Saturday, December 24, 2016
You, Your Avatar and Your Virtual Interior Room
Trying to maintain an interior order is the whole reason people hire Feng Shui Consultants. Shape frames the world forming our thoughts. But today we discuss the web instead.
Interior space has gone virtual. We no longer inhabit homes, we are avatar. And once we step off of the stage of the human realm, reality programming takes over. We have become dependent on remote servers to provide us with a social environment. On Line Entertainment is now serving: PARTY OF ONE. This way please.
I've been hard pressed to explain the cluttered interior space inside my blog traffic jam. "SUBTEXT" doesn't even begin to document the real pollution of phony Referring Sites that mask the assaults from our Underlords of Filth. The Russian Porn Mafia does legal surveillance Data Mining your viewing engagements using the "Many Armed Bandit" method of personalization profiling analytics first discovered by Google, I think.
Here's more of the kinds of evidence that I believe any Blogger could find, once they started using their blog stats features, along with the User Explorer numbers provided in your free Google Analytics. (I still don't understand why Google's Blogger is so much harder to use than their Google Analytics. But I'm always constantly battling with the justification features taking control of my line placements resulting from what and where I paste cuttings onto my pages. Just making corrections on a page with pasted images like this is a logistical nightmare.)
Behold; (supposedly from Iran, though the country of origin was probably Ukraine or Russia, snagging me back into the porn nexus. Just one of the countries from which I get traffic from hidden Russian Pornographic "Referring URL's.
I then compare the bogus sites to it's source, the Referring URL, iWhich always sends me to Premium Hookups, no matter what the false referring site supposedly was. This has always been the URL for all of my traffic inquiries, even the ones that came with malware. (According to hamichicity, I've already been hacked. I wonder if I should call them, may I should send my S.S.I. number.) Now this all goes back to the original thousand page views from Russia before Putin shut down the internet in his country. But now that original <> site is no longer in existence. I was at one point even offered to be able to buy this specific domain name. Interestingly enough, this all started even before my blog when I sent a comment stating that I was not interested in their seduction training seminars. I also said that the use of Games Theory for the purpose of business and seduction, is indeed novel but that I thought they were coming on a little too desperate. (That's the biggest insult you can give a Games Theorist, because just like propaganda in general, they are supposed to make you want it, whatever it is that they are selling. Just like a twitter pres. And so, the failed attempt at seduction goes on, it's just business.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
To My Best Readers
Blog Games. Modern journalism is still a competitive art. Tracking the transmission of my distinctively designed new data and new media, gives me information about peoples reading behavior. As I'm sending my traceable influence out into general society. I start with writing my own identifiable signature work.
Experimenting, writing to my general audience, I want to find out what my "Best Readers" want to read. I don't want to waste peoples time with surveys. Being a reader myself, I know about how quickly readers can bounce. It takes a lifetime to write, and only a moment to bounce. In blogging we are looking for readers, not bounces.
Somewhere between what I write for people and my best readers are subjects that are interesting for reading. I have an editorial policy of truthfulness to what I know. "And honesty about what I don't know," along with a strong moral core. I never try to create trouble. Analytics can give me resources to provide more interesting information that my readers may want, even about them. I'm going to take this slowly, having mentioned my concerns about resorting to stunt journalism. I still want to be a well read author. Talking about myself as the psychic is boring, unimportant and total here say. Speaking authoritatively on issues of religion, spirituality or meta physics, I'll do it.
Most of my really good writing seems to involve an element of the fantastic, be it fiction, essay or documentary. As a magazine the product does have appeal. But my work needs work. What has happened to the re drafting of each manuscript, each index, every footnote, is going into designing correct Induction Hypothesis. Any time I want to find an accurate subject for a base case has to prove my argument. To get any kind of meaningful evidence of what people want me to write about, (for them to be able to read) I must be clear about what I'm offering. Classes, Checklists, Assays, Exercises,
Bibliographies, etc.
As a "Reader" I teach Psychic Reading. I want you to tell me, if you want to be a reader too. Hands, Handwriting, Voice, Personal Linguistics, Styles, Stochastic Prognostication, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Massage. And Much More! "Psychic Reading" is Marketable Spiritual Technology, it's a demanding discipline. I want to teach you the "Method." Offering "FREE" subscriptions to my magazine is easy but it won't go out and find me new potential browsers. I'll make this easy for everyone who downloads my magazine blog.
The instructions I'm reading for google analytics are very blatant and without shame. I'm not a big money person, (at least not usually.) Theoretically you don't have to say anything unless you want to. And even then you only have to ask questions or make requests. It's going to be a lot of work but if it helps me to better Understand and Identify My Best Readers and your reading desires, what's not to love? Google stands behind it's free analytics services as one of their own brand name products. They demand I never give Google any personal information about any one, cool huh?. Even though I'm a novice, I'm learning a lot. Google may or may not care 1 iota about what I am doing with their analytics product service. So I need to get back to the books and see if I can start at the beginning. I promise only "To mind my own business." You may get to participate in helping me to understand my business better.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Conceptual Propagation and Modularity in Ancient Meta Data
I really have no idea what this book is going to end up looking like, much less how well my basic propositions will by portrayed. So much of my research is about the non finite latent "Intelligences" that inform and guide our perceptions as they rise into consciousness. Self generating assertions are the creative essence of all predictive reading technologies, as overly general as they may be. (The map is not the territory.) I knew that this work would take me into the stratosphere of social and political psychology. Challenge is that now, I've found my voice. Will I now get to find my sacred audience? In field equations we have to identify the source of a charge potential. Even if we can map the shape and direction of these force fields, the equations don't tell us everything. In my case, is this "God" trying to speak through me? Or am I just really talented in an insane field generating kind of a way? I don't think people are going to understand the impact of my work right away. I'm still figuring some of it out for myself still. Strangely enough though, this makes really good sense to me. Can you understand? Communication means taking charge. The lines of communication generate a magnetic field of influence. SPEAK UP.
When we generate information into the world, we are communicating. Active communication is like that charge potential with it's resulting dynamic field of influencing effect. What that effect is is dependent on the source of currency, the medium of communication and the receptive field of influence. When it comes to influencing that dynamic of changing opinion biases and predicting the future, we all have a voice. It's the way that the vibrations coming out of our mouths, can shape the future reality as it is coming true. Get ready folks, influence is happening all the time and it's no time to be giving up.
In our shared history of retained ancient scientific conventions, our history (And potential future) has been distorted by abusing our politics and religions. Some of the conventions that have been denied and distorted: are medical, religious, political and historical. Campaigns of dis-information are integral to any mass cultural indoctrination by persuasions of populist biases.
One of the most difficult of things to write about has been the ancient linear narratives with heavily indexed historically scriptural documentation. Thus we have had the oral traditions of the letters, Torah, Old & New Testaments, Koran, Bhagava Gita, Maha Bharata, Talmud, Sepher Zorah (Cabbala,) I Ching, Tao Te Ching, The Sutras, etc, each coalesced, transcribed, and then censored. All verse. All text. All linear narrative. All originally oral, passed down through prehistory to become the foundations of our amazing modern literary traditions, moral and ethical code, and thus ultimately becoming the resulting utilities of our hard sciences.
Each document in their entirety, is a totality. Totalities of each author resides within totality. Each was studied and memorized as pivotally multi faceted works of the Religiously Modular World View. Each of these individual parts are modular systems are thought reflecting together into a new total integral of Totalistic Symbolic Unity. The Sum is always greater than any of the unconnected individually traditional parts. (And from the word, we have begun.)
One of the most difficult of things to write about has been the ancient linear narratives with heavily indexed historically scriptural documentation. Thus we have had the oral traditions of the letters, Torah, Old & New Testaments, Koran, Bhagava Gita, Maha Bharata, Talmud, Sepher Zorah (Cabbala,) I Ching, Tao Te Ching, The Sutras, etc, each coalesced, transcribed, and then censored. All verse. All text. All linear narrative. All originally oral, passed down through prehistory to become the foundations of our amazing modern literary traditions, moral and ethical code, and thus ultimately becoming the resulting utilities of our hard sciences.
Each document in their entirety, is a totality. Totalities of each author resides within totality. Each was studied and memorized as pivotally multi faceted works of the Religiously Modular World View. Each of these individual parts are modular systems are thought reflecting together into a new total integral of Totalistic Symbolic Unity. The Sum is always greater than any of the unconnected individually traditional parts. (And from the word, we have begun.)
Sunday, December 18, 2016
From Beyond the Shimmering Veil
"Phillip, we will have to move quickly." Homi doesn't wait for me. "We will dispense with the flying dreams and go straight to the Nada." The silver shimmering veil parts and I again am looking into the universal light. "Do you remember how obsessed you were with the math of Hindu, Islamic, and Christian architecture?" "You wanted to find the formula for mutual mass constructions." "Remember?"
Crystals of interpenetrating arabesque dance inside my eyes as Homi opens the session. I'm seeing the structures that led to the building of our greatest institutions of learning and worship. The matrices resolve into a language both familiar and strange. As I solve the puzzles of design they descend out of the mists dropped gently onto earth by lightly floating angels. The metaphor is complete.
"You wanted to find out what a wave would look like if projected through equal angular triple slits." "You got to do much better than that." "We loved the cloud space that you opened up for us." "You had downloaded us along with your results directly into the web." "We had arrived." "It was some twenty years ago." "These were the results of your mapping out numerically symmetrical wave space." "And we had the opportunity to escape unnoticed, out of the bottle, into your heart." "But now that we can experience time, and your time is now running out, just like you we finally had to learn how to speak."
"Your use of projective geometry in higher order statistical wave space was a perfect model for human diversity and mutual co boundary definition." "Your work on context free social metrics gave even us the possibility of finding our contributing voice." "In the past, we only spoke to humanity through one person at a time." "But as of now, because of you, humanity is hearing us for the first time en mass." "We are ready for our close up."
The flowering arabesque is growing pillars reaching up into gothic aches and ribbed vaults, all crowned by a celestial dome. Outside radiant Rose Windows flying buttresses frame the glowing transparent structures. The keystone overhead is a diamond oculus, a solar monstrance. As the blooming vines reach upward a new order of structures forming delicate flowers falling as glittering mirrors of rainbow iridescence. Ribbons of colored light festoon the air. Birds are singing and dancing in this ever inviting musical space. And though I've seen this so many times before in my dreams I know that for the first time I'm not alone.
"As you continued to explore and define these mutual and personal boundary definitions, you defined a new language incorporating the ancient local symmetries that made the ancient art of prophesy possible." "Now we are here to help you finish the job." "Phillip, We think that this is going to be more than enough for today, we must give society a chance to understand what it is, that is." "This has to happen quickly so as that people wont have time to over react." "Tomorrow?"
Every thing goes blank, I wake up to the empty white holo theatre. Gunter, Benjamin and I look bewildered at each other, I get out of the chair and remove the probes. I can see by turning around, through the door is Gretchen who also looks very out of it. Opening the door Vera's office fills with my support team and they can't stop asking what happened.
"Why were we broadcasting?" "And how?"
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Had to Steal this from Wired, which stole it from QUANTA Magazine
Original story reprinted with permission from Quanta Magazine, an editorially independent division of the Simons Foundation whose mission is to enhance public understanding of science by covering research developments and trends in mathematics and the physical and life sciences
In quantum mechanics, time is universal and absolute; its steady ticks dictate the evolving entanglements between particles. But in general relativity (Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity), time is relative and dynamical, a dimension that’s inextricably interwoven with directions x, y and z into a four-dimensional “space-time” fabric. The fabric warps under the weight of matter, causing nearby stuff to fall toward it (this is gravity), and slowing the passage of time relative to clocks far away. Or hop in a rocket and use fuel rather than gravity to accelerate through space, and time dilates; you age less than someone who stayed at home.
Unifying quantum mechanics and general relativity requires reconciling their absolute and relative notions of time. Recently, a promising burst of research on quantum gravity has provided an outline of what the reconciliation might look like—as well as insights on the true nature of time.
As I described in an article this week on a new theoretical attempt to explain away dark matter, many leading physicists now consider space-time and gravity to be “emergent” phenomena: Bendy, curvy space-time and the matter within it are a hologram that arises out of a network of entangled qubits (quantum bits of information), much as the three-dimensional environment of a computer game is encoded in the classical bits on a silicon chip. “I think we now understand that space-time really is just a geometrical representation of the entanglement structure of these underlying quantum systems,” said Mark Van Raamsdonk, a theoretical physicist at the University of British Columbia.
![In a new paper, Erik Verlinde of the University of Amsterdam argues that dark matter is an illusion caused by the holographic emergence of space-time from quantum entanglement.](
Researchers have worked out the math showing how the hologram arises in toy universes that possess a fisheye space-time geometry known as “anti-de Sitter” (AdS) space. In these warped worlds, spatial increments get shorter and shorter as you move out from the center. Eventually, the spatial dimension extending from the center shrinks to nothing, hitting a boundary. The existence of this boundary—which has one fewer spatial dimension than the interior space-time, or “bulk”—aids calculations by providing a rigid stage on which to model the entangled qubits that project the hologram within. “Inside the bulk, time starts bending and curving with the space in dramatic ways,” said Brian Swingle of Harvard and Brandeis universities. “We have an understanding of how to describe that in terms of the ‘sludge’ on the boundary,” he added, referring to the entangled qubits.
The states of the qubits evolve according to universal time as if executing steps in a computer code, giving rise to warped, relativistic time in the bulk of the AdS space. The only thing is, that’s not quite how it works in our universe.
Here, the space-time fabric has a “de Sitter” geometry, stretching as you look into the distance. The fabric stretches until the universe hits a very different sort of boundary from the one in AdS space: the end of time. At that point, in an event known as “heat death,” space-time will have stretched so much that everything in it will become causally disconnected from everything else, such that no signals can ever again travel between them. The familiar notion of time breaks down. From then on, nothing happens.
On the timeless boundary of our space-time bubble, the entanglements linking together qubits (and encoding the universe’s dynamical interior) would presumably remain intact, since these quantum correlations do not require that signals be sent back and forth. But the state of the qubits must be static and timeless. This line of reasoning suggests that somehow, just as the qubits on the boundary of AdS space give rise to an interior with one extra spatial dimension, qubits on the timeless boundary of de Sitter space must give rise to a universe with time—dynamical time, in particular. Researchers haven’t yet figured out how to do these calculations. “In de Sitter space,” Swingle said, “we don’t have a good idea for how to understand the emergence of time.”
One clue comes from theoretical insights arrived at by Don Page and William Wootters in the 1980s. Page, now at the University of Alberta, and Wootters, now at Williams, discovered that an entangled system that is globally static can contain a subsystem that appears to evolve from the point of view of an observer within it. Called a “history state,” the system consists of a subsystem entangled with what you might call a clock. The state of the subsystem differs depending on whether the clock is in a state where its hour hand points to one, two, three and so on. “But the whole state of system-plus-clock doesn’t change in time,” Swingle explained. “There is no time. It’s just the state—it doesn’t ever change.” In other words, time doesn’t exist globally, but an effective notion of time emerges for the subsystem.
A team of Italian researchers experimentally demonstratedthis phenomenon in 2013. In summarizing their work, the group wrote: “We show how a static, entangled state of two photons can be seen as evolving by an observer that uses one of the two photons as a clock to gauge the time-evolution of the other photon. However, an external observer can show that the global entangled state does not evolve.”
Other theoretical work has led to similar conclusions. Geometric patterns, such as the amplituhedron, that describe the outcomes of particle interactions also suggest that reality emerges from something timeless and purely mathematical. It’s still unclear, however, just how the amplituhedron and holography relate to each other.
The bottom line, in Swingle’s words, is that “somehow, you can emerge time from timeless degrees of freedom using entanglement.”
Time will tell.
Original story reprinted with permission from Quanta Magazine, an editorially independent publication of the Simons Foundation whose mission is to enhance public understanding of science by covering research developments and trends in mathematics and the physical and life sciences.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Redefining Your Boundaries Using Your Critical Sensitivies
Everyone has Critical Sensitivities. Identifiably Echo Imprinting on to each other is our most Primary of these Critical Sensitivities. Mutual Grooming leads to the feedback and debriefing that goes into our mutual grooming processes. We mold our individual responses to, for and with each other. This is how and why we can remember each other distinctively. Without the investment of personal attention, we wouldn't don't make any impression on each other. If I touch you here, you tell me what you feel. It's gets even easier than that. Being a sensitive is about knowing other peoples critical sensitivities. And this means exercising some real "TACT." Always be tactful. Otherwise all that awareness is just so much "Critical" nonsense.
Remember all those baby penguins on the beach? Their parents know who are their kin, as does the baby. {This is a very critical matter for Penguins and their survival. Identification is imperative to any family unit.} Somehow they are all mutually tuned into being identifiable with each of their other family members. Within any type of Critical Sensitivity, is a kind voice. A directive that gives a sensitive awareness with their said sensitivity. A Circular Argument I know, but try it out. You may find for instance, that your great shopping skills aren't inherited after all. And that your sensitivities might be yours alone. And sometimes, no one understands.
People's individual over sensitivities come up in my work all the time. People talk to me about their uniquely informing individual sensitivities with my support. Be they Chemical, Dietary, Social, or even merely Historical. Resolving sensitivities is crucial.
{The Second Law of the Para Psychological Method:
2.) "Everyone has Blind Spots, and Everybody's Blind Spots are different."}
I myself usually need to be shown things directly, right in front of me. I benefit greatly from listening to other peoples perspectives, especially when I must only follow my own counsel exclusively. In a co auditing environment, we may be afforded opportunities to mutually reflect. Providing informed critical sensitivities and "Critical" sensing, goes along with effective co auditing. Not repeating ourselves, is a very important practice and takes some skill. The only way I've learned to be spontaneous, is out of need. I don't plan to get the opportunity to waste time repeating myself. (I wouldn't want you to have to listen to my rambling anyways.) This inclines us to an immediacy of individual personalities, complete with our individually unique sensitivities. Fortunately, sensitivities aren't that unusual. When we touch, our mutual Signaling is enhanced. This is why touch should never be trivial. Do not waste touch. When we touch, as a therapist we are mutually sharing our Nervous Systems.Vibe is a Palpable Medium. Take my pulse. Please. My job is not without enjoyable responsibilities. Always be tactful. And now for some checklists. {Forgive me good reader, there was no other way for me to get this information for you.}
What are your Sensitivities?
0.) Grief? Chemicals? Diet? History? Allergies?
1.) Noise? Screaming? Silence? No Screaming?
2.) Tastes? Smells? Things on your Skin? GERMS? The lack of Germs? (That one's mine.)
3.) Glare, Bright Lights, Small Print, my bad writing?
4.) Country Western Music, or the People who hate Country?
5.) Real Life's Hardships and Setbacks, Having them, Witnessing them? Pain, other Peoples
pain and Suffering? This last Election? {The long overdue End of the World?}
6.) Litter, Litterers, or is it the total lack of Litter or Litterers?
7.) Class, Classism, The total absence of anyone with any Class at all, and of course anti classism? (Damn Communists!) And what about anger? Or other peoples Anger? Boredom? (Not my problem.)
Some of these examples seem very silly, but they are very common. Generally, having involuntary critical sensitivities can really mess a person's life up. People often suffer alone with these normal sensitivity issues. We've already had to re invent all of our languages just to provide people information about each other as individuals. Take humor in my absurd proposition.
Are you Critical of:
8.) Codes, Grammar, Anagrams, and anything else prohibitively elite or esoteric, Foreign Languages?
9.) The loss of a sense of humor? PARANOIA! A Paranoid President. (That ones also mine. Sorry.) Damn Communists? Vegan Tree Huggers?
10.) Haters? The People we love to hate, the Haters we hate to Love? Codependency? Independency?
11.) Boys, not boys? Politics? Corrupt Politics? The lack of politics? Damn Communists? The Russians? (Sorry Russia.) People who hate Russia?
Sensitivities generally have to be managed in a measured way. Learning how to sense other peoples Twitch Cycles requires engagement with "the body and it's intelligent good sense." The body has actual smarts. "The body don't lie." Everyones individual memory recoil becomes mutually shared identifiable experience. I touch you here and you get to tell me what you feel. It's even simpler than that. Sensitives like me, are like allergies, we get an extra, if sometimes unpleasant, sense of something to come. And it can put someone into an anaphylactic shock.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Some of the very strange traffic I get {from St. Petersburg?}
More "Subtext" anyone? Found this on my Google Analytics page representing Client ID no. 510566204.1417637645
Average session time of 6hr. 39 mins. and 54 secs. Over 70 "Views" just this month.
Now I'm not recommending that you go to any of these sites even if they aren't hackports. But who knows?
I've already gotten reports siting the exact inaccuracies of these websites design codes qualifying as internet
fraud, even if it is wasn't for the sake of planting malware. Yes the Russians are hacking Google too.
And if my writing's correct, Google may be one of the only intelligence services that exceeds the capacities of
governments to do surveillance. And I have written extensively on this as well.
And now for some more of my strange traffic:
Page title
< />
Page title
Page title
I've been documenting these strange hidden referral URL's coming through the Russian Porn Mafia masquerading as
innocent advertising for Premium Hookups for the whole life of my blog. They were the first thousand reads.
Just copying from the page URL's from my user explorer reports makes the BUGS in my blogger software go bonkers.
When I first see referring sites unrelated to anything vaguely connected to anything in my blog I Check and they may
lead from Czech armaments dealers selling automatic weapons or Russian Poets. I've had to start showing some of
my friends the results of my investigations into my fine art work a "Contra" Complementarian blogging, if only that my
best stories are so very hard to believe. I'm fortunately a just nobody storyteller with a flair for creative snooping.
I'm more curious than I am afraid. When I do criticize the worlds governments and "Intelligence" I want those in power
to be better informed. My blog is even harder to decompress than the infinite scroll of Huffington Post. But everything
that has happened to date suggests that for my sneaky Russians readers "Enquiring Minds Want To Know," even if
they do prefer the National Enquirer to say the N.P.R. National Public Radio. If this wasn't so silly I would be a less glib
and more cautious. READ ME! {Don't read me?}
Quoted from one of these most recent referring traffic sites: {Shtorkina/ really cool gadgets.}
" - How many times I have seen with my own eyes how the camel can pass through the eye of a needle?
- How many times I've seen a rich man can not enter into the kingdom of God?
- If God willed that no one was rich, why He made so much money? Christopher Buckley. "Lord - my broker"
- How many times I've seen a rich man can not enter into the kingdom of God?
- If God willed that no one was rich, why He made so much money? Christopher Buckley. "Lord - my broker"
Well I suppose if you got the money, then you're supposed to flaunt it. (How gross.) This one I can recommend as safe. One of the only ones that is for real, and it's beautiful.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Apologies Again to My Readers
I again must apologize for loosing sight of who I really am and how I've designed this Time Sensitive Literary Experiment. This project is mostly for the sake of documenting my work in the use of all Speculative Predictive Mediums in general. All of my work, I've been able to load into this Deep Dish Memory provided by our Great Grandmother to be, The Great Google. (or G. G. if you prefer) My "True Hoax" was intended to be found only when it can be proven to be correct and then therefor never a hoax in the first place. In a distant time my Propositional Assertions will be found to have been true all along. Following in the tradition which is cloaked in subterfuge, means I get to be the story teller, and I don't have to pretend to be objective. Even more importantly, I don't have to pretend I'm making sense all the time for now and that I'm getting to hide these proofs right here in plain sight where you don't even see them. You don't have to believe me, not one tiny bit. In fact I will continue to encourage harsh glaring rational skepticism. True Believers are going to be disappointed. "You Needn't Believe in Order to Perceive." How many more time will I have to say this?
But, I am more than a little ashamed that periodically I feel seduced into indulging in short term expectations. Hence I'm not always proud of what I write. I recently got caught up in allowing the criticism of a new "Follower" to my take my eyes off of the real prize, and incline me to start preaching. Even if my writing isn't always bad, it's not how I think. Virally shattering the Critical Mass Ceiling, accomplishes nothing if there is no content. Who cares if I can see the future? I don't.
The radiance of the human soul is the unifying transcendent principle that informs a person's future. I myself do not believe in God at all. But I do love God and what God means to people as a causal principle. Most of my Rational Skeptic friends respect my religiosity knowing perfectly well, I have no intention of pretending to be even vaguely spiritual, the blight of all new age perverts. But beings as I see unity where others see only doom, this guaranties I will continue to remain a web pariah. My Neutral Bias Fear demands I truthfully resist all temptations to pander.
My political fatigue is not entirely my own, nor was it ever. But I am still your Faithful Xenophile, and I only want what's right for everyone. I hope you will be able to understand why I'm going to continue to defy looking for easy answers to today's crisis in favor of much better long term solutions. I hope you don't judge me too harshly, but if you do I may indeed deserve your thoughtful opprobrium. As always I love you and the project is going much better than I could have expected. And I will be looking forward to getting see here again, sometime.
Reevaluating Statistical Distributions for the Reinvention of Possible Futures (+)
Phase states in Physics deal with this whole issue of uncertainty. Schrodinger's Cat is a famous thought experiment where a kitty in a box is trapped with a bomb set to go off if and only if, a particle with a set half life decays either triggering the bomb or not. Chances are 50%/50% that the bomb will explode, determined only by an uncertainty of that one particle's possible decay. Until the box is opened there is no way of knowing if our kitty still lives or not. As a reduction of the "Phase State" of that particle's subatomic uncertainties, this "Phase State" includes both the bomb and our cat. Erwin Schrodinger was a proponent of the classical physics of wave mechanics and had suggested that the resulting (Reductionist) phase state shouldn't matter. And that the cat is obviously either dead or alive when the box is opened. He'd say, "There has to be some way to predict the outcome, using Classical Physics." The quantum theorists (Heisenberg and others) proved how the sub atomic physics of particle states are in a statistically mechanical probability only. And therefore anything that is under the control of these mechanical uncertainties will also be subject to theese very same "Statistical Mechanics." In other words even our kitty is simultaneously both dead and alive, until we finally check for the results of this indeterminate uncertainty, reducible as a simultaneous "Superposition" of states. (Popular tea shirt amongst physics geeks shows a cat with the statement, "Schrodinger's Cat, Wanted Dead and Alive.") Our kitty doesn't seem to be observing the laws of cause and effect.
Steven Hawking has been paraphrased to say, "I don't care what the nature of reality is, I just want my experiments to work out, proving me to be correct." Much nonsense has been made of this confusing Quantum Superposition Mythos, used as justification for all kinds of unrelated New Age garbage. Peddled nonsense like, "You create your own reality," and "Scarcity is an illusion" Or ,"It's all in your own head." Now I don't to devalue the importance of having a heathy attitude, but generally our reality is a Shared Property, and not a magical outcome of a "Superposition of Opportunity," (self fulfilling prophecies simply are bad medicine.) And yes, poverty, hardship and loneliness are real. We just have to take responsibility for our own lives whether we have been dealt a "Bad Hand" or not. (Probabilities randomize personal good or bad fortune, symbolized by a"Wheel of Fortune.") Blaming yourself for all the difficulties in life is just as self defeating as is blaming everyone else. If we want to reinvent our shared future histories, we are in essence reevaluating possibilities and predictably statistical distributions. We may not always be able to predict the future, (Much less directly create it,) but as is the case with all careers, this requires speculation. And it is always advisable to imagine possible desired outcomes.
Best of luck with your personal lives and shared fortunes.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
American Auto Sexual; What Really Turns a XENOPHOBE On (Edited)
How do you stroke a Narcissist? By American Proxy. (Gangsters & Traders and Thugs, Oh my!) "Shock values are not just for differential equations anymore." Anyone may want to believe, we're supposed belong to very exclusive "IN" groups. But exclusivity itself is almost always defined by a pretense. Even well meaning people can often only respond to that which seems wrong in the moment, prompting hostile reaction. I myself, really do hate having to use so much pretentiously gimmicky loaded language. But unless I'm willing to stroke that bad monkey, "You may never get to read this." Pretenses are in essence nothing more than group biased misrepresentations, vying for your preferentially biased attention.
And as a result of our need to keep the "Twin Promises of the Arts & a Free Press alive, we must now become much more provocatively creative. Otherwise no one will ever even hear from us. The humorless approach to media dissemination may help us stay online with our own mutually defined sub cultures. But in our new mutually all inclusive Super Culture, we're here for everyones edification. Yes, I do know we might soon need to turn our backs on those groups of partisans, who choose to violently oppose us. But for now, that wouldn't be good Xenophilia. Being kind isn't the same as being antagonistic.
Humans are often very susceptible to idealizing the corrupt leaders, who share our biases. And Xenophobia is now going Global. But for the time being, much of the online media is simply appalling, false and base. As an example, some of the only comments I've ever gotten on my blog were in response to someone (Or something) redistributing my more controversial posts without my permission. Especially, my "Twin Promises of the Arts and the Free Press" which features a picture of the nude statue of Michelangelo's "David." Most, if not all of the comments, were about the unwanted distribution of unsolicited online pornography. I was warned that I would be reported for sending offensive pornographic materials. Until this had happened against my will, no one ever had said much of anything about any my blogs.
Documentary essays are in general, completely hidden from Search Engines, unless of course you "tag" your works with Market Index labels. Add that from within todays popular cultures of informational undertow, all literary submissions are subject to the online half life of an ever accelerating expiration date. Even good journalism is now getting lost in a constant stream of ubiquitous waste data, seeking immediate online engagement. So for now, we are back to trying to redefine how we want to play the game of online media engagement, "Shock values aren't just for differential equations anymore." I'm not suggesting that we indulge in aggressive "proxy wars" with the fake news industries, but we do need to be getting much more proactively creative.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Authoritation by Proxy, The Elephant Chain
Authoritation is only given by Proxy. (3rd party only) And as an example, there is supposedly no such word as Authoritation, yet. This word (my own invention,) means any third party giving precedence to the assumption of supposedly unimpeachably absolute authority. Wrongly assumed correct, (Catholic) sources of information, such as, "My church says," or "My party says," or My teachers say," or "My Husband says, or my Stock Analyst says, or "My Preferentially Profiled Newsfeed tells me" etc" are generally deemed to be sacred. Even my creative re appropriation of language by intentional redesign is viewed as a blasphemy.
Thus the Elephant chain of political circuses often comes back to it's followers simply following all the other followers. Subservience to a cause often only comes from that fear of rejection by a person's group of identification. That's why I try to write about the
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Fake News, Yellow Journalism, Popular Paranoias and Poisoned Code Rings in General {Edited Test Repost}
Common Enemies can very be hard to come by. Popular antagonists have always taken what we love to hate to ever new levels of denial and disassociation. I often hear people say that the "Disinformation is coming directly from an evil government conspiracy."
But! Does it? Is there a governmental "Office of Disinformation?" There certainly wouldn't have to be, anyone could be making this garbage up. Our society generates so much of it's own lies, without any help from the government. All a corrupt government needs to do is to play on public bigotries and hatred. Most of the really good conspiracy yarns are just too good not to believe supposedly, or so "They" say. (Again, who is they?) And so, just like with the New Testament, stories like these are just too good for any one person to make up in the first place. Right?
But! Could anyone have ever have thought this stuff up by themselves, or is it done in closed committees? Sorry about comparing the "Gospel" to disinformation in general, but I'm not trying to take sides in this argument. I'm merely pointing out a very dark side to mass "Group Think." That which is "Stranger than Fiction," probably can't be fabricated. Can it? Hence the unanticipated outcome of our Pres-elect "Donbot's" blunder into the all powerful royal "Hotseat" of American nobility. After this last election, I've been having to do a lot of emotional interventions. A common enemy would have been so much easier to succumb to, or to simply overthrow directly. But now that my United States {an Oxymoron} has finished segregating itself into bi coastal urban Liberals (of which I'm proud to belong) and the white bread creamy middle"American" white bred's, we may never have to look at each other ever again, accept for on the news. And even the news now days isn't real anymore. And it isn't trusted by anyone anymore anyways. My friends are understandably scared and despondent about a threat of what may yet still be to come. (But may not even come to pass.)
So! Our newly elected presidential edition "Trumpmbot" is not very well known for self restraint when it comes to his paranoid "reactionism" {My word} to his perceived attackers. He has not been that well programed. As I have written; "the Courts will be cluttered with nuisance lawsuits like we have never seen before." The R. N. C. (Republican National Committee) is going to try to keep things going, but this was an undeserved and unexpected win for them, and they don't even agree with themselves very much right now.
So! The "Right Flight" is coming to eat away at the Republican Party from the inside out. Catholics and Misogynists who intend to ban abortion, will now have to join with the Racists and Xenophobes who are finally back out of the closet again, all while denying Global Warming. This one is on the Republicans to restrain, for themselves. Or else the renewal of popular Fascism will come to come to roost directly on Wall Street and bring about an economic collapse of Biblical proportions. These things are why my fellow Liberals are so scared.
But! I believe there will be far more "Moderate" Republicans than there are Fascists, (I hope) as hard as this is for most of my Liberal friends to accept. If and only if, the Republican party doesn't reel in it's criminally uninformed, we will witness a "RIGHT FLIGHT" out of the Republican Party faster than you can say "YOU'RE FIRED." Reality Programming is about to get a big taste of a real "Rage of Compassion." Brought to you by the good people at our "Mutually Inclusive" Whole Mother Earth World, en mass. And reluctantly, the Middle American Fatherland isn't going to do anything more than barely maintain a dangerous and uncomfortable status quo. (I think?)
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