe in order to perceive."

                   4.) I've effectively sanitized all starting projects for the average comfort levels of most variably biased societies.

                   5.) I am already testing out our research into "Spirit Tech" myself. And I am reporting forthrightly.

                   6.) "SPIRIT TECH UNIVERSITY" and "The Church of Complementarity," we will never make a cent. (I believe I'm supposed to bleed on my computer here.) <patent pending>

                   7.) For all of my mirth, I want to be of real lasting benefit for all of my beloved world and everyone who is interested in our potentially beautiful new religion.

                   8.) We are already studying mass movements for good. If there ever is a potentially harmless cult, let this is it.

                   This makes me, Our First Inductee  {Base Case P(0)} I'm sold. Who's next?

                   I have a lot more work to get to do. I am going to be very patient and allow this process to speak for it's self. I have faith. Now I'm getting to study faith in action. Let's do this thing.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

"The Signal And The Noise why so many predictions fail, but some don't" by Nate Silver {Edited for Repost}

              Nate Silver wrote this book on the use and misuse of statistical media, often leading to catastrophic failures of prediction.

              It's not fair for me to post a single recommended reading material on the important issue of statistical prognostication and not provide more information. There are big differences between different peoples approaches to making predictions. The technicalities of bias and error are profound and difficult. Much of what people believe is often obscured by so called "supporting evidence." The auspices were thought favorable.

              But mine is an ever closer walk with thee. In my work I have attempted to use the Mediums of Oracles and Spiritual Diagnostics Technologies as meta forms for these larger issues including personal bias and error. In much of statistics we must make educated guesses about the expected limits of prospective sampling. This very process of modeling from a search parameter directly effects outcome, regrettably. What I have tried to display is the way that MUTUALLY INCLUSIVE NEGATIVE DOUBLE OPINION BIASES {Mindob} guaranties that "Everybody is wrong." True believers want think I'm a cruel thug for smashing poor fairies wings under the callous gaze of my brutal heartlessness. And the so called "Rational" Positivists insist that I must either be ignorant or insane, and then therefore must be dangerously corrupt. Everybody is wrong in this situation. History is cluttered with the waste caused by powerful peoples insistence on believing their own biased spin, simply by misusing these sophisticated ancient spiritual technologies. It's not that the meta formally designed modelings are to be immune to misuse from misinterpretation. These diagnostic mapping systems simply provide elegantly comparative insights into the otherwise random occurrences in life and in nature in general. These models have been progressively incorporated into our daily living cultures. But because hindsight is golden, we must always be prepared to reinsert the results of our processing errors back into our searches in expectation of rechecking for probable error. I won't go into a lot of detail about our fortunate academic return to the superior "Bayesian" statistical reasoning math. But in the art of making statistical projections, we are encouraged to include analysis of our previous results into guessing, weighing the results of our projections of into each next inquiry. Hence an accounting for a diminishing spiral of error.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

We were wrong, I Like Being Wrong {Updated for Clarity}

                                           "Confusion of Tongues" by Gustave Dore

              Living in interesting times, I must apologize for being so wrong. But my psyche told me 3 weeks before the election, prepare to loose. I still insist The "Donbot" got totally suckered into the "Hot Seat" and never really wanted to be entombed in the Oval Office. He especially lied to himself. When he wasn't on stage, followed off by his Glambot wife he looked so dejected surrounded by all his hysterical supporters. Now he is actually going to have to earn a living for the next how many years instead of just writing it off as another tax loss. (Bankrupt house of cards, coming down. Ground floor, everybody off.)

              Hopefully, he didn't appoint us a new Fascist for our Supreme Court. And importantly, he obviously doesn't need to build an actual wall "From Sea to Shinning Sea." We're not bringing our boys back home again, they won't be available to patrol our borders.

              The real victims of this referendum on "The Establishment," is going to be all the people who voted for him. No education (which is only available for the gullible and heavily indebted anyways,) still means there are no good jobs. Obama Care will never be disassembled. Everyone is still forced into paying in on unaffordable monthly premiums. Entitlements will still be coming in. The Insurance Companies will still get to maintain their highly lucrative multi payer Medical Benefits Game.

              "Walmart," Apple, GOOGLE and all the other international scale mega businesses, along with the International Banking establishments will now have to diversify moneys into Real Value Based Securities Currencies like Gold and Art and Marketable Properties, Real and Intellectual. Nobody likes to have to pay full price for anything.

              Our American Liberal Backlash will refresh us with a renewed Bohemian Renaissance. This will be our defiance against these mercenaries of finance. Hillary's lose does not have to be not a failure, not at all. Pot is becoming the new Liquor. What happened to our specious sense of American Entitlement, has now happened to our naive innocence. No more "Manifest Destiny?" The "American Dream" has become just another "Fall of the American Empire? We'll be hearing, Yankees go home! We're not be in the big tent anymore. We're about to get shut out of the greater world markets.

                 So my more conservative countrymen. You wanted NERO, I now give you NERO. Certain parts of the world are going to have to solve their own problems from now on, we are officially checked out, with potentially disastrous consequences. The Russian Oligarchs have spoken. We're now in very close alignment with Russian Intelligence. {Point of Interest. Almost all of my first 20,000 page views for this blog have come through the Hidden Referral URLs. Many interesting Referral Sites the world over, have gotten funneled through the Russian Pornography Mafia, (PremiumHookup, Really?) into bed with the Russian Governmental Intelligence.} Our government has known about this all along and said nothing. Surveillance now is no longer about just you or me as individuals. Our virtual avatars take our places, modeling our behaviors with profiling algorithms and personalization heuristics. We as individuals are part of a much bigger collective data store, later "Segmented" by "The Multi Armed Bandit" using our intimate data hoards. But this isn't the end. (All of these hidden Referrals came to me through the very snoopy Russian Porn Industry.) What better way is there to do surveillance now days, than with our permission. We're polled for our most private of secret desires, fantasies and obsessions. I've reposted some of the articles {Russian Subtext} that drew so much attention from the Russian Porn Mafia. Only GOOGLE Profiling algorithms pay closer attention to everything I have written over the years.

                The eyes have it. But our hands still want to feel the touch of those we love. I understand what is happening. Being wrong in this situation hopefully, will help me do the right thing.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Religious Science & Spiritual Modeling {Re Edited}

              On the corner of 27th and Lake St. is the old Order of the Odd Fellows Hall, it auditoriums have morphed into the Nuevo Rodeo Ballrooms. It strides the intersection of what used to be the old trolly lines. Street level are the Le Town Talk Bistro, an Ethiopian restaurant and club and the Gandhi Mahal which is across the street from Midori's Floating World Sushi Bar. All of this have passed through the hands of a Palestinian family who tried to open a Mosque across Lake Street. I like to imagine that at the top of the corner of this 27th and Lake St. building is my Imaginary Clock Tower counting down the days until we can no longer put off the inevitable. We barely have enough time to change things back to the way things were before the end was near. This isn't necessarily right now, but we maybe are not in time to be able to still save humanity.

               Well my imaginary clock says it's just after 9:47 P. M. but the time is speeding up. And so much good has already come to the world. And so many of our worlds problems are simply because of the plummeting infant mortality rate and it continues to drop. During my life I've seen the Global Population go from 3 Billion to Over 7 Billion in just fifty + years. The word non violence is known to most peoples, even if it does not always help those in the hardships of wars and spiritual bigotries.

                Much that will be confronting our world in the future will be this ever accelerating rate of irreversible change. The Third World may however have time on their side. Agrarian peoples have never lost their agricultural roots. Gardeners are much better prepared to adapt to the sudden climate changes from within our new green Mutually Inclusive Super Cultures. Organic farming and green sustainability are becoming the new universal black. Whole Foods will have to feed everyone. Even in my city we are experiencing invasions from Monstrous Black Turkeys which are scaring even the Foxes, Coyotes, Deer and Raccoons that would normally be holding the ground in our urban jungles. These immense collective gardens and urban forests have now become preferred real estate of our beloved migratory birds and butterflies passing to and from the tropics, coming through miles of endless chains of Parkland Oasis. Even the Honey Bees are holding their own here, continuing to do their service pollinating our fruits, flowers and seeds. These are the blessing of Living Perfumed Ghettoes alive but forgotten. And yet the disparities persists. The Countrysides have been ravaged by Commercial Farming which Steal Future Revenues from our greedy but shortsighted domestic farmers, while polluting waters and soil.

               And yet man still does not see it. Man does not see the clock set by the hands of bad faith, and man's faith is in a nihilistic ending designed to punish all by an absent god's decree. This is not my religion. I will never worship a god who punishes the innocent, just to blame a few who may fall into spiritual dissolution. My Clock of Human Destiny may only exist in my imagination, but still it ticks down the time. Science is a Soul of my Spiritual Modeling.

"TRUMPETTES" Industrial Strength Propaganda, Place Your Bets

              The "Donbot" never intended to win. Not the primaries, none of it. He's going for the defunct Fox Network market. He wants to be a voice. He will prove that he is just another victim of the rigged media election. He just wanted to capitalize on his celebrity. He (or "it" if you prefer) has never wanted that much responsibility. He expected the Republican Party to be able to protect itself. But being a sore winner, it's just his thing. He never wanted the job, not ever. He's only interested in his brand. He's a spoiler and can't help but lie, he's just programed that way. Fortunately his rendition of "Trumps" Mein Kampf has been quite laughable. But for many in post Brexit England and now here we are having a resurgence of Nationalist fervor and Xenophobia. We in this country can look forward to the upcoming travesty of misappropriated reality programing at the bidding of a self confessed media whore. He (or "it" as the case may be) will be flooding the courts with volumes of nuisance lawsuits as we have never witnessed before. The Inauguration will probably be delayed. I could be wrong but I insist, he never wanted to win the office. Not ever.