"Confusion of Tongues" by Gustave Dore
Living in interesting times, I must apologize for being so wrong. But my psyche told me 3 weeks before the election, prepare to loose. I still insist The "Donbot" got totally suckered into the "Hot Seat" and never really wanted to be entombed in the Oval Office. He especially lied to himself. When he wasn't on stage, followed off by his Glambot wife he looked so dejected surrounded by all his hysterical supporters. Now he is actually going to have to earn a living for the next how many years instead of just writing it off as another tax loss. (Bankrupt house of cards, coming down. Ground floor, everybody off.)
Hopefully, he didn't appoint us a new Fascist for our Supreme Court. And importantly, he obviously doesn't need to build an actual wall "From Sea to Shinning Sea." We're not bringing our boys back home again, they won't be available to patrol our borders.
The real victims of this referendum on "The Establishment," is going to be all the people who voted for him. No education (which is only available for the gullible and heavily indebted anyways,) still means there are no good jobs. Obama Care will never be disassembled. Everyone is still forced into paying in on unaffordable monthly premiums. Entitlements will still be coming in. The Insurance Companies will still get to maintain their highly lucrative multi payer Medical Benefits Game.
"Walmart," Apple, GOOGLE and all the other international scale mega businesses, along with the International Banking establishments will now have to diversify moneys into Real Value Based Securities Currencies like Gold and Art and Marketable Properties, Real and Intellectual. Nobody likes to have to pay full price for anything.
Our American Liberal Backlash will refresh us with a renewed Bohemian Renaissance. This will be our defiance against these mercenaries of finance. Hillary's lose does not have to be not a failure, not at all. Pot is becoming the new Liquor. What happened to our specious sense of American Entitlement, has now happened to our naive innocence. No more "Manifest Destiny?" The "American Dream" has become just another "Fall of the American Empire? We'll be hearing, Yankees go home! We're not be in the big tent anymore. We're about to get shut out of the greater world markets.
So my more conservative countrymen. You wanted NERO, I now give you NERO. Certain parts of the world are going to have to solve their own problems from now on, we are officially checked out, with potentially disastrous consequences. The Russian Oligarchs have spoken. We're now in very close alignment with Russian Intelligence. {Point of Interest. Almost all of my first 20,000 page views for this blog have come through the Hidden Referral URLs. Many interesting Referral Sites the world over, have gotten funneled through the Russian Pornography Mafia, (PremiumHookup, Really?) into bed with the Russian Governmental Intelligence.} Our government has known about this all along and said nothing. Surveillance now is no longer about just you or me as individuals. Our virtual avatars take our places, modeling our behaviors with profiling algorithms and personalization heuristics. We as individuals are part of a much bigger collective data store, later "Segmented" by "The Multi Armed Bandit" using our intimate data hoards. But this isn't the end. (All of these hidden Referrals came to me through the very snoopy Russian Porn Industry.) What better way is there to do surveillance now days, than with our permission. We're polled for our most private of secret desires, fantasies and obsessions. I've reposted some of the articles {Russian Subtext} that drew so much attention from the Russian Porn Mafia. Only GOOGLE Profiling algorithms pay closer attention to everything I have written over the years.
The eyes have it. But our hands still want to feel the touch of those we love. I understand what is happening. Being wrong in this situation hopefully, will help me do the right thing.