Saturday, January 28, 2017

Showdown at the Twitter Theater

             Style, Subtlety and Tact? Magic! Americans love a great drama. And we also love our comedy. Wanna play? The premise is one of politically branded mocking oppression, but our straight man is a droid and may have no real sense of humor. So we may want to stop preaching and get back to that really important fine art of entertainment. Insults and condescension aren't getting us anywhere. But humor may be very powerful.

             As the consummate (Psychic?) Entertainment Medium, I am constrained to tell stories. Though Twitter may be a new Haiku, I'm too much of a gas bag to do more than make a few offerings. For instance, I think love is the juice. Like;

   1.) Donald...? Donald...? We luuuve you! And we're coming to get you. Gird your loins bro, it's going to be fun, for us.

Or maybe;

    2.) Don? Pal, are you sleeping alright? Ever? YOU KNOW A GUILTY CONSCIOUS CAN DO THAT TO YOU. Oh I'm sorry, I forgot. My bad.

And one of my faves;

    3.) You know what's on the menu? It's Trump Roast. The poor may go hungry, but we will be laughing hard as we clear your table.

              You get the Idea. The press has it's hands full in a way that has never given them more power. I know you don't agree with me and that's why I'm speaking out. We need to buttress the power of the designated "Opposition Press," with all the new toys that were used to denigrate us. My work in Creative Personalization has freed me from having any expectations, one way or the other. I get to decide for the time being what roll I get to play in the Social Media Arena. I know of several other people who want to play. Twitter can be anonymous.

             Quoted from a previous post, "The {Presidential Edition} Twitterbot has a mirror, a mirror of karma it can never escape." All of it's good and evil deeds are reflected there within. (I know in your mind your probably thinking up all of the reasons that this can't work. That negativity is the intended effect of propaganda.) If we learned anything from the gun lobby, it's that people hate the government. And now it's the first amendment that needs to be exercised. Now we get to use our love, humor and intelligence as the most potent weapon available. Check your guns at the door people. It's showdown at the Twitter Improv.

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