When my secretary offered to transcribe my manuscripts, she wanted to do it on a manual typewriter. That's how old we are.
Proposition: My diagrams of ancient soft technologies like Babylonian astronomy might be possible easy proof of the practical use of the arcs of the circle, to the objective of finding only rational division of the days, hours, months, minutes, seconds and degrees, as designed by the ancient Babylonians. This may be redundant but I haven't found anyone else's work presenting the same findings without cloaking it in obscuring mysticism.
Proposition: My diagrams of ancient soft technologies like Babylonian astronomy might be possible easy proof of the practical use of the arcs of the circle, to the objective of finding only rational division of the days, hours, months, minutes, seconds and degrees, as designed by the ancient Babylonians. This may be redundant but I haven't found anyone else's work presenting the same findings without cloaking it in obscuring mysticism.
Here is a re-edited version of the previous page. By re-editing I want to show how the same propositions can be presented to disimilar audiences.
Proposition: All language is symbolic.
All words are discreet entities.
Therefore communication can function as a purely creative medium.
Proof: Here we have in the heading a kind of demonstration model. "The Manipulation of Symbolic Language," as an assertion is a perfect example of me using language as a creative medium spanning unrelated topics. Although this is a vague proposition, it is easy enough to prove by a kind of exercise. The more closely you analyze my language the more multi leveled the you will find my meaning.
If you have had a chance to look at, <ppireaders.blogspot.com> Techniques and Technologies, you will have seen many pretty math graphics. Pictures don't lie, they are just easily misunderstood.
Proof: I took, The Manipulation of Symbolic Language, to mean, making Art using Math. I did this by manipulating the symbolic language of math as an artist would use tools in an artists studio. I would very much like to thank the makers of the "GRAPHICS CALCULATOR'' made by Pacific Tech. Along with "MATHEMATICA" I have had the privilege to have spent the last ten yrs. of my life studying mathematics with these software, which for me are poetic and beautiful.
I'm a very slow thinker with occasional flashes of creative chutzpa. I achieve undeservedly what others can only dream. I just looked up chutzpa in my yiddish dictionary. Chutzpa is that quality which makes it possible for a man to kill both his father and mother only to throw himself on the mercy of the court, asking to be pardoned because he is now an orphan.
The statement, The Manipulation of Symbolic Language, has three big words; Manipulation, Symbolic and Language. As a viral statement, The Manipulation of Symbolic Language is meaningless outside of a persons identification with what it means to them, if it means anything at all. A allot of the "New Age" language is often vague and spiritually exploitive. Psychics often pander and manipulate.
Proof: To some people, The Manipulation of Symbolic Language, is about the abuse of language. Subterfuge. To some it means those terse terms in mathematics that can be reduced to math expressions. Math and Poetry are intimidating to different people for similar reasons. Yet as a creative medium, Symbolic Language is central to my work as a believable reader. You shouldn't have to guess what I Mean?
I use a kind of symbolic language to provide an analysis of each and every different person, "psychically?" Be it that I use statistics or intuition, I know I am going to be judged by the whims of popular opinions pro and con. Yet I appeal to the uniqueness of each persons preferences. To each hopefully in their own language. Be you a mathematician or a poet or just a washer person scrubbing stains off laundry, you are hopefully someone who is capable of detecting bullshit.
There are degrees of freedom provided by symbolic language. But in the same way that there are very precise and limited ways that I can construct strings of math expressions, the code still means something to my computer. Making art, I can do it with equations or I can do it with computer code. Just show me the parts of language and I'll find some new and previously undiscovered way of putting the language together.
I can assure you people are even more tricky. When I manipulate peoples cherished symbolic language I have to be very careful. It's actually easier to debug a piece of computer code than it is to show somebody something that they are in denial about. I'm creating a symbolic language to create a common platform for the "Proof" with which I can appeal to people with opposing opinion biases.