Saturday, May 25, 2013

Making a Propositional Assertion

Making a Propositional Assertion                 May 25th, 2013

                 As it becomes obvious, I need to be making strong statements about well thought out social experiments. I need to be demonstrating. There are social economies demanding accountability. There are important myths to be busted. Astrology may be unsupportable as a science, but it has been indispensable as the means of measuring the movements of planets that lead to the discovery of elliptical planetary orbits and gravity. Palmistry may be a pseudo-science as it is popularized but I know it to be a rich unexplored avenue for diagnostics as multi variate statistics. Handwriting analysis maybe a popular entertainment but the mathematics of complex rotations and wave forms are something I want to explore further. Why should I be afraid of showing off my extensive research. Being a professional psychic is a high risk proposition. I should be used to the hostility directed at me by people of both extreem opposed biases.

                  So here goes, I propose I'm going to be able to write a best seller. Backwards, in blog form. It's not about me. I'm obviously going to have to get a lot of help. Obviously trying to tell a story about a person who tells stories that come true, is an interesting idea. But with an autobiography that drags in the middle I need a lot more to go on. It's like I"m trying to come up with that new killer application in this modern wild west of software technology. I find taking my own good advice is wise. Be patient. Work hard and don't believe my own hype. I'm my own best client.

                   That's where the art comes in. This isn't about me. It's about my ability to work well with others. I'm blessed, creative and persistant. I want to be able to give people an honest reading. By knowing that I that I don't know anything about a person outside the loose convention of psychic reading, I have the luxury of being able to modify my behavior. I want to be able to inspire a confidence in you. To inspire you to want to turn over a little control by letting me look at you closely. I look at you. I get to touch you a little bit. I'm getting to meet you maybe for the first time. I observe you.  I look closely at your hands and eyes, etc. You may feel very comfortable with my sensitivity to your personal boundaries. I manage to meet the necessary requisites for my field. I am very professional.

                    But I'm going to need help with this project.  (I don't mean that I need help right now, but I will be getting a lot of help. Desktop publishing is new for me. Proofreading math and bibliography notes are not my skill set)  Psychic reading for me is actually real fun.  It's one thing for me to know the fundamentals of what we psychics do, it's another thing for me to want to know why. Generally, learning to look closely at people and looking at ourselves is a challenge for everybody. I would like to be able to call my analytical approach to this ancient parlor magic game "The Johnson Method." ("May god bless me to know how others see me.") We will be discussing, "Engaging the Critique." It is how we admit to what it is that we expect of ourselves and sharing these self imposed standards with others. Bless you for helping me. I hope my writing continues to improve.

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