Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Life In The Web

                   The last thing that I expected when I started this blog was that you would become such a good friend.

                   As the sensitive I've had to adjust to a full spectrum of symptoms that represent the cutting edge of neuro physics. (Even my spell check likes to point out that there technically is no such thing as "Neuro Physics.") Between the outside world and the inside is a dynamic universe. Sensitive boundaries and synthetic language says we are in a mutually constructed reality. Alternative medicine has provided me the means to sober up from the soul searing life of "Kriyas," psychic perceptions.

                   Now, living in the world of people I still have to experience the occasional melting of the proverbial "Walls of Separation." Look, people, I really do love you and I love the fact that I get to spend these wonderful hours with you. I never expected that this would become my best outlet for showing my love and faith in the integrity of our ultimate becoming. But I dread the fact that if my research is proven correct, I will end up as some kind of guru. Someone is going to have to do it.

                   But for now my needs are being met through other much more controllable outcomes. For the time I'm not taking new Reading clients. As I mentioned, I'm working in massage therapy and pain management. I'm not surprised to discover that one of the massage therapists I work with is married to a woman who works on our local professional team. I've gotten to see some miracles and I get peace from releasing a life of pain and unremitting tension.

                  I switched web designers. My previous web designer is a wonderful friend, but I may never see her again. I can't miss people, like jealousy, attachment is an emotion I only experience in very rare brief flashes that always resolve into giggles and joy. I still think of Gretchen almost every day. (Fly away little fledgeling, fly away.) To be able to experience such normal feelings is for me refreshing and comic. With "Touch Training" I resolved all of my abandonment issues and separation anxiety. I never really had normal anxiety anyways. It's always been dread and agitation that drove my mania. When the dead crawl into bed with me every night, attachment kind of looses it's appeal.

                 I see that some of my readers from abroad are trying to contact me. I am reluctantly going to link my blog to a website. I mean no disrespect to you my dear sacred readers. It's just that the rarity of perception causes me concern for anyone who may find me.