Saturday, April 8, 2017

Literary SHEN: My Journey to Xenopolis ; (Corrected for Typos)

                By healing my own chronic identity crisis, I've resolved many adult adolescent issues pertaining to feelings of isolation and self importance. Problems that used to bother me, I don't care about anymore. I am not in constant physical or emotion pain anymore. So much of this has come about because of my own use of this Test Post Magazine and the accumulating documentations now resourced through my posts into my ZENOPHILE blog/book. For the love of humanity, and Xenophilia, I've learned to appreciate the rarity of self love. Most people find forgiveness much much too hard, but mine is only a quirk of accidental temperament. No amount of self indulgence can ever compensate a person for that very normal lack of self love that plague most of us humans. Living and dead.

                 Shen, and it's practice is a baffling simplicity that makes most of the other forms of the laying on of hands look outdated and ineffectual. Shen reveals that the other policies for healing intervention are pedestrian, exploitive, dishonest and often useless. People often say well meaning things, but very commonly being spiritual abusive, didactic and disingenuous. Saying things like, "Get over it," or "Suck it up," or even the worst "Count your Blessings." But without the tears and laughter that come from real relief, we don't ever get over the physical and emotional pain of life. These emotional scars infect whole nations. People don't always have your best interests in mind when giving you bad advice. Subtext can be a dangerous form of misdirection and subterfuge.

                 Working with athletes and yoga moms has made it necessary for me to develop faster alternative ways to administer Shen. Why should I force somebody to get onto the table just to do what can be done standing or sitting down in a very short time? I developed talking and walking Shen. I've seen a lot of huge brilliant men cry like loving babies, without me doing more than opening myself up to their feelings. Unlike my fellow practitioners, I derive no personal pleasure from seeing guys cry.

                 Some of the best results occur across boundaries of space, even through the internet. I have observed that many of my most liberal and faithful readers here in the "States," have been sorely disappointed with me for bridging the gap between "Us," and U.S, our traditional enemies. But outside of the U. S, the Ukraine and Russia have been my most avid readers and supporters from the beginning. This has been for my work with the intelligence of diplomatic surveillance, private personalization profiling through the biometrics of the hand and handwriting, and the resurgence of the misused and misunderstood Ancient Spiritual Technologies. From my own country, I have gotten nothing but flack and harassment for crossing this bridge into our well documented shared histories with the unknown. This is where the issue of Xenophrenia becomes most obvious. Why wouldn't we have conflicted feelings about humanity, when we have such a glaring ongoing history of denials, ignorance and academic self deceptions. I can't help but wonder if it is only from behind the old "Iron Curtain" that any of my work is making real good sense to "anybody."

                 Xenophilia! I say people, unite and conquer. Never let the healing stop.


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