Friday, May 26, 2017

Personalization Profiling Inventories Can Now Be Done Offline

                              Please people, steal this work. It's not about me. Creative personalization can now be done offline. We don't need the machine to hold our hands anymore. I'm giving you permission to look. Look for yourself at your own writing and look into your own hands. Look closely into the writing and hands of those you love. Do it. We all feel vulnerable, all of us. So. If not now, soon. Don't deprive yourself of one of these most beautiful aspects of our being distinctive human beings. Look for your distinctiveness and your commonalities. Look for those things which make your signatures undeniable. Look at the awkwardness of your style and delivery. Look at all the different things you might feel when someone has permission to touch your hand. (I know you want to. And in spite your understandable biases of opinion, pro and con, they don't have to matter at all, not one tiny bit.) Now do it. The next time you are talking to someone, look at their hands. Tell them, you read about this guy who teaches people to look at hands. Don't be surprised to see people open and shut themselves like pages in a precious book of life.

                               Please people, Steal this work. You'll be glad you did.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Informational Cohesion and the Inevitable Viability of Persistent Truth {Edited for Clarity}

                             Today, it acceptable to speak ill of those outside your target audience, but not to criticize your fanbase. Mutual Magazine Culture is real. Instead of being the "Endlessly Circling Parade of Pink Elephants" with noses up the butts of the next one in front. We're more like the castrated donkeys who kick the face of the next one behind us. We are discouraged about healing the rift between the "Us" and the "them." But what about the them that are within us. Maybe my internal business man really hates people? Maybe I've been watching for those sudden drop offs in fickle readerships. I love people, but I am of two minds about this. It's easier for me to hate your money. It's always easier to hate the hater who we love to hate. But I don't hate the haters in you, in me, in us, or even in them.

                             Locked into your favorite social media newsfeed are we? I knew that when I wrote, "What would Google Ask" and How Google Started Programming Herself" I was writing fanciful Spiritual Fictions. But I also sensed what might be inevitable. Machines that are better prepared to design open ended bottom up non terminating learning procedures. Only Google's algorithms are showing any attempt at combing through everything I write and then responding, even if it's only to account for possible points of a fraction of a cent on clicks. Machines are learning? Are we?

                            Now we get to see what will heal the rift. Will it be a quick making up? Or will it be the continued slow passive indifference to the political freak show that is going down for your entertainment. You and I my proud readers are permanently biased. Your preferences are now not only the key marks of your avatar, but now you all have handles and tags by which we are all plied. We are all so easily offended in predictably bankable ways. You're not truthfully looking for the progressive answers. You've already made up your minds and your minds are being manipulated by an opposition that doesn't even resemble your supposed enemy. Instead of looking for answers that will be proven to solve and heal, you are still angry about your voiceless anonymity on the web. If we want to know the truth about who did it, we merely need to follow that digital trail of web slime that poisoned our national mind. (I checked directly.)

                           The harder question is, "How do we deprogram a schizophrenic nation?" So many of us think the grim ending is already deterministically written into law by evil shadow conspirators, and then there for is out of our hands. But then we do just keep reposting what someone else Memes. Memes will not save the world. But your stories do plant seeds of change. As much as Google Analytics tells me when you don't like what I'm writing, I have been right so far and if things continue in this way, this will all be over soon and we will still have to kiss and make up. I'm finding that being the Positive Annihilation Operator in a "Sea of Negativity" comes with the privilege of also being a web pariah. "There is no shame in being a pariah." Marge Simpson

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Discreet Provocateur and Still Counting

            With the delight of a practiced entertainment medium, I am privileged to announce not what it is that is going to happen. But merely to clarify for you, what it is that you were already going to be doing. We are going to get to play a little game. And it's a very good game, and it's a game we can win. In screen writing, we would call this kind of drama a "Bug Hunt." But today, there is only one queen bug. And we won't have to chase down it's kinder. The unplanned "Hostile Takeover" of the hive, has left the far right particularly vulnerable. I almost feel bad for the "Twits." (You don't have to be psychic to know where this one is going.)

            Influence Media has come of age. If you've been watching for the changes to surveillance in critical mass media, you would know that the multi armed bandit only need be segmented post actively making the failings of previous surveillance only more painful to have to watch. Hindsight has never been more golden. And the very agencies that used to misrepresent us, are now our allies and friends. Rational cowardice has always been the only governmental intelligence ever worth listening to. And I'm sorry, we Americans don't like being called cowards. And besides "Hate is just bad for business." We're so beyond that now.

            This morning I considered the option of opening a new account, as The Master Twitter Baiter. But my functionality prevents me from attaching myself to any desired outcomes, and I could risk polluting the inevitable timeline with an ego. I am only another gifted medium, who knows the limitations of my craft. I am not the message. But I will give you some creative hints. Now I wont give the story away for those of you who object to the alert spoilage of an ending spoken aloud from the very first darkening from within your suspenseful theatre. But I will tell you the last laugh is never laughed in anger.

            Here is your quarry, your query, your antagonist. The twitter bot has a mirror, a mirror of karma it can never escape. It can hear your thoughts, it listens for your prayers but it does not understand. The language of love is always spoken from forgiveness. And forgiveness is something the dead can never hear because we don't exist. The walking dead do not see your dreams that we all share from the wellspring of our singular collective soul.

            I was hoping this was going to be a comedy where we all just kiss and make up. But we know what's going to happen. And there will be sacrifices. Our offerings from the heart are sincere and potent. And the great work still goes on. What was once prime real estate will soon cease to be very real at all. And the 5 a.m. bitter twitterings bode poorly for the light sleeping of guilty consciences. No new dreams have come from the tower for a very long time. And yet even with the horrible morning after withdrawals of painful disillusionment, never has a public been more empowered than you are today. You can't keep this many people on social media quiet.

            Back now to your virtual prophecy. Don't look to your government to have the answers for you, pro or con anymore. It wont be all bad. And if fake news has taught us anything, it's that all conspiracies are boring. We no longer get to blame the aliens. We are indomitable, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. It's too late for that,  you can plan to kiss your lucky asses goodbye. Recovery will not be coming through a hospital door. The inoculations of the truth have already been distributed. It will be over so soon, that within 4 years from now, we may actually be saying thank you.  (eww..., Too soon?)

Monday, May 15, 2017

Security Waivers and User Liabilities; Why most people never read contracts

I am endlessly amused by societies naïveté. People have no business being unprepared for the inevitable anymore. And even less to gain. When we get mugged, we might as well say thank you. Looking the other way doesn't work. It never has.

                 That's the problem. People don't work. People want to do there job only, go home and get paid. Period. If usability was ever a real thing we wouldn't have to have monthly Windows patches. I'd say read the fine print, but you've probably already signed off on your users agreement. Too late The lawyers will bill you for prosecuting any of liabilities which can be deferred off, onto your service provider. (And still you didn't see this coming?)

                 Look to who has the most to gain in the short run on your paltry bitcoin ransoms. They dropped the attachment into their own servers just to look fragile. They did us a big wake up. Reading fine print now comes with a warning. STEEP LEARNING CURVE AHEAD.

Yes, look to your House of Lords. Look at the Congress, look at Wall Street. Look to the Russian Counsel. Look, your money is just so much fragile digital noise. Socio-pathology is now the excepted norm for highly functional stupidity. Getting through your elite schools is no measure of a persons real social intelligence or applicable experiential wisdom. It never has been. Psychopaths are in vogue today, and are running your businesses by popular ascent. We won't send you to expensive schools for profit. Instead, we're thrown into prisons and gulags, and debtors slums and desert islands. The ruling class has always been delusional by virtue of "Superior" ignorance, and by designation of "Class." Bigots and classists today may get votes, but most of the Republicans who voted for "Donbot" the dummy in the primary, earned much more than me and had a much better education. That lust for "Class" is rampant even in Russian society. Russians are also very superstitious, post atheistic and hyper-literate. Even fine schooling will not cure popular classism. But righteous forgiveness will.

Re educating populations is a cyclical process, not an informational vacuum waiting to be filled with more education. More contracts, more fragile code liturgy and sorrowful pretenses will not heal anyone. Empathy does however, come from reading, storytelling and good comprehension skills. But meaningful social and spiritual fictions are never popular until they're revealed to be necessary and relevant.

"News Feed" "Click Bait" "Infotainment" consumer media is simply the latest accelerated muckraking, yellow journalistic, penny dreadful incarnation of lucrative mind-wash. Your standards of education are in fact only another repulsive force to the already over "Classification" of a society that never has had any uniform learning standards ever. (And sure as hell doesn't want to be re reading contract gibberish designed by business departments to hide the short sightedness of the one and only, almighty dollar. There's plenty of blame to go around.

This candidate was brought into your office by a boredom vote. Your not angry, you are all dangerously distressingly bored. My teacher back in 1980 said "He'd blunder into office." People voted for the sizzle. Be prepared to give him a chance, to fail. All he has is hateful sizzle. We all will get to learn and see as a unified singular modern Global Society, and not through uniform caste standardized classes. And still, people act surprised. What? It wasn't covered in the contract?

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Failed Manipulations to our Shared Synthetic Cultures {Death of a "Presbot?"}

A dear and visionary friend suggested that the "Presbot" may soon just quit, ushering stolid "Pence" into power before the full firestorm of the Russian Connection can take down all the other fossil fueled "Pink Elephants," circling endlessly with their venal noses up each others lost butts. Reversing our shifting popular opinion biases abruptly back to a Democratic super majority would be very much preferable. But let's see if the "Trumphbot" has the flawed programming to futilely crash and burn slowly enough to take the rest of the Zombie Classists down with him.

Traffic over G+ seems to be in a slump because all the oxygen is suck away by the planned for political fatigue. But the "Economy of Conspiracies" are never intelligent enough to prevent inevitable political collapse. Because being a predictably "Baseless Optimist" I myself am now another Web Pariah. Being the positive annihilation operator has nothing to do with me being a nihilist or angry. Only of the few of us remain. Fear doesn't mean anything when "We're" not all the same anymore. We're not just Black and White anymore. We're not just Jews and Gentiles. We're not just Christians or godless communists anymore. We're not true believers in anything anymore. None of us. I'm not a true believer, are You? I believe in the essential kindness of understanding, but I'll let truth speak for itself for a change. My beliefs are no longer the issue. For that which is most sacred to you, do you have enough faith to rise above the belief systems that oppress you?

Last night I dreamt of banging the "Presbot's" head in a screen door because it tried to cut my hair. Fortunately his progressing dementia prevents him from remembering my petty dream of aggression. I went unpunished. I do feel a little bad for those of you who understandably want to "Lock Him Up." Just saying he may not live that long provides no real solace. I am more than a little relieved that my readership has dropped off. I'm more than a little uncomfortable with my optimism being proven correct. I want the best for everyone. But being right means nothing to me, even if I could say "I told you so." Your feelings towards me in the face of such outrageous injustices, I must ignore. It's not that I don't share your angst. But I have always said, "Societies Opinion Biases always shift faster than do individuals opinions." The so called rational positivists have robbed us of the joy of being positive about anything, Damn Deluded Economists! HEAVEN MAY FALL, LET JUSTICE BE DONE.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Democratization of Traditions Living on the Social Spectrums

                       The Empathy we lack can be the Empathy we learn. It's all to easy to judge ourselves for being misunderstood. I'm preparing to release my Audio Visual Seminars on "The Proper Use of Oracles and Divinations." I know I'm somewhere between a performing eight hundred pound Gorilla in a business suit, and a crying tramp clown velvet painting. I'm seen as dreadful to most people on both sides of this disposable wedge politic.

                        If my work is correct, "Everybody has blind spots, and everyones blind spots are different." {2nd Axiomatic Rule for the Para Psychological Methods} Everyone lives on a Social Spectrum. You think you are smart, or you think you're not smart. No difference. These are just the colors of your interior space. Feeling evasively self conscious as we do, is a kind of normal social blindness that verges on common hidden social spectrum disorders. Social Autism for most of us is only of a moderate degree, but I suspect that there is no such thing as full emotional functionality for anyone, socially or mentally.

                        My job, as a result is not to argue, pursued or influence, at least not directly. I am a so called "Self Doubting Psychic." My ambition is to respectfully archive the surviving traditions of "Psychic Reading Technologies," which come with a healthy dose of futility. It doesn't seem to matter to people whether they understand the subtle breadth and utility for these traditional observational histories and primitive diagnostics. People just want conformation, pro and con. It's the language biases and the abuses of a supposed "Occult" and the equally bogus pretense of "Occult Powers," that frame peoples opinions favorably or unfavorably. Arguments are driven by the arrogance of popular religious and political separatism. All In Groups have exclusively esoteric symbolic languages mystifying and easily codified designed to be difficult and pretentious. Especially Rational "Positivism" is just the newest math for these belligerent iconoclasts, populated by uptight constipated intellectuals who don't have the guts to look at the "Emperor's New Signature." We've all noticed his tiny hands, why don't you see his signature? I'm sorry I'm not giving the ending away. Have fun learning from your normal and varied Social Spectrum Disorders. Stop looking only for what you think you already know. Start looking for what you don't know. The maps are not the territory. But these systems do help break areas of research into uniform digestible bites of inquiry.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Null Engagement

                       Only by failure, do we ever succeed. Only by accepting failure do we learn. Only by understanding failure, can we be prepared. Only by banking on failure do we become hedge funds.

                       Don't ever plan on being right. Not ever. No will ever believe you, from the proposed beginning. People are banking their careers on you being wrong, with a vengeance. Welcome to the plight of the Stunt Journalists. we are pawns. We are privileged to submit our work for public consumption. We are thrown into the pile of lucrative press filth and undertow. We are now un paid background.

                       Today we are witnessing the devolution of tech sponsored politically focused mass marketing. Fossil fueled energy stocks are going to continue to suffer permanently from the Russian Connection. No one is going to want to believe the treasonous mess. Were you planning for the shifts in popular public opinion bias? (I was, check. It's in the cloud, or guess that's what most of you are calling heaven now days. Well I guess your memories will have to go somewhere then, don't they?) I don't think most Americans are going to like finding out that they collectively, were sold a bill of lading. A personal shopping list fashioned to reflect you, for you in St. Petersburg. I mean WE.

                       What difference does being right make? None. Null Engagement.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Release Forms With The Unbreakable Opt Out Clause; Any Volunteers?

                       Finding people who are willing to have their hands and writing filmed requires me to dis-objectify everyone and my work. I wouldn't trust anyone who wanted to be a palm reader. "Would you trust anyone who wanted to be a politician?" Quoted from Steve, my teacher. If I don't want others to feel understandably self conscious and uncomfortable about my examination process, I must be transparent and relaxed. I must put away the examination microscope for now, and only use an illuminated magnifier. The opt out clause is the central feature of all my services contracts. Demonstrating the utility of my Chiromancy and Chirography classes is always done person to person. And the traditions of interpretation can be correctly framed as generalizations only. But if I want people to volunteer to be my demonstration hand models, I must focus on identifying the variable markings and signs only. The practical limitations of my Medium is mostly misinterpreted by so called readers, who often over step their presumed license by being the so called "Psychic."

                       If I myself don't want to feel self conscious about "This most thankless job in the world," I must respect the feelings of others. I don't have to pursued anyone, I just need to prove the existence of these uncertainties abundant in this rich area of human variability research. If you are still reading this, I must thank all of you, including the well meaning but misdirected trolls on both sides of this contentious subject. I'm being redirected back into the area of actual controversy and debate. (Just like in politics.)

                       With a little help from my Audio-Visual Archivists, I'll be starting with sharing only the detailed analysis of these identifiably distinctive quantifiably variable signs and signatures. Any pretenses of interpretation are completely unimportant at this point, and will be kept entirely separate. The interpretive pretenses of objectivity are no longer relevant (Much less verifiable) to the documentation of these practiced traditions. Sorry, these brave clients personal lives are none of your business. And even if you do check my findings by using the recommended reading lists, it's not the issue. Next page: Contracts.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Religious Iconoclasm, Tribal Ancestral Loathings, Grave Digging, Belligerent Atheists and the Planned End to Your World

                     I know when I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth. (Colloquial expression for, "man who speaks with forked tongue.") Imagine being the only Secularist in your family of fundamentalists, whatever their religion. Not me, it might be you. Imagine knowing the place of healthy shared living spiritual fictions, when you yourself must remain mute. Imagine all humans aren't stupid, we simply aren't functioning. Function is relative. Language and culture are your functional legacy, not everyone has a culture or history. What is your history? Which language are you speaking? Is your history or language yours?

                     The disassembly of your world view is fastest under the threat of violence and forewarned abuse. My trite glibness is not an excuse for my healthy religious love of poverty. Rational discourse is always the first casualty of mocking censorship. But somehow we may still have a will to exist. For the sake of the fugitive, even survival is relative.

                     Can you remember the taste of the sweet dirt under your feet? Can we sometimes remember the names or faces of people we've once encountered? Do you feel a caressing breeze? Or the softness of her hand? We may remember each other fondly and may be edified. Will we ever get to raise our hands, to ask truly important questions? (Never a drop is spilled.)

                     "I" is only the mirror, held up with the judgements of others. The "I" is the living cultural medium, from which we are all living vital personal spiritual fictions. Words are merely the shared backdrop. Words are repetitious and redundant. Words and their cultures are replaceable, we are not. People are actively consuming your culture and the cultural byproducts on line. "There are things more important than life itself." Dreams can made to be memorable, signature, and quantifiably unique.  We are forever co-bound as individuals, sharing in this brief tableau in which we are placed. From all that has been destroyed, are there any remaining dreams still surviving? Hide your light my sweet children, don't hide your light.

                      Meaning is something that evades containment.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Dread and Anxiety Surrounding Personal Spheres of Exposure

                     The Functioning Sensitive is often the transparent Chameleon. Ouch. Intuitives are just reading into the "Imagery" thats comes into the Mind's Eye. So called Psychic Readers, Systems Analysts and Trained Diagnosticians are usually completely limited by their preferred Medium of interpretation only. (We took the Astrologer's star charts away from him, and a week later he died. The same thing happened with our technology addicted stock analyst when his favorite computer modeling software was taken off the market.)

                     But the challenge of being a surviving sensitive comes with the thankless responsibility of uniquely powerfully rarified senses, and no net gain. Generally speaking; "Everyone has blind spots, and everyones blind spots are different." {2nd Axiomatic Law of the Para Psychological Methods} Problem is, most people only look at the world for what they already recognize and think that they already know. My lovely mind however, has a back door that tells me not only what I have received through the front end of my learning acquisition process. But I also get to notice that glaring curious hole in my perceptions, that are telling me when "I am wrong." I'm very uninformed, and I'm very interested in everything that I don't already know. And this is the only reason I trust myself, ever. I'm so tired of having people judge me on both sides every stupid opinion bias. Dread and loathing. Refusing revenue seems to be my only escape.

                     It is by virtue of my insistence of focusing on our shared ignorance that I still can function as a self doubting and very conflicted psychic. I even hate the word "Psychic" and it's only just another stupid word. I know who I am, but I don't even want to know who I will have to become. I'm very greedy and sexual and I have a very healthy hatred of the shallow enticements of money and sex. You heard me, you can't pay me enough, not ever. I am so tired of having people judge me because of the things that people don't understand and have no interest in knowing about in the first place. I find it is much easier to simply hate the ignorance and not to hate myself or others for these very normal biases of naiveté on every side of each stupid bias argument. Big yawn!

                                        Problem is, I'm in your line of fire. No one likes being wrong. (Well I do, but I am a freak.) Learning from mistakes is something that in fact is very "Trial and Error," and is central to the very pretense of a scientific method. Problem is, most Scientist's" limited frame of overexposure is in their degreed area of training and expertise only. This almost always precipitates the abuses and ad hominem of unsolicited criticism and advise. We're not supposed to get paid for being wrong, accept as a part of the testing procedural process. (But yet, people still get paid.) In the correct inductive parlance of sequential logic, a line of reasoning or inquiry is directed by an objective operator. It runs or it doesn't run. Pretty binary stuff, is it or isn't it. Problem is again, for all of you coders out there, you're much too concerned about the discouraging optimal preponderance of your false negatives. This forces you back onto the crude intuitive limitations of your brute force calculations and the clumsy splatter of distributions for supposed positive proofs.. This never takes place in the full scope of any rational domain totality for your perspective line of inquiry, which comes from the ontology of being human. We are not things and the rational domain of inquiry is never reducible to a binary, non analog black or white generalization. You're not getting any good answers on the subjects I've been documenting. I am. Computers can't argue with you. I am. You are either on line or off line. Power on, power off. Dread and loathing.

                      I myself, am the result of three simultaneously failed forms of contraception. Thanks folks. Power way on. The opposite of Being is not, non Being. There is no non being, there is only extinction. As an Annihilation Operator, I get to always be positive. I get to make an unbroken chain of affirmation, an assertion which is born out of love. My love for you. My love for others. My love for the World. You are my sacred unknown. I love you all, everyone of you without exception inclusively. Can you say that? Try not to get the parameters of your inquiries confused with our biased expectations about institutional religion. Seeking personal redemption or enlightenment is null, selfish and pointless. You are not the object of your inquiry. You can never discover yourself. You are not an object. Find the forgiveness of our own fragile mortality. We run, and We don't run. And now in this dawning digital age, we can turn our microscope back on "you" with precision and resolutions that haven't even been effectively documented as of yet. At least not by anyone, who is not "me." Look at your tattered digital souls. Your fragile code halos. When you can come back to me with a more powerful tool for mutual inquiry, than is our own insatiable shared cultivated appetites and interests,  then I will have done my job. Feeling conflicted about knowledge and it's property is inevitable. Now go and sin no more.


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Confident Bonding and Unbonding

                     We are all confronted by that need to trust, be trusted, and potentially distrust and understand being distrusted. Who we choose to spend our time with isn't always even a choice. In dating, proximity of association is no longer about the boy and girl next door. By a sweep of the finger across your I phone, you might be exposed to the tinder of your dreams. It's actually very effective. Sex may sell popular media, but romance is the joyous comedy of successful personal lives. (Speaking as someone who is dismally rational to a fault, I am just as often concerned with the Confident Un-Bonding process that must precede all and any amicable divorce.) Having an "Opt Out Clause" hardwired into institutional marital contracts seems petty and defensive. But only planning to use informal commitments, doesn't protect vulnerable Newlyweds or their future families and offspring from the legalistic politics of domestic hatred. I personally believe that Romantic Objectification is just the inevitable "Complementary" reactionary brother of Sexual Objectification.

                      Finding that difficult balance of Dis-Objectification requires an honest Subjective Engagement with personal, empathic and interpersonal vulnerability. Our new romantic modern Moral Code is simply evolutionary and adaptive, even if it is still flawed, experimental and exploratory. Such candor in the face of any Confident Intimate Bonding is rare, faithful and beautiful. Normal healthy sexual and romantic tension is the wedge that was used against us to violate our fragile trust throughout our polarized nation. We collectively have been abused by the mass marketing and "Branding" of an inexperienced and unprepared presidential edition "Donbot," who blundered into the Hot Seat Of Power. When it comes to understanding the necessity for intermittent mutual distrust, we only need to consider the feelings of those who now love to hate us, another type of objectification.

                      Let it be said, "It is thus no less beautiful when healthy intelligent people love each other enough to accept if and when it is time to "Let Each Other Go." Confident Un-Bonding is often the only path to rebuilding trust. One of the most gratifying aspects of maturity is the wisdom and grace of knowing how to love potentially many people, "Without Expectation or Attachment."

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Subjective Engagement and the Vulnerability of Trust

                    Last night I had the not too unique visitation from one of my pet demons feeding on my sexual guilt as I'm slipping into the detoxification of a lucid NREM slumber. At sixty I'm not without hormones. And the dis-objectification process comes with a need for my subjective engagement. For me to say, "We are not objects of identification, but rather subjects of inquiry and engagement," is another trite tautology. But as a practical necessity, de-labeling alone achieves nothing without a will to engage ourselves and each other subjectively. No one is just a Democrat or a Republican, rich or poor, young or old or just male of female. Some are neither or both or all of the above. Were we serious about wanting to understand mutual differences, we would want to be able see beyond separating boundary labels.

                    Because of my work writing about our shared histories of creative Spiritual Fictions, I have had the privilege of much opprobrium from many intellectually constipated belligerent scientists. (Not to mention the religious fanatics and new agers who want me to get back in line.) My methods of reporting on the mutual domains of peoples exclusive self identifying boundary definitions fails to appeal to these most normal of elite social idiots. Most people are very caught up in very fragile weak ego. And resultantly, the delicate sensibilities of antagonistic true believers on all sides of whatever is their persuasion, are all too easily polarized by each other, both pro and con. It doesn't seem to occur to anyone, that I the consummate complementarian will never take sides when everyone is so equally ignorant about the "subject" at hand and out of touch, almost universally. The subject of human contact, just like people in general, are still open to debate.

                     This is why I chase all of my unwanted unwholesome business away. I am not an object. As a subject worthy of meaningful inquiry, I am internally continuous. I must qualify myself only as a discreet entity. In this is one way I don't have to reduce myself to being an object identifiable thing. But personal accountability does not require me to be partisan or even objective. I would want the same for each of you. For the sake of documenting this personal subjectivisation of awareness, I'm required to be truthful about the practices and disciplines that make my work sensible, regardless of the absurd pretenses that people use to objectify my work on both sides of the ridiculous arguments. This process of subjective engagement for me, is much harder to write about than is the constant dronings of these self objectifying "Authorities" droning on about their qualifications. On this page alone, I have used two words that supposedly don't exist, "Complementarian" and "Subjectivisation." For the sake of repetition, here's my third favorite. "Authoritation by Proxy" is the self objectifying expectation of authority by a third party. My party says"I'm supposed to say this", or my gender says, "I'm supposed to think like this." Or my self importance says, I shouldn't want to talk to you respectfully at all." Aren't we all a little tired of having others try to speak for us? I'm so sorry, but I think we've had enough for today. This all will make much better sense in the future when it get's into a hard copy. Thank you again, I can only hope that we will be able to see this as mutual process as we continue to unfold.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Dis-Objectification and the Secret of Mass Enlightenment in the 21st Century

                   "The Self is Ubiquitous." The Upanishads.

                   The Self is not an object. The self is a transcendent principle of being, a subject, not an object. You can't objectify the self. It has no center. It is not your's or mine. It is not limited to just me or you. The self does not identify us as being separate individuals or as part of our exclusively separate groups. The self can not be distinguish between anything or anyone for any reason. Therefor; All existence occurs only from within this singular self, the self same awareness of self. The self is empty, void. "All is empty, all is void." Life occurs only from within this void. The human brain is functionally a common universal processing machine that works best in face of an unknown, inquiry frames that void of uncertainties. "I don't Know." But now let's try to imagine what the answers might actually look like. Without the necessary uncertainties drawing us into that void of knowledge, we do not learn. Without necessity we have no reason to learn.

                    Dis-Objectification now becomes necessary when we fail to see each other as a self. "I am not a thing." Is the statement of fact I've paraphrased from my dear friend who is tired of being "Grouped" and objectified simply because of her Race. She corrected me for not being sensitive to the issues of Race being forced on her by the tokenization of Race issues. Angry tears were appropriate. She is also the person who asked me not to mention the names of the really ugly politicians who are hogging the airways and our thoughts, and not necessarily with our express permission. My friend fortunately knows me very well and understands how I appreciate being appropriately corrected. (I myself strongly resist the spiritual abuses and pretenses of political correctness. Which as a matter of fact has been thrust upon us at the bidding of reactionary Right Wing Lunatics. There is in fact no 100% way of knowing what others are going to feel.
or why. Empathy is learned and never to be taken for granted. Assuming we are always automatically supposed to know what is politically correct, has made us all dull, fatuous and insensitive.) If she hadn't have spoken out about my ignorance regarding her feelings, concerning her being objectified on the basis of her race, I wouldn't have had the benefit of her compassionate anger. Seeing my recognition of her heartfelt feelings, has earned me trust amongst the many vulnerable Black and Multi Ethnic neighbors living with me here in my Ghetto building. Race issues aside, I get to live in peace in my home that I proudly share with my neighbors. Any feelings of warmth and welcome that I've been able to earn means the world to me.

                   My friend has already helped me start archiving my research on the traditional practices of psychic reading and alternative medical diagnostics in general. These subjects have been grossly over objectified and understudied, both pro and con, and are resultantly a perfect metric for the dialog and dialectics forming from these ever shifting boundaries of mutually evolving opinion biases. We may get to culturally grow, expand, absorb and be gratefully be transformed into our new shared modern burgeoning of a possible collective enlightenment. The banquet has already been served.

                   There is no trivial touch, no insincere trust or a communication that does not change and shape the ever emerging becoming reality. For me, a cultivation of awareness has come from having the benefit of survival and recover with a meaningful quality of life. This love of life, living and the valuing of all life, has offered me credibility in this world of many, many people.

                   We're now rolling out experimental multi media assays and techniques for P.P.I. Reading training modules. We're looking at the applied principles of a "Mutual Support Systems Workshop." While exploring mutual study and diagnostics with emphasis on a P.P.I, you are not the object of inquiry. We are the subjects of mutual investigation. With your permission, I may be able to allow you to touch me. But only in the appropriate time. Let the exercises begin.