Sunday, February 26, 2017

Why I'm Ashamed to be a Liberal (Annihilation Operators in Politics and Math)

                       In NeuroLinguistics we're trained to identify the dissimilar referencing orientations that make up differing peoples perceptions. But my fellow hyper educated elites are succumbing to spiritual and political hypochondria, born of intellectual constipation. (Blaming or projection is often called a "Reversed Referential Indexing.") Instead of finding solutions, my political left has given up and is failing to appreciate the importance of our sacred education which defines our "Class." We are all too knowledgable about how to blame everybody else for ignorance and or stupidity, but there is no real compassion amongst the intelligent elites on either side of the popularized opinion biases.  No wisdom and no answers means no understanding. It makes me ashamed to be a liberal.

                       In the history of Physics, the existence of antimatter (which turned out to be the positron, opposite to the negatively charged electron) was first suspected to be a hole in the other wise continuous "Sea of Negativity." This "Hole" became known as the "Annihilation Operator" in vector notation. (All you Physics buffs are probably cringing right now because I don't do this subject justice.) Point being however, analogous of an unknown quantity this hole now provided the answer to questions that weren't even being asked directly. In other words, Paul Dirac asked "What's missing from this picture?" It has also been referred to as an "Alternative Vacua."

                        Now why can modern physics buffs catch the elegance of this type of scientific process, and not understand how stupid we sound when we recite and regurgitate all the dismal counter populist pap? We happen to live in another time when "Democracy" demands that we find new solutions, instead of just criticize. Well I'm quite disgusted.

                        I'm new to social media and I shun casual links. But do I love that G+ has allowed me to filter into just those posts from the 40 or so brilliant contributors I follow, while sending my Xenophilia collection out to all of the thousands of people who follow me from all over the world. It's not that I believe those of you of whom I am following are supposed to be any better than everyone else, it's just that I love the Physics and Leftist Philosophy you selected posters have provided for me. My Creative Personalization process is going out and doing my homework for me, and I get so much amazing media that I could never have found, for  myself one click at a time. (Thanks everybody. I totally needed this.)

                        Now I myself am a consummate Cynical Optimist and Xenophile. (I occupy one of those holes in an otherwise continuous "Sea of Negativity.") This however does not exclude me from wanting to understand and appreciate these dynamic oppositions of people from within or without my own chosen ideologies. But this point still seems to be lost on those self indulgently fatalistic determinists, both pro and con. And this leaves me wondering, "Why do I even bother?"

                        But opinion biases are a dynamic membrane. Get over it people. Disinformation is just a data influenza. These disillusioning Inoculations of the Truth are just the results of exposure to our cultures accelerating transformation. Don't buy the hype on either side. Change is good. Don't get sentimental about your lifestyles or you will be as fragile as the people you judge to be intellectually inferior. Be anti fragile. Changes are inevitable, and you are right. Things will never be the same. Instead of fearing the future, let us prepare for a future to embrace us as the changes come. Prepare for the shit to happen. Let's take advantage of what this hole in an otherwise unbroken "Sea of Negativity" may really have to offer. The truth is out there. It's inevitable. You may have more to offer than your giving yourself credit for. Let's build that bridge to the future, the first infrastructure is inside of you. Ask yourself, "Why so negative?" Has life ever been this easy?


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