Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Marriage Counseling a Nation Preserving the American Family

                    In family courts there is an expectation of preserving families. Similarly we try to discipline rebellious children in our communities for the wellbeing of everyone. But when parents and adults are dysfunctional and complacent, accord suffers for everyone and it is hard to know who's really being the most childish. Ignorance and denial are blood brothers. Being impatient about peoples childish expectations solves nothing. My previous diatribe was on the impatient unrealism of the critical left, and now I must be the equal opportunity offender because there's plenty of blame to go around. Fox News and red ties on businessmen do not make for good politicians, anymore than leftist rhetoric makes for good country western music. I've been saying that the political rift is in fact merely the latest incarnation of the war between the sexes. Now the proof is in the Whitehouse and people on both sides of the spectrum are gearing up for a train wreck. The people who aren't uncomfortable with the results of the last election are banking on the power grab. This is particularly stressful for those of us who want peace, in the home as well as on the streets.

                    It's easy for me to be a Liberal. I actually believe in the Democratic process in spite of the atmosphere of political apartheid. Being a Republican now days is about backing the Republic, but Republicans are told that the government is the problem, and then therefore we need to dismantle the government. (Even if this would ultimately destroy the Republic.) As Democrats we expect the government to function by committee, in essence a kind of mob rule. As Republicans we expect business by hierarchy, only with a boss ruling from the head of the table. Problem is, Dad is a cold blooded jerk, and Mom is rapidly falling out of love with the man who got her to the altar. Disenchantment ensues. Now I'm not a politician, I'm just a retired professional psychic, which everyone knows is the most thankless job in the world when done correctly. People live and die for the privilege of getting someone to tell them, "What's going to happen to the love of my nation?" "Are we going to be soulmates forever?" Truth is, when I tell you the truth I get nothing but flack from everyone on all sides. I should lock you all in a room together (without weapons) to get you to have to face each other and just get over your selves.

                     But that's not what's going to happen. Is it? Dad's very sick. And dad doesn't even know it yet, how really sick he is. Mom is really pissed off at dad, even though she tries not to show it. She used to love country living and even passively tolerated country music. But now from behind the scenes, the average Trump voter is a chemically dependent women hating, closeted pink elephant. (America. Where the men are men, women are women, and the sheep are scared.) And now even junior has gotten a taste of dad's nationalist separatism, woman hating, and is starting to pick fights with the liberals at school, calling them all wimps. (Nothing new here.) He's picking up guns, and harassing minorities, generally acting like a deluded thug. But what's different now? It's the Democrats who are afraid to unfurl their flags because we're being threatened for our beliefs. (Oh wait a minute. That's not new either.) Sis is moving away to city to get an education, or staying behind just to get married and to have babies of her own. Everyone's diet is terrible, a slow death by by bad food and drugs.

                     What's a mother to do? That's not a question, that's a rhetorical statement. What will mother do? That is the question. Mom's noticed that dad drank the Koolaid, believing just about everything he hears often enough. In fact pretty much everyone is dealing with their own dependency issues and has bad health. But still she notices, the President isn't acting very presidential. He's so thin skinned, and takes offense at the slightest contradiction to his image. And junior is getting in so much more trouble. Her husband sentimentally wants to think, that Donald will take care of everything. She thinks he may be slipping. She's scared for her family, dad's spending too much time with his guns. And when he's not drinking at the bar he's muttering about the immigrants. Chemical dependency is rampant. You don't have to be psychic to know where this one is going.

                     You ask. What's the answer? What is the solution to our nations ills? I say, THE PROBLEM IS THE ANSWER. Have a little compassion. Seriously.

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