Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Dis-Objectification and the Secret of Mass Enlightenment in the 21st Century

                   "The Self is Ubiquitous." The Upanishads.

                   The Self is not an object. The self is a transcendent principle of being, a subject, not an object. You can't objectify the self. It has no center. It is not your's or mine. It is not limited to just me or you. The self does not identify us as being separate individuals or as part of our exclusively separate groups. The self can not be distinguish between anything or anyone for any reason. Therefor; All existence occurs only from within this singular self, the self same awareness of self. The self is empty, void. "All is empty, all is void." Life occurs only from within this void. The human brain is functionally a common universal processing machine that works best in face of an unknown, inquiry frames that void of uncertainties. "I don't Know." But now let's try to imagine what the answers might actually look like. Without the necessary uncertainties drawing us into that void of knowledge, we do not learn. Without necessity we have no reason to learn.

                    Dis-Objectification now becomes necessary when we fail to see each other as a self. "I am not a thing." Is the statement of fact I've paraphrased from my dear friend who is tired of being "Grouped" and objectified simply because of her Race. She corrected me for not being sensitive to the issues of Race being forced on her by the tokenization of Race issues. Angry tears were appropriate. She is also the person who asked me not to mention the names of the really ugly politicians who are hogging the airways and our thoughts, and not necessarily with our express permission. My friend fortunately knows me very well and understands how I appreciate being appropriately corrected. (I myself strongly resist the spiritual abuses and pretenses of political correctness. Which as a matter of fact has been thrust upon us at the bidding of reactionary Right Wing Lunatics. There is in fact no 100% way of knowing what others are going to feel.
or why. Empathy is learned and never to be taken for granted. Assuming we are always automatically supposed to know what is politically correct, has made us all dull, fatuous and insensitive.) If she hadn't have spoken out about my ignorance regarding her feelings, concerning her being objectified on the basis of her race, I wouldn't have had the benefit of her compassionate anger. Seeing my recognition of her heartfelt feelings, has earned me trust amongst the many vulnerable Black and Multi Ethnic neighbors living with me here in my Ghetto building. Race issues aside, I get to live in peace in my home that I proudly share with my neighbors. Any feelings of warmth and welcome that I've been able to earn means the world to me.

                   My friend has already helped me start archiving my research on the traditional practices of psychic reading and alternative medical diagnostics in general. These subjects have been grossly over objectified and understudied, both pro and con, and are resultantly a perfect metric for the dialog and dialectics forming from these ever shifting boundaries of mutually evolving opinion biases. We may get to culturally grow, expand, absorb and be gratefully be transformed into our new shared modern burgeoning of a possible collective enlightenment. The banquet has already been served.

                   There is no trivial touch, no insincere trust or a communication that does not change and shape the ever emerging becoming reality. For me, a cultivation of awareness has come from having the benefit of survival and recover with a meaningful quality of life. This love of life, living and the valuing of all life, has offered me credibility in this world of many, many people.

                   We're now rolling out experimental multi media assays and techniques for P.P.I. Reading training modules. We're looking at the applied principles of a "Mutual Support Systems Workshop." While exploring mutual study and diagnostics with emphasis on a P.P.I, you are not the object of inquiry. We are the subjects of mutual investigation. With your permission, I may be able to allow you to touch me. But only in the appropriate time. Let the exercises begin.

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