Thursday, June 23, 2016

Society in Satiety

                One of the things I have to watch out for is when people have had enough. People don't always know their limit. Especially when we are confronted with the unknown. Psychic Reading Technologies have been abused, mystique has taken the place of real intervention. When a politician "Reads" a target audience, brainwashing is an inevitable temptation and even the programmer will need deprogramming. In our modern society hunger and need are seen as low and shameful, even when it is perfectly healthy and vital. So society turns to it's terminally saturated to pitch predominate resonance. Dictators are masters of the hard line of the word. But there is a back door back into the peace of kindness and bliss. Once we can remember the beauty of living the shame seems less terminal, even to the natural ends which any good sensitive will see.

                 Were I motivated by money or lust, I wouldn't have retired. "One of the worst things to happen to practicing psychic is real skill and sensitivity. Once you reach a threshold of precision, the illusion of objectivity is put to rest. Educated guessing is an art in Spiritual Engineering. We can create a new world everyday. ("Be the change you want to see in the world," Gandhi.) The have's and the have not's are not so far apart as some want us to think. "Everybody Needs Love," 4th Axiomatic Law of the Para Psychological Method.

                  But ultimately, when we can actually see what the future will probably be we are never satisfied. A love of one's own life personally, never shuts out the beauty of all other life. We can be refreshed with a new hunger for life and the joy of living. Shall we not want to come back; to help, to bless, to give again anew?

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