Sunday, May 26, 2013

Emotional Energy and Information/ Signature Identity and Social Interaction { 2 }

Emotional Energy and Information/ Signature Identity and Social Interaction                 May 25th, 2013

                    The heading for this essay is about our personal resources for emotional energy and how we use emotional energy.  We are creatures of desire. What we desire, we seek and or avoid. People seek and avoid me too. Add to this human reality our social identities which are as varied and mutually defined as any mathematical puzzle. This simple complexity is both top down and bottom up. Who are you to other people? And who are they to you?

                     Even the language of social identity is fluid and plastic. Society changes while people want to stay the same. Every one has a self image and is seeking. As political animals people generally try to let me know how they feel about what I do. This is not a problem generally. Generally the more skeptical people are good sports, if and when they will let me read them. But by calling out the social identity of each person, I get to speak to each person. Weird brain thing, when I'm talking to you it's like you're the only person in the world. I think it's pathetic, but then again even making eye contact at all, for me,  has been a new frontier.

                     Emotions play an huge part in learning and hence therefore life. It doesn't take a sensitive to know when someone is stressed out or in a state of panic. What we feel can effect our behavior. What we don't feel can effect our inhibitions. People act in accord with there feelings. When our feelings are no longer relevant, we misbehave that way. People can loose a capacity for rational emotion. By necessity we all try to weight our thoughts and feelings the best we can. We reluctantly assume that our emotions will always be just agony and a burden.

                     The emotional state and the signature identity is usually easy to spot with most clients. Generally the emphasis on every individual  persons distinctiveness is the appropriate proof of credibility for what I'm doing. That's not that hard. What's hard is not over acting. I'm here to give you a pleasant brain washing. I'm not doing brain surgery. Most of us, (Especially us guys,) have an exaggerated sense of what we would expect ourselves, and what we expect to do. Being more than a little over the top myself I need real challenges.

                      Being able to interact with people has become important to me.  You each have been given an identity. And it is my job to read it. If I can codify the method I may be able to sell bottled wind. It's been done already. Point being this is already happening and even the whole things really kinda goofy, I want to see this one out. I want to see if it's true. If when the propositions are tested for their accuracy, I'ld want that the proofs could actually be usable  for modeling and analyzing variabilities between comparable subjects. For instance, I'm using small round clear stones to demonstrate the comparing of the differences between similar sampled objects. People are not rocks or pebbles. But they are all different, just like rocks.

                      Please forgive my plate twirling, I've already started sweeping up.

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