Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Religious Science and Spiritual Engineering

                                                             Drawing by
                   Have you ever wondered how most religions can have basic ethical principles and yet still be corrupted during resurgence? Social programming is prone to obfuscation. Designing a faith free of bugs may be an impossibility. Or is it? (I don't know. Is there anyway to keep faith from going bad?)

                   I had a friend who had Ph. D's. in the Anthropology of Linguistics and the Anthropology of Death. When I told him about how the human brain is a universal processing machine and that the "I" is how we code for the internal Identification of the Self and therefor the Idea of the Body. Well he stopped trying to find me the books on Linguistics. We had only an hour and he said that what I was talking about was much more interesting. I went on about how my "I" is the same "I" as your "I" and that we in this way are the same. In David Hofstadter's, "I AM A STRANGE LOOP" David says we share consciousness and therefor are shared identities, and that our identifiable self is stored in each others brains as long as we remember each other and so we slowly cease to exist only after those we knew themselves die. This sharing of a mutually defined personal identification is what I call the Echo Imprint. Because I am a Medium, even if I don't believe in an afterlife, it's very easy for me to see ghosts. The hour was over. He went on with his professional academic life, and I never saw him again.

                   I had another friend who spoke of how all religions are corrupted code. I told him about how the astronomical time distances prevent any direct communication with all of the other self aware consciousnesses on other worlds. But that whenever any such life form exists elsewhere, we share the identical dreams through our shared common entangled eventualities. Whenever such awareness of sentience and self awareness occurs, it happens only right before extinction. No such consciousness ever exists without entanglement and it's resulting lucid disassembly. Our "I" is the same as their "I". The "I" of god opens and the world(s) ceases to exist. I wonder if my friend will ever speak to me again.

                   In Hofstadter's book "GODEL ESHER BACH" The Eternal Golden Braid, in reference to the conceptual propagation of functional "Self Referencing Code" he asks, "Are there different sizes for souls?" he's asking about whether some people are less aware than others. When I talk about "The Radiance of the Human Soul" I'm referring to a variably quantifiable energetic force. This force is fragile yet resiliently cohesive. Weakened by time and denials, the heat of consciousness is real, at least for me. Socially and psychologically thermodynamic, the sense of self is sacred. This is what gets so corrupted by people who confuse family with the supreme sanctity. The family is a self. The family is sacred. But the self can even transcend the mere personal family. Some of us remember a greater family, even a family of the stars. The metric is the metaphor. New Code anyone? Happy Easter people, "We Love You."

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