The Game is a Foot. I need progress in getting proofs out. Experiments are never gentle. XENOPHILIA will continue to carry my results as they are documented. In review and in exploration the results are worth documenting. The dream goes on. Why are so many new subscriptions to XENOPHILIA coming from the Middle East? Maybe it's the Boundary Definition. "Functional Agoraphobia and the Counter Cultures of Professional Shopkeepers." This takes writing about getting to meet those people who know everybody's names, but are always alone behind the counter.
But I still need to come up with a new experimental game plan other than just counting views and subscriptions. Information retrieval has become a consumer art. How can I use Google Analytics to prove the viability of my relevant "Free" online content as an evolving creation. Media as the new persistent structure has found appeal through my aniconic Math Graphics Art. The story of how these artifacts have emerged are a proof of a sort. But how do I design an experiment that proves the existence of emerging persistent structures representing a predictably inevitable "New History." This will probably be much harder than just finding examples unexpected of higher order wave forms mapped out onto predictable math models.
This is a great place to start but as is the case with any kind of Predictive Media, the question becomes "How do we predict the incidence of New Culture?" To simple call it the new emerging "Super Culture" is easy enough after the fact. But we are trying to break new ground here safely in the way that doesn't put people and there families at risk for defying a practical "Complementarity."
As always, thank you for your help. Let the experiments begin.
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