Friday, April 14, 2017

The Future Is Coming For Us, Are We Ready? Transpersonal Identification and the Myth of Separateness

                           You've heard, "An injury to one is an injury to all."

                            There is a perfectly good reason why you should never trust anyone who actually wants to be a psychic, a politician, or a financier. We all try to read your minds while taking your money. Just like corrupt T. V. Evangelists with their "Faith Healing & Affluence Ministries," people's religion, ignorance, and delusions are exploitable.

                             Now you do run across occasional crazies like me, who have actually met "God." It's a real class act, bright glowing head on the body of an astronaut, it even smells good. I would not recommend it, however. It was the beginning and the end of all hope for me. Ouch. Temporal Lobe seizures of the right hemisphere are known to bring about these kinds of painful, yet meaningfully Religious Experiences. Paul of Tarsus, Joan of Arch, St. Theresa of Avila, Mohamed, the list of the devoted goes on. A sharp blow to the right side of the head is all it may take. But you wouldn't want something like this to happen to you, just for the sake of your faith. Gentler methods are known but they too are discouraged because calculated risks produce questionable inconsistent results. Anyway, there is almost nothing more depressing than seeing god, only to see the vision fade. It's inevitable. !~#^@*?, :!$%<, &/+=`";<->.  Etc, etc, etc.

                             But if there is anything that we can take away from these many people's shared unity of experiences, there are at least 2;

                             1st: Subjectively, for some of us God does exist.
                             2nd: We can share consciousness. The consciousness of each other. The consciousness of the world around us. The consciousness of the Stars.

                            Separation is an experience that falls away in the last moments of life. We are separated from each other in our minds. But your pain can be my pain. You probably don't want to feel my pain. Why would you? You maybe don't want to know what it's like to smell other people's thoughts, feelings, desires, or our shared dreams. We can feel helpless. When people want to hurt us, we want to find our way out of conflict, hostility, and the prejudices that plague hurt people. Hate may no longer do it for you. Being an ecstatic means all of our pains can be compared with joy. With all these undesirable side effects, why would anyone in their right mind ever want to meet God? Don't ask.

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