Thursday, May 23, 2013

The True Hoax


  THE TRUE HOAX                                                                              May 23rd, 2013

                    I said I would make inroads into the techniques and technologies of psychic reading.  I've explored some aspects of downloading graphics and movies as documentation onto my blog. I have a lot more to learn.

                   The analysis of methods used by readers is in essence an index and an appendix, even if it will need to be very large and academic. The greatest challenge will be accuracy of the reporting of said traditions and their utility. This is primarily a documentation and editing for a general audience. Not to say that this will be easy, but I believe that I still lack credibility outside of the community of "believers." And, I intend that what in fact is going sell this book will be irrefutable proof.

                    And the proof is, predicting the future. Wish me luck.

                   I had hypothesized, early in formulating ideas for this book, how to subvert the whole, "Authorization by Proxy" problem by confronting popular fallacies. People want you to prove your assertions by saying, "So and so said" or "I have a degree in so and so." For me, sounding authoritative  entails busting myths, which in fact is way too easy, a no brainer. So, I thought let's try to do something much harder, like proving something very controversial to actually be true. Hence a true hoax. What's more controversial than proving that in spite of all the abuses of so called psychics and their supposed abilities, that there are some of us who are not corrupt and or insane.
                   (There seems to be no such word as authoritation. sp. Case in point.  If I can find it in a dictionary I'll change this.)

                   I find people are often so convinced that whatever authority has persuaded them to believe as they believe,  pro or con, parent or teacher, that this would prevent them from engaging in any respectful rational dialog. Not to mention that the whole issue of popular culture and conflicts demands loyalty to a person preferred popular bias. I say it's not a semantics argument. I really am reading people all too well. I'm just not that objective about what I'm sensing from other people. Intelligent people disagree all the time. I can actually feel it sometimes. I'm not an illusionist. I'm just an incredibly gifted bullshit artist. And I'm going to prove it. Try and stop me.

                   I propose to demonstrate not just how a psychic analyzes the subjective awareness of others, but also to translate the normally intentionally vague language of psychic reading for the intelligent 21st century. I know that this is in essence predicting the future by making it happen, but it's a good start. And I would also like to predict that it's going to sell in spite of the obvious absurdity of trying to make peace between dedicated antagonists with lots of self serving personal baggage.

                  The main point I would like to make to people on both sides of the spiritual politics is; Opinions change, People can change, and most importantly Society is changing. So just like it is for me the issue is not who is right, it's who is telling the truth personally, and not just repeating what we are told is true. The people who are most offended by me saying I'm a professional psychic are the same people who are most oblivious to their own purely subjective awareness of other peoples feelings. While those people who want to think I am supposed to be a true believer, just like them, get equally pissed at me when I tell them how much I don't trust psychics. And I understandably resent even being compared to all those hacks and phonies who wreck it all for the rest of us who are trying to earn an honest living doing the world's most thankless job.

                  I love this business. More later.

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