Monday, September 30, 2013
Finding Your Voice
Confidence building is easy to do, but most of you are going to fight me on this one. Most of the most aggressive people I know think they are already confident and don't need to relax and trust anyone. Others of us believe we wont be liked if we risk being open and direct. Different "Evasions," opposite "Biases," same boundary / barrier definitions from opposite excuses.
Selective Desensitization is well known for the treatment of anxiety disorders. There are many ways to approach these sensitive boundaries. Start simply. Read out loud to yourself, alone. Prayer and chanting can also free up vocalizing, but sometimes people are too accustomed to the routine to notice shifting confidence levels. Another even better "Voice Training" is turning up the radio loud and singing, (preferably alone.) Please, don't just sit there and read this, skipping this part of your homework. I know most of you are probably not doing the recommended reading, that's understandable but sad . This however is even more important, but you can do both at the same time. Try singing out loud what you are reading. I can hear you coming up with excuses like "I'm already confident" or "I don't see what good it's going to do, or I can't sing anyway." Do either of those denials sound like what a real bold out there confident person would say? If you want to be able to influence people you must project. Confidence does not come from assumptions about yourself. Building confidence is an experience. Not a denial, or an evasion.
Being able to follow simple instructions is in fact this most important confidence building exercise you will ever do. As we will be mapping for influence, we will want to be able to communicate. This process will involve taking directions and giving directions. People will want to feel your power to communicate. "YOUR" power to communicate. From you to other people. Strong people often think assertiveness is supposed to be aggressive, and so they never learn to be relaxed when asserting themselves, thinking that being relaxed is just weak. People who think they are weak also believe that assertiveness is supposed to be aggressive and therefore they also try to avoid it. This means that most people are terrible at assertiveness, and suffer horribly for their pride. Pride is not confidence. Sorry. There is such a thing as healthy pride but it is never aggressive. Aggression is the domain of cowards and bullies. We are trying to learn how to be confident and influential, not arrogant or sheepish.
Many of the worst cases of anxiety disorders I have ever had to treat were in bullies. But just like any type of conditioning we have fuel. Motivations are that fuel. You find your voice by feeding your voice. Have a long talk with yourself, listen to yourself. Start small. Work up progressively to slightly more challenging discussions with yourself. You don't have to always agree with yourself. Have it out. In fact as you get more comfortable with taking both sides of an argument others will be less able to provoke you. That's real confidence. It takes some practice. I'm recommending "Assertiveness Training." I don't remember the authors names, I'll try to look it up and update this post.
Three wonderful assertiveness skills are, "Never refuse criticism!" "Always give fair warning!" And always be prepared to say, "I DON'T KNOW." This blows people away every time when you have the confidence to tell the truth and remain unaffected. It does take practice. But most people are so relieved when we out grow those absurd pretenses of authority and objectivity. Just taking responsibility for these few things makes our lives so much easier. The reason that being able accept criticism is so powerful is confidence. When someone says your an idiot, try agreeing with them. And ask them why do they think that. Mind that it wont work all the time but it can clear the air fast. If the critique is valid great, if not great. You Are Going To Be Confident! Don't take my word for it. You will Know when someone is speaking the language of affirmation. Assertions are always affirmative, don't get trapped by denials. (This coming from a human lie detector.) Find your voice. I know you can do this.
I'm Not Spiritual, I'm Extremely Religious
I'm so pleased to see the rush of readers coming from Indonesia. Here in the U. S. spirituality is quite divorced from the practical beauty of our religions. People go to church because they are afraid of death or their family. Understandable, but I love the observations of our traditions and faith. I find the western approach to meditation to be equally clannish and spiritually selfish. I myself personally love the sensation of meditation or prayer, but when I talk to god I know, no one has to hear me. It is my heart that sings, this is my joy of life. This is my religion. My work in the para normal is love. I don't speak for a personal god. But when possible I try not to speak at all. This is my religion. I do not care for "Spirituality." What I believe just takes us back to that, "Self Defined, Opinion Biased, Ego Identification." I am a Christian, or I am a Buddhist, or I am a Moslem, (all selfish,) etc. I find religion much more practical than I do the pretense of a spirituality. How can something as beautiful as the tithe, charitable giving, be confused with something that is used for payment into heaven? Or how about the way that puja, the ritual act of purification, is used to justify the prejudice of the caste system? Or the how about superior attitudes of the western meditators whole cling to their smug sense of fragile calm? Sorry, my problem are not with religion. Maybe it was a problem at one time, but today it is the pretense of spiritually that has perverted my craft into a "New Age" consumer sport. The pretense of "Spirituality" makes me ashamed to be called a professional psychic. As if I am supposed to be better than somebody else, just because I have spent my life in worship and study. Nothing qualifies me to get to speak for someone else. Because of the hatred and the hero worship I am expected to endure, I'm not allowed to just be another man like any other. I am expected to be what people expect me to be, pro or con.
Here in the west people can often be heard to say, "I'm not very religious, but I'm very spiritual." I like to say the exact opposite. I'm not very spiritual, But I am extremely religious." Thank you.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Touch My Heart
I must confess that as a pro psychic there is no greater joy than reaching receptive readers. I don't know you but I see your eyes are following me.
Hello to you new readers from Indonesia. How do you find me, no matter? I was just getting ready to apologize to my readers for my overuse of other directed communications. My 27 year old dreadlocked training partner confronted me today about my believing that "Communication is not a two way street." I like to say, "Dead artists still speak to us, and they don't have to wait around and listen to us." He said communication usually requires listening. I said communicating to people requires that often we must not listen, that people will mess with you and try to censor you. I thanked him for being rationally contrary as I usually do. I went on to point out that people in popular society want to be told what to do, even if they don't listen. Correcting me, Sean asserted that people want to listen to what they already think. I countered with, "People give their money to political campaigns and stock analysts with no real authority, so as not to have to think at all." I say, "People want to be told what to do and think." This discussion goes on. What do you think?
The conformational bias is a real problem. People can be very gullible and arbitrary. As my writing has proposed from the start, "Everyone has blind spots." Most of us want to think that we are good listeners, even if we have no way to compare personal differences in listening skills. Sean said that Lobbyists, Bankers and Stock Brokers are very smart people who know how to exploit the system. I mentioned that they may lack what I call "Soul." Point being that what a person is ignorant about, they probably do not know. (I include myself as someone who can be ignorant.)
I mentioned to Sean about how my secretary tells me that when her clients (female) come to her for a consultation, she's asked,"What do you think about this man?" and "I think we are soul mates." Lydia tells them, "RUN." Soon Lydia gets the wedding invitation in the mail. When she tells them to "Just don't have a baby with the guy." Soon my secretary will get an invitation to the baby shower. Lydia's philosophy is, First do no harm, (Hippocratic Oath) and never take away hope. It seems at $50.00 an hour she's neither harming, nor is she causing her customers to do what she tells them to do. Good job.
My original point of departure is a matter of heart. If I want to be true to my craft, I must do my work in a sort of informational vacuum. I don't need or want the luxury of feedback. That would be exploitive and cheating. I'm not that corrupt, so I do apologize for the understandable confusion that results from the true admission of the "ONE WAY" directed communication that is the hallmark of a truly ethical consultant. I would be lying were I unwilling to accept criticism where it is necessary, but it would be equally false for me to equivocate about what my responsibility requires. I'm getting paid to tell you the truth to the best of my ability. If you want to argue philosophy, maybe you can pay someone to do that for you too. That's not my job.
As an expression of an ideal sincerity, I find most of my clients are more than willing to know that I wont argue. I find conflicting with people about matters of opinion totally unacceptable. As for the critical thinking of my good friends, (and I would like to think of you as my friends,) YOU TOUCH MY HEART. Thank you so very much.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Seeking Understanding
Just like this blog, which has no comment pages, you will want get used to speaking without feedback. Cold reading does have it's place, but it isn't at all necessary, EVER! If you want to earn respect, first seek understanding.
I'm at 100 posts on the "Zenophile" blog. That's all that listed as available. I don't know what'll happen. If I can't add on new pages, this will be the last time you will be able to auto download from my updates. Checking,........, Ok, Blogspot accepted my post 101. Had I expected cohesive instruction (feedback?) from this blog service I would have stopped and started a new blog which I did. I will keep the new blog "The Bridge Between Worlds," for now, it may be needed. But I know I'm already asking a lot of my readers, so I'll try to keep things simple. This was the first post on the new blog.
Re-posted from "The Bridge Between Worlds."
Hey folks, fancy seeing you here. Sorry if the trip has been a little rough. If we are going to be honestly dealing with issues like the mathematics of shock values, social biases and games theory, we are going to have to keep things moving. There wont be enough time to get comfortable with hangups about death, love and educated guessing. Whether we like it or not we will have to except that there is a job to be done and it is neither glamorous or flattering. I'm not the best one to be playing bad cop, But I do believe the zenophile act has served it's purpose and now the story matures.
I promised this wasn't going be about me. In fact this has turned out much better than I would have expected. The work has been laid out well and is far more accurate than I expected. I have had the privilege of a life of study and now I'm enjoying the results.
In this next blog I will be proving my basic assertions already proposed using statistical models. I'll use common gemstones I collected, paper geometric art pieces, number theory and the actual source materials for the limited subjects we are covering. We are going to push the "True Hoax," into popular culture, thus providing the final proof of the changeability of opinion biases, personal and popular.
By the end of this you will probably be sick of me. I am already a little disgusted with myself. I hope to make this fun and entertaining. Otherwise even if I am able to prove most of my assertions correct, if I can't make this fun to read then I will fail at this last most important proof of a "TRUE HOAX." It has always been my intention to write a best seller, in blog form about a dry subject that no really cares about, just to prove that we are not stupid and that people really do want to learn. Oh god, I know how stupid this sounds, but it's the truth. Thank you for having a sense of humor.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The Bridge Between Worlds />>>>>>>>>>>>>
This is the page where we look at the functional unity of fundamental dynamics. Some people find simplicity and elegance of modeling data arrogant and superstitious. If we resist this basic primal call to order which is simple, we loose sight of how we manage to deal with much higher orders of structure. No where is this more apparent than in understanding meaning in lyrical and mythical thought.
New Assertion:
You can not have accurate critical thought without empathy.
The most paradoxical element of human intelligence is language. The height of wit is the pit of arrogance. The ego is our best friend and the biggest liar. I've told you what to do but did you hear me? The ego is the brilliant lens through which we focus. Our biases need not be a bad thing at all but do you understand? Words are all I have to frame the open spaces in your mind and learning.
Do you see the Bridge Between the Worlds? I know you can do this. I mean no harm. Until you can step outside of your own arguments, see the complements to your biases, until the mirror of empathy lets you know, you can not have accurate critical thought. The simplest of propositions, understanding, is the most obscured. I have wrestled metaphors. I've busted the no brainer myth busters. I torched my ego in the gamma rays of pure love. And for what. Because you are here.
You are looking for hard answers, I say I have made this all too easy.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
The New Wealth
I am going to attempt to demonstrate that information is the only real form of viable currency today. The irony of this statement is that many of us live in graduate school ghettoes.
New Core Concept:
We are going to construct, the "INFLUENCE MATRICES."
In tracking and generating the dissemination of new information we observe the lines and vectors of influence. This simple phenomena can be observed as the transformative medium of truth. Let's demonstrate.
How many of you had ever heard of an Opinion Bias before reading my blog? Even fewer of you had ever considered that the opinion bias was a shifting system dynamic. As we communicate, we generate and disseminate information. As we listen and learn new things, our opinions can change. I used to the think the Catholic church was never going to change. I'm so glad to be wrong. Interestingly enough, even my research told me I was wrong.
As information is generated and disseminated into groups and society, even this sways opinion. And not always in a uniform fashion, we often observe upheavals and discontinuities in the mass proliferation of "TRUTH." We started here with something relatively harmless like psychic reading so as to observe and model for this demonstration of transforming truth. Invariably, we have observed several of the "Shock Values," of transformative truth. (Term borrowed from differential calculus to describe the abrupt acceleration of a rate of change as it jumps out of a linear continuity. This creates, "Shock Values," as they are often unexpected and unpredictable.) We don't always anticipate an accelerated rate of change. It is therefore not necessary for me to try to persuade you, I find it much easier, (and more fun,) to inspire and entertain. Hence the itinerary of the consummate entertainment medium. And this is how it is done. (Is this shocking enough for you?)
As our society has encountered and assimilated new transcultural influences, we have come to adapt to the changes. Advances in diet, language, politics and even faith are transforming culture as we speak. People will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. But that is neither your job or mine. Let the truth speak for itself. It is our new wealth.
Content and Contentment
Good afternoon readers. I appreciate your involvement in this literary exercise. We will continue to focus on the overriding principles of psychic reading. I'm going to acknowledge the lack of information about interpretive reading. As my writing is still short on detailed analysis, I want to just provide the resources. Any and all of your personal study, today or during your life, will help with your deductive reasoning. This is no small task. Generalizations are just that. This is a perfect excuse to never give bad news or advice. The worst thing that can happen to a psychic is that you get good at it. No amount of humility is too much. I realize that by admitting to this I confess to a zealotry of purpose.
ORDERING: The general overview on the subjects of;
These allow us to examine varieties of very precise analytical modeling. Each of these mediums share basic ordering principles.
Starting with the most internal of these models is obviously PERCEPTUAL ORDINATION as our language asserts. Up, Down; Left, Right; Back, Forward; and Before and After. Four Dimensions.
TAOISM is just that subtle dialog of opposites. Impossible to describe, easy to enjoy.
Chinese medicine in terms of the Meridian System has a Toroidal, (donut shaped) Coordinate Geometry. We are donut shaped with an in door and an out door. The meridians run over the surface alternating with going through the body to communicate with the corresponding organs. This it does with a single interpenetrating line of "CHI" that reverses polarity at the extremities before returning to and past the center to go toward the other end of the body. This it does twelve times for each of the twelve meridian, the five organs, five viscera and the two governor meridians operating a perfect time clock. It is almost perfectly mirror symmetrical unlike the physical body which has asymmetry, the heart on one side, etc.
The Tarot has a few more discreet pieces than does the meridian system but it still contains a very modular unified mapping system.
The I CHING has the most beautiful symmetry. 64 hexagrams, 8 trigrams, 4 Yang and Yin lines, 2 of each changing and stationary lines. Just the statistical probabilities are a combinatorial dream. This so deserves the graphics.
It's only when we get to handwriting and palm analysis that we come to nonfinite variabilities of signs. This would seem particularly strange when you think about the elegance of the body. There are more than enough diagnostics that are observable. We have only a few interpretations of what, if anything, these variabilities signify. The language must be simple in order to be precise. This is in essence the perfect breeding ground for the calculus of variation.
I felt that the only way I could justify so much emphasis on fundamentals was for the sake of modeling the data. It was never necessary for you the reader to assume an authority or belief. In fact it is the ordering of these comparative data's that I want to make easy for you to understand. Observing these variabilities is the key to mastering spiritual technology.
You will learn to deal with very sensitive issues. Content and contentment. And again try not to judge or criticize.
Friday, September 20, 2013
More On Each DYAD
The comparative modeling for each of the diagnostic and divination practices are getting quick treatment here.
I still believe that without the comprehensive overview of a practiced magician, it can all be a lot of B.S. I can always come back and fill in footnotes, checklists and matrices. And I do. Now is the time to link most of the core concepts, we proceed.
Linking Propositions:
1. Each and every person has a distinctive identity. {Just like baby penguins on the beach, waiting to be recognized by their loving parents.}
2. Each and every person you meet may create a unique impression inside of you. This subjective awareness of the distinctiveness of anyone, I have called; "The ECHO IMPRINT."
3. This preverbal awareness includes; Visual Facial and Bodily Recognition, and the Awareness of Voice, Scent and much more.
4. Each and everyone of us also has unique perceptions of others that are as distinctive as are our fingerprints, signatures and idiosyncrasies.
5. Every "Echo Imprint" is the combination of other peoples distinctiveness as perceived, and your quirks. It is filtered and processed by you. You are unique.
6. THEREFORE: Between any two people is a distinct and peculiar identity of that singular Dyad. Between any two people there can become a unique relation. (Don't wear it out.)
We see this phenomena not only between family, friends and even enemies, even bonds between species have been known to show this deep personal preverbal intelligence.
As I've suggested very early in this book, "Ghosts" if they do indeed exist, are obviously "Echo Imprints." As you develop "psychically," you will adapt to the awareness of these very real subjective sensitivities. You need not believe, in order to perceive.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
The Books of the Dead
Both the Tibetan and Egyptian Books of the Dead Have the scenes where the good and evil deeds of a persons life are weighed on scales of judgment. The Tibetan book has a beautiful mandala of days where the realms of attachment are experienced and overcome. If a person fails to see the transcendent light, they are reincarnated back into the world of the wheel of death and rebirth. I don't know enough about the Egyptian B.O.D, but the Tibetan B.O.D. has the most beautiful and Meta Formally Logical "Enumerate Partitions" of the realms of attachment. 5 "SKANDAS" 5 elemental emotions. It's not: Anger, Denial, Bargaining, Fear and Acceptance, " Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross." But I think she must have studied the Tibetan B.O.D.
Through the time following a death, the spirit is addressed by a series of guiding prayers to see the soul past the visions of this world and the worlds of entanglement.
4.(Lust/ the hungry ghosts)
3.(Pride/ the human realm) 1.(Elation/ the god realm) 5.(Envy/ the jealous god realm)
2.(Anger-Fear/ hell beings)
Friday, September 13, 2013
For Love of Readers
On this morn I bathe in the light of my readers. A clear patient light of understanding and trust. Nothing I say or do will ever be good enough. Beautiful bittersweet longing, so far to go, so far I came. Will my love reach it's destination? Read on. I am always ready to correct those mistakes that can be corrected. In looking forward I see the final bridge between us. This madness of delight and melancholy is merely a prelude to the tears of joy. When we look into the eyes of those we love, I am just the cantor in a carnival of mysteries. I don't want to loose you again.
There is just one more thing I will need to do. So I wrote this love letter to the children of the future. No one will know what I have done. No one knows where I have been. Even these words are just the dry husks of desire. Yuck! My bed is empty, but my heart is overflowing. No one escapes from the power of my love.
Sorry, just practicing my reading skills. Being lyrically enhanced means I must risk the embarrassment of making myself perfectly understood. Read on. {Reminder: I am always adding and clarifying earlier posts. Thank you.}
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Mastery of the Unconscious Will
Sorry to have been out of it the last few. I broke out of the monastery. I probably only have about 22 years left. That's not a big deal except I'm not going to waste time. The "will" seems to be the thing that links the rational linguistic mind to the dynamic of the animating force of living. By not condescending, by not preaching, we all can enjoy a kind of honesty that is still private, personal and inscrutable.
As you learn to identify more of the distinguishing variabilities of the human behavior, our attitudes will be efficient to the tasks at hand. Understanding is not for the sake of controlling other people. It is much easier to dominate through trust than it is to control through fear. But man does not see it.
An essay on this topic is particularly silly in the face of the daily hardships of living. But here is where I find beauty. I was asked today about ruthlessness. We both confessed to having to accept being used in business. And in fact we believe she is getting robbed by her school for a technical education that is not sufficient to get her the quality job necessary to pay off student loans. I get to live in a country that is troubled but peaceful. But when I know that the quality of education in my country is regulated by a cadre of bureaucratic mobsters I dread to think how much worse things can get. The I Ching says, ("Oppression is the test of character. Through oppression one learns to lesson rancor.") When one has something to say, it is not believed. "THE SUPERIOR MAN STAKES HIS LIFE ON FOLLOWING HIS WILL."
The will has a way. It may be that we do not see it. "Blind spots?" Adversity and strife are the domain of our human necessity. Solutions may or may not exist. But we will to face adversity and carry on the best we can. Yes we do.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Ladder of Infinity, BEGINNING TAROT
In learning to identify your own and others emotional boundaries and barriers, you may have come to recognize a sliding scale of sensitive variability. Sensitivity is never a constant. We might say that there is no Absolute Zero for human sensitivity, (unless we include extinction which is not an active sensitivity.) But in this same way, we might have a hard time defining the limits of sensitivity on the other extreme. #3. "SOME PEOPLE ARE VERY DIFFERENT, VERY DIFFERENTLY." Sensitivity can be an Infinite Proposition. As our learning tools become more precise our sensitivities go off the charts. Telescopes, Microscopes, listening devices and search engines. But much like the scrambled sensory distortions of the autistic, our awarenesses can fry our circuits. As we become aware of the subtle utility of this "calculus of variation," we accustom ourselves to handling data that defies our limited language. I prefer the "CROWLEY METHODS." Many conflicting interpretations from the "Torah" into the Tarot cards themselves, have made the dialogue even more obscure than even the occult should allow.
Let us handle this language. In a calculus of variation we can have a set number of variations, as in the number of different hands in the game of Poker. Or we can have a non finite grouping of possible variations, as is the case for the variations of deep line patterns in the human hand. Even though Identical Twins will have the same genetic fine line, (Papillary) markings on their fingerprints, palms and feet, their deep line markings will differ. This is the main reason I have chosen to focus on Handwriting and Palmistry. I got tired of arguing with guys who thought they knew more than me about mapping variability. But lest we loose our way, let's look at the oral traditions.
In this page, I hope to explain comparative "discreet" variability in the discipline of Tarot. Cards are numbered but the interpretations are non finite.
Three categories:
16 Court Cards;
4 Suits X 4 Rulers,
Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses
Wands, Cups, Swords, Disks
clubs, hearts, spades, diamonds
40 Minor Arcana;
4 Suits X 10 Sephiroth,
Two,........, to Ten.
22 Major Arcana;
12 signs of zodiac,
7 holy planets,
3 mother elements; Fire, Air, Water
Love or Attachment
As we have been discussing boundary definitions in social identification, (as is central to "psychic reading,") we must come to this most volatile of all precipitating of factors. We are in fact defining the very entanglement of human destiny, #4. "EVERYONE NEEDS LOVE."
You may find my writings confusing. Imagine how your clients feel. You may be able to read with precision. Your bullshit detector may be turned on high. But do you know love? Do you know how to distinguish love from attachment or know when they are the same thing? This is where knowing your own social barriers will keep you from confusing your clients. When you understand people, others often feel loved. When you can breeze your way through a checklist accounting for the indexing of copious information that may accurately reflect someones uniqueness, you are magical. And people will be enchanted. Yuck.
This is why I am using this odd narrative approach. I want you to feel the personal nature of this reading process first hand. I have few means of knowing whether my work is meeting it's target of, "Non-Falsifiability." Your engagement is the only feedback I accept. As a creative medium, your work will employ numerable tactics and strategies. Psychic Reading is a brain game. Do you have heart?
All my life, I have had that curse of blessings. The ability to understand others. Out of respect for people I've learned to avoid criticizing others whenever I can. There are more than enough diagnostic bombs in my tool box, that I should ever have to point at anyone. Those sharpest of tools I use only for delicate surgery, and mind you I have had to use most of them. I'm sorry if I may be getting a little off topic, (or maybe not.)
In one standard modern psychiatric model, love and attachment have come to be viewed as the same thing. Opposite to love, we would be seeing aggression as the will to independence. If we consider aggression is acquisition without permission this may be true. (Pay attention!) But by the confusing of love with attachment as the same thing, we risk negating a huge category of noble instincts that many aggressive thinkers would prefer to deny all together. What about; ALTRUISM, AGAPE', AHIMSA, DISPASSION, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, NON-VIOLENT RESISTANCE.
Nor do I share most people's grime outlook about the separate (conflicting,) nature of human consciousness. Love can be a transcendent phenomena. I do not buy into the popular paranoia of an apocalypse. Life may be suffering but "love is the law." Especially when we can do it without attachment. Loving unconditionally will not protect you. Even entanglement is unavoidable. But a loving nature will free you from the lust for results. In some ways, we could compare attachment as the necessary prerequisite for hating someone you once loved. This is why forgiveness is for the forgivers, and why some people do not deserve to be forgiven. But we can forgive others without absolving them of their culpability. "DO YOU KNOW LOVE?" If not, look at your own social barriers, and be gentle with your self. You may be in a lot of pain and it is very obvious, I don't think anyone likes the stink of failure.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Enumerating Social Barriers
We will find that there are many types of barriers that define and limit the boundaries of our lives. These are often the results of various tradeoffs that are made during the course of life that have permanent consequences. They can be of the simple socially recursive variety that we have already explored such as gender, age, politics or religion. Or they can be much more personal and exclusive. Anything that defines you as different can act as a social barrier. Sorry it's true.
I think in this situation it would be best for me to start with an example of my own distinctiveness. I may be built like a small 57 year old tank of undeservedly good health, but I am a nerd. (Can't you tell?) Even if I wasn't walking around with books on math and physics people are able to tell I am very well educated and that I'm proud of it. I ran and hid in libraries when I wasn't able to hide in other ways. Even during psychiatric hospitalization, I was told that my choice of reading material was intended for use as a social barrier. This is obviously a rather vain choice of possible social barriers but in many ways it is no less effective than a drug addiction or chronic swearing. Thus it could be said that my choice of social barriers might in fact be even more antisocial than drugs or obscenity. {Woof!} It is not my choice to be arrogant, but I am that petty. Add the fact that I have tried to hide myself behind drug addiction and course behavior. I have come to the opinion that intelligence can be much worse than bad manners or debauchery if your intention is to be left alone and misunderstood. (Oops. Did I actually come right out and say that?)
I actually say to people, "I am a professional psychic," and I don't even believe in the "supernatural." (I prefer the term, SUPERNORMAL.) What is my major disfunction? Fortunately this isn't about me. We don't have the time to unravel all the reasons why being antisocial isn't always anti social. Drug rehab isn't lonely and some people have made successful careers out of shouting profanely for public display. There is a reason intelligence is measured in "Standard Deviations." I have lost far more friends from being spooky smart than I have because of escapism or acting out.
If I want to find knowledgable readers to participate in this exceptional literary experiment, I must go on the web and appeal to scholars in other countries. People who share my interests are few and far between. Are we talking about real social barriers? Yes, I think we have done it. I could only hope that this process of categorically counting all the enumerable possible human distinctions is as rewarding for you as it has been costly for me. We are literally talking about the calculus of variation. How many possible variations are we talking about?
I would choose that you should not have to alienate yourself, but if so, so be it. "What was a once wall has now become a window. "What was once a door has become a bridge. To where, I do not know."
Time Frames
As we get closer to the actual analytic of consultation, we will be seeing the correlations between seemingly unrelated models. By analogy, we can compare the audio (figurative narrative) portions of your performances to film. Snapshots, shutter speed, moving focal lengths and playing time. These are simply metaphors for the technical skills which can greatly advance your gaming ability. Take panning through a series of indicators. I see your hands or hand writing from across a table. I see them folding and rolling around in patterns of waves that extend across your palms or paper.
Or maybe you have had a scripted personal history, vignettes of omens revealed by oracles or bad life experiences. Life too can be a cinematic proposition. Framing, timing and editing are critical. Your respect for others time makes it impossible for you to want to drone on about things neither interesting or necessary. You are a narrative artist. But don't let that intimidate you. You have seen and done more just by watching for the unexplored, than you will ever be able to explain. Most never look for these unknown "Voids of Content" that surround and frame our lives. These are the negative spaces that can breathe unexpected opportunity into our otherwise very predictable lives.
These metaphors are apt. Because of linkage, the examination portion of your readings are rendered your "Portrayal" as is unique to each person. Imagery in this situation is being rendered by you verbally. Just like a screenplay, you can see that the pace of your reading process can be greatly accelerated if you watch your clients change of focus carefully. When we "communicate," we are bringing to light and framing the unfamiliar, otherwise we would be babbling. What you reveal for your clients should be a process of discovery, For them, as well it can and should be for you. To look to see where no one has searched before, again, do not expect validation. Just do the work to the best of your ability, reading the signs as you see them. You will never be always right. Just be truthful about what you are seeing and leave it at that. Otherwise, you might want to give the money back and send your clients elsewhere. You don't have to always be right. You want to be honest. This diagnostic process is still coming to light today. It's as if we are watching a movie about the future coming true before we even leave the theatre.
I won't be getting into the curvature of shared "Space-Time" yet. This only happens when it is relevant to the dissemination of information on a large scale. ("Gravity?") The nature of human need can often greatly exacerbate this accelerating transfer of new information to receptive mediums. Receptive mediums in this case includes you, me, your clients, your relationships, even the audiences of people today or in the future, whom you may never meet. You may in fact end up communicating to people even after you have died. Many of the most important changes in popular opinion bias have happened quickly, even when the full impact may take a very long time. {Spiritual Isostacy is the balance between gravity and light.} Yes in essence it is true that when you read for some one, any one, everyone, you too are being read. As your audience, as other receptive mediums, others can witness and evaluate your communications even after you are gone. This is why timing is central to reading accuracy. In performance, timing is everything. [Where is my key light? I'm ready for my close up.]
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Social Valences
I've had to throw out a couple of core concepts that I didn't preview in the first few pages of the book.
Social Recursion: The process of self definition by mutual exclusion, A.K.A "I am a straight submissive dominant hetero male bottom conservative Christian, searching for the polar opposite of me." {Not my profile / Just an illustration for what is the actual norm for most men. Surprise!} "I'm looking for a dominant submissive atheist/pagan liberal lesbian top." "Objective: marriage, (incompatible)." "I am this, then therefore you must be that." "I am then therefore not able to be all those other things for you, that I want you to be for me." "Will you complete me?"
Social recursion is fraught with self defined silly boundary definitions of unexpressed expectations and egotism. Most men, (in fact most people) are very hung up on fantasy expectations of dominance. "Men may initiate sex, (Especially if we are normal submissive dominant hetero bottoms,) but sex therefore is the woman's prerogative. As it is for us straight guys, top or bottom, we must be prepared to stop for the submissive or female at any time, we must defer to the person who is sexually most vulnerable. Ironically, most people want to believe that men never feel sexually vulnerable, (nonsense.) Social recursive phenomena are used to rationalize some very strange popular prejudices.
Socially recursive boundary definitions can be General, (infinitely reiterated, "Susan is smarter than me, but I am smarter than Bob who is smarter than Jennifer.") or Primitive, (as in the case of a one time absolute un redefined boundary, A.K.A. "Me Tarzan, you Jane.")
The Primitively Recursive one time compact boundary distinctions of your basic polarities are taken for granted and are generally assumed:
Boy / Girl
Young /Old
Strong / Weak
Top / Bottom
And so on.
The Generally Recursive social boundary definitions often come in the form of a "Family Tree.
I have two parents.
I have four grandparents. {Boundaries squared}
I have eight great grandparents.
And so on.
I have one spouse.
I have two children. {Boundaries compounded factorially}
I have six neighbors.
I have twenty-four spheres of social contact that have there own independent boundary conditions.
And so on.
In examining Social Valences we will be concerned primarily with the Primitive Social Recursion Boundary Definitions. This is simply because that at the core of all self defined social distinctions even things like chains of command or even meritocracy can be reduced from there orders of succession and analyzed comparatively as polarities. All Groups and Group Dynamics can be viewed as a series of Dyads. Individual is compared to the group, the group is compared to the individual. And person to compared person within the group. This may seem like just so much public relations. It is. The self is always the most primary point of departure when we are identifying social boundaries.
Social Valences are most interesting when we come to "Opposites Attraction." The joys of living in a dynamic universe. Although opposites is relative, we must deal with the valences of others. Between any 2 people, one of them is always going to be more rational and the other one more passionate. Those values can change when those same two people are with someone else. Polarity is the key to understanding the asymmetry of Social Recursion and these charge valences of attraction. This is in no way limited to just sex or gender. It's just that gender is this first most primary of Primitive Recursions.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Exercises in Illustration
I have a friend who is a chemical engineer. He say he doesn't want a relationship that is like an ionic bond. He wants a covalent bond. |
Monday, September 2, 2013
Social Algebra
Understanding the subtle interplay between people, "Social Algebra" is a way of accounting for interactive emotional resources. In math we have the concept of the conjugate, it is the complementary joining opposite. As compact boundary definitions, conjugates can be used to define the joint emotional interplay. The exercise is one of optimization. We have emotional limits to how much emotional energy one can expend before returning diminishing rewards.
I'm going to use a word problem. Starting from the point of view of just one person we can make equations for gauging the expenditure of emotional resources:
Mom needs to pick up the kids from Soccer practice, she also has a yoga class that starts about the same time. There is an arcade near the yoga class that the twins love, but it's in a bad neighborhood. Mom could drive home, dump the pissed off kids, and be late for her yoga class. Or she could risk being stressed out during yoga worrying about her adventurous twins. How does mom decide?
Unlike grade school math, there may be no ideal solutions. There are only ideal boundary definitions. Were the twins able to suppress there desire to emotionally blackmail mom, Mom would be late to class but she wouldn't worry. The problem gets more interesting when you involve the twins input into this kind of equation. Do the twins have empathy for their mom?
We are modeling not only for boundaries defined by a "PRIMITIVE RECURSION" of, "I am the mother, you are the children (No means no!)" But in social algebra we are also accounting for the limited emotional resources of both mom and the twins. I'm not in the job of solving peoples personal problems for them but this example shows the challenges of making stressful decisions that effect others.
Simple problem, no good solutions. Usually preference and habit determine the outcome of our choices. But we can always try new solutions to this very normal type of social algebra.
Now let's look at a much more difficult but equally elegant problem. We can say, I am your reader. You are my complex conjugate, (audience/plural). I can't supervise you to make sure you stay safe. I'm deliberately turning this information loose into the world without knowing what is going to happen. I use no requested traffic sources. You are as alone in this as I am, although there is going to be a lot more of you than there are of me. The lines of influence are clear. Either I give you what you want or you stop reading. I have almost no knowledge of you other than your country of origin, browser and operating system. You can disengage at any time. I will always be here, as long as the blog stays posted. (How do I keep our twins happy? And avoid stressing out.) I dread that if some of you discover how efficiently simple the "Johnson Method" really is, some of my readers will be going out into the world of psychic reading with an untested arsenal of high powered armaments. I may be putting you at an incredible risk handling tools that are much better designed for systems analysis than parlor games.
Ahh. Social Algebra. I have to decide how to approach you as a consumer of data content. The factors for analysis are relatively easy, [Games Theory, Transactional Analysis, NeuroLinguistics]. As far as the utility of these said modules is concerned, I don't know what is going to happen, but let's look at what the answer probably is. Who ever you are, if your reading this you are probably way smart. You may have already read for someone while admitting to personal naivete'. I made sure to play to your strengths. You may have already witnessed the freedom that comes from abandoning the standard pretenses.
First factor for my "Propositional Assertion" is that I must trust my work. {A PERSON'S GUESS IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN ODDS WOULD ALLOW.}
Second, consider the possibility of my readers shared curiosity, case in point. I know somethings I would like to share with the world that as yet is still completely undefined. Ideally, this should be knowledge of the subjective that everyone is going to want to know. {EVERYONE HAS BLIND SPOTS AND EVERYONE'S BLIND SPOTS ARE DIFFERENT.} Your appetite for learning is a hunger, eat, you are skinny. My writing is very bland but the feelings I use are very good. Please. Enjoy. Invite your friends. Your hunger for knowledge, just like my saturation with the subject of psychic reading, are biases. (Polarity can just be as simple as "have or have not." Share. Bias doesn't have to be a bad thing, not ever. If you are hungry to learn, learn.) It is important that the information is measured carefully, so as not to shock people unnecessarily.
Thirdly, {SOME PEOPLE ARE VERY DIFFERENT VERY DIFFERENTLY.} If you are reading this, you are the ones who should be getting paid, not me. You are so unique, {outlier} I hope you are getting this.
And lastly, {EVERYONE NEEDS LOVE.} None of this is terribly original, but the synthesis is decades overdue. I hope my work speaks for my love and concern for all of you. As is the case for all readers, I must forgo the short term validation of knowing whether you will love me back, and maybe I may never know. It's better that I do the work without concern for reward.
As is the case with all instinctual awareness, the dynamic of bias is much greater than feeling out peoples personal problems. We have a much larger dimension to social algebra. I expect that my models of dynamic boundaries will be used for conflict resolution, as well as many other sensitive diplomatic issues.
I believe that unconsciously, we all weigh these factors of interpersonal variability when we choose to make expressions in light of any arguments we are contrasting. How can I make these linguistic propositions any the more rational?
The Bridge of Time
Sorry to drone on, if you are a new reader please give yourself a little time to catch up. We will be now entering: The Bridge of Time.
Life is an exercise. I am your dance instructor. We are running through series of drills know for their precision. By allowing yourself to read highly technical data about a very esoteric subject, you are stepping out of your comfort zone. This is also what happens to people when you read for them. As you are reading for someone they will probably be shifting perspectives simply as a symptom of reflection. Having someone tell you unique things about yourself is usually an experience reserved for close friends, interviews or flirtation.Your pleasant rapport is going to be a little disorienting for people. Even your friends will notice your increased confidence of expression. You are learning to "READ" people. Presence is everything. (This is why I advocate the practice of voice training. Read ANYTHING out loud.)
Consider your clients needs. Let them ask the questions. The techniques you are learning aren't like anything they have ever seen before. The information you are reading from is just the front end of your assertions. You are in essence performing "SATSANG, (Hindu; personal time with a master)" it is a face to face consultation with a teacher. Your personal style is what makes this a real memorable experience. Don't hesitate to preview doing as much of the homework as you can, this kind of information will help to keep you talking when you are being interrogated. You should never run out of front end material. Behind the consultation process is a kind of time machine. Time may slow to a crawl or it can race so fast the client remembers none of it. You may have to go back, back into the past or you may need to jump into the distant future. You may also need to help decompress your clients reading before they stumble back out on to the street. Have basic details derived from standard books on your medium of choice. This will help make things more memorable. But don't be surprised if and when you see people staring blankly at you waiting for you to tell them what to do. Sometimes an hour is just to long. If your clients just aren't getting it, it isn't always your fault. You may want to discourage some people from patronizing you. If you have to explain yourself, this is often a good indication that the bridge of time is broken down. Don't waste your time, direct these clients elsewhere. It isn't anyones fault. It's just good business to encourage people to exercise the right of refusal. Don't let people use their money as a weapon. Your time is priceless.
"What was a wall, has become a window. What was once a door has now become a bridge beyond time and space."
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