Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Why "Donbot" the Trumphenstein Doesn't Want to Talk to the Press

                     The horrible reality of the Presidential Edition "Donbot," is that It is just a self programed experiment that has gone horribly wrong. It's unable to go back into It's obsolete unreadable code cascades that had caused It to blunder into office. It's code is in essence a bugging system co opting any and all other spamming and malware social coding systems. Problem is he (or if you prefer, "It") is still not coming back from this trip, ever. Because of the fact that no other political operating systems have as of yet become this self corrupting, he has been shuffled into a titular role as a behind the scenes code operator. The R.N.C. is trying to  keep him quiet. The press would inevitably trigger "It's" fight or spite imperatives even if they wanted to play nicely. His inevitable bugs would cause us to take our eyes of the train wreck of our interpersonal hostilities, focusing our attentions back onto the real reality programming boredom which is about to go off the rails.

                     It's desired expectations are that we're to keep beating up on each other in order to distract us from the inevitable vacuum of power that is resulting from the avarice machine achieving narcissistic singularity. Now if you've been reading along, I've told you that self awareness has nothing to do with singularity (There are no multiple singularities.) and we only need wait for the end of that big sucking sound coming from thinking only from "The Top Down." There is real evil in our world and bad things will happen. But today there is no way to sustain this kind of artificial suspense and drama by endlessly exploiting the games theory of partisanship, permanently capitalizing on the split opinion bias. (Which in fact is almost fifty / fifty.) Even though time is slowing down for some of us, no amount of rushing to the top of the dungheap is going to prevent the boredom of affluence hiding behind viral "TRUMPISM." Don't be passive, but do be patient and diligent. We're not done yet.


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