Thursday, January 26, 2017

"Mien Trumph"

            I speak of the shocking repetitive consistency of the bodysnatchers to politically bias programmable dogma. For instance, I personally dislike so called "Country" music. But I don't hate the people who like country music. I almost never use hyper-links, nor do I use Google searches for anything, ever. But I do trust people and I trust you. "Link" as you feel appropriate. (But I suspect this is what has got us in this trouble in the first place.) Do I still have a voice? I believe this is the question we all need to ask ourselves instead of giving ourselves over to angry self pity and paranoia. We can thank the gun lobby for why our "Government" is more scared of us than we are of it. Don't give up your rights so quietly. The NRA taught us,"Everyone hates the government."

             Hitler in the first few pages of his "Mien Kamph," say he has nothing against the "Jews." But he mentions that his "People" need a common enemy. Jews were a hated minority, better educated and mistaken as being more unfairly affluent. I've found it quite spooky how the rhetoric of xenophobia is so very robotic. But bitter apathy is even more dangerous than heroin.

             But! Unlike Nazi Germany, we as a nation are almost evenly split 50% / 50% and we are demographically huge and very diverse. I've shown how we generate the diffuse origins of powerful influence media. "You can't keep this many people on social media quiet." This is not the Arab Spring where a power vacuum at the top created a political coup in reaction. For all of us who feel "America" is mine, (Saith the Lord?) I think we can help.

             When I heard from my training partner about the Nazi who got punched out at the "Trumph" inauguration, I wasn't moved one way or another. But I did find out how within the ranks of the left, there has much been disagreement over the viral celebration and shameful pride many felt over getting to see a Nazi get punched out. Many of the purists felt abandoned by those who they believed are supposed to be like they think. Conformity I'm afraid is a last resort of weak minds. Cut yourself a and each other a little slack for having your own opinions.

              I'm also seeing people confuse their feelings of personal powerlessness with immediate reality. I'm not criticizing. I'm simply calling out all the dark corners of our potentially very dangerous popular collective brainwashing. Our species isn't designed for ease or comfort anyways. Extended life expectancies have only made Political Power Bubbles that much harder to pop. The press isn't the problem. The governments aren't the problem. It's influence media, and the exploitation of mass marketing through political branding that is the problem.

              Which is more of the problem for you today? Is it what is happening right now? Or is it understandable apprehensions about the potential future? (Which in fact may not need to be inevitable.) There are no right answer.s There are only right questions. One of the things that has made the left socially unintelligible, is our tendency for defensive Parsimoniousness. Parsimony itself is stinginess. But being "Parsimonious" also includes the intellectual stinginess of expecting simple logic which has to always be explained, as if we could always continue to be telling everyone else what it is that everyone is always doing wrong. This character defect has come home to bite us on the butt.

             When seeking understanding, first seek to understand others. We are not the minority anymore, and try to remember. Social media isn't just the problem. Social media is probably also going to be the solution. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves, and start feeling compassion for all those people who drank the poisonous political cocktail, that social media and political branding brought to us. If we want to beat "Trumpfenstein" at his own game, we simply need to communicate better.

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