Wednesday, April 26, 2017

For Me, Creativity Is Induction

Thank you for the link. I try to make use of number theory when ordering discreet functions. Math has numbered types of Symbolic Language. (I like to play.) I find symmetries and anti symmetries in even the non commutative geometries that are often reducible by other ways of doing math, including number theoretical strings. Now of course, the terse symbolic languages of things like algebraic topology might seem unrelated, but the challenge is in mastering those other most elegant mathematical conventions.

My obsession with Math inter disciplines has been made easier by getting to select from the often discreetly limited choices provided for in my many very powerful graphics calculators. It has been very hard however, to find other creative math geeks who aren't shy about the usual steep gradients imposed by competitive scheduled academics. For me creativity is induction. I have very much appreciated your input, even in spite of our often mutually corrective complements. Peace out brother.

Monday, April 24, 2017

The Biologic of Mutual Study

                       The time for individual recovery is over, we need to heal as a society first. People are so busy with the hugger mugger daily scrum of life, that there's no time left over for personal healing. Trying to heal everyone one at a time, is just too slow. It's not working fast enough for us as separate individuals, we can't keep up. We need to heal as a unity. I think we may already have an idea about how this can work. Our individual problems just aren't that important in contrast to the real problems of the world as a whole, and we worry way too much about just ourselves only. Yes it's true, we all do need to ask for help occasionally and must appreciate the blessings of other peoples support. But when our societal addiction is in fact about the abuses lying and lying to ourselves, well then, that is a common social problem. And all of our personal problems come from this shared social dimension.

                       We have just gotten to see how a candidacy of blatant popular lies, foisted upon us. A media addicted gullible public was swayed under the favorable auspices of a hostile economy of conspiracies vying for the throne of populist paranoia. Most people, regardless of bias, prefer to deny that propaganda is always just so much fake news before it has become popularized. But when we expand the boundaries of our own personal awareness to include others, our petty populist fears and blaming can come into clearer focus. We can embrace the understanding of the real hardships of living. We can be released from our own trivial selfishness by a healthy loving Rage of Compassion. If we aren't a little pissed off about the state of the world, well then we haven't learned anything. If we don't care about the welfare of the world and all it's peoples and creatures, well then I must feel for you. Your emotional poverty is real, and I wouldn't wish that emptiness on my worst enemy. Money wont cover up the emptiness. The lies are out in the open now, spilled out like so much waste cluttering the family table. The lies are out there where everyone knows about the racism and the misogyny and all that twisted Right Wing Religious Political Correctness. Of the hateful Flag Pins, and vicious Pro Life and those arrogantly deluded Christian Moral Majority Fascist Family Values. The all American bigotry glut fest buffet. You sad peoples of the white bread country, can't buy yourself enough drugs or sex or possessions, to keep a healthy person from having face the emptiness of a selfish life, which is not worth living. You as individuals can no longer be helped. You "as individuals" were never the issue. Your chances of recovery are probably coming to you much too late. We may need to start thinking about what other people need first, for a change. Then maybe we can find the grace to forgive ourselves by accepting each other, with all our common needs.

                       I suggest that the Biologic of Mutual Study is already happening and that we can see it happening all around us. But man still does see it. Yet. The bodhisattva rests.

Friday, April 14, 2017

The Future Is Coming For Us, Are We Ready? Transpersonal Identification and the Myth of Separateness

                           You've heard, "An injury to one is an injury to all."

                            There is a perfectly good reason why you should never trust anyone who actually wants to be a psychic, a politician, or a financier. We all try to read your minds while taking your money. Just like corrupt T. V. Evangelists with their "Faith Healing & Affluence Ministries," people's religion, ignorance, and delusions are exploitable.

                             Now you do run across occasional crazies like me, who have actually met "God." It's a real class act, bright glowing head on the body of an astronaut, it even smells good. I would not recommend it, however. It was the beginning and the end of all hope for me. Ouch. Temporal Lobe seizures of the right hemisphere are known to bring about these kinds of painful, yet meaningfully Religious Experiences. Paul of Tarsus, Joan of Arch, St. Theresa of Avila, Mohamed, the list of the devoted goes on. A sharp blow to the right side of the head is all it may take. But you wouldn't want something like this to happen to you, just for the sake of your faith. Gentler methods are known but they too are discouraged because calculated risks produce questionable inconsistent results. Anyway, there is almost nothing more depressing than seeing god, only to see the vision fade. It's inevitable. !~#^@*?, :!$%<, &/+=`";<->.  Etc, etc, etc.

                             But if there is anything that we can take away from these many people's shared unity of experiences, there are at least 2;

                             1st: Subjectively, for some of us God does exist.
                             2nd: We can share consciousness. The consciousness of each other. The consciousness of the world around us. The consciousness of the Stars.

                            Separation is an experience that falls away in the last moments of life. We are separated from each other in our minds. But your pain can be my pain. You probably don't want to feel my pain. Why would you? You maybe don't want to know what it's like to smell other people's thoughts, feelings, desires, or our shared dreams. We can feel helpless. When people want to hurt us, we want to find our way out of conflict, hostility, and the prejudices that plague hurt people. Hate may no longer do it for you. Being an ecstatic means all of our pains can be compared with joy. With all these undesirable side effects, why would anyone in their right mind ever want to meet God? Don't ask.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Religious Science and Spiritual Engineering

                                                             Drawing by
                   Have you ever wondered how most religions can have basic ethical principles and yet still be corrupted during resurgence? Social programming is prone to obfuscation. Designing a faith free of bugs may be an impossibility. Or is it? (I don't know. Is there anyway to keep faith from going bad?)

                   I had a friend who had Ph. D's. in the Anthropology of Linguistics and the Anthropology of Death. When I told him about how the human brain is a universal processing machine and that the "I" is how we code for the internal Identification of the Self and therefor the Idea of the Body. Well he stopped trying to find me the books on Linguistics. We had only an hour and he said that what I was talking about was much more interesting. I went on about how my "I" is the same "I" as your "I" and that we in this way are the same. In David Hofstadter's, "I AM A STRANGE LOOP" David says we share consciousness and therefor are shared identities, and that our identifiable self is stored in each others brains as long as we remember each other and so we slowly cease to exist only after those we knew themselves die. This sharing of a mutually defined personal identification is what I call the Echo Imprint. Because I am a Medium, even if I don't believe in an afterlife, it's very easy for me to see ghosts. The hour was over. He went on with his professional academic life, and I never saw him again.

                   I had another friend who spoke of how all religions are corrupted code. I told him about how the astronomical time distances prevent any direct communication with all of the other self aware consciousnesses on other worlds. But that whenever any such life form exists elsewhere, we share the identical dreams through our shared common entangled eventualities. Whenever such awareness of sentience and self awareness occurs, it happens only right before extinction. No such consciousness ever exists without entanglement and it's resulting lucid disassembly. Our "I" is the same as their "I". The "I" of god opens and the world(s) ceases to exist. I wonder if my friend will ever speak to me again.

                   In Hofstadter's book "GODEL ESHER BACH" The Eternal Golden Braid, in reference to the conceptual propagation of functional "Self Referencing Code" he asks, "Are there different sizes for souls?" he's asking about whether some people are less aware than others. When I talk about "The Radiance of the Human Soul" I'm referring to a variably quantifiable energetic force. This force is fragile yet resiliently cohesive. Weakened by time and denials, the heat of consciousness is real, at least for me. Socially and psychologically thermodynamic, the sense of self is sacred. This is what gets so corrupted by people who confuse family with the supreme sanctity. The family is a self. The family is sacred. But the self can even transcend the mere personal family. Some of us remember a greater family, even a family of the stars. The metric is the metaphor. New Code anyone? Happy Easter people, "We Love You."

Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Endless Circling Parade of Pink Elephants; The Morning After For The Christian Right.


                  Many people want to see God as a muscular American. I'm not just referring to hallucinations, Memes, and paranoid delusions. I'm talking to the Elephants in the room with us, our families, our churches and synagogues, and mosques. Pink Elephants living in closets, and on blighted rural farmlands, and in business suits. Misogynistic xenophobic sentimentalists are all tuning in to the same country-western news feeds. Straight from Moscow. This is not new.

                  At my gym yesterday I had the interesting opportunity of speaking with some young white upper-middle-class conservative bodybuilders. I talked about hopping freight trains across the country back in the "70's" with my female friend who also trains at my gym. We're already in our 60's and still "Hot, Hot, Hot." They then complained about how everything now days is illegal. I had to ask them what did they mean. One of them said, "You can't say anything to anybody anymore, without getting into trouble." "It seems like we're all just getting soft." These are faces with little feeling, on very affluent pretty bodies.

                 I said, "No. We are just much getting better educated. Learn from our mistakes. "I pointed out how in the police and fire responders having to take sensitivity training, the real issue is so that you can be in control. "You don't know in advance what is going to bother someone, you don't want to assume that you're going to know what it is that sets somebody off." "People are going to be coming at you with shit that you have no way of knowing about," I mentioned how sometimes they're in the gym they would play that horrible popular smut rap. (It supposed to keep your meat fresh but it makes you feel dirty in the process.) I told them, "I am ashamed. But that I don't care, and that it's largely a matter of where you go that determines what's O. K."

                 I went on to say that Easter is my favorite holiday. "Nail that guy up there." I asked one of them, "Are you religious?" He nods with a frown. "I can be incorrect too," I said. "Religiously incorrect." "The man who presently runs Los Campeones is a man of faith and family man." "The one thing he asked me not to say in the gym was, Jesus Crap," I said it to them out loud, and I said they would never hear me say it again. I think I made my point quite clear.

                 All the Russian Porn Mob had to do was take our consumer porn habits legally studied with our permission, legally sold to us, and play it back to us through our social media, for the manipulation of our national sickness. The Russian government isn't trying to hide anything, at least not from me. They have a way of just pushing their business right across my desk. Nothing subtle about it. But unlike in their country, the mass indoctrination by newsfeed has had exactly the opposite of the intended effects. It is informing and creating our much more informed nation about its own sexual skeletal closet. (Maybe Kinsey was right.) We don't have to have any faith in Putin, unlike in his own country. We barely believe in the "Don-Bot." What a face, yuck! (I won't be able to get that image out of my mind. Thank you internet.)

                  Stop looking for hidden agendas. There's nothing hidden about it. F. B. I. is looking in the wrong place. No "One" had to conspire to do anything. NOBODY CARES. Shit happens. Steve Bannon has now been put in the corner to die of alcoholism, on schedule. He did his dirty job, has been used up. Nobody wants to listen to his vile paranoid hate anymore. The administration is going to Flip Flop, Hyperactively, Big Time (He used to be a Democrat you know, it's true. And sometimes, even human excrement can become passable international diplomats.) Hillary dodged a terrible fate, bless her. She would have been Crucified. (Unfairly of course, even if it would have been just more business as usual.) We're still going to get to see our first female president next time, and the bets are already being placed in Vegas on, Drum roll, please. Ta-dah... Elizabeth Warren! Yeh! They are actually taking bets. "I'd like to put $100.00 on Elizabeth Warren to win." Bingo!


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Literary SHEN: My Journey to Xenopolis ; (Corrected for Typos)

                By healing my own chronic identity crisis, I've resolved many adult adolescent issues pertaining to feelings of isolation and self importance. Problems that used to bother me, I don't care about anymore. I am not in constant physical or emotion pain anymore. So much of this has come about because of my own use of this Test Post Magazine and the accumulating documentations now resourced through my posts into my ZENOPHILE blog/book. For the love of humanity, and Xenophilia, I've learned to appreciate the rarity of self love. Most people find forgiveness much much too hard, but mine is only a quirk of accidental temperament. No amount of self indulgence can ever compensate a person for that very normal lack of self love that plague most of us humans. Living and dead.

                 Shen, and it's practice is a baffling simplicity that makes most of the other forms of the laying on of hands look outdated and ineffectual. Shen reveals that the other policies for healing intervention are pedestrian, exploitive, dishonest and often useless. People often say well meaning things, but very commonly being spiritual abusive, didactic and disingenuous. Saying things like, "Get over it," or "Suck it up," or even the worst "Count your Blessings." But without the tears and laughter that come from real relief, we don't ever get over the physical and emotional pain of life. These emotional scars infect whole nations. People don't always have your best interests in mind when giving you bad advice. Subtext can be a dangerous form of misdirection and subterfuge.

                 Working with athletes and yoga moms has made it necessary for me to develop faster alternative ways to administer Shen. Why should I force somebody to get onto the table just to do what can be done standing or sitting down in a very short time? I developed talking and walking Shen. I've seen a lot of huge brilliant men cry like loving babies, without me doing more than opening myself up to their feelings. Unlike my fellow practitioners, I derive no personal pleasure from seeing guys cry.

                 Some of the best results occur across boundaries of space, even through the internet. I have observed that many of my most liberal and faithful readers here in the "States," have been sorely disappointed with me for bridging the gap between "Us," and U.S, our traditional enemies. But outside of the U. S, the Ukraine and Russia have been my most avid readers and supporters from the beginning. This has been for my work with the intelligence of diplomatic surveillance, private personalization profiling through the biometrics of the hand and handwriting, and the resurgence of the misused and misunderstood Ancient Spiritual Technologies. From my own country, I have gotten nothing but flack and harassment for crossing this bridge into our well documented shared histories with the unknown. This is where the issue of Xenophrenia becomes most obvious. Why wouldn't we have conflicted feelings about humanity, when we have such a glaring ongoing history of denials, ignorance and academic self deceptions. I can't help but wonder if it is only from behind the old "Iron Curtain" that any of my work is making real good sense to "anybody."

                 Xenophilia! I say people, unite and conquer. Never let the healing stop.


Friday, April 7, 2017

The Miracle of Spiritual Heat

                    The Soul is only a fragile vessel. Just like the body it gets recycled. But unlike the body, the product is awareness, that immaterial heat. This "Energy" (a word I hate using in reference to anything unrelated to physics) is rejoined to the collective unconscious in the form of dissolved memory. These memories can't be channelled by mediums who claim to know where grandma kept her pearls before she died. At least not directly. But the unfinished business persists. Just like the bones in the basement, the pearls may get found and were left there for who ever.

                     Now I have tread that verboten fine line between faith and science and I have found the world wanting. Even if you don't believe, I can assure you. You my friends are haunted. Haunted by your fears, the sins of the father. In Hindu philosophy there is the concept of the Kundalini, the Shakti is the female and objective animating force of life. She is scary and potentially dangerously seductive. Shiva on the other hand is the masculine subjective rational minds eye, and without Shakti it is a lifeless corpse. But now Shakti without Shiva is a thug. She didn't want you to have to die.

                     I'm hearing a lot of fear and rage directed at the other side of the battle lines, between genders because of the transformation of our post sexual revolution. Largely because we need to relearn and understand the place of normal healthy sexual tension. The devolution of the cultural morals and sensitivities were exploited by the sexualized economy of consumerism, classism and pornography. All potentially bad habits.

                     Now that excitation reflex or "Kundalini" can be interpreted as fear, anger or it's just the excitement of engagement, learning or arousal. But without that healthy appreciation for what used to be and still is uncertainty, we as a society have succumbed to misinformation, doubt, prejudice and the manipulation of popular ignorance. The war between the sexes is a government plot taught to our children from the churches, temples and mosques. Ironically this cold spiritual disease of ignorance and propaganda would never exist without the vital necessity for Religion and the Religion of love. I love all of you Atheists, like I love myself. But I don't love you any more than I love my Christians and Buddhists and Moslems. Most people were not raised Atheist like me. I hate the fact that you hate each other and unless you can rediscover the warmth of you love, then I can not help you.

                     The shared Collective Psyche of the Human Race is not without utility. These shared "Energies" function as a social dynamic, a psycho social thermodynamic. And when the heat of human love takes on cohesion, it becomes light. (4th Law of the Para Psychological Method, mine; "Everybody needs love." and all thing gravitate towards love including power.)

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Why They Will Never Find the Smoking Gun; Just follow the Trail of Dead Russian Bodies

                         Certain parties are never subtle. Unlike in heaven, where everyone is welcomed, You're all alone. Your name gets coldly called, "Now serving Party of one."

Here in political hell, your invitation is delivered by an enforcement escort. And you don't have any choice.

                         However, someone who never got the message, blunders into office with excess Russian baggage. This Presidential Edition "Drumphbot" is programmed for selectively culpable deniability. It doesn't want to know. It never wanted to stay informed. It's designed to remain unreachable. Because it's not self-aware, it's never been subject to the per view of human law. The sovereignty of international businesses means individual people don't matter.  Businesses now work without undesirable oversight from meddlesome people. Governmental operations have been fully streamlined. All hostile intelligence is easily absorbed and assimilated. Problems for businesses are now easily resolved without troublesome intervention. There is no opposition anymore, we're everywhere. We have your best interest in mind. But you get to pay for it. It's just business.

                        We're sorry for any temporary inconvenience you may be experiencing. Thank you in advance for your loyal patronage. We look forward to serving you.

The Heiress Didn't Show Up for Her Own Scheduled Suicide

                    This was not a happy interview. Everyone is depending on her to fail and her failure is inevitable. All the best wagers are on the "MEAN TIME TO FAILURE" And it's never if , but only when. And it's never good. She was not happy at any point during the interview. She never was taught what happiness is. She wasn't even smiling. She was never really happy, but she thought it was just because of the job. The job of being the heiress. Even the smile is gone now.

                     Was I the only person to notice? Who would have thought? (No seriously, why am I the first person to be publicly be figuring this out????) I can't be the only person who recognizes an open plea for help, am I? I don't want people to come back to me and expect me to say "I told you so." I'm not Cassandra damn it.