The Functioning Sensitive is often the transparent Chameleon. Ouch. Intuitives are just reading into the "Imagery" thats comes into the Mind's Eye. So called Psychic Readers, Systems Analysts and Trained Diagnosticians are usually completely limited by their preferred Medium of interpretation only. (We took the Astrologer's star charts away from him, and a week later he died. The same thing happened with our technology addicted stock analyst when his favorite computer modeling software was taken off the market.)
But the challenge of being a surviving sensitive comes with the thankless responsibility of uniquely powerfully rarified senses, and no net gain. Generally speaking; "Everyone has blind spots, and everyones blind spots are different." {2nd Axiomatic Law of the Para Psychological Methods} Problem is, most people only look at the world for what they already recognize and think that they already know. My lovely mind however, has a back door that tells me not only what I have received through the front end of my learning acquisition process. But I also get to notice that glaring curious hole in my perceptions, that are telling me when "I am wrong." I'm very uninformed, and I'm very interested in everything that I don't already know. And this is the only reason I trust myself, ever. I'm so tired of having people judge me on both sides every stupid opinion bias. Dread and loathing. Refusing revenue seems to be my only escape.
It is by virtue of my insistence of focusing on our shared ignorance that I still can function as a self doubting and very conflicted psychic. I even hate the word "Psychic" and it's only just another stupid word. I know who I am, but I don't even want to know who I will have to become. I'm very greedy and sexual and I have a very healthy hatred of the shallow enticements of money and sex. You heard me, you can't pay me enough, not ever. I am so tired of having people judge me because of the things that people don't understand and have no interest in knowing about in the first place. I find it is much easier to simply hate the ignorance and not to hate myself or others for these very normal biases of naiveté on every side of each stupid bias argument. Big yawn!
Problem is, I'm in your line of fire. No one likes being wrong. (Well I do, but I am a freak.) Learning from mistakes is something that in fact is very "Trial and Error," and is central to the very pretense of a scientific method. Problem is, most Scientist's" limited frame of overexposure is in their degreed area of training and expertise only. This almost always precipitates the abuses and ad hominem of unsolicited criticism and advise. We're not supposed to get paid for being wrong, accept as a part of the testing procedural process. (But yet, people still get paid.) In the correct inductive parlance of sequential logic, a line of reasoning or inquiry is directed by an objective operator. It runs or it doesn't run. Pretty binary stuff, is it or isn't it. Problem is again, for all of you coders out there, you're much too concerned about the discouraging optimal preponderance of your false negatives. This forces you back onto the crude intuitive limitations of your brute force calculations and the clumsy splatter of distributions for supposed positive proofs.. This never takes place in the full scope of any rational domain totality for your perspective line of inquiry, which comes from the ontology of being human. We are not things and the rational domain of inquiry is never reducible to a binary, non analog black or white generalization. You're not getting any good answers on the subjects I've been documenting. I am. Computers can't argue with you. I am. You are either on line or off line. Power on, power off. Dread and loathing.
I myself, am the result of three simultaneously failed forms of contraception. Thanks folks. Power way on. The opposite of Being is not, non Being. There is no non being, there is only extinction. As an Annihilation Operator, I get to always be positive. I get to make an unbroken chain of affirmation, an assertion which is born out of love. My love for you. My love for others. My love for the World. You are my sacred unknown. I love you all, everyone of you without exception inclusively. Can you say that? Try not to get the parameters of your inquiries confused with our biased expectations about institutional religion. Seeking personal redemption or enlightenment is null, selfish and pointless. You are not the object of your inquiry. You can never discover yourself. You are not an object. Find the forgiveness of our own fragile mortality. We run, and We don't run. And now in this dawning digital age, we can turn our microscope back on "you" with precision and resolutions that haven't even been effectively documented as of yet. At least not by anyone, who is not "me." Look at your tattered digital souls. Your fragile code halos. When you can come back to me with a more powerful tool for mutual inquiry, than is our own insatiable shared cultivated appetites and interests, then I will have done my job. Feeling conflicted about knowledge and it's property is inevitable. Now go and sin no more.